How can I place a one-column-abstract in a two-column document with lyx - lyx

i use elsarticle template with lyx (document ->settings->document class ->Elsevier )
and i want to prepare an artcile in two column model
how can I place a one-column-abstract and after that two-column-section in a elsarticle template with lyx?
thank you


How to have parameters in the LaTeX template?

I have a LaTeX template, which I use with exam2pdf and where I would like to have the date of the exam as a parameter, whose value should be passed from R. Is that possible?
Yes, you can do this in two and a half ways:
(1) Via the header argument
You can set exams2pdf(..., header = ..., template = ...) where the content of the header is inserted into the template by replacing the %% \exinput{header} placeholder. Thus, when writing the template you can decide where exactly the header code ends up in the LaTeX code and you can make sure that the appropriate commands/packages are available. The header can then be specified in the following ways:
LaTeX code:
You can include something like header = "\\command{value}". There could be more complex pieces of LaTeX code, involving multiple lines, etc.
List of commands and values:
Instead of the full LaTeX code it might be more R-like to use a list specification like header = list(command = "value"). This is transformed internally to the LaTeX code mentioned above.
List of functions:
Finally you can also have a specification like header = list(command = valuefun) where valuefun is a function(i) so that you return a different string for the i-th random version of the exam.
List of all of the above:
A list consisting of unnamed character strings, named character string, and named functions can be used as well, combining all three specifications above.
More details are provided in the vignette("exams", package = "exams") which explains the design of exams2pdf() and how it can be leveraged. It also includes some examples which you can also copy to your working directory via exams_skeleton(write = "exams2pdf", ...). You can look at the exam.tex LaTeX template that is shipped with the package to see how you can insert a date and an ID (depending on the i-th iteration) into the PDF. For example:
exams2pdf("capitals.Rmd", template = "exam.tex",
header = list(Date = "2022-02-22", ID = function(i) paste("\\#", i)))
(2) Write a template generator
For the purposes from your question strategy (1) should be sufficient, I guess. However, if you need more control over what is done in the LaTeX template, then my recommendation would be to write a dynamic template generator. This is how exams2nops() is set up. It takes a lot of arguments that can be set by the user and then proceeds as follows:
Depending on the user arguments a corresponding nops.tex template is written in a temporary directory.
Then exams2pdf(..., template = "/path/to/nops.tex") is called to use this custom temporary template.
Some details, especially the counter for the i-th ID is still handled through the header argument.

Bind or merge multiple powerpoints in r

I have been using officer package to create the respective PowerPoint decks, however at this moment, i would like to merge/ bind them all as one slide deck and was not able to figure out. Can someone guide me if there any package that helps to merge multiple PowerPoint decks into one.
I believe currently there are no functions or packages that do this in R, so I'll suggest you a few possible solutions that come to mind.
1: I believe you could use read_pptx() to read, say, a deck1 and a deck2 files. Then, loop through the slide indexes of deck2, and use those values to add_slide() into deck1. I think there's a function in officer called pptx_summary(), which converts a pptx R object into a tibble, but I'm not sure you could convert a tibble back to a pptx R object.
2: You could convert pptx files into pdf files, and use pdftools to join them.
When creating PowerPoint slides automatically via R (for example by using the PowerPoint export of R markdown), merging them with pre-manufactured fixed slides (for example explanations with elaborate visuals) may likely become necessary. As there seems not single-line solution so far, here's an incomplete answer to a 3-year-old question.
A look into the sources of OfficeR shows that the package works with a data structure and a temporary folder in the background that contains the XML files that are zipped in the XLSX file.
Copying slides, therefore, requires both: To update the structure, and to copy XML files and other ressources, eventually. Here is a very rough draft of how merging two PowerPoint files can work, based on the OfficeR classes.
merge_pptx = function(a, b, filename) {
# go through the slides of b
for (index in 1:length(source$slide$get_metadata())) {
# We need a new filename in the target's slide directory
new_slidename <- target$slide$get_new_slidename()
xml_file <- file.path(target$package_dir, "ppt/slides", new_slidename)
# Copy XML from source to new filename
orgFilename = source$slide$get_metadata()[index, "filename"]
newFilepath = paste(target$package_dir, newFilename, sep="/")
file.copy(orgFilename, xml_file)
# Not sure yet, what exactly this does
slide_info <- target$slideLayouts$get_metadata()[1,] # Use first best layout at the moment
layout_obj <- target$slideLayouts$collection_get(slide_info$filename)
# update presentation elements
target$presentation$add_slide(target = file.path("slides", new_slidename))
target$content_type$add_slide(partname = file.path("/ppt/slides", new_slidename))
# Add the slide to the collection
target$slide$add_slide(xml_file, target$slideLayouts$get_xfrm_data())
target$cursor <- target$slide$length()
print(target, target=filename)
source = read_pptx("One.pptx")
target = read_pptx("Two.pptx")
merge_pptx(source, target, "Combined.pptx")
Please note, that this is a draft only. It does not yet respect the different layouts for slides, not even speaking of different masters. Embedded files (images) are not yet copied.
The bulk of this function is inspired by the add_slide() function in the dir_slide class, see

