RStudio on Windows PostgreSQL SSL Connection with RPostgreSQL - r

I am having trouble creating an SSL connection using RPostgreSQL to an AWS hosted PostgreSQL database.
Here is what I've tried so far:
Created the PostgreSQL database on AWS.
Set the database parameter "rds.force_ssl" to 1.
Downloaded the AWS public key from
Test the connection from a windows command prompt with psql (it works).
Executed the following in R:
cert <- paste0("C:/Users/johnr/Downloads/", "rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem")
dbname <- paste0("dbname=", "flargnog", " ", "sslrootcert=", cert, " ", "sslmode=verify-full")
host <- ""
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("PostgreSQL"), user="username", host=host, port=5432, dbname=dbname, password="abcd1234!")
I receive an error message after executing the last statement:
Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not connect on dbname "flargnog"
If I change the rds.force_ssl setting to 0 (and remove the ssl stuff from dbname) the connection works just fine.
I have looked at other posts on Stackoverflow related to this issue. This and this seem to indicate an SSL connection is not possible due to issues with RPostgreSQL. However, this post indicates that you can.
Any guidance would be appreciated!

You can try to ssh to the rds instance using e.g. putty and port-forward your local port 5432 to the remote port 5432. Once the ssh connection is open in R just connect to localhost:5432...
Here is how to port-forward using putty:
Here is how this works via command-line:
P.S.: Make sure your instance is in a security-group that accepts ssh connections - port 22


How to resolve "Error: could not receive data from server" - database connection in r?

I am running into
Error: could not receive data from server: Software caused connection abort (0x00002745/10053)
upon trying to connect to a postgres database using the DBI package in R. Note that i am in a work environment, so subject to a corporate firewall. Can that explain the error or is there something else that could be happening?
Here is the code I'm using
# Connect to trayaway dev
con <- DBI::dbConnect(
host = host, port = 5432, dbname = "postgres",
user = user, password = password
error below:
Error: could not receive data from server: Software caused connection abort (0x00002745/10053)
solution was found- i tried the same code using wiFi and the code works - when hardwired, connection string fails to connect to database - so this is a corporate firewall issue - thank you,

Connecting Rstudio with PostgreSQL in AWS EC2

I am currently running PostgreSQL server in AWS EC2 (Ubuntu) and having trouble accessing it from local server. How can I access remote database from local RStudio?
Code in R:
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, user='postgres', password='password', dbname='dvd', host='',port=5432)
Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not connect on dbname "dvd": FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "”, user "postgres", database "dvd", SSL off
Calls: <Anonymous> ... eval -> dbConnect -> dbConnect -> postgresqlNewConnection
Execution halted
For AWS security group, I have added an inbound for PostgreSQL with its source set it to anywhere with port range 5432.
By default Postgres does not allow remote connections. To allow remote connections you will need to add an entry to the pg_hba.conf file on the EC2 server. The exact location of pg_hba.conf varies with different installations, but here are some paths to try:
Once you've found your pg_hba.conf you need to add a line to allow remote connections, for example.
host dvd postgres md5
This assumes that your local server IP ( is static. If not, you could use for ADDRESS, also, you can use all for DATABASE and USER like so:
host all all md5
Depends how tight you want your security to be, but bear in mind this is security at the database level and is completely separate to your AWS security groups.
See for more information.

PostgreSQL dbConnect to shiny app in ec2 instance

I have an ec2 instance set up with my shiny app and my postgresql database, I want to get the shiny-app to read from the database
If I type psql and \conninfo while ssh-ed into my instance I get
You are connected to database "ubuntu" as user "ubuntu" via socket in "/var/run/postgresql" at port "5432".
When I use R in the ec2 command line and type the following, I can read from my database no problem!
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "ubuntu", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = 5432, user = "ubuntu", password = pw)
However, when I put these same lines in my shiny app.R file I get
Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not connect ubuntu#/var/run/postgresql:5432 on dbname "ubuntu": FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "ubuntu")
I've tried so many different values for host like
host = "localhost"
host = "my ec2 public ip address"
host = ""
for example and nothing has been working.
my security group for this ec2 instance has an inboud connection to port 5432.
could this be it: why is one file green and the other pink? the green one is the one that works (local) and the pink one is on my instance
Finally figured it out.. this is the same problem as Getting error: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres", when trying to get pgsql working with rails
except that I was getting a different error for the same underlying problem.
the answer that worked for me is the second one:
nano /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf
change peer in this line
local all postgres peer
local all postgres trust
Restart the server
sudo service postgresql restart
Login into psql and set your password
psql -U postgres
ALTER USER postgres with password 'your-pass';
Finally change the pg_hba.conf from
local all postgres trust
local all postgres md5
and that finally worked

