How Can I Duplicate A Item/Record? - google-app-maker

(Deleted my old question to simplify it. )
I enter data in a table, I then want to make an exact duplicate of that data in a new item/record/row*.
*not sure the proper term.
Is there any way to accomplish this?

Sorry for the slow response. Here is what you should do:
Add a "copy" button in the row. In the onClick on that button, add this code:
var createDataSource = widget.datasource.modes.create;
var rowDataSource = widget.datasource; =; =;
// And so on for each field
You could probably make sure of javascript for-in to loop through all the properties of the item in so you don't have to manually specify each record, but I didn't have time to experiment with this.
The above code won't show the copied record in the list immediately, because I used row's create data source, instead of the lists create data source. Try this instead:
var rowDataSource = widget.datasource;
// Instead of using the row datasource for create, explicitly use the data source of your list.
var listDatasource = app.datasources.NameOfYourListsDataSource;
var createDataSource = listDatasource.modes.create; =; =;
// And so on for each field


Google App Maker table query _notContains doesn't work

App Maker > Page > Table > Events > onAttach
var datasource = widget.datasource;
datasource.query.filters.readByUsers._contains = 'Susanne';
doesn't work:
var datasource = widget.datasource;
datasource.query.filters.readByUsers._notContains = 'Susanne';
Any filter with _equals works too.
Can anyone say why?
Or maybe the even better question is:
How do you set filtered table views in app maker?
How do you exactly set filters for your tables?
According to the official documentation:
Filters startsWith, notStartsWith, contains, notContains are only supported for strings.
Therefore, if your field is a string field, it should definitely work. However, the only reason I can think this will not work, is if you are applying a filter on top of another filter without clearing the previous filter first. I.e., If you run the following code:
var datasource = widget.datasource;
datasource.query.filters.readByUsers._contains = 'Susanne';
It will only return results where the field readyByUsers contains the string Sussane. If after that you run the code:
var datasource = widget.datasource;
datasource.query.filters.readByUsers._notContains = 'Susanne';
It will return zero results because all the records loaded contain the string Susanne. Hence it might give you that effect that it is not working when indeed is.
To make sure that your filters work properly, you first need to clear the previous filter before applying a new one, unless you explicitly want to apply a second filter on top of the first one. For that, you need to run the clearFilters method. So your code should look like this:
var datasource = widget.datasource;
datasource.query.filters.readByUsers._contains = 'Susanne';
Or like this:
var datasource = widget.datasource;
datasource.query.filters.readByUsers._notContains = 'Susanne';
the correct answer was:
because the field was "null"
so you need to add the filter "_notEquals = null;" to get results

