Hello guys,
I would like help to setting up my dial plan to execute more than one application at a time. In the example below I created 3 contexts, where the call made by the anlz01 context makes a dial to the anlz02 context and makes a subroutine for the anlz03 context.
The following example context:
context anlz01 {
_X. => {
context anlz02 {
200 => {
Playback(gravacoes/21971192789-20170103-143043-P1C55-E1, noanswer);
context anlz03 {
s => {
My goal is that while the playback is running the other applications of the anlz03 context also has be executed. How could I achieve this goal?
It is not fully clear what exactly you need.
Asterisk dialplan allow execute ONE application stream.
If you need same time playback something, create other channel set using asterisk dialout, after that use ChanSpy app to wisper that to first channel.
If you need execution of some complex math, use FastAGI and your favorite language with Threads.
You also have option supply hold music to be played while you are dialling. See application Dial parameters.
I'm trying to build an NES emulator using winit, which entails building a game loop which should run exactly 60 times per second.
At first, I used std::thread to create a separate thread where the game loop would run and wait 16 milliseconds before running again. This worked quite well, until I tried to compile the program again targeting WebAssembly. I then found out that both winit::window::Window and winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy are not Send when targeting Wasm, and that std::thread::spawn panics in Wasm.
After some struggle, I decided to try to do the same thing using task::spawn_local from one of the main asynchronous runtimes. Ultimately, I went with async_std.
I'm not used to asynchronous programming, so I'm not even sure if what I'm trying to do could work.
My idea is to do something like this:
use winit::{window::WindowBuilder, event_loop::EventLoop};
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
let _window = WindowBuilder::new()
async_std::task::spawn_local(async {
// game loop goes here
loop {
// [update game state]
// [update frame buffer]
// [send render event with EventLoopProxy]
// ^ note: I'll be using a different sleep function with Wasm
event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
match event {
// ...
_ => ()
The problem with this approach is that the game loop will never run. If I'm not mistaken, some asynchronous code in the main thread would need to be blocked (by calling .await) for the runtime to poll other Futures, such as the one spawned by the spawn_local function. I can't do this easily, since event_loop.run is not asynchronous.
Having time to await other events shouldn't be a problem, since the control flow is set to wait.
Testing this on native code, nothing inside the game loop ever runs. Testing this on Wasm code (with wasm_timer::Delay as the sleep function), the game loop does run, but at a very low framerate and with long intervals of halting.
Having explained my situation, I would like to ask: is it possible to do what I'm trying to do, and if it is, how would I approach it? I will also accept answers telling me how I could try to do this differently, such as by using web workers.
Thanks in advance!
I'm putting an object into the session, and then in a latter step in the scenario I need to use properties of that object in an http request.
The Gatling expression language does not support accessing properties of an object, so I thought I could extract the object from the session manually and then extract the properties I needed in the http request using the following code.
exec(session => {
val project = session("item").as[Project]
println(s"name = ${project.getName}, daysToComplete = ${project.getDaysToComplete}")
http("Health Check")
.queryParam("name", s"${project.getName}")
But structured this way the http request is not added into the chain and so does not execute.
Is there anyway to do this, short of putting the individual properties into the session. This is a simplified example. The object I'm putting into the session is much more complicated than this.
Already answered on Gatling's official mailing list.
This cannot work, please read the documentation: https://gatling.io/docs/gatling/reference/current/general/scenario/#exec
Gatling DSL components are immutable ActionBuilder(s) that have to be chained altogether and are only built once on startup. The result is a workflow chain of Action(s). These builders don’t do anything by themselves, they don’t trigger any side effect, they are just definitions. As a result, creating such DSL components at runtime in functions is completely meaningless. If you want conditional paths in your execution flow, use the proper DSL components (doIf, randomSwitch, etc)
exec { session =>
if (someSessionBasedCondition(session)) {
// just create a builder that is immediately discarded, hence doesn't do anything
// you should be using a doIf here
http("Get Homepage").get("http://github.com/gatling/gatling")
You should do something like:
foreach(components, "component") {
http { session =>
val component = session("component").as[ITestComponent]
s"Upload Component ${component.getId}"
}.post { session =>
val component = session("component").as[ITestComponent]
.bodyPart(RawFileBodyPart("resource", session => {
val component = session("component").as[ITestComponent]
Yes, this is pretty complicated. The reason it looks so over bloated is because you're trying to use a Java POJO (hidden behind an interface), instead of using Scala case classes.