Connection to MySQL Server using RMySQL Library through Bastion in R

On my local machine, I have ssh into the bastion where I can then connect to the remote MySQL server. I know that this is working because in terminal, it says that I have successfully connected and when I use an app like SQLPro and attempt to connect to the MySQL server with the correct permissions, I am able to successfully log in. Also, the command line
mysql -u username -p
works after I ssh.
Now, I am trying to use the library RMySQL to connect to the server and using
con<-dbConnect(MySQL(), user = "username", password = "pw", host = "")
I get the return
Error in .local(drv, ...) : Failed to connect to database: Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
It seems that R cannot determine that I have connected to the bastion. I say this because I have used the line above before on the remote server and it worked just fine.
con<-dbConnect(MySQL(), user = "username", password = "pw", host = "localhost")
If you have a workbench then go to server-> client connection and check the Host name. Your host name might be incorrect
I'm running R on linux.
After a few hours of searching, the following documentation for AWS finally gave me the command I needed to connect to an RDS instance via an AWS bastion host:
The "syntax 2" at the above link worked for me to set up the tunnel:
ssh -i "Private_key.pem" -f -N -L 3306:RDS_Instance_Endpoint:3306 ec2-user#EC2-Instance_Endpoint -v
This successfully forwarded my local port to the RDS port 3306.
I then connected to the RDS instance from within R with just:
cn = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = "myDataBaseUserName", password = "myPassword", host = "", dbname = "mySchemaName")

Connect to MySQL database with RMySQL

I am making the move from RSQLite to RMySQL and I am confused by the user and password fields. FWIW, I'm running Windows 7, R 2.12.2, MySQL 5.5 (all 64 bit), and RMySQL 0.7-5.
I installed RMySQL as prescribed in this previous SO question, and as far as I know it works (i.e., I can load the package with library(RMySQL)). But when I try to run the tutorial from the R data import guide, I get a "failed to connect to database..." error. This is the code from the tutorial from the guide:
library(RMySQL) # will load DBI as well
## open a connection to a MySQL database
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), user = "root", password = "root", dbname = "pookas")
## list the tables in the database
## load a data frame into the database, deleting any existing copy
dbWriteTable(con, "arrests", USArrests, overwrite = TRUE)
## get the whole table
dbReadTable(con, "arrests")
## Select from the loaded table
dbGetQuery(con, paste("select row_names, Murder from arrests",
"where Rape > 30 order by Murder"))
dbRemoveTable(con, "arrests")
On the second line I get the following error:
> con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), user = "richard", password = "root", dbname = "pookas")
Error in mysqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (Failed to connect to database: Error: Access denied for user 'richard'#'localhost' (using password: NO)
I have tried with and without user and password and with admin as user. I have also tried using a dbname that I made before with the command line and with one that doesn't exist.
Any tips? Is there a good reference here? Thanks!
That is most likely a setup issue on the server side. Make sure that networked access is enabled.
Also, a local test with the command-line client is not equivalent as that typically uses sockets. The mysql server logs may be helpful.
First try to connect to MySQL server using MySQL Workbench or command line mysql using the same parameter. If it connects then R should also be able to connect.
Typically this issue comes when MySQL server doesn't allow connections from remote machines.
As people have told you, you can try to connect to the host with other application as mysql workbench. How odd! When I have tried in RStudio to connect to my db with your code without indicate the host in the command I haven't been able to connect.
I have needed to indicate the host ( host = 'localhost' ) in the command.
