I tried as follows. I gave Host number . But, the problem is with in the format of the connection.
try this connection string:
I run my MPJ program using 5 PCs with the same name (DESKTOP-J49PIF5) but it has different IP address. It run successfully in a laboratory. But when I tried to run the same program with the same configuration in a new laboratory (different place), I got "Connection refused" error.
More info that may help.
The same problem happened to my Apache Spark program, but I can solve the problem by adding "--conf “spark.driver.host=<<master_ip>>”" in the configuration. Someone said that the program can not find the driver host so we have to add that extra line in the configuration. Please note that in the previous laboratory I didn't add that line and either my MPJ and Spark program are working.
Now, my problem is why I got "Connection refused" error in my MPJ program? If the problem is the same as Apache Spark then how can I configure the MPJ? Perhaps by adding master_ip similar to Apache Spark? But I don't know how to do it.
this error is repeated for 5 PCs.
After struggling for a few days, finally I found the answer. The problem was in the hostnames. Each PC has a different IP address and I can ping them. But, for cluster computing instead of using IP address, it uses the hostname to contact each other so we have to give a unique hostname for every PC. I changed all hostnames and the program is running fine.
I have a web app, written about 10 years ago (VB.NET/ASP).
It uses the following connection string to connect to dBase 5 files:
Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=[SOURCE_PATH];
This has been working great for years.
Now we are moving this app to a 64 bit server, and this connection is now giving me
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
I've read numerous suggestions in numerous threads, including changing the above connection string to
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; or Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.12.
but that didn't do anything.
I also tried setting Enable 32-Bit Applications settings on the application pool on the web server to TRUE, but that resulted in
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable
Can somebody point me in the right direction please??
Try to change your connection string from
Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=[SOURCE_PATH];
Driver={Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=[SOURCE_PATH];Extended Properties=dBASE 5.0;}
You also have to change your code from ODBC objects (DataSet, etc), to OLEDB objects.
I have a problem with my ODBC connection in MS Access.
Here's the strange part,we have a shared MS Access Database and everything work so fine in the other computer but not in mine. As I check my MSJET version, its 4.0.9511.0. Does it matters?
This happens when I run one of the queries.
How am I going to solve this issue? Thanks.
Some ODBC connections pass the username of the active windows user, and if that is the case, one user may be authorized while the user you copied it to may not be. Try copying the ODBC connection string up so we can see what it looks like.
i'd like to use the mysql odbc driver for connecting to my mysql database via my own app.
the problem is that it seems very unstable - i keep getting errors like:
[MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.5.8]MySQL server has gone away
it seems to be something like a session timeout.
so here's my questions:
- what is causing those errors?
- is there a way to fix it for getting stable connections?
- is it recommended at all using it for coding windows software?
My guess is you're opening the connection once and leaving it open. At some point, the connection either times out, or some network hiccup is causing the connection to be invalid/closed. The best way to do database access is to open the connection when you need to do work, then close it. Or, alternatively, change your code to support re-connecting when you encounter an error.
Based on discussion in the comments below, I would suggest dumping the access database to a csv file, then using something like PHPMySql to import the data into MySQL.
You can use the BigDump tool to import large databases dumps into MySQL. (via this site)
There are commercial alternatives out there -
OpenLink Single-tier ODBC Driver for MySQL
I am having a problem with an a lotus 8 agent running on a server.The agent tries to fetch data form a sybase database (using Sybase 11 ODBC driver).I can run the same agent from a cleint machine with no error, but when the agent runs on the server it ends with the following error. -> LS:DO- ODBC could not complete the requested operation.
If you have any ideas please forward it.
Check that the odbc connection is setup properly on the server.
According to this post This might be related to a Bug. But in your case I'm pretty sure it's got something to deal with DSN (TCP/IP shared memory) misconfiguration.