Counting nodes and arcs in BFS Algorithm - graph

In DFS you can count the elements by initializating two counters and incrementing them in the DFS-VISIT procedure(+1 node every time the procedure is called and +1 arc everytime that the adjacency list is explored). I was wondering How to obtain the same result in BFS.
This is the BFS pseudocode from Cormen's "Introduction to Algorithms", where G is the graph, s is the source node, d is the distance and π is the father node. How can i modify it to obtain the number of nodes and arcs in G?
BFS(G, s)
for each node u ∈ G.V - {s}
u.color = white
u.d = ∞
u.π = NIL
s.color = GRAY
s.d = 0
s.π = NIL
Q = Ø
while Q != Ø
for each v ∈ G.Adj[u]
if v.color == WHITE
v.color = GRAY
v.d = u.d + 1
v.π = u
u.color = BLACK

Well, both the adjacency list traversal and new vertex(node) discovery are done in the final while loop of your pseudocode. So, something like the modification given below could work.
numArcs = 0
numNodes = 0
while Q != Ø
numNodes += 1
for each v ∈ G.Adj[u]
numArcs += 1
if v.color == WHITE
v.color = GRAY
v.d = u.d + 1
v.π = u
u.color = BLACK
Note that if you want to count all the arcs, the incrementation of numArcs should be outside the scope of the if statement that follows it, as that if statement is only entered when the destination node is not previously enqueued.
Notice also that this algorithm gives only the number of arcs and nodes in the connected component including the starting node s. So, unless your BFS algorithm is modified to handle the case of the graph having multiple connected components, this algorithm will not find out all the nodes and arcs in a graph that is not connected.


Extrude 2d vertices/vectors

I have a set of vertices/vectors and I need to extrude them inside object boundaries to give that object a thickness
as an example:
I need to turn something like this:
to something like this:
how can I achieve this?
(I'm using C++, OpenGL & GLM)
-- Update --
thanks to #Futurologist answer, I was able to resolve the issue and hey, It works like a charm!
Sorry for the python, but it's faster and easier for me to write it like that, plus it maybe reveals some the geometric concepts in the background.
Is this what you are after?
angle bisectors and offsetting a polygon
def bisectors(P, thickness):
#P is n x 2 matrix, row P[j,:] is a vertex of a polygon in the plane,
#P is the ordered set of vertices of the polygon
n = P.shape[0];
B = np.zeros((n,2), dtype=float);
for j in range(n):
if j == 0:
v_in = P[0,:] - P[n-1,:];
v_out = P[1,:] - P[0,:];
elif j == n-1:
v_in = P[n-1,:] - P[n-2,:];
v_out = P[0,:] - P[n-1,:];
v_in = P[j,:] - P[j-1,:];
v_out =P[j+1,:] - P[j,:];
v_in = v_in / math.sqrt(; #normalize edge-vector
v_out = v_out / math.sqrt(; #normalize edge-vector
# bisector of the complementary angle at the vertex j,
# pointing counter clockwise and displacing the vertex so that
# the resulting polygon is "thickness" units inwards in normal direction:
bisector = v_in + v_out;
bisector = bisector / abs(;
bisector = thickness * bisector
# 90 degree counter clockwise rotation of complementary bisector:
B[j,0] = - bisector[1];
B[j,1] = bisector[0];
return B
def offset_vertices(Polygon, thickness):
Polygon_off = Polygon + bisectors(Polygon, thickness)
return Polygon_off
P = np.array([[0,0],[2,0],[3,1],[1,3]])
P_off = offset_vertices(P, 0.1)
# Plotting
P = np.vstack((P, P[0,:] ))
P_off = np.vstack((P_off, P_off[0,:] ))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1)
axs.plot(P[:,0], P[:,1], 'bo')
axs.plot(P_off[:,0], P_off[:,1], 'ro')
axs.plot(P[:,0], P[:,1])
axs.plot(P_off[:,0], P_off[:,1])

