In R, how do I save a data.tree plot to a file? - r

I'm unable to save a plot generated by the plot.Node function in data.tree. I've tried the following:
### Create tree object and plot it
This works fine, showing the plot, as one would expect.
### Try saving it as png
png(filename='file.png', type='cairo-png');
This creates an empty file. ggsave does the same. Apparantly, plot.Node uses DiagrammeR under the hood, so I looked into that package. It has a function to export graphs:
export_graph(acme, file_name="file.png");
This gives the error:
Error in file.exists(diagram) : invalid 'file' argument
When I transform to GraphViz first, I get a different error:
export_graph(ToGraphViz(acme), file_name="file.png");
Error in graph$dot_code : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Clearly, exporting to GraphViz doesn't quite export to what DiagrammeR expects.
I'm in RStudio and so could in theory just save the plot using the GUI, but I need this for in a script.
Apparently, plot.Node doesn't actually plot anything - instead it seems to generate html/js. Does this mean that that result cannot be stored as a graphic? Or is there some export/conversion function somewhere that I'm completely missing? it certainly feels like I'm missing something obvious - I assume the need to store plotted data.trees as images is quite common. But I have no idea which potential solutions I can still explore.
I'd be very grateful for any pointers anybody has!

As sebastian-c suggested, things work now a bit differently than suggested by Matherion, as of R 3.3.3 with data.tree 0.7.0 and DiagrammeR 0.9.0
Pre-requisite: DiagrmmeRsvg and dependencies need to be installed. Depending on your OS, for this to work you might have to install V8. For example on ubuntu:
apt-get install libv8-3.14-delibv8-3.14-dev
And then in R:
On Windows, I didn't have to install anything (maybe because Chrome is installed?).
Once DiagrammeRsvg is available, run:
export_graph(ToDiagrammeRGraph(acme), "export.pdf")

I've found the answer, at least, partially. There exists a package dedicated to exporting GraphViz diagrams to SVG: DiagrammeRsvg.
So this works:
treeAsSVG <- export_svg(grViz(ToGraphViz(acme)));
writeLines(treeAsSVG, "filename.svg"));
The grViz is necessary to actually convert the ToGRaphViz output to something that can be interpreted by export_svg. I'm still not really sure (yet) what all goes on under the hood - for example, this does not work:
export_graph(grViz(ToGraphViz(acme)), file_name="filename.svg");
But, if anybody else has a similar problem and stumbles upon this question, perhaps this partial answer can help them to at least export something that can then be integrated in e.g. html pages.

By converting acme with as.phylo() it works, but it looks a little boring:
# adding edge labels
adj = c(0,-0.5),
frame = "none")
solution with as.phylo()
I also tried as.igraph. However, the nodes overlap and it looks even less pretty:
plot(0, type="n", ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE,
vertex.size=(strwidth(V(ig)$name) + strwidth("oo")) * 100,
#vertex.size2=strheight("I") * 2 * 100,
edge.label=acme$Get("p",traversal = "level")[-1]
solution with as.igraph()


Error in upset_data : unused argument (nsets = 5) What could be causing this and how coul I fix the issue?

I am very new to R and I would like to make UpSet plot of peptides.
I have five lists (sets) in .txt format (ID_list_vysledok_pos_vs_healthy_files.txt, ID_list_vysledok_pos_neg_files.txt, ID_list_vysledok_New_vs_Old_collumn_files.txt, ID_list_vysledok_neg_vs_healthy_files.txt, ID_list_vysledok_Coated_vs_Liquid_junction_files.txt)
Each .txt file is just list of peptides in this format: List of peptides
I was following step by step instructions by this link :
The code is working without problems until I want to make the graph with : upset(res2, nsets=5)
It gives me following error: Error in upset_data(data, intersect, mode = mode, encode_sets = encode_sets, : unused argument (nsets = 5)
The res2 dataframe looks like it should be looking to make this graph : View(res2)
I think the problem is trivial and sets may not be properly defined (but in the link I was following it is working), but I was not able to fix this...
I installed these libraries : library(plyr), library(reshape2), library(UpSetR)
Just to be sure I will provide the code (same as in link): Photo of code
Thank you for any suggestions.
It looks like you might be mixing up packages. You are trying to use upset_data function from ComplexUpset package, but passing nsets argument which works with upset from UpSetR package. I would recommend taking a closer look at which functions you use. If you want to use both UpSetR and ComplexUpset, you can distinguish them with ComplexUpset::upset and UpSetR::upset.

