Gentle animation on website [closed] - css

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My client wants something similar to the action that occurs the first time you load the page (the creation of those corals and the gentle drops once it finishes).
I was thinking of doing it with Canvas, but I wanted to ask if you have any ideas how this could have been done?
Maybe there is a better alternative to making it, because you know, canvas is canvas :duh:

That website (which is cool), uses svg and a javascript library call lazy line painter.


adding sliders in R leaflet app [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is it possible to add a slider in R that can change certain values which are visualized?
For a project I want to make a suitability map with a certain amount of layers. The user of the map should be able to change the weights that the different layers contribute to the suitability.
After some research I found that this is possible in javascript, however I never used javascript.
This should be achievable with shiny.
Your question is too open-ended.
however I never used javascript
Start by reading and then .

Pacejs radar loader renders wrong [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I used to have Minimal style and then I decided to change to Radar. As I can see it renders wrong(see the image) What can cause this problem? I didn't edit css. Just downloaded and included to a page.
Some of your styles are probably leaking in to the loader.
You can try loading it on a page by itself to test this.

What type of feature in JS/HTML/CSS is this site using? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am interested in implementing what the banner that this site has, where the user upon scrolling the banner animates till the end and only which allows the viewer to move down the site. Here is the site
Here is a plugin that i used in some project:
With this plugin it's easy to achieve a similar result like the canvas in your link.
For the animated slider you can find out more by looking at these two JS files:
And for the second part of your question take a look at this link:
Good luck

Would placing your contact form in an IFRAME help reduce spam? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I haven't heard anyone suggest this technique before, so I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on it?
Would embedding an iframed version of your contact form inside a page make it more difficult for bots to locate or identify it?
No, putting content in an <iframe> doesn't make it any harder for a crawler to find it. If anything, it means they have an even lighter weight page to target, making it easier...

how to create clickable links on impress.js? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to create a brochure visual treat for a client using impress.js
I need to put a link on every slide that redirect to the proper page while click.
Is it possible that each page could also have a click able link to every slide?
You can use jimpress.js to achieve that and take also advantage of the numerous other options that this plugin provides.
