I am trying to build a simple hotel room check-in database as a learning exercise.
CREATE TABLE HotelReservations
arrival DATE NOT NULL,
departure DATE NOT NULL,
guestName CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT timeTraveler CHECK (arrival < departure) /* stops time travelers*/
/* CONSTRAINT multipleReservations CHECK (my question is about this) */
PRIMARY KEY (roomNum, arrival)
I am having trouble specifying a constraint that doesn't allow inserting a new reservation for a room that has not yet been vacated. For example (below), guest 'B' checks into room 123 before 'A' checks out.
INSERT INTO HotelStays(roomNum, arrival, departure, guestName)
(123, date("2017-02-02"), date("2017-02-06"), 'A'),
(123, date("2017-02-04"), date("2017-02-08"), 'B');
This shouldn't be allowed but I am unsure how to write this constraint. My first attempt was to write a subquery in check, but I had trouble figuring out the proper subquery because I don't know how to access the 'roomNum' value of a new insert to perform the subquery with. I then also figured out that most SQL systems don't even allow subquerying inside of check.
So how am I supposed to write this constraint? I read some about triggers which seem like it might solve this problem, but is that really the only way to do it? Or am I just dense and missing an obvious way to write the constraint?
The documentation indeed says:
The expression of a CHECK constraint may not contain a subquery.
While it would be possible to create a user-defined function that goes back to the database and queries the table, the only reasonable way to implement this constraint is with a trigger.
There is a special mechanism to access the new row inside the trigger:
Both the WHEN clause and the trigger actions may access elements of the row being inserted, deleted or updated using references of the form "NEW.column-name" and "OLD.column-name", where column-name is the name of a column from the table that the trigger is associated with.
CREATE TRIGGER multiple_reservations_check
BEFORE INSERT ON HotelReservations
SELECT RAISE(FAIL, "reservations overlap")
FROM HotelReservations
WHERE roomNum = NEW.roomNum
AND departure > NEW.arrival
AND arrival < NEW.departure;
Similar to this question and this solution for PostgreSQL (in particular "INSERT missing FK rows at the same time"):
Suppose I am making an address book with a "Groups" table and a "Contact" table. When I create a new Contact, I may want to place them into a Group at the same time. So I could do:
(SELECT group_id FROM Groups WHERE name = "Friends")
But what if the "Friends" Group doesn't exist yet? Can we insert this new Group efficiently?
The obvious thing is to do a SELECT to test if the Group exists already; if not do an INSERT. Then do an INSERT into Contacts with the sub-SELECT above.
Or I can constrain Group.name to be UNIQUE, do an INSERT OR IGNORE, then INSERT into Contacts with the sub-SELECT.
I can also keep my own cache of which Groups exist, but that seems like I'm duplicating functionality of the database in the first place.
My guess is that there is no way to do this in one query, since INSERT does not return anything and cannot be used in a subquery. Is that intuition correct? What is the best practice here?
My guess is that there is no way to do this in one query, since INSERT
does not return anything and cannot be used in a subquery. Is that
intuition correct?
You could use a Trigger and a little modification of the tables and then you could do it with a single query.
For example consider the folowing
Purely for convenience of producing the demo:-
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS add_group_if_not_exists;
One-time setup SQL :-
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contact (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, contact TEXT, group_to_use TEXT, group_reference TEXT DEFAULT -1 REFERENCES groups(id));
CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS add_group_if_not_exists
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (group_name) VALUES(new.group_to_use);
UPDATE contact SET group_reference = (SELECT id FROM groups WHERE group_name = new.group_to_use), group_to_use = NULL WHERE id = new.id;
SQL that would be used on an ongoing basis :-
INSERT INTO contact (contact,group_to_use) VALUES
('Sue','Work colleagues'),
('Arthur','Fellow Rulers'),
('Amy','Work colleagues'),
('Henry','Fellow Rulers'),
('Canute','Fellow Ruler')
The number of values and the actual values would vary.
SQL Just for demonstration of the result
SELECT * FROM groups;
SELECT contact,group_name FROM contact JOIN groups ON group_reference = groups.id;
This results in :-
1) The groups (noting that the group "NOTASSIGNED", is intrinsic to the working of the above and hence added initially) :-
have to be careful regard mistakes like (Fellow Ruler instead of Fellow Rulers)
-1 used because it would not be a normal value automatically generated.