R - ReporteRs package - word template with dynamic values

good day people,
I'm working on a word based reports automation task. These reports are basically some standard text, a dozen or so charts, some numeric/trend text values that I need to populated based on logic. The trend text, numeric values or charts are to be generated from backend database.
I'm able to produce a blank document with charts using database, the R packages I used are ReporteRs, RODBC, officer and corresponding dependency packages, ggplot2 for charts.
However what I would like to achieve is, have a word document template with some sort of placeholders where I can put the charts and these numeric values.
I've basic code as following
doc <- docx(title="my doc")
mychart <- ggplot(.....)
doc <- addPlot(doc, fun=print, x = mychart)
writeDoc(doc, filename)
Can anyone advise how to approach this task. I saw usage of template parameter in docx but I couldn't find suitable examples of putting values in placeholders or putting charts at particular placeholders inside Word document.
Hope I've explained it clearly, if not please let me know.
Ok I've figured out how to achieve it finally.
MS-Word allows putting placeholders in document and bookmark them so that values/data/images can be put in their place.
You can create a normal word document(not as word template) and add your static content in it along with bookmarked placeholders as per your requirements.
Please refer here to know how to add bookmarks , Word doesn't show existing bookmarks by default, to enable that go to File -> Options -> Advanced check Show bookmarks, you'll see [your_bookmark] thing in square brackets.
Next in R, try following code
doc <- docx(title="title", template="c://above_template.docx")
doc = addPlot(doc, x=myChartVariable, bookmark="your_chart_bookmark)
writeDoc(doc, "c://new_doc_file_path.docx:)
you should see new file with a chart substituted where you put its placeholder.
I would recommend using VBA for this, not R. Do some google-research on DocVariables in Word. Add some DocVariables to your Word template, keep your analytics in Excel, and then push what you have in Excel into the Word DocVariables. Use the script below, which runs in Excel, to make everything work.
Sub PushToWord()
Dim objWord As New Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim bkmk As Word.Bookmark
sWdFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(, , , , False)
Set doc = objWord.Documents.Open(sWdFileName)
'On Error Resume Next
objWord.ActiveDocument.variables("BrokerFirstName").Value = Range("BrokerFirstName").Value
objWord.ActiveDocument.variables("BrokerLastName").Value = Range("BrokerLastName").Value
objWord.ActiveDocument.variables("Ryan").Value = Range("Ryan").Value
'On Error Resume Next
objWord.Visible = True
End Sub
Finally, add a reference to Word, from Excel. Tools > References > Microsoft Word xxx Object Library.

Exclude part of R markdown documents based on output document type

Is it possible to render part of an Rmarkdown document only for a specific output?
For example, I would like to use the same analysis both to write a report and a presentation.
I would like to be able to have some part of the document only to be rendered when the output is html_document, but not when the output is slidy_presentation; I do not mean necessarily a chunk of code, but text too.
You can alter the action depending on document, using Regarding text, I don't know another way than embedding that text into a code chunk.
my_output <- knitr::opts_knit$get("")
if (my_output=="html"){
cat('<h2>My header</h2>\n')
} else {
cat('## My header\n')
if (my_output == "latex"){
opts_chunk$set(dev='cairo_pdf', dev.args=list(cairo_pdf = list(family='Times New Roman')))

R text mining package updating the corpus by modifying or deleting existing documents

I would like to modify an existing document indexed by a corpus by doing something simple like this
myCorpus[[10]] = "hey I am the new content of this document"
Is this valid?
It is not clear what do you want to do with your corpus. append your Corpus or modify the 10th element?
I want to say that as a syntax it is correct but as semantic is false.
Conceptually a corpus is a metadata and a list of TextDocument. So,
You can access this list as any R list with '[[' or with '$'.
So if you do ( It is better to use <- than = even is here they are equivalent)
myCorpus[[10]] <- "hey I am the new content of this document"
This will create or change the 10th element , but with an element of class character not a TextDocument. So you can't apply use methods on class
So To update the content of 10 text document:
Content(myCorpus[[10]]) <- "hey I am the new content of this document"
To create new elements use :
tmUpdate(ovid, DirSource(txt))
The source is checked for new files which do not already exist in the document collection.
are parsed and added to the existing document collection.
