My GML shuffling array function is alway returning the same result - game-maker

I'm trying to make a shuffling array function in GML. Here's what I tried, with argument0 being the array to shuffle and argument1 being the size of this array:
///Shuffling array function
//argument0: the array to shuffle
//argument1: the size of the array
var i;
var j;
show_debug_message("Original array: ");
show_debug_message("Size: ");
for (i = 0; i < argument1; i++)
j = irandom_range(i, argument1 - 1);
if (i != j)
k = argument0[i];
argument0[i] = argument0[j];
argument0[j] = k;
show_debug_message("Result array: ");
return argument0;
When I execute this function, I alway got the same result:
Original array:
{ { 1,2,3,4,5 }, }
Result array:
{ { 5,3,1,4,2 }, }

Have you used the function randomize() anywhere in your game? Randomize will set the seed to a random value each time your game is run — without it, random functions will always return the same result because they're always working with the same seed value.
NOTE: [Random functions] will return the same value every time the game is run afresh due to the fact that GameMaker: Studio generates the same initial random seed every time to make debugging code a far easier task. To avoid this behaviour use randomize at the start of your game.
Documentation on randomize():


Constraint on an array with same values group together

I have two rand arrays: pointer and value. Whatever values in the pointer should also come in value with same number of times. For eg: if pointer[i] == 2, then value should have a value 2 which occur two times and should be after 1.
Expected result is shown below.
Sample code:
class ABC;
rand int unsigned pointer[$];
rand int unsigned value[20];
int count;
constraint c_mode {
pointer.size() == count;
solve pointer before value;
//======== Pointer constraints =========//
// To avoid duplicates
unique {pointer};
foreach(pointer[i]) {
// Make sure pointer is inside 1 to 4
pointer[i] inside {[1:4]};
// Make sure in increasing order
if (i>0)
pointer[i] > pointer[i-1];
//======== Value constraints =========//
//Make sure Pointer = 2 has to come two times in value, but this is not working as expected
foreach(pointer[i]) {
value.sum with (int'(item == pointer[i])) == pointer[i];
// Ensure it will be in increasing order but not making sure that pointers are not grouping together
// For eg: if pointer = 2, then 2 has to come two times together and after 1 in the array order. This is not met with the below constraint
foreach(value[i]) {
foreach(value[j]) {
((i>j) && (value[i] inside pointer) && (value[j] inside pointer)) -> value[i] >= value[j];
function new(int num);
count = num;
module tb;
initial begin
int unsigned index;
ABC abc = new(4);
$display("Pointer = %p", abc.pointer);
$display("Value = %p", abc.value);
I would implement this using a couple of helper arrays:
class pointers_and_values;
rand int unsigned pointers[];
rand int unsigned values[];
local rand int unsigned values_dictated_by_pointers[][];
local rand int unsigned filler_values[][];
// ...
The values_dictated_by_pointers array will contain the groups of values that your pointers mandate. The other array will contain the dummy values that come between these groups. So, the values array will contain filler_values[0], values_dictated_by_pointers[0], filler_values[1], values_dictated_by_pointers[1], etc.
Computing the values mandated by the pointers is easy:
constraint compute_values_dicated_by_pointers {
values_dictated_by_pointers.size() == pointers.size();
foreach (pointers[i]) {
values_dictated_by_pointers[i].size() == pointers[i];
foreach (values_dictated_by_pointers[i,j])
values_dictated_by_pointers[i][j] == pointers[i];
You need as many groups as you need pointers. In each group you have as many elements as the pointer value for that group. Also, each element of a group has the same value as the group's pointer value.
For the filler values you didn't mention what they should look like. I interpreted your problem description to say that the values in the pointers array should only come in the patters described above. This means that they are not allowed as filler values. Depending on whether you want to allow filler values before the first value, you will need either as many filler groups as you have pointers or one extra. In the following code I allowed filler values before the "real" values:
constraint compute_filler_values {
filler_values.size() == pointers.size() + 1;
foreach (filler_values[i, j])
!(filler_values[i][j] inside { pointers });
You'll also need to constrain the size of each of the filler value groups, otherwise the solver will leave them as 0. Here you can change the constraints to match your requirements. I chose to always insert filler values and to never insert more than 3 filler values.
constraint max_number_of_filler_values {
foreach (filler_values[i]) {
filler_values[i].size() > 0;
filler_values[i].size() <= 3;
For the real values array, you can compute its value in post_randomize() by interleaving the other two arrays:
function void post_randomize();
values = filler_values[0];
foreach (pointers[i])
values = { values, values_dictated_by_pointers[i], filler_values[i] };
If you need to be able to constrain values as well, then you'll have to implement this interleaving operation using constraints. I'm not going to show this, as this is probably pretty complicated in itself and warrants an own question.
Be aware that the code above might not work on all EDA tools, because of spotty support for random multi-dimensional arrays. I only got this to work on Aldec Riviera Pro on EDA Playground.