Positioning objects parallel with a mesh

I'm trying to align multiple line objects along a human body circumference depending on the orientation of the triangles from the mesh. I would like to put the lines parallel to the mesh. I correctly assign the position for the lines along the circumference, but I also need to add the rotation of the lines such that to be parallel with the body.
The body is a mesh formed by multiple triangles and every line is "linked" with a triangle.
All I have is:
3 points for the closest triangle from the mesh for every line
The normal of the triangle
The positions for the instantiated lines (2 points, start and end)
I need to calculate the angle for every X, Y, Z axes for the line such that the normal of the triangle is perpendicular with the line mesh. I don't know how to get the desired angle. I really appreciate if someone would like to help me.
FVector TrianglePoints[3];
FVector Triangle_Normal; //Calculated as (B-A)^(C-A), where A,B,C are the points of the triangle
FVector linePosition; //I also have the start line and the endLine position if that helps
//FRotator rotation(x,y,z), such that the triangle normal and the line object to be perpendicular.
An overview of the circumference line construction. Now the rotation is calculated using the Start position and End position for each line. When we cross some irregular parts of the mesh we want to rotate the lines correctly. Now the rotation is fixed, depending just on the line start and end position.
If I have understood correctly your goal, here is some related vector geometry:
A,B,C are the vertices of the triangle:
A = [xA, yA, zA],
B = [xB, yB, zB]
C = [xC, yC, zC]
K,L are the endpoints of the line-segment:
K = [xK, yK, zK]
L = [xL, yL, zL]
vectors are interpreted as row-vectors
by . I denote matrix multiplication
by x I denote cross product of 3D vectors
by t() I denote the transpose of a matrix
by | | I denote the norm (magnitude) of a vector
Goal: find the rotation matrix and rotation transformation of segment KL
around its midpoint, so that after rotation KL is parallel to the plane ABC
also, the rotation is the "minimal" angle rotation by witch we need to
rotate KL in order to make it parallel to ABC
AB = B - A
AC = C - A
KL = L - K
n = AB x AC
n = n / |n|
u = KL x n
u = u / |u|
v = n x u
cos = ( KL . t(v) ) / |KL|
sin = ( KL . t(n) ) / |KL|
U = [[ u[0], u[1], u[2] ],
[ v[0], v[1], v[2] ],
[ n[0], n[1], n[2] ],
R = [[1, 0, 0],
[0, cos, sin],
[0, -sin, cos]]
ROT = t(U).R.U
then, one can rotate the segment KL around its midpoint
M = (K + L)/2
Y = M + ROT (X - M)
Here is a python script version
A = np.array([0,0,0])
B = np.array([3,0,0])
C = np.array([2,3,0])
K = np.array([ -1,0,1])
L = np.array([ 2,2,2])
KL = L-K
U = np.empty((3,3), dtype=float)
U[2,:] = np.cross(B-A, C-A)
U[2,:] = U[2,:] / np.linalg.norm(U[2,:])
U[0,:] = np.cross(KL, U[2,:])
U[0,:] = U[0,:] / np.linalg.norm(U[0,:])
U[1,:] = np.cross(U[2,:], U[0,:])
norm_KL = np.linalg.norm(KL)
cos_ =[1,:]) / norm_KL
sin_ =[2,:]) / norm_KL
R = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, cos_, sin_],
[0,-sin_, cos_]])
ROT = (U.T).dot(
M = (K+L) / 2
K_rot = M + K - M )
L_rot = M + L - M )
A more inspired solution was to use a procedural mesh, generated at runtime, that have all the requirements that I need:
Continuously along multiple vertices
Easy to apply a UV map for texture tiling
Can be updated at runtime
Isn't hard to compute/work with it

Finding if a circle is fully contained within multiple triangles?