Want To Copy Certain Fields From Previous Entry To New Fragment

Short Version: I want to have my Copy button in a table to be able to grab the values from an existing entry and populate those into a "Create Entry" Page Fragment. This way users don't have to reenter all the data when making a new entry.
Long Version:
I have two buttons added the rows in my table: Edit and Copy.
The Edit Button uses the following code to grab the information from that specific row and uses the Fragment to edit the entry.
The Copy button is currently using the following code to duplicate the entry and automatically create it.
//Allows for copying table/row
var rowDataSource = widget.datasource;
var listDatasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders_HideComplete;
var createDataSource = listDatasource.modes.create;
// Enter fields you want to duplicate below
createDataSource.item.ProjectName = rowDataSource.item.ShowName;
createDataSource.item.DeliveryInfo = rowDataSource.item.DeliveryInfo;
createDataSource.item.SOB = rowDataSource.item.SOB;
createDataSource.item.DeliveryDate = rowDataSource.item.DeliveryDate;
createDataSource.item.Company = rowDataSource.item.Company;
createDataSource.item.Location = rowDataSource.item.Location;
createDataSource.item.AdditionalPeripherals = rowDataSource.item.AdditionalPeripherals;
createDataSource.item.Notes = rowDataSource.item.Notes;
I would like to change this behavior so that the Copy button grab the values from those specific fields, however instead of doing a createDataSource/createItem(); I want it to place those values into a Page Fragment (ex: SystemOrders_Add) that has the corresponding fields.
This way the user can click "Copy" and the SystemOrders_Add Fragment appears with pre-populated values.
I want to make sure these values are only in the Page Fragment and do not get commited until the user presses the Submit button.
Thank you for your help!
one way you can accomplish this is by passing the data to Custom Properties defined in your Page Fragment and then you can place those properties to the corresponding fields. I recommend you also check this article
First you need to create the Custom Properties inside your Page Fragment. Then in your Copy button onClick event you can use something like this to save the row data from your table to the Custom Properties:
var rowDataSource = widget.datasource.item._key;
var projectName = app.datasources.SystemOrders.item.project_name;
var deliveryInfo = app.datasources.SystemOrders.item.delivery_info;
//... = projectName; = deliveryInfo;
Assuming you have a form inside your Page Fragment, you can bind the value of each field with custom properties. Binding will ensure that the data is pre-populated. This can be done for each field via the Property Editor and the binding should look like this: #properties.ProjectName
Inside your Submit button onClick event you can use something like this to create a new item in the datasource using the values available in each field.
var projectName = widget.root.descendants.Field1.value;
var deliveryInfo = widget.root.descendants.Field2.value;
var myDatasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders_HideComplete;
var myCreateDatasource = myDatasource.modes.create;
var draft = myDatasource.modes.create.item;
draft.project_name = projectName;
draft.delivery_info = deliveryInfo;
// Create the new item
You can set properties back to null once item is created (maybe onDetach) like this: = null;
Hope this helps!
I have a feeling that removing this line from the Copy Button click handler will make a trick(of course, if your page fragment is bound to ds.modes.create.item):
In case, you are using Manual save mode and you are trying to reuse Page Fragment without overriding datasource... you need create new items using different approach:
// Copy Button click handler
var source = widget.datasource.item;
var listDatasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders_HideComplete;
// This line will add new item to the list datasource
// without saving it to database.
var target = listDatasource.item;
// Enter fields you want to duplicate below
target.Field1 = source.Field1;
target.Field2 = source.Field1;
// Show fragment (assuming it is bound to listDatasource.item)
// -----------
// Page Fragment's Submit Button click handler
listDatasource.saveChanges(function() {
// TODO: handle successful save
Thank you to Pavel and Wilmar. The solution that worked for me is listed below:
//Allows for copying table/row
var rowDataSource = widget.datasource;
var listDatasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders_HideComplete;
var createDataSource = listDatasource.modes.create;
// Enter fields you want to duplicate below
createDataSource.item.ShowName = rowDataSource.item.ShowName;
createDataSource.item.DeliveryInfo = rowDataSource.item.DeliveryInfo;
createDataSource.item.SOB = rowDataSource.item.SOB;
createDataSource.item.Notes = rowDataSource.item.Notes;

Trying To Filter Only Rows That Meet Two Criteria

I promise I have read through the Query information page, but obviously I am missing/misunderstanding something.
I have a Table that has the statuses for multiple departments (the fields are Strings). When a user loads that table I want App Maker to hide jobs that have been finished.
The way we categorize a job as finishes is when:
The Inventory Status = Complete and when the The Delivery Status = Delivered.
Both these conditions need to be met.
Inventory (Complete) + Delivery (Delivered) = hide
Inventory (In Progress) + Delivery (Delivered) = don't hide
Inventory (Complete) + Delivery (Scheduled) = don't hide
I tried the following, however it hides all the example listed above, not just the first one.
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders;
var inventory = ['Complete'];
var delivery = ['Delivered'];
datasource.query.filters.InventoryStatus._notIn = inventory;
datasource.query.filters.DeliveryStatus._notIn = delivery;
I have also tried this:
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders;
datasource.query.filters.InventoryStatus._notIn = 'Complete';
datasource.query.filters.DeliveryStatus._notIn = 'Delivered';
But I get this error:
Type mismatch: Cannot set type String for property _notIn. Type List is expected. at SystemOrders.ToolBar.Button2.onClick:2:46
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Filters are using AND operator. Please consider switching the Datasource Query Builder and applying the following query:
"InventoryStatus != :CompleteStatus OR DeliveryStatus != :DeliveredStatus"
Set CompleteStatus variable to Complete
Set DeliveredStatus variable to Delivered
Filter you want to apply is "NOT(InventoryStatus = Complete AND DeliveryStatus = Delivered)" which is equivalent to "InventoryStatus != Complete OR DeliveryStatus != Delivered".
Vasyl answer my question perfectly, but I wanted to add a few details in case anyone needs to do the same thing and aren't familiar with using the Datasource Query Builder.
All I did was click the Database I was using and then clicked the Datasources section at the top.
I clicked Add Datasource, named it a new name and pasted Vasyl's code into the Query Builder Expression box.
Two new boxes appear below it allowing me to enter the desired statuses that I wanted to filter out.
Lastly I went back to my Table and changed its datasource to my newly created datasource.
Since you are changing your datasource, if you have any extra code on there it may need to be updated to point to the new datasource.
I had some buttons that would filter entries for the various departments.
So this:
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders;
var statuses = ['Complete'];
datasource.query.filters.WarehouseStatus._notIn = statuses;
had to change to this:
var datasource = app.datasources.SystemOrders_HideComplete;
var statuses = ['Complete'];
datasource.query.filters.WarehouseStatus._notIn = statuses;
You can use multiple run and then concatenate their results something like following
* Retrieves records for ActionItems datasource.
* #param {RecordQuery} query - query object of the datasource;
* #return {Array<ActionItems>} user's rating as an array.
function getActionItemsForUser_(query) {
var userRoles = app.getActiveUserRoles();
query.filters.Owner._contains = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var ownerRecords =;
query.filters.AddedBy._contains = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var addedByRecords =;
return addedByRecords.concat(ownerRecords);

How to sort AdvancedDataGrid with hierarchical data?

