Looking to repeat a word every frame until a 1000×1000 Canvas is covered - recursion

Right now I'm generating geometric figures in processing for a sort of art narrative comic, but for the intro sequence I'd like to have the word, "scan." Repeat on screen until the whole screen is covered, each word touching end to end. If it could be initiated on click that'd be awesome.
I can get text to appear of course, but this kind of repetition isn't something I'm familiar with at all.
Let me know if you need me to post what I'm currently working with.

Step 1: Store the current state (where the next word should be drawn) in variables at the top of your sketch.
Step 2: Inside the draw() function, use those variables to draw one frame of your animation.
Step 3: Then just update the variables holding your state to point to the next place. Processing will call the draw() function 60 times per second, so this will create an animation.
Shameless self-promotion: I wrote a tutorial on animation in Processing available here.


How to repeat that animation in the PaperJS?

I found this interesting animation and wonder if it's possible to repeat it in the PaperJS? It seems like it could be made of a group of circles, rotated around another circle.
But the problem is - when these objects are in a group I can't use sendToBack() per each, it's not going to work. Here is the Sketch example, that doesn't work.
P.S. Here is a simplified version of how it could be achieved, but it works only for 1 element, and only for animation along one axis.
If you still want to have your object grouped, a basic solution could be to have 2 groups: one below and one above the circle and toggle items visibility.
Just to demonstrate the idea, this sketch extends your code in this way.
I think that the way you currently decide if the item should be below or above can be improved though for a better result (you could try to detect intersection between the item and the circle rather than only checking the position).

Infinite world generator

I want to make an infinite 2-D world generator. I thought I would make a chunk class that represents some part of the world. I only don't know where to store the chunks, and how to generate new ones.
I thought I could store chunks in vector and remember their X,Y. For the player, I make 3x3 array (where he stands in the center) with pointers to the chunks to form the vector. When he moves up, for example, I move upper and middle row lower, and load new chunks from the vector. I dont know if this is a good idea, It was the first thing that I thought up.
Anyway, I don't have any idea how to generate chunks, so they match each other (no desert near water, aso). Even generating constant dimension map is quite hard for me (I really need infinite world).
Some time ago I generated constant dimension world using flood method, so I filled whole map with grass at the beginning, and then made random spots of water, trees and other ones, although I dont think that is usable in infinite world case.
These problems have been addressed in implementations of Conway's Life.
One way to achieve an unbounded world and only deal with the portions that are different from each other is described in discussions of the hashlife algorithm and data structures. It also deals with high performance within a chunk and good performance across chunks. Chunks that are the same are represented by one description that many chunks can point to.
This probably isn't the right way to do this, but may give you some ideas.
what you could do is store a 3x3 2D array of chunks or even a 5x5 array of chunks into memory. Updating the these chunks and which chunks are loaded depending on the player's position. The rest of the world can be stored within a file, which is read from and written to. When a player moves within 2-3 chunks of a un-initiated chunk, or empty chunk, generate that chunk using whatever method you want.
The tricky part of this is if you have rivers or bodies of water, forests, or any other type of landscape that spans across multiple chunks, you'll have to have a separate algorithm to handle that when generating new chunks. Will probably need to measure the intersection between two lines each time you generate. The line created by the intersection of land and water, or plains and forests, and the line that represents the edge of the chunk. Once you have that point, you can probably figure out which side of that point on the chunk needs land/water, and randomly generate it from there.
This is what I see happening in Minecraft anyways.

moving a spinning 3D object across the screen, making it face the correct way when it stops

The best example of what I am trying to achieve is on this youtube video
The letters that make up the word 'Atari' fly in from the edges of the screen spinning and then line up to make the word at the end.
I know how to make an object move across the screen, but how do I calculate the spinning so that when the object gets to its end position it's facing the correct direction?
The trick is to actually have the object(s) in the right position for a specific time (say t=5.0 seconds) and then calculate backwards for the previous frames.
i.e. before 5.0 seconds you rotate the object(s) by [angular velocity] * (5.0 - t) and translate by [velocity] * (5.0 - t)
If you do this, then it will look like the objects fly together and line up perfectly. But what you've actually done is blown them apart in random directions and played the animation backwards in time :-)
The CORRECT way of doing this is using keyframes. You can create the keyframes in any 3D editor (I use MAX, but you could use Blender). You don't necessarily need to use the actual characters, even a cuboid would suffice. You will then need to export those animation frames (again, in MAX I would use ASE - COLLADA would work with Blender) and either load them up at runtime or transform them to code.
Then it's a simple matter of running that animation based on the current time.
Here's a sample from my own library that illustrates this technique. Doing this once will last you far longer and give you more benefits in the long run than figuring out how to do this procedurally.

Generate subdivided triangle-strip cube?

I want to generate a cube where each face is divided into bits, like the following image:
Now, I can do this pretty simply if I'm just rendering quads, by just spacing vertices along each face plane at regular intervals, but my problem comes in when I want to turn the whole thing into a triangle strip. I've just got no idea how to unwrap it programmatically- is there some pattern to unwrapping that I'd follow?
I'm thinking of starting with the vertex at the top left corner as Row 0 Column 0 (R0C0), I'd want (first triangle) R0C0, ROC1, R1C1, (second triangle) R0C0, R1C0, R1C1 and so forth, and then when I reach the end of a row I guess I'd use a degenerate triangle to move to the next row, and then when I reach the end of the face I'd do the same to start a new face.
My main problem is that I can't visualize the program loop that would do this. I can reason out which vertex comes next visually, which is how I worked out the order above, but when I try to think programmatically I just stare blankly.
Even worse, with the end product I want the generated cube to be UV-mapped with a simple cube-map unwrap (the kind that looks like a T or t).
I guess, really, the best solution would be to find a library that already does this for me.
You could take a look at Ignacio Castaño's 'Optimal Grid Rendering' even though it's not triangle strips, it may inspire you.
Otherwise, you could use NVTriStrip library and be done with it.

how to find out moment after rotationX has finished

i am playing around with the rotationX/Y/Z properties available in flashplayer since version 10. for testing purpose i created a cube and put canvas objects on three sides of it (top, front, bottom) and created a tween to get the values required for turing by 90 deg. turning the cube (a canvas) using rotationX = xx works well when the three side-canvas objects are small and filled with a not-to-complex element hierarchy. when using larger and more complex content it slows down. the next idea was to remove the canvas elements content and replace it by a snapshotimage of the content instead before starting the turn, after the turn is performed the original content is put back on the sides again. this results in a good perfomance increase. using a tween the last step of rotation is done in the function that is called as the tweenEnd handler. in this function also the process of copying the canvases content back is performed. unfortunately this results in a short hang of the cube right in that last rotation step, the reason for which is that rotation and copying back takes place at the same time.
so i could wait for some time after having called cube.rotationX = endValue by using a timer or setTimeout(func, 500), but this is ugly.
so my question is: after having called cube.rotationX = endValue a period of time is required to calculate data for the rotation and do the rotation itself. is there a way to find out the point in time when the rotation has ended, so that then the copying can be started ?
thank you in advance
There's no any default event, dispatching when rotation is completed. But I think of using callLater() function to copy back content. Try it.
that is exactly the point, there is not an event indicating the end of the rotation. the solution using callLater() instead of using setTimeout() appears to be an improvement however since waiting for a certain amount of time is always invloving some 'hope it works on machine x'. thank you very much for the hint !