2) The contacts with the respective group :-
Efficient insertion
That could likely be debated from here to eternity so I leave it for the fence sitters/destroyers to decide :). However, some considerations:-
It works and appears to do what is wanted.
It's a little wasteful due to the additional wasted column.
It tries to minimise the waste by changing the column to an empty string (NULL may be even more efficient, but for some can be confusing)
There will obviously be an overhead BUT in comparison to the alternatives probably negligible (perhaps important if you were extracting every Facebook user) but if it's user input driven likely irrelevant.
What is the best practice here?
Fences again. :)
Note Hopefully obvious, but the DROP statements are purely for convenience and that all other SQL up until the INSERT is run once
to setup the tables and triggers in preparation for the single INSERT
that adds a group if necessary.
I have this question that I can see what it's asking but just can't wrap my head around how to write it specifically:
When a new tuple is inserted into the sales order detail, your trigger should insert a corresponding raw material tuple in the Inventory Report table for the Report date (i.e., beginning inventory level, consumption quantity, same-day order quantity, next-day order quantity)
Assumptions I gathered from the notes:
itemID = itemID from RAWMATERIALS table
reportDate = dueDate from SALESORDERS table
begInv = inventoryLevels from RAWMATERIALS table
consumpQty = itemID from FINISHEDGOODS * rmQuantity (raw material required to make each finished good) from FINISHED GOODS
orderNextDay = If consumpQty <= begInv then orderNextDay = consumpQty
orderSameDay = 0
orderSameDay = If consumpQty > begInv then orderNextDay = begInv
orderSameDay = consumpQty - begInv
I thought the trigger might go something like:
And then I understand we would probably need to INSERT into INVENTORYREPORT table (which currently has no data in it) and maybe do an IF ELSEIF statement to satisfy the orderNextDay and orderSameDay columns but i'm still not familiar enough with PL/SQL to know exactly how to tackle this.
Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks!
I'll try to find some time to write up some code for you on this, but my first recommendation is to NOT do this in a trigger. Instead, create a procedure "insert_so_detail" that inserts into the the SALESORDERDETAIL and then does the related insert into INVENTORYREPORT.
That procedure is then always called to insert into the S-O-D table. Executing DML inside triggers is a tricky thing to do because the database might decide it needs to restart the DML and then possibly do another insert into the I-R table. Check out this AskTOM thread for more details.
You are always better off putting your DML into PL/SQL package APIs, then only allow DML on the table through the API (grant execute on the package, do NOT grant insert or update or delete on the table directly to a user).
Since SQLite doesn't support TRUE and FALSE, I have a boolean keyword that stores 0 and 1. For the boolean column in question, I want there to be a check for the number of 1's the column contains and limit the total number for the table.
For example, the table can have columns: name, isAdult. If there are more than 5 adults in the table, the system would not allow a user to add a 6th entry with isAdult = 1. There is no restriction on how many rows the table can contain, since there is no limit on the amount of entries where isAdult = 0.
You can use a trigger to prevent inserting the sixth entry:
CREATE TRIGGER five_adults
WHEN NEW.isAdult
FROM MyTable
WHERE isAdult
) >= 5
SELECT RAISE(FAIL, "only five adults allowed");
(You might need a similar trigger for UPDATEs.)
The SQL-99 standard would solve this with an ASSERTION— a type of constraint that can validate data changes with respect to an arbitrary SELECT statement. Unfortunately, I don't know any SQL database currently on the market that implements ASSERTION constraints. It's an optional feature of the SQL standard, and SQL implementors are not required to provide it.
A workaround is to create a foreign key constraint so isAdult can be an integer value referencing a lookup table that contains only values 1 through 5. Then also put a UNIQUE constraint on isAdult. Use NULL for "false" when the row is for a user who is not an adult (NULL is ignored by UNIQUE).
Another workaround is to do this in application code. SELECT from the database before changing it, to make sure your change won't break your app's business rules. Normally in a multi-user RDMS this is impossible due to race conditions, but since you're using SQLite you might be the sole user.
I am testing the trigger named, "tulockout" listed below, with this alter statement..."alter user testuser account lock;" to see if the trigger log a record of what happened in table, "log_table_changes".
However, certain values are not accurately logging into the table, "log_table_changes". To be specific v_dusr.start_dt is returning NULL when the trigger, "tulockout" fires off after I execute "alter user testuser account lock;" statement.
I am not certain as to why. Can you please assist?