I have an AdvancedDataGrid with a HierarchicalCollectionView as its dataProvider. When I view the grid with the dataset I'm working with, and click the header of the column I wish to sort on, everything works perfectly. It sorts it hierarchically exactly how I would expect it to.
What I want to do now is have the grid already be sorted when it is shown to the user. Is there a way to do this programatically? I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, and clearly it's possible since the AdvancedDataGrid has this built in.
Edit - BTW, I've tried this:
var myData:HierarchicalCollectionView = new HierarchicalCollectionView(theDataSource);
// Works fine using only the line above and clicking the header to sort.
// This is the part that I tried adding:
var sort:Sort = new Sort();
sort.fields = [new SortField("startDate")];
myData.sort = sort;
This appears to do something as far as sorting goes, but it doesn't sort it in the same way as clicking the column header. "startDate" is a property of an object in theDataSource by the way.
Looks like you want to sort dates. Sort can't do that out of the box. You have to use a compareFunction.
If your objects are of type Date it's quite easy:
var sortField:SortField = new SortField("startDate");
sortField.compareFunction = ObjectUtil.dateCompare;
In case your column contains dates as strings you'll have to parse them first (code example from
private function date_sortCompareFunc(itemA:Object, itemB:Object):int
/* Date.parse() returns an int, but
ObjectUtil.dateCompare() expects two
Date objects, so convert String to
int to Date. */
var dateA:Date = new Date(Date.parse(itemA));
var dateB:Date = new Date(Date.parse(itemB));
return ObjectUtil.dateCompare(dateA, dateB);
var sortField:SortField = new SortField("startDate");
sortField.compareFunction = date_sortCompareFunc;
Then just use the sortField like you did in your example. That should work fine.
You can create a new advanced data grid sort event and dispatch it on the grid after the hierarchical data is set on it (unfortunately I've had to use a callLater to give the grid time to deal with the collection internally it seems assignments to the dataProvider of the ADG are sometimes asynchronous)
var advancedDataGridEvent : AdvancedDataGridEvent = new AdvancedDataGridEvent(AdvancedDataGridEvent.SORT, false, true);
advancedDataGridEvent.columnIndex = columnIndex;
advancedDataGridEvent.dataField = dataField;
This code is from an extension of ADG so you would want the dispatchEvent to actually be on your instance of the grid if you're not creating an extension.
Also a note from the code:
//setting sortDescending=true on a column does not work as expected. so, until a solution
//is found, this works just as well. the event that is dispatch just tells the column
//to reset. so, one resorts ascending (the default), while a second resorts descending.
//however, this second is only dispatched if defaultSortDesc is true on the grid.
if (defaultSortDesc)
It dispatches the event twice to flip the sort.

How to update a table row with save button using .ajax

I have a table which has one row and only one cell will be editable. I have accomplished this with the following code.
$("td#effEndDate").click(function() {
if (!$(this).hasClass("edit")) {
var value = jQuery.trim($(this).html());
$(this).html("<input id=\"txtEdit\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + value + "\" />");
Now this is the part where i'm stuck.
After the field is updated a save button must be clicked to call the proper .ajax method to update the database. But how can I compare the previous value to the current value on a button press? Since i'm not using the onblur property where I could have saved the old value and passed it to the update function.
There are two possibilities.
Pass the variable around in between functions
Make the variable global
if you want the variable global do not use the "var" keyword
var value = jQuery.trim($(this).html());
To this:
value = jQuery.trim($(this).html());
If the click function is getting hit more then once before a page refresh and assuming you want to keep a copy of the original table rows you can try this. Save a copy of the original table in a variable then you can query the original table for the html using the ID number. Here is a quick mock
first store the table in a variable upon the page loading. This will save an original copy of the table
//get a copy of the table
var GetCopyofOriginalTable = function() {
var TableToBeCopied = $('the appropriate selector');
CopyOfTable = JQuery.extend(true, {}, TableToBeCopied); //Notice no var, its global
//Now store the variale
var FindTableRowByID = function(trID) {
return $('table:has(tr#' + trID));
Now you can loop through the new table test its value agaisnt the old table. This methed make use alot of memory depending on how big the table is.
I would store the original value somewhere in a variable, and compare the two in the submission function before sending the .ajax call.
