How to test Cassandra Database using Robotframework - robotframework

I need to connect to Cassandra Database and Query from there.
I want to know, is there any exist database library for Cassandra in Robot Framework.

Short answer: no, there isn't such.
One of the active (and good) Cassandra drivers for Python is from a company called DataStax, here is its repo - Have in mind it has some peculiarities getting installed and running in the various OSes.
But as it does not (regretfully) adhere to Python Database API, so you cannot just install it and straight ahead use by RF's DatabaseLibrary.
You could/should create your own library wrapping the driver calls (which shouldn't be that hard...).


Is there a way to connect ODBC datasource in Knexjs

I have my windows 10 pc with ODBC datasource as my_odbc
This will connect to my remote informix server.
So for I am using this odbc for my local as well as php website development.
I want to use Adonis Js which uses knex.
How to give database connection properties, as to that of mysql, pg, mssql etc.
using odbc data source.
my connection is "DSN=my_odbc;UID=vijayan;PWD=vijayan;"
But you can write your own ODBC client. There was some initial work done for it, but nowadays all new dialects should be added as separate npm modules like described in
(I'm not going to copy-paste that boilerplate code here, because it is more probable that knex changes and that linked document changes in compared to knex github getting offline)
Initial work that was done for the support is found here:

use sqlite with node.js - working module

I'm working on a node.js project and I would like to use some kind of database to store application data. I've searched for various DBMS and I've selected SQLite because I want my project to be able to run without installing heavy DBMS and because I want it to run both on linux and windows. however, all modules that we found, that connect node with SQLite are either very old, or cannot be installed due to bugs.
so, I want to ask if nowadays, 2012, there is a completely functional node.js module for SQLite.
I did a project last July (2012) in Node.JS v0.8.8, using the node-sqlite module (see and it worked just fine.
And, I successfully deployed and used this module on Heroku. However, the deployed portion of the project only involved reading out of the SQLite database – not writing. I suspect that writing into a SQLite deployed on Heroku would cause some issues, because it involves modifying the SQLite file in the file system, which AFAIK Heroku doesn't let you do.

Load sqlite database into Postgres

I have been developing locally for some time and am now pushing everything to production. Of course I was also adding data to the development server without thinking that I hadn't reconfigured it to be Postgres.
Now I have a SQLite DB who's information I need to be on a remote VPS on a Postgres DB there.
I have tried dumping to a .sql file but am getting a lot of syntax complaints from Postgres. What's the best way to do this?
For pretty much any conversion between two databases the options are:
Do a schema-only dump from the source database. Hand-convert it and load it into the target database. Then do a data only dump from the source DB in the most compatible form of SQL dump it offers. Try loading that into the target DB. When you hit problems, script transformations to the dump using sed/awk/perl/whatever and try again. Repeat until it loads and the results match.
Like (1), hand-convert the schema. Then write a script in your preferred language that connects to both databases, SELECTs from one, and INSERTs into the other, possibly with some transformations of data types and representations.
Use an ETL tool like Talend or Pentaho to connect to both databases and convert between them. ETL tools are like a "somebody else already wrote it" version of (2), but they can take some learning.
Hope that you can find a pre-written conversion too. Heroku one called sequel that will work for SQLite -> PostgreSQL; is it available without Heroku and able to function without all the other Heroku infrastructure and code?
After any of those, some post-transfer steps like using setval() to initialize sequences is typically required.
Heroku's database conversion tool is called sequel. Here are the ruby gems you need:
gem install sequel
gem install sqlite3
gem install pg
Then this worked for me for a sqlite database file named 'tweets.db' in the current working directory:
sequel -C sqlite://tweets.db postgres://pgusername:pgpassword#localhost/pgdatabasename
PostgreSQL supports "foreign data wrappers", which allow you to directly access any data source through the DB, including sqlite. Even up to automatically importing the schema. You can then use create table localtbl as (select * from remotetbl) to get your data into the actual PG storage.

Visio reverse engineering

I am new with Visio. Is it possible to generate an empty database from a database scheme? I am trying to generate a SQLite database from a Visio database scheme. I have tried to use reverse engineering with different SQLite drivers but could never see any tables to select in the reverse engineer wizard......
BTW, Is there any other tools that could build a SQLite database easier? I tried SQLite Manager, SQLite2009 pro enterprise manager. Either of them seems to be very user friendly. Also tried OsenXP Suite which did not work at all either...
Hope this could help
there is an answer here
seems you have to install ODBC driver
I've also tried using MySQL database, and need ODBC to connect to VISIO. The steps are here
Maybe the step is same because using ODBC
Unfortunately, I found error, if the table name is longer than 16 characters, then the visio will error.

How to map a SQLite database to another?

I need to export the data of a SQLite database and import this data to another SQLite database. But the two databases have different schemas.
Does exist an open source tool that can help me doing that job?
The only opensource tool that i know is opendbcopy that i'm using for migrate from a database server to another and also for a similar kind of job that you want to do with SQLite but i've done it with PostgreSQL.
However opendbcopy is JDBC compliant and can connect to every database that have a JDBC driver, so you can try, also if the schema is not the same you can use the column mapping feature :
In addition i know also a good commercial alternative (that is easier to use) that is ESF Database Migration Toolkit .