How can I fix this issue? Thanks.
create or replace trigger tulockout
after alter on schema
cursor v_abc is
select du.username, max(us.start_dt)
from dba_users du, user_session us, users_info ui
where ui.db_user_name = du.username
and ui.db_user_name = us.user_name
and ui.db_user_name = ora_login_user;
v_dusr v_abc%ROWTYPE;
if(ora_sysevent = 'ALTER' and v_dusr.username = ora_dict_obj_name and
v_dusr.account_status = 'LOCKED') then
insert into log_table_changes(username,
ora_dict_obj_type||', '||
ora_dict_obj_name||' has been locked out.',
You are declaring a cursor, and a record based on that; but you don't ever execute the cursor query or populate the variable.
Your cursor query is currently missing a group-by clause so will error when run, because of the aggregate function. You don't really need to include the user name in the select list though, as you already know that value. You are, though, later referring to the v_duser.account_status field, which doesn't exist in your cursor query/rowtype, so you need to add (and group by) that too.
The trigger also needs to be at database, not schema, level; and unless you intend to record who performed the alter command, you don't ned to refer to ora_login_user - looking that user's status up doesn't seem very helpful.
You don't really need a cursor at all; a select-into would do, something like (assuming there will always be a row returned from the joins to your user_session and users_info tables; which implies they store the username in the same case as dba_users does - although I'm not sure why you are joining to users_info at all?):
create or replace trigger tulockout
after alter on database
v_start_dt user_session.start_dt%TYPE;
v_account_status dba_users.account_status%TYPE;
select du.account_status, max(us.start_dt)
into v_account_status, v_start_dt
from dba_users du
join user_session us on us.db_user_name = du.username
-- join not needed?
-- join users_info ui on ui.db_user_name = us.user_name
where du.username = ora_dict_obj_name
group by du.account_status;
if(ora_sysevent = 'ALTER' and ora_dict_obj_type = 'USER'
and v_account_status = 'LOCKED') then
insert ...
and then use those date and status variables and ora_dict_obj_name(the user that was altered) in the insert.
I've also switched to modern join syntax, and tweaked the conditions a bit.
Untested, but should give you the idea.
You could make it even easier by doing a single insert ... select against those tables, removing the need for local variables.
I would like to ask you how would you increase the performance on Insert cursor in this code?
I need to use dynamic plsql to fetch data but dont know how to improve the INSERT in best way. like Bulk Insert maybe?
Please let me know with code example if possible.
// This is how i use cur_handle:
cur_HANDLE integer;
cur_HANDLE := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
-- Fetch a row
DBMS_SQL.column_value(cur_HANDLE, 9, cont_ID);
Insert into w_Contracts values(counter, cont_ID, proj_NR);
counter := counter + 1;
You should do database actions in sets whenever possible, rather than row-by-row inserts. You don't tell us what CUR_HANDLE is, so I can't really rewrite this, but you should probably do something like:
INSERT INTO w_contracts
SELECT ROWNUM, cont_id, proj_nr
FROM ( ... some table or joined tables or whatever... )
Though if your first value there is a primary key, it would probably be better to assign it from a sequence.
Solution 1) You can populate inside the loop a PL/SQL array and then just after the loop insert the whole array in one step using:
FORALL i in contracts_tab.first .. contracts_tab.last
INSERT INTO w_contracts VALUES contracts_tab(i);
Solution 2) if the v_stmt contains a valid SQL statement you can directly insert data into the table using
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO w_contracts (counter, cont_id, proj_nr)
SELECT rownum, 9, 3 FROM ('||v_stmt||')';
"select statement is assembled from a website, ex if user choose to
include more detailed search then the select statement is changed and
the result looks different in the end. The whole application is a web
site build on dinamic plsql code."
This is a dangerous proposition, because it opens your database to SQL injection. This is the scenario in which Bad People subvert your parameters to expand the data they can retrieve or to escalate privileges. At the very least you need to be using DBMS_ASSERT to validate user input. Find out more.
Of course, if you are allowing users to pass whole SQL strings (you haven't provided any information regarding the construction of W_STMT) then all bets are off. DBMS_ASSERT won't help you there.
Anyway, as you have failed to give the additional information we actually need, please let me spell it out for you:
will the SELECT statement always have the same column names from the same table name, or can the user change those two?
will you always be interested in the third and ninth columns?
how is the W_STMT string assembled? How much control do you have over its projection?