+CMS ERROR: invalid parameter - gsm

I have connected a GSM modem to my computer. When the application sent message, getting below response. i have replaced the mobile number in log file with xxxxxxxx. Application was able to sent SMS, but this issue started all of a sudden.
2017-01-16 06:40:09,217 | INFO | PagerChannel.java |
PagerChannel::sendSMS (single message) ENTER
2017-01-16 06:40:09,217 | INFO | PagerChannel.java | Connecting on
Port:com3 with boud rate:115200
2017-01-16 06:40:19,289 | INFO | PagerChannel.java | Connected on
Port:com3 with boud rate:115200
2017-01-16 06:40:19,811 | INFO | PagerChannel.java | Sending SMS on :
xxxxxxxx using AT^SCMS=xxxxxxxx,145,1,5,16,2088
2017-01-16 06:40:19,871 | ERROR | PagerChannel.java |
PagerChannel.sendSMS Error response: for
AT^SCMS=xxxxxxxx,145,1,5,16,2088 response:
+CMS ERROR: invalid parameter
Can Anybody tell me what's the problem?

I found the issue which was causing the error, these issue started when i changed the mobile number format to just the number without country code. (from +974MobileNumber to MobileNumber)
In that scenario the Type of Destination Address value should 129 , but in my case it was using the 145.
AT^SCMS=da[toda], seq, max, ieia, ref
Type of Destination Address GSM 04.11 TP-Destination-Address
Type-of-Address octet in integer format (when first character of
is + (IRA 43) default is 145, otherwise default is 129).


Possible to pass through all functions of PCI devices in Openstack?

Many PCI devices (e.g. GPUs) are multifunction.
For instance, for an NVIDIA 3090:
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GA102 [GeForce RTX 3090] (rev a1)
02:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GA102 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)
However, OpenStack only supports passing through the root device (like 02:00.0). Separately, you can pass through the other sub-devices.
When passing through all devices separately on multi-GPU servers, we sometimes get this situation:
mysql> use nova;
mysql> select address, product_id, dev_id, status from pci_devices where deleted = 0;
| address | product_id | dev_id | status |
| 0000:01:00.0 | 24b0 | pci_0000_01_00_0 | allocated |
| 0000:01:00.1 | 228b | pci_0000_01_00_1 | available |
| 0000:45:00.0 | 24b0 | pci_0000_45_00_0 | available |
| 0000:45:00.1 | 228b | pci_0000_45_00_1 | allocated |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
As you can see, in this machine, OpenStack has passed through the audio device of PCI 45:00, whereas it has passed through the GPU of PCI 01:00.
This configuration is problematic, as we need the audio devices and the GPUs themselves to be on the same physical PCI card.
Any thoughts or advice?
One option is to just use Libvirt and use the "multifunction=on" and skip OpenStack entirely, but I'm really curious as to if OpenStack has some similar functionality so that all slots / subfunctions are passed through into VMs form the same physical PCI device.