If you were to use a Scala case class, you could use Gatling Expression Language (it doesn't support accessing POJOs by reflection atm) and do something like this:
foreach(components, "component") {
http("Upload Component ${component.id}")
RawFileBodyPart("resource", "${component.content.absolutePath}")
I have a class with the delegates for a URLSession. I intend to use it with a background configuration. I understand that the handlers are called when a certain event happens, such as didFinishDownloadingTo.
However, I do have the handle function on my ExtensionDelegate class:
func handle( _ handleBackgroundTasks:
// Sent when the system needs to launch the application in the background
to process tasks. Tasks arrive in a set, so loop through and process each one.
for task in handleBackgroundTasks {
switch task {
case let urlSessionTask as WKURLSessionRefreshBackgroundTask:
I wonder: where should I handle the data I receive after a download? At the didFinishDownloadingTo or at that function on my ExtensionDelegate class, on the appropriate case of the switch statement?
Another question on the same cycle: I read everywhere that one must remember to setTaskCompleted() after going through the background tasks. But I read elsewhere that one should not set a task as completed if the scheduled data transfer hasn't finished. How do I check that?
There is a very good explanation here.enter link description here
It worked when I had an array with my WKURLSessionRefreshBackgroundTask. Then, at the end of my didFinishDownloadingTo, I get the task on that array that has the same sessionIdentifier as the current session.configuration.identifier, and set it as complete.
I want to make a tcp connection to a device and keep continously retrieve data from device. I want to start this with a simple request and keep it working background even Page response completed. Is this possible in asp.net?
Can a thread in ASP.NET work keep continue after Response.End?
Yes, you can if you do not care or do not need the result.
For example, in the following code, you call AddLogAsync and insert a log, but you not care whether insert successful or not.
public Task AddLogAsync(Log log)
return Task.Run(() => AddLog(log));
private void AddLog(TraceLog traceLog)
// Do something here.
I want to make a tcp connection to a device and keep continously
retrieve data from device. I want to start this with a simple request
and keep it working. Is this possible in asp.net?
I'm not really understanding above question. After Response.End, you cannot return anything, although you can continue work on something in different thread.
this is my first post here. I'm asking because I ran out of clues and I was unable to find anything about this specific issue.
My question is: In Adobe AIR, is there a way to do a synchronous usleep() equivalent (delay execution of 200ms), alternatively is there a way to specify the SQLite busy timeout somewhere?
I have an AIR application which uses the database in synchronous mode because the code cannot cope with the need of events/callbacks in SQL queries.
The database sometimes is accessed from another application, such that it is busy. Hence the execute() of a statement throws SQLerror 3119 detail 2206. In this case the command shall be retried after a short delay.
As there is another application running on the computer I want to try to avoid busy waiting, however I'm stuck with it because of three things:
First, I was unable to find a way to give the SQLConnection a busy timeout value, like it is possible in C with the function sqlite3_busy_timeout()
Second, I was unable to find the equivalent of the C usleep() command in Adobe AIR / Actionscript.
Third, I am unable to use events/timers/callbacks etc. at this location. The SQL execute() must be synchronous because it is called from deeply nested classes and functions in zillion of places all around in the application.
If the application could cope with events/callbacks while doing SQL I would use an asynchronous database anyway, so this problem cannot be solved using events. The retry must be done on the lowest level without using the AIR event processing facility.
The lowest level of code looks like:
private static function retried(fn:Function):void {
var loops:int = 0;
for (;;) {
try {
if (loops)
trace("database available again, "+loops+" loops");
} catch (e:Error) {
if (e is SQLError && e.errorID==3119) {
if (!loops)
trace("database locked, retrying");
// Braindead AIR does not provide a synchronous sleep
// so we busy loop here
throw e;
One sample use of this function is:
protected static function begin(conn:SQLConnection):void {
Output of this code is something like:
database locked, retrying
database available again, 5100 loops
Read: The application loops over 500 times a second. I would like to reduce this to 5 loops somehow to reduce CPU load while waiting, because the App shall run on Laptops while on battery.