Overwriting styles from Bootstrap in an angular2 component-stylesheet - css

I have an angular2 application build with angular-cli containing several components. Each component has a referenced stylsheed (scss).
Unique styles from those stylesheets are correctly applied to the component-template.
What I cannot do is overwrite styles from external css's which are included in the angular-cli from those component-stylesheets.
As soon as I move the style to the central styles.scss it works.
My angular-cli.json looks like this:
"styles": [
Any Ideas how I can overwrite the bootstrap-css in the component.scss?

I've also posted this question as a possible bug to the angular-cli project and got the hint I needed:
Emulated view encapsulation (the default) emulates the behavior of Shadow DOM by preprocessing (and renaming) the CSS code to effectively scope the CSS to the component's view. If those classes got renamed for this behaviour, it cannot work and I cannot override styles from ie. bootstrap.
If I now set the encapsulation in the component to none, it works and I can override the styles in the component.scss.
selector: 'app-generic-view',
templateUrl: './generic-view.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./generic-view.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None


Angular 6 alterante way to global css

I'm using Handsontable in one of my component, and it forces me to include it's css globally in my angular.json file
"styles": [
and it affects my calendar component all over my application.
How can i include this css only for that handsontable component and disable it for all other components.
writing import in handsontable component scss file doesn't work.
Thanks in Advance.
This works as below. Pay attention to encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None. This will disable default Emulated DOM, so that styles of this component, will be applicable to children as well. Other wise, by default Emulate DOM, protects scopes of each component (that is why it was not working in your case).
Refer to documentation also.
However, that won't fix your problem actually. Because, as per documentation:
[ViewEncapsulation] None means that Angular does no view encapsulation. Angular adds the CSS to the global styles. The scoping rules, isolations, and protections discussed earlier don't apply. This is essentially the same as pasting the component's styles into the HTML.
What effectively means, that the output will be in global scope any way.
So probably it is easier just add once in your main styles.scss:
#import '~/handsontable/dist/handsontable.full.css';
Working with ViewEncapsulation.None encapsulation.
// component.ts
selector: 'app-table',
template: `<hot-table ....></hot-table>`,
styleUrls: ['./table.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class TableComponent {
// component.scss
#import '~/handsontable/dist/handsontable.full.css';
You can try the following
selector: 'app-home-component',
template: '<div></div>',
styleUrls: [
export class HomeComponent{}

Prevent CSS overwrites from web components in parent page

I created a web component using Angular Elements (6.0.3). When I use the web component in another website, the webcomponent overwrites the styles of the parent page since it also uses Bootstrap. I know that there is the view encapsulation principle, but as far as I know the "Native" encapsulation is not yet fully supported. So for now I am using the default "Emulated".
I found out that if I add :host ::ng-deep in front of my styles, they are only applied to the web component itself which is great. However, all css and scss files that I load in angular.json seem to be overwriting the parent page too. Is there any way I can prevent this behaviour from imported style-files?
My style-imports in angular.json:
"styles": [
The 'styles' imports in the angular.json are for styles you wish to define globally to the whole app. To use ViewEncapsulation you'll need to link their stylesheets inside of their components like so:
selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./home.component.css'],

CSS classes not picked up during Angular 5 compilation

I'm using ag-grid in my angular 5 project. I'm trying to add css classes to the cells. Having looked the extensive documentation on ag-grid cell style I have tried to use cellClass and cellClassRules.
The styles are defined in the scss file, as an example:
.readonly-cell{ background-color: #cccccc; }
The scss file is then included in the component:
selector: 'app-volume',
templateUrl: './volume.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./volume.component.scss']
I then apply the class to the column:
{headerName:'Power', field:'power', width:150, cellClass:'readonly-cell'}
The grid itself is working fine. The issue is that the the power cells do not change colour. When I check the rendered HTML in Firefox, I can see that the cell have indeed have the class readonly-cell applied to them. But the style details are not listed on the rules panel.
This makes me think that the classes are not being picked up during the compilation. I don't think it's an issue with ag-grid, but the way the style classes are being picked up.
Is there any way to troubleshoot why the classes and the definitions are not being included in the compilation?
You get that behavior because element you are trying to target by a CSS rule is generated outside your Angular component and Angular adds special attributes so that component CSS applies only to that component (and not to its child components, any DOM nodes added outside Angular etc.). You should either build all the HTML you need to style using Angular and in exactly the same component as your styles, or disable that feature. You can disable it either by using ViewEncapsulation.None:
selector: 'app-volume',
templateUrl: './volume.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./volume.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
or by using /deep/ in your stylesheet, as described here:

Isolate bootstrap CSS to one angular component?

Is it possible to isolate Bootstrap's css file to one Angular component?
When including the file globally in styles.css or in .angular-cli.json, the global styles are causing issues with other components that should not be using bootstrap. I have tried to do this by importing it from the component's CSS file but the styles do not seem to render properly...
I am using Angular 5 and Angular Cli 1.7.2.
you can explicitly set the encapsulation strategy using the encapsulation property.Set it to ViewEncapsulation.Native for your case
// ...
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native,
styles: [
// ...
export class HelloComponent {
// ...
Native - styles from main HTML do not propagate to the component. Styles defined in this component's #Component decorator are scoped to this component only.
Refer this View Encapsulation.

Pseudo elements in Angular5

Why are regular pseudo-classes from CSS in Angular5 not working properly? I know that you can mimmic their behaviour using the Angular event handlers like (click)="function1()" or (mouseenter)="function2()".
What is the reason we can't use regular CSS pseudo-classes in Angular?
CSS is working just fine with Angular.
That said, Angular encapsulates the CSS for the current component you're working on (without you having to worry about that). It's a feature that you get with shadow DOM but as not all the browsers supports that, Angular is emulating it by adding properties on your components like that:
<div _ngcontent-c6>... your content ...</div>
And the original CSS you wrote is then changed by angular to:
div[_ngcontent-c0] {
color: red; // for example
So if you want to write some CSS that will affect other components and not just the current one, you should set the view encapsulation to none:
selector: '...',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: [''],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.none
Or, if you have an angular cli project, you can also define the global styles in: styles.scss (or .css) file which doesn't have any view encapsulation.
See more here: https://angular.io/guide/component-styles#view-encapsulation
(But before turning that feature off, think twice about it as it's really useful)
