Is there a possibility to encrypt media files uploaded in Moodle? - encryption

I've run into a problem using Moodle 3.2. I'm uploading mp3-files to be played in a quiz. I have the license to use those files for that specific purpose, but I am not the owner. Thus, I would like to ensure that nobody without a Moodle account can access these files.
However, the path to the files can be extracted from the source code and once you have the path, anybody can access the file. Is there any way to protect the file so only registered users can access it, even if they have the direct path?
Thank you so much!
All the best
EDIT: I've learned that files actually are encrypted by login - I just had the login cookie remaining in several browsers and thus was able to access them.

Are the files served by moodleinstallation/pluginfile.php/? This would include login/permission checks


Meteor uploads file upload/download permission

I am building a notes functionality with attachments in it, I have been using Meteor Uploads for file uploading. Everything works fine except for permissions. I have searched almost everything related to this but somehow I can not find a full example neither a clear answer.
There is an event shown below which is supposed to handle permission checks, but this does not run in fibre, so you have no access to collections and UserId
validateRequest: function (req, resp) {
There are two issues I am trying to solve:
Allow only the users that have permission to post notes, to be able to upload files.
A way to provide more secure file accessing
The first one would not exist as an issue if there was a way to call file start upload in server(As far as I know/tried it is only called in client)., e);
I have made some security checks before uploading file(calling a server method) but that is in client. I have also added a cookie after opening the page which I then validate in server in order to make files not accessible out of app.
I have also read that permissions can be achieved by using tokens/secret keys as mentioned here but could not find a proper example.
Maybe the first issue is not a real issue in my scenario because I have permission checks when showing Note post ability but I wanted to know what is a good approach I could take.
Most important issue I believe is the second one regarding file access, what is a proper way to serve files based on User permission? Also a good way to encrypt uploading file's name so that users do not access files by guessing the file name might be helpful.
Thank you guys!

is it possible to find hidden files on website?

If I'm hosting a website, say at, how can I find files that are in the same folder as index.html if I DON'T know the filenames?
So for example, if there are these files in there:
Can anyone see this list of files? If so, how can I hide them, but make each one accessible to someone who knows the names? I don't want to use a password system, if possible.
If you put index.html in that directory, so no files will be listed. If you allow to upload to that directory, so i can upload some php script to list all files in directory. IF you don't know file name, you can try to guess it :)
You can use bruteforce tools such as dirbuster, or you can look at the "/robots.txt" file for some clues on what's on the website.
By the way, you should keep in mind that most of web servers nowadays have rights management implemented, so even if there is such file on the server it may not allow you access to it without authentication.
Some hosting providers provide an option to specify whether directory listings are allowed. If enabled, and a client requests a URL for a folder that does not contain a default HTML file (index.html, default.html, default.aspx, etc), then the web server will serve up an HTML file containing a listing of the files in that folder. It is rare that this option is ever enabled, though.
but you should be accurate while inserting names of files in URL or else you can use pen-test tool which will list out some of the names for free.for attempts ot full listing of files you'll need to be a paid member i guess

Prevent users from deleting files uploaded Alfresco

I've been testing Alfresco for a few days but seem not to find a solution for this.
In Alfresco when an user uploads a file to a folder where it has the contributor role everything works nice, but he can delete that file. I want avoid that so I have defined a rule that takes the ownership of every file uploaded. The script is defined as
This way the file can be deleted only by admin. If the rule is active the upload fails for everyother user. Does anybody know what it takes to take ownership of a file in that situation using a script?
I am using Alfresco 4.0a
I guess you can better do the following
Because admin already has full authority in Alfresco.

Securing Individual Files in ASP.NET

I have a scenario where a user will have access to a one-time-url.
When the user clicks on the URL, specific files will be available to that user.
I have many files on the site but would only like certain files to be accessible by that user.
I have though about generating an authenticated cookie and using forms based auth and applying permissions to a certain folder, but I need authorization on indiviual files. and the files will constintly be changing.
What would be the best way to give a user only access to specific files? (I won't display the other files, but I still do not want other files available if they are typed in the URL)
I would create an .ashx (handler file) and have that serve the files to the user (load into memory and then write the contents out by pushing the file to the content stream). That way the end user never has permissions to the actual files on the system but can still access them. Your code can then control when and how long each file is available to a user.
I would provide an abstraction around the actual file retrieval. That way the user never sees file name. Something like
That RANDOMGUID could reference a file in the back end.
If you have lots of disk space, one way to accomplish this is to copy the files to a randomly-generated folder, so that the URL to a user's files is unique for each user.
I think it would be easier if your files are associated with an ID and the path is kept in the database. This way you can pull the files using the ID.

web.config ignoring certain files from requiring authentication

In my web application, I have a folder in which I have a few html and jpeg files. some of these files do not need a user to login while the others do. How do I exclude the files that are free for view to be displayed without logging in while still maintaining the user to login for viewing other files in the same folder using just the config file. I wasnt able to find something relevant in the config file or maybe I overlooked it. If anyone knows please reply.
I've tried to answer this as well as I can but the sentence:
How do I exclude the files that are free for view to be displayed without logging in while still maintaining the user to login for viewing other files in the same folder using just the config file. a bit confusing!
The files that need to be authenticated are the ones that are handled by the handler such as .aspx files. jpegs and other static files bypass this so can be viewed without authentication. The handler aspnet_isapi only handles certain files but you can configure it to handle more file extensions (or all files) by configuring extension mappings in IIS.
Personally, I would put all files I wanted to be unprotected in a folder with permissions to allow anyone to view that folder, set the aspnet_isapi handler to handle all files and then protect your other folders according to your application's needs.
Depending on what you want to do (as your question isn't that clear), you may or may not be able to achieve what you want just from the config file but hopefully this answer will give you the information you need to make your own conclusions on that.