failed to bind port in openstack-neutron

NOTE : I've seen this question and error being posted on different forums and in here, but none of them worked for me, and they belong to earlier versions of openstack. So, I posted a new question.
I've been setting up OpenStack Train based on its installation documents, and after setting up services, I tried to create a selfservice network using the instructions here but in "Verify Operation" section, step number 3, I see all of the ports are down :
[root#dev-openstack-controller ~]# openstack port list
| ID | Name | MAC Address | Fixed IP Addresses | Status |
| 628ec286-90aa-4cca-92da-f698fb44a4e6 | | fa:16:3e:a9:31:55 | ip_address='', subnet_id='8d579a73-6951-445f-9905-51b9be2a6ff5' | DOWN |
| bb77b0d9-7ea8-47d3-b951-139a7616a4bd | | fa:16:3e:89:52:37 | ip_address='', subnet_id='0666d21c-0fd9-4caf-b560-f7d11e50cd83' | DOWN |
| d2b684c9-eeee-47c4-ae12-dc97e19adf48 | | fa:16:3e:cc:b8:3d | ip_address='', subnet_id='8d579a73-6951-445f-9905-51b9be2a6ff5' | DOWN |
| fb7aff87-d083-4ed2-bf82-2ab4393373c7 | | fa:16:3e:c8:a7:95 | ip_address='', subnet_id='0666d21c-0fd9-4caf-b560-f7d11e50cd83' | DOWN |
First, I don't know why I see 4 ports instead of 2, and second, when I check neutron logs, I get the following error, which says it fails to bind port :
2020-04-18 11:05:12.321 25009 INFO neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin [req-5c9c16a4-2327-4f46-b0ab-84e4e128d783 - - - - -] Attempt 10 to bind port 628ec286-90aa-4cca-92da-f698fb44a4e6
2020-04-18 11:05:12.347 25009 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.managers [req-5c9c16a4-2327-4f46-b0ab-84e4e128d783 - - - - -] Port 628ec286-90aa-4cca-92da-f698fb44a4e6 does not have an IP address assigned and there are no driver with 'connectivity' = 'l2'. The port cannot be bound.
2020-04-18 11:05:12.348 25009 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.managers [req-5c9c16a4-2327-4f46-b0ab-84e4e128d783 - - - - -] Failed to bind port 628ec286-90aa-4cca-92da-f698fb44a4e6 on host dev-openstack-controller.ershandc.org for vnic_type normal using segments [{'network_id': 'ae2b1f57-d91a-4ecd-ad15-2cc4b51a376f', 'segmentation_id': 45, 'physical_network': None, 'id': 'c28112f0-4f07-4f23-9f89-c3e37e68054c', 'network_type': u'vxlan'}]
I also get the same error for flat networks as well :
2020-04-18 11:05:11.107 25009 INFO neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin [req-5c9c16a4-2327-4f46-b0ab-84e4e128d783 - - - - -] Attempt 10 to bind port bb77b0d9-7ea8-47d3-b951-139a7616a4bd
2020-04-18 11:05:11.135 25009 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.managers [req-5c9c16a4-2327-4f46-b0ab-84e4e128d783 - - - - -] Port bb77b0d9-7ea8-47d3-b951-139a7616a4bd does not have an IP address assigned and there are no driver with 'connectivity' = 'l2'. The port cannot be bound.
2020-04-18 11:05:11.136 25009 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.managers [req-5c9c16a4-2327-4f46-b0ab-84e4e128d783 - - - - -] Failed to bind port bb77b0d9-7ea8-47d3-b951-139a7616a4bd on host dev-openstack-controller.ershandc.org for vnic_type normal using segments [{'network_id': '25c5e314-e851-4a9c-ac7a-8e7b3e426deb', 'segmentation_id': None, 'physical_network': u'provider', 'id': '6dccf301-422b-41b9-b719-2999200126c6', 'network_type': u'flat'}]
I have tried different connectivities on ml2 plugin. Most of the cases relate to the following line in ml2_plugin.conf :
flat_networks = flat
vni_ranges = 1:1000
Based on the openstack documentation, it should be flat but I've tried * as well and it didn't work.
Can someone elaborate the problem for me? I'm installing on a CentOS 7 VM. Let me know if more information is needed.
This is a quite dated question, but nevertheless I encountered the same situation hence let me post this anyway.
As the log says "no driver with 'connectivity' = 'l2'", the problem was in ml2_conf.ini. In my case, whole driver definitions were in [DEFAULT] section. I moved them to the proper location [ml2], everything started working fine.
It's been a while since I tried OpenStack, and finally I know the answer to the problem, which might help some people:
For setting up neutron, you need to have your internal network being set up in promiscuous mode. I've been using VMWare for the setup and I did not have access to setup the VSwitch in this mode, also was not approved by our security auditor and there were other priorities to take care of, so I had to drop the project. But I found out that this post is getting attention and shogoK answer did not work for me, so with some research and getting a helping hand from some network expert, problem was identified. Hope this clue helps someone in the community.

Old user is still there?