In a game, an area is defined by triangles that never overlap, and characters are defined by circles.
How can I know whether the full character's collision circle is contained within these triangles?
Example image:
Here, the red parts are outside triangles, so the circle isn't contained within them. Is there an algorithm that can detect this?
I've only came up with "non-perfect" solutions, like sampling points at the border of the circle, then testing if each is inside a triangle.
So basically, the triangles form a domain with polygonal boundary and you want to check if a disk, defined by a center point and a radius is contained inside the domain. So if you start with the triangles, you have to find a way to extract the polygonal boundary of your domain and represent it as a 2D array (matrix) of shape n rows and two columns so that every row is the two coordinates of a vertex point of the polygonal boundary line and the points are ordered so that they are consecutive order along the boundary in a counterclockwise position, i.e. when you walk in a direction from point of index i to the next point i+1 the domain stays on your left. For example, here is the representation of a polygonal boundary of a domain like yours:
a = 4/math.sqrt(3)
Pgon = np.array([[0,0],
Observe that the first and the last points are the same.
In such a scenario, maybe you can try the following algorithm:
import numpy as np
import math
def angle_and_dist(p1, p2, o):
p12 = p2 - p1
op1 = p1 - o
op2 = p2 - o
norm_p12 = math.sqrt(p12[0]**2 + p12[1]**2)
norm_op1 = math.sqrt(op1[0]**2 + op1[1]**2)
norm_op2 = math.sqrt(op2[0]**2 + op2[1]**2)
p12_perp = np.array([ - p12[1], p12[0] ])
h = -
theta12 = / (norm_op1*norm_op2)
theta12 = math.acos( theta12 )
if h < 0:
theta12 = - theta12
if > 0:
return theta12, norm_op1
elif < 0:
return theta12, norm_op2
return theta12, h/norm_p12
def is_in_polygon(p, disk):
o, r = disk
n_p = len(p)-1
index_o = 0
h_min = 400
for i in range(n_p):
theta, h = angle_and_dist(p[i,:], p[i+1,:], o)
index_o = index_o + theta
if 0 <= h and h < h_min:
h_min = h
if theta <= math.pi/100:
return 'center of disc is not inside polygon'
elif theta > math.pi/100:
if h_min > r:
return 'disc is inside polygon'
return 'center of disc is inside polygon but disc is not'
a = 4/math.sqrt(3)
Pgon = np.array([[0,0],
# A test example:
#disc = (np.array([3*a/4, 2]), a/4-0.001)
disc = (np.array([3*a/4, 2]), math.sqrt(3)*a/8 - 0.0001)
print(is_in_polygon(Pgon, disc))

How can I calculate neighborhood overlap in weighted network?

How can I calculate neighborhood overlap between two nodes (i,j) in a weighted graph?
"...we define the neighborhood overlap of an edge connecting A and B to be the ratio: (number of nodes who are neighbors of both A and B)/ (number of nodes who are neighbors of at least one of A or B) where in the denominator we don’t count A or B themselves (even though A is a neighbor of B and B is a neighbor of A)."
networkx has a built-in function to find the common neighbors of two nodes in a graph: common_neighbors. Now we only need to find the number of nodes that are neighbors to either A or B. Note that
| N(u) ⋃ N(v) | = |N(u)| + |N(v)| - | N(u) ⋂ N(v)|
where N(u) is the set of neighbors of u. Since we don't count A or B in the denominator, we need to subtract 2 from | N(u) ⋃ N(v) |.
def neighborhood_overlap(g, u, v):
n_common_nbrs = len(set(nx.common_neighbors(g, u, v)))
n_join_nbrs = + - n_common_nbrs - 2
return n_common_nbrs / n_join_nbrs
However, you still need to decide what happens if the denominator is 0, i.e., when the nodes A and B form a connected component of the graph.
I know the tag of the question is networkx, but since this is the first thing that pop ups on Google, on igraph the function would be
neighborhood_overlap <- function(g, node1, node2)
nh1 = neighborhood(graph=g, order=1, nodes=node1)[[1]]
nh2 = neighborhood(graph=g, order=1, nodes=node2)[[1]]
common = intersect(nh1, nh2)
commonl = length(common)
# | N(u) ⋃ N(v) | = |N(u)| + |N(v)| - | N(u) ⋂ N(v)|
union = degree(net_vc, v=node1) + degree(net_vc, v=node2) - commonl - 2