Passing values between variables of host and kernel Code in a loop in OpenCL

I am in trouble passing values between host code and kernel code due to some vector data types. The following code/explanation is just for referencing my problem, my code is much bigger and complicated. With this small example, hopefully, I will be able to explain where I am having a problem. I f anything more needed please let me know.
std::vector<vector<double>> output;
for (int i = 0;i<2; i++)
auto& out = output[i];
sum =0;
for (int l =0;l<3;l++)
for (int j=0;j<4; j++)
if (some condition is true)
{ out[j+l] = 0.;}
sum+= .....some addition...
out[j+l] = sum
Now I want to parallelize this code, from the second loop. This is what I have done in host code:
cl::buffer out = (context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, output.size(), &output, NULL)
Then, I have set the arguments
cl::SetKernelArg(0, out);
Then the loop,
for (int i = 0,i<2, i++)
auto& out = output[i];
// sending some more arguments(which are changing accrding to loop) for sum operations
In Kernel Code:
__kernel void sumout(__global double* out, ....)
int l = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
if (some condition is true)
{ out[j+l] = 0.; // Here it goes out of the loop then
sum+= .....some addition...
out[j+l] = sum
So now, in if condition out[j+l] is getting 0 in the loop. So out value is regularly changing. In normal code, it is a reference pointer to a vector. I am not able to read the values in output from out during my kernel and host code. I want to read the values in output[i] for every out[j+l]. But I am confused due this buffer and vector.
just for more clarification,output is a vector of vector and out is reference vector to output vector. I need to update values in output for every change in out. Since these are vectors, I passed out as cl buffer. I hope it is clear.
Please let me know, if the code is required, I will try to provide as much as I can.
You are sending pointers of vectors to opencl(ofcourse they are contiguous on pointer level) but whole data is not contiguous in memory since each inner vector points to different memory area. Opencl cannot map host pointers to device memory and there is no such command in this api.
You could use vector of arrays(latest version) or pure arrays.

Summation constraint writing with std::randomize

I have two queues; they have the same size and have been assigned value. I want to randomize en_q, but I have no idea about how to write it efficiently.
function void rand ()
int val_q[$];
bit en_q[$];
std::randomize(en_q[i]) with {
// pseudo-code
sum(val_q[i]*en_q[i]) < 100;
// I'm wondering how to convert the above condition into system verilog language?
// I know en_q.sum() < 100; but with multiply summation, I have no any idea.
You may need to re-structure your queues into a single queue. You could copy them as needed to seperate them. The following worked for me.
module top;
typedef struct {
int val;
rand bit en;
} field_t;
field_t q[$];
initial begin
q = '{ '{1,0},'{2,0},'{3,0},'{4,0},'{5,0},'{6,0},'{7,0},'{8,0},'{9,0} };
repeat (10) begin
if (!std::randomize(q) with {
q.sum(x) with (x.val*x.en) <10;
}) $error("randomize failed");

Compile-time generated 2D array in D

In my program I need to generate array with powers' (from 0 to 5) sum of numbers from 1 to 100,000.
So I tried to compile this code:
const enum size_t MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 100_000 + 1;
const enum size_t MAX_POWER_SIZE = 5 + 1;
const enum power_sum = calc_power_sum();
// some unimportant code here
pure ulong[MAX_POWER_SIZE][MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] calc_power_sum() {
ulong[MAX_POWER_SIZE][MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] power_sum;
power_sum[0][] = 1;
foreach (x, ref element; power_sum[1]) {
element = x;
foreach (n; 2 .. MAX_POWER_SIZE) {
foreach (x, ref element; power_sum[n]) {
element = power_sum[n - 1][x] * power_sum[1][x];
foreach (ref power; power_sum) {
foreach (x; 1 .. MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
power[x] += power[x - 1]; // error appears here
return power_sum;
But compiler says:
$ dmd problem.d
problem.d(130): Error: array index 6 is out of bounds [1LU, 2LU, 3LU, 4LU, 5LU, 6LU][0 .. 6]
problem.d(15): called from here: calc_power_sum()
What am I doing wrong?
At first glance looks like you have simply misunderstood array dimension order. You have
and your code assumes directly opposite
Also I am afraid 100 000 may be a bit too much, after above mentioned fix I get an internal compiler error. Works for smaller MAX_ARRAY_SIZE values though.
As Mihail said, you should reverse the order of dimensions.
However, you most likely won't be able to do what you plan for all sizes because the maximum size of static array is limited in D ( ) :
The total size of a static array cannot exceed 16Mb.

OutOfMemoryError during heuristic search

I'm writing a program to solve an 8 tile sliding puzzle for an AI class. in theory this is pretty easy, but the number of node states generated is pretty large (estimated 180,000 or so). We're comparing different heuristic functions in class, so my code has to be able to handle even some very inefficient functions. I'm getting "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" when using java's PriorityQueue class. Heres the relevant code withing my solver function: (the error is on the openList.add(temp); line)
public void solve(char[] init,int searchOrder)
State initial = new State(init,searchOrder); //create initial state
openList = new PriorityQueue<State>(); //create open list
closedList = new LinkedList<State>(); // create closed list
generated = new HashSet(); //Keeps track of all nodes generated to cut down search time
openList.add(initial); //add initial state to the open list
State expanded,temp = null,solution = null; //State currently being expanded
int nodesStored = 0, nodesExpanded = 0;
boolean same; //used for checking for state redundancy
while(openList.size() > 0)
expanded = openList.poll();
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if (k == 0)
temp = expanded.moveLeft();
else if (k == 1)
temp = expanded.moveRight();
else if (k == 2)
temp = expanded.moveAbove();
temp = expanded.moveBelow();
solution = temp;
nodesStored = openList.size() + closedList.size();
nodesExpanded = closedList.size();
break TreeGeneration;
// System.out.println(temp.toString());
openList.add(temp); // error here
// System.out.println(openList.toString());
Am I doing something wrong here, or should I be using something else to handle this quantity of data? Thanks.
By default, JVM starts with 64 MB heap space, you can increase this amount by passing a parameter like below;
java -Xmx1024m YOUR_CLASS
this gives 1024 MB heap space in memory, you can change the amount of memory as you need.
If you are using NetBeans, Netbeans doesn't scale heap space automatically, you can achieve this by following below steps;
1- Right click on your project
2- Navigate to Set Configuration -> Customize
3-Add -Xmx256m into VM Options then click Ok
Now, you can run your project with custom heap space.