Command describe unrecognized even if the package psych is loaded

I'm using Rstudio 2022.22.1 on MacOS Monterey 12.3.1.
I load libraries at the begininning by doing:
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
library("tidyverse", "here", "magrittr")
library("pastecs", "psych")
## dlf<-read.delim("data/DownloadFestival(No Outlier).dat", header=TRUE)
dlf<-here::here("data/DownloadFestival(No Outlier).dat") %>% readr::read_delim(col_names = TRUE)
I also check the thick for the library "psych" in the Packages section of RStudio.
The issue is that, from a certain point (after Knitting) I wasn't unable to use the command describe, this is the error:
could not find function "describe"
I could bypass this, by typing each time I use the function:
instead of describe alone
How can I use describe without specifying the psych:: prefix each time ?
Your problem is that library("pastecs", "psych") isn't doing what you think. Weirdly enough, there isn't an obvious idiom for "load a bunch of packages at once": I wish there were an easier way to do this, but try
invisible(lapply(c("psych", "pastecs"), library, character.only = TRUE))
The answers to this question provide a bunch of different ways to load many packages at once (the accepted answer is the same as the one given here).

Export plot from plotly into PDF

I use package plotly in order to make some plots. And the end my intention is to put this plot with high resolution in pdf. I don't know way but ggplot2 give me permission to do this, but with plotly I can't use option from R-Studio and convert directly into PDF. You can see that on pic below:
In order to fix this problem I try to do this with this lines of code:
pdf(file=paste("FINAL_plot.pdf",sep=""),width=10, height=5)
op <- par(mgp=c(1,0,0),mar=c(2, 2, 1, 1),# Room for the title and legend: 1_bottom,2_left,3_up,4_right
But unfortunately this lines of code didn't work and PDF is empty. So can anybody help me how to resolve this problem ?
Plotly plots can only be exported using the additional orca command line utility (
You would first need to install the orca library on your OS (see for details). After that you can export your plot using
orca(FINAL_plot, "FINAL_plot.pdf")
Orca is now deprecated. You now must use Kaleido to install. In similarity to Orca, you must first have the Kaleido library installed on your OS.
To install:
reticulate::conda_install('r-reticulate', 'python-kaleido')
reticulate::conda_install('r-reticulate', 'plotly', channel = 'plotly')
To export:
kaleido(FINAL_plot, "FINAL_plot.pdf")

Large data.tree causes plot() to error

I'm trying to build an org chart from a data.frame in r using the data.tree package.
As far as i can tell i have constructed the tree correctly, but when I try to plot() the data.tree object (which print()s fine) I get an error:
abort(0) at jsStackTrace#http://localhost:30899/session/viewhtml2fdc215a4edd/lib/viz-0.3/viz.js:5:22110
forEach#[native code]
forEach#[native code]
Any ideas?
I have just started using the data.frame package a couple of days ago, but came across the same problem with some of my trees - print(tree) worked but plot(tree) gave a similar error message to yours. So far, I could always resolve the issue by removing special characters like single and double quotation marks from the input data. Thus, the plot function appears to be sensitive to certain symbols or special characters ... maybe a starting point for your search for a solution?

Output from 'choice' in R's kml

I'm having trouble getting 'choice' to create output. When the graphical interface launches, I am selecting a partition with the space bar. This creates a black circle around the partition, indicating it has been selected. When I click 'return', nothing happens.
I checked my working directory to look for the output files, but they are not there. I used getwd() to ensure that I have the correct setwd(). No dice.
There was a similar question posted: Exporting result from kml package in R; however, the answer does not work for me.
Any suggestions? I am using R 3.1.0 GUI Mavericks build(6734) and XQuartz 2.7.6. Thanks for any help getting this working.
Here is my code:
mydata <- read.csv("hcris_long3.csv")
cldHCRIS <- clusterLongData(traj=mydata)
choice(cldHCRIS, typeGraph= "bmp")
I had the same problem when using RStudio and i solved it just opening the x11 device with no specification. Like this:
mydata <- read.csv("hcris_long3.csv")
cldHCRIS <- clusterLongData(traj=mydata)
choice(cldHCRIS, typeGraph= "bmp")
Hope this also works for you.
The new version of kml (2.3) fix that, it provide a key to export data with linux as well (not "return" since getGraphicsEvent does not accept "return" using linux, so I have to map another key : 'm')