Line of intersection between two planes

How can I find the line of intersection between two planes?
I know the mathematics idea, and I did the cross product between the the planes normal vectors
but how to get the line from the resulted vector programmatically
The equation of the plane is ax + by + cz + d = 0, where (a,b,c) is the plane's normal, and d is the distance to the origin. This means that every point (x,y,z) that satisfies that equation is a member of the plane.
Given two planes:
P1: a1x + b1y + c1z + d1 = 0
P2: a2x + b2y + c2z + d2 = 0
The intersection between the two is the set of points that verifies both equations. To find points along this line, you can simply pick a value for x, any value, and then solve the equations for y and z.
y = (-c1z -a1x -d1) / b1
z = ((b2/b1)*(a1x+d1) -a2x -d2)/(c2 - c1*b2/b1)
If you make x=0, this gets simpler:
y = (-c1z -d1) / b1
z = ((b2/b1)*d1 -d2)/(c2 - c1*b2/b1)
Finding the line between two planes can be calculated using a simplified version of the 3-plane intersection algorithm.
The 2'nd, "more robust method" from bobobobo's answer references the 3-plane intersection.
While this works well for 2 planes (where the 3rd plane can be calculated using the cross product of the first two), the problem can be further reduced for the 2-plane version.
No need to use a 3x3 matrix determinant,instead we can use the squared length of the cross product between the first and second plane (which is the direction of the 3'rd plane).
No need to include the 3rd planes distance,(calculating the final location).
No need to negate the distances.Save some cpu-cycles by swapping the cross product order instead.
Including this code-example, since it may not be immediately obvious.
// Intersection of 2-planes: a variation based on the 3-plane version.
// see: Graphics Gems 1 pg 305
// Note that the 'normal' components of the planes need not be unit length
bool isect_plane_plane_to_normal_ray(
const Plane& p1, const Plane& p2,
// output args
Vector3f& r_point, Vector3f& r_normal)
// logically the 3rd plane, but we only use the normal component.
const Vector3f p3_normal = p1.normal.cross(p2.normal);
const float det = p3_normal.length_squared();
// If the determinant is 0, that means parallel planes, no intersection.
// note: you may want to check against an epsilon value here.
if (det != 0.0) {
// calculate the final (point, normal)
r_point = ((p3_normal.cross(p2.normal) * p1.d) +
(p1.normal.cross(p3_normal) * p2.d)) / det;
r_normal = p3_normal;
return true;
else {
return false;
Adding this answer for completeness, since at time of writing, none of the answers here contain a working code-example which directly addresses the question.
Though other answers here already covered the principles.
Finding a point on the line
To get the intersection of 2 planes, you need a point on the line and the direction of that line.
Finding the direction of that line is really easy, just cross the 2 normals of the 2 planes that are intersecting.
lineDir = n1 × n2
But that line passes through the origin, and the line that runs along your plane intersections might not. So, Martinho's answer provides a great start to finding a point on the line of intersection (basically any point that is on both planes).
In case you wanted to see the derivation for how to solve this, here's the math behind it:
First let x=0. Now we have 2 unknowns in 2 equations instead of 3 unknowns in 2 equations (we arbitrarily chose one of the unknowns).
Then the plane equations are (A terms were eliminated since we chose x=0):
B1y + C1z + D1 = 0
B2y + C2z + D2 = 0
We want y and z such that those equations are both solved correctly (=0) for the B1, C1 given.
So, just multiply the top eq by (-B2/B1) to get
-B2y + (-B2/B1)*C1z + (-B2/B1)*D1 = 0
B2y + C2z + D2 = 0
Add the eqs to get
z = ( (-B2/B1)*D1 - D2 ) / (C2 * B2/B1)*C1)
Throw the z you find into the 1st equation now to find y as
y = (-D1 - C1z) / B1
Note the best variable to make 0 is the one with the lowest coefficients, because it carries no information anyway. So if C1 and C2 were both 0, choosing z=0 (instead of x=0) would be a better choice.
The above solution can still screw up if B1=0 (which isn't that unlikely). You could add in some if statements that check if B1=0, and if it is, be sure to solve for one of the other variables instead.
Solution using intersection of 3 planes
From user's answer, a closed form solution for the intersection of 3 planes was actually in Graphics Gems 1. The formula is:
P_intersection = (( point_on1 • n1 )( n2 × n3 ) + ( point_on2 • n2 )( n3 × n1 ) + ( point_on3 • n3 )( n1 × n2 )) / det(n1,n2,n3)
Actually point_on1 • n1 = -d1 (assuming you write your planes Ax + By + Cz + D=0, and not =-D). So, you could rewrite it as:
