Is possible to connect to Kafka with Robotframework - robotframework

I want to connect and test Kafka.
Is it possible to test using RobotFramework.
Any exist library for this.

I realize this post is 5 years old, but the answer (at least now) is yes!
Keyword documentation
Sorry I don't have enough experience to provide any tutoring on it (I'm a newb with Kafka), but at least it exists.

Yes, it is possible to interact with and thus test kafka with RobotFramework. Highly unlikely there exists a library for it however, based on a brief web search.
See my earlier response to this old thread that gives a detailed discussion of what you're asking about and how to go about solving it, minus the actual implementation (which is a significant amount of work, hence no one has written and shared such a library yet).!topic/robotframework-users/gnfR12xAU4U


Is luwak production ready?

I'm implementing a blob store over Riak KV to make an experiment storing mail attachment. Riak CS seems over reaching for this goal.
I already have a prototype implemented in Python and many ideas to keep working on it. Today I stumbled upon luwak, which has a similar design, however much more complete and consistent with the Merkle tree metadata.
Is luwak abandoned in favor of Riak CS? Is it production ready?
Looks like it has been abandoned:
Hi all,
I wanted to take a moment and let the community-at-large know
that we are going to end-of-life the Luwak functionality in Riak, as
part of our 1.1 release in February. This simply means that the Luwak
repo on Github will not be actively developed/supported by Basho, or
included as a default Riak dependency. In keeping with our commitment
to Open Source, the code will still be available if someone else wants
to develop on it. You can also continue to use it with Riak if you are
willing to edit the deps and compile from source -- the Luwak README
will contain information on how to do this.
While the idea of Luwak
was interesting, we ultimately decided that it wasn’t the
architectural path we wanted to pursue for storing larger values in
Riak. If Luwak is a piece of your Riak deployment, we’d love to hear
from you and incorporate your feedback into future directions.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or Mark Phillips.
Thanks, D.
The last commit on the open-source project was a little over 3 years ago, and it's had an outstanding pull request open for 10 months (the comments on there are not encouraging either). So yeah, I'd say it's pretty dead.

Realm and RxSwift connectivity

I've been looking at options for persistence when using RxSwift and Realm was looking attractive due to it's relative simplicity and the availability of some extensions in the community repo.
Unfortunately although I can get Realm and RxSwift working nicely in Xcode 8b6, things of seriously wrong as soon as you try to connect them together as RxRealm does not currently compile (there seems to be more going wrong with it than the Grand Renaming as far as I can tell).
Is there a workaround that is reliable? I can't believe for a moment that there isn't, I just can't find a resource at present. I was thinking of converting the Result object into an Set or Array and making this Observable but. I'm not sure if the contents (Realm Objects) are going to be handled correctly. Knowing my luck, I suspect not!
There's a Pull Request towards the RxRealm project adding Swift 3 support:
I suggest you try using that.
More generally, targeting an Xcode beta will by definition give you a less stable software ecosystem, since no one is submitting apps with that and it's a moving target (often with weekly breaking changes). So if you want stable software, use stable tools. Realm and RxRealm both support Swift 2.2 quite well, so using that will give you the best experience.

Getting my Symfony pull request merged

One month ago I submitted a pull request for what I believe is a backwards-compatibility break in Symfony 2.7:
No one in the core team has reviewed it yet, which is surprising to me since I would have thought BC-breaks would be a high priority. I've read the contributing guidelines and followed them as best I can; the only problem I see is that it's not passing on HHVM for reasons that I don't think have to do with my change.
So my question is: have I missed some prerequisite for getting one's PR reviewed, or do I just need to quit whining and be patient?
I cannot talk on behalf of the core team or direct experience. In fact I should not talk at all :-)
But as an occasional open source maintainer myself, I see that there are 222 PRs open; as long as yours is failing the CI tests, I fear it will definitely get less attention than the others. Also it may have been triaged as a less important fix. Again, this is just IMHO.
I think you should really focus on fixing the broken CI test; you can ask another question here to get help.

What to do now that asihttprequest's owner stopped working on the project?

Now that the owner of ASIHTTPRequest is no longer working on the library, is there another alternative that is as good as this library?
Or maybe will the repository from their github be updated? By, maybe someone else who is well educated about the project (At least someone knowledgeable will still continue to work on it)
If you look at you'll see that it has been updated since the owner stopped working on it...
I would recommend AFNetworking as the best supported option for a general networking library
If you are mainly working with a RESTful API, then RestKit is a great library to use instead of writing your own glue code:

Is ESAPI.NET a dead project?

I've been recently tasked with leading an effort to improve our input (and output) validation with OWASP recommendations and PCI compliance in mind. In the process, I'm trying to assess the value of the ESAPI.NET project which does not appear to have seen any activity since the spring of '09 and as it stands is incomplete.
Does anyone have experience using or extending ESAPI.NET v0.2? Is it a good starting place today for building out an infrastructure to address the targeted vulnerabilities?
FYI: I am looking at MS AntiXSS which, of course, only addresses a portion of ESAPI's scope. We already do a good job with SQL injection though there are improvements we need to make.
(If someone wants to create an ESAPI tag, feel free. I don't have the mojo.)
Looks like there were a couple updates last week:
You might contact one of the project leads on that list to ask what's going on.
NOTE: 05/26/2012: the last update on that project was dec 4, 2010. Yes, it is dead.
It looks like ESAPI is dead period. There's nobody using it, there are no questions, no forums, no information, nothing. The listservs (what is this, 1996?) are barren too. The documentation is terrible and the samples in the swingset don't work (server that installs is HTTP not HTTPS, and no transactions can be made in HTTP mode).
Seems to be a dead end project.
The project itself seems dead there are however some people who maintain a github copy with several (minor?) additions...