I have found a weird phenomenon on my MariaDB server (version 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1)
I used to have a user XYZ long time ago, and this user probably got deleted sometime. However, I tried to login using this user and I got the following error message:
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1275): Server is running in
--secure-auth mode, but 'XYZ'#'localhost' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format
Just to be sure, I tried to login using a non-existing user. For example, I try to login as NOTEXISTING, just to verify that the error message is indeed different.
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user
'NOTEXISTING'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
Now, the question is, where is the old user information stored?
The user does not exist in the mysql database:
select * from mysql.user where user = 'XYZ';
=> empty result
grep -r XYZ /path_to_mysql_database_dir/mysql/
=> nothing
I also tried "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" to reload the user table.
Do you have an idea where the user information is stored?
After trying various things and even testing on a completely fresh installed system, I come to the conclusion that it must be some kind of bug, so I opened a bug report: https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-17789 . Any other ideas are welcome.
The plaintext password is not stored anywhere.
SELECT user, host, password FROM user may provide something like
| pm_demo | localhost | FFC3F585 |
| dist | localhost | A8900DDB |
| ronly | localhost | 5208517A |
| spent | localhost | 26B08F08 |
| test | | A40C6DCC |
That "password" is really an encrypted version of the plaintext password. It is the "old format", which is not very secure. New passwords look more like
There are also other authentication mechanisms. (I don't know where you are in the evolution of authentication.)
SELECT * FROM user WHERE user = 'xyz'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Host: localhost
User: xyz
Password: *6D800EA40C6DCC75BFF67DAB58D5D49FC5F8E568
Select_priv: N
Insert_priv: N
Update_priv: N
Delete_priv: N
Create_priv: N
Drop_priv: N
Reload_priv: N
Shutdown_priv: N
Process_priv: N
File_priv: N
Grant_priv: N
max_questions: 0
max_updates: 0
max_connections: 0
max_user_connections: 0
plugin: mysql_native_password
password_expired: N
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
SHOW GRANTS FOR xyz#localhost;
| Grants for xyz#localhost |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'xyz'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*6D800EA40C6DCC75BFF67DAB58D5D49FC5F8E568' |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xyz`.* TO 'xyz'#'localhost' |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
A developer has confirmed that the (in my opinion wrong) error message is intentional behavior, based on a hash of the user table.

Cinder volume cant attach or detach

After a power failure of the host machine, the openstack cinder volumes have entered a state in which they can not be attached nor detached.
~$ nova volume-attach ### ###
ERROR: Invalid volume: already attached (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-###)
~$ nova volume-detach ### ###
ERROR: Invalid volume: already detached (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-###)
The status of the volume its self is listed as attached
cinder list
| ID | Status | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| ### | available | volume-data | 690 | Storage | false | ### |
The volume is not found on the instance even though its listed as attached in the cli and in horizon (the device isnt found in /dev/ nor the mount point in /mnt/)

OpenStack error when launching an instance

I am having a consistent
Error: Failed to launch instance-id": Please try again later [Error: Timeout while waiting on RPC response -topic: "network", RPC method: "get_instance_nw_info" info: ""]
every time I am launching an instance in Openstack. I've tried it both using the OpenStack dashboard and via terminal (nova). Using the terminal, here's the command I ran:
nova boot --flavor "2" --image "b26c9acf-06c0-4ff8-b1c7-aca3052485c8" --num-instances "2" --security-groups "default" --meta description="test" test
When I check the list of instances, here's the output:
| ID | Name |
Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |
| a0477666-b810-4c73-94e6-2a66576bccac | test-a0477666-b810-4c73-94e6-2a66576bccac |
ERROR | None | NOSTATE | |
| c5822a6f-4270-4718-95c4-9f28fea8de82 | test-c5822a6f-4270-4718-95c4-9f28fea8de82 |
ERROR | None | NOSTATE | |
Here's a snapshot of the error I am encountering:
Am I missing a configuration entry (i.e. using dashboard) or sub-command (i.e. in using nova via terminal) during launching?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