P_intersection = (( -d1 )( n2 × n3 ) + ( -d2 )( n3 × n1 ) + ( -d3 )( n1 × n2 )) / det(n1,n2,n3)
A function that intersects 3 planes:
// Intersection of 3 planes, Graphics Gems 1 pg 305
static Vector3f getIntersection( const Plane& plane1, const Plane& plane2, const Plane& plane3 )
float det = Matrix3f::det( plane1.normal, plane2.normal, plane3.normal ) ;
// If the determinant is 0, that means parallel planes, no intn.
if( det == 0.f ) return 0 ; //could return inf or whatever
return ( plane2.normal.cross( plane3.normal )*-plane1.d +
plane3.normal.cross( plane1.normal )*-plane2.d +
plane1.normal.cross( plane2.normal )*-plane3.d ) / det ;
Proof it works (yellow dot is intersection of rgb planes here)
Getting the line
Once you have a point of intersection common to the 2 planes, the line just goes
P + t*d
Where P is the point of intersection, t can go from (-inf, inf), and d is the direction vector that is the cross product of the normals of the two original planes.
The line of intersection between the red and blue planes looks like this
Efficiency and stability
The "robust" (2nd way) takes 48 elementary ops by my count, vs the 36 elementary ops that the 1st way (isolation of x,y) uses. There is a trade off between stability and # computations between these 2 ways.
It'd be pretty catastrophic to get (0,inf,inf) back from a call to the 1st way in the case that B1 was 0 and you didn't check. So adding in if statements and making sure not to divide by 0 to the 1st way may give you the stability at the cost of code bloat, and the added branching (which might be quite expensive). The 3 plane intersection method is almost branchless and won't give you infinities.
This method avoids division by zero as long as the two planes are not parallel.
If these are the planes:
A1*x + B1*y + C1*z + D1 = 0
A2*x + B2*y + C2*z + D2 = 0
1) Find a vector parallel to the line of intersection. This is also the normal of a 3rd plane which is perpendicular to the other two planes:
(A3,B3,C3) = (A1,B1,C1) cross (A2,B2,C2)
2) Form a system of 3 equations. These describe 3 planes which intersect at a point:
A1*x1 + B1*y1 + C1*z1 + D1 = 0
A2*x1 + B2*y1 + C2*z1 + D2 = 0
A3*x1 + B3*y1 + C3*z1 = 0
3) Solve them to find x1,y1,z1. This is a point on the line of intersection.
4) The parametric equations of the line of intersection are:
x = x1 + A3 * t
y = y1 + B3 * t
z = z1 + C3 * t
The determinant-based approach is neat, but it's hard to follow why it works.
Here's another way that's more intuitive.
The idea is to first go from the origin to the closest point on the first plane (p1), and then from there go to the closest point on the line of intersection of the two planes. (Along a vector that I'm calling v below.)
First plane: n1 • r = k1
Second plane: n2 • r = k2
dir = n1 × n2
p1 = (k1 / (n1 • n1)) * n1
v = n1 × dir
pt = LineIntersectPlane(line = (p1, v), plane = (n2, k2))
#We have n2 • (p1 + lambda * v) = k2
lambda = (k2 - n2 • p1) / (n2 • v)
Return p1 + lambda * v
Line where two planes intersect: (pt, dir)
This should give the same point as the determinant-based approach. There's almost certainly a link between the two. At least the denominator, n2 • v, is the same, if we apply the "scalar triple product" rule. So these methods are probably similar as far as condition numbers go.
Don't forget to check for (almost) parallel planes. For example: if (dir • dir < 1e-8) should work well if unit normals are used.
You can find the formula for the intersection line of two planes in this link.
P1: a1x + b1y + c1z = d1
P2: a2x + b2y + c2z = d2
n1=(a1,b1,c1); n2=(a2,b2,c2); n12=Norm[Cross[n1,n2]]^2
If n12 != 0
a1 = (d1*Norm[n2]^2 - d2*n1.n2)/n12;
a2 = (d2*Norm[n1]^2 - d1*n1.n2)/n12;
P = a1 n1 + a2 n2;
(*formula for the intersection line*)
Li[t_] := P + t*Cross[n1, n2];
The cross product of the line is the direction of the intersection line. Now you need a point in the intersection.
You can do this by taking a point on the cross product, then subtracting Normal of plane A * distance to plane A and Normal of plane B * distance to plane b. Cleaner:
p = Point on cross product
intersection point = ([p] - ([Normal of plane A] * [distance from p to plane A]) - ([Normal of plane B] * [distance from p to plane B]))
You have two planes with two normals:
N1 and N2
The cross product is the direction of the Intersection Line:
C = N1 x N2
The class above has a function to calculate the distance between a point and a plane. Use it to get the distance of some point p on C to both planes:
p = C //p = 1 times C to get a point on C
d1 = plane1.getDistance(p)
d2 = plane2.getDistance(p)
Intersection line:
resultPoint1 = (p - (d1 * N1) - (d2 * N2))
resultPoint2 = resultPoint1 + C
