Loop to wait for result or timeout in r - r

I've written a very quick blast script in r to enable interfacing with the NCBI blast API. Sometimes however, the result url takes a while to load and my script throws an error until the url is ready. Is there an elegant way (i.e. a tryCatch option) to handle the error until the result is returned or timeout after a specified time?
## Definitive set of blast API instructions can be found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/staff/tao/URLAPI/new/BLAST_URLAPI.html
## Generate query URL
query_url <-
PROGRAM = "blastp",
DATABASE = "nr",
...) {
put_url_stem <-
arguments = list(...)
blast_url <- query_url(QUERY = "NP_001117.2") ## test query
blast_session <- html_session(blast_url) ## create session
blast_form <- html_form(blast_session)[[1]] ## pull form from session
RID <- blast_form$fields$RID$value ## extract RID identifier
get_url <- function(RID, ...) {
get_url_stem <-
arguments = list(...)
paste0(get_url_stem, "&RID=", RID, "&FORMAT_TYPE=XML", arguments)
hits_xml <- read_xml(get_url(RID)) ## this is the sticky part
Sometimes it takes several minutes for the get_url to go live so what I would like is to do is to keep trying let's say every 20-30 seconds until it either produces the url or times out after a pre-specified time.

I think you may find this answer about the use of tryCatch useful
Regarding the 'keep trying until timeout' part. I imagine you can work on top of this other answer about a tryCatch loop on error
Hope it helps.


How to force a For loop() or lapply() to run with error message in R

On this code when I use for loop or the function lapply I get the following error
"Error in get_entrypoint (debug_port):
Cannot connect R to Chrome. Please retry. "
library(xml2) #pull html data
library(selectr) #for xpath element
url_stackoverflow_rmarkdown <-
web_page <- read_html(url_stackoverflow_rmarkdown)
questions_per_page <- html_text(html_nodes(web_page, ".page-numbers.current"))[1]
link_questions <- html_attr(html_nodes(web_page, ".question-hyperlink")[1:questions_per_page],
for (i in 1:length(link_questions)) {
question_to_pdf <- paste0("https://stackoverflow.com",
Is it possible to build a for loop() or use lapply to repeat the code from where it break? That is, from the last i value without breaking the code?
Many thanks
I edited #Rui Barradas idea of tryCatch().
You can try to do something like below.
The IsValues will get either the link value or bad is.
IsValues <- list()
for (i in 1:length(link_questions)) {
question_to_pdf <- paste0("https://stackoverflow.com",
IsValues[[i]] <- tryCatch(
message(paste("Converting", i))
error=function(cond) {
message(paste("Cannot convert", i))
# Choose a return value in case of error
Than, you can rbind your values and extract the bad is:
do.call(rbind, IsValues)[!grepl("\\.pdf$", do.call(rbind, IsValues))]
[1] "3" "5" "19" "31"
You can read more about tryCatch() in this answer.
Based on your example, it looks like you have two errors to contend with. The first error is the one you mention in your question. It is also the most frequent error:
Error in get_entrypoint (debug_port): Cannot connect R to Chrome. Please retry.
The second error arises when there are links in the HTML that return 404:
Failed to generate output. Reason: Failed to open https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bwcos_zylKg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/AAnnY7o18NuEdWnDEck_qPpn-lu21VTdfw/mo/photo.jpg?sz=32 (HTTP status code: 404)
The key phrase in the first error is "Please retry". As far as I can tell, chrome_print sometimes has issues connecting to Chrome. It seems to be fairly random, i.e. failed connections in one run will be fine in the next, and vice versa. The easiest way to get around this issue is to just keep trying until it connects.
I can't come up with any fix for the second error. However, it doesn't seem to come up very often, so it might make sense to just record it and skip to the next URL.
Using the following code I'm able to print 48 of 50 pages. The only two I can't get to work have the 404 issue I describe above. Note that I use purrr::safely to catch errors. Base R's tryCatch will also work fine, but I find safely to be a little more convient. That said, in the end it's really just a matter of preference.
Also note that I've dealt with the connection error by utilizing repeat within the for loop. R will keep trying to connect to Chrome and print until it is either successful, or some other error pops up. I didn't need it, but you might want to include a counter to set an upper threshold for the number of connection attempts:
quest_urls <- paste0("https://stackoverflow.com", link_questions)
errors <- NULL
safe_print <- purrr::safely(pagedown::chrome_print)
for (qurl in quest_urls){
repeat {
output <- safe_print(qurl)
if (is.null(output$error)) break
else if (grepl("retry", output$error$message)) next
else {errors <- c(errors, `names<-`(output$error$message, qurl)); break}

downloading data and saving data to a folder in batches

I have 200,000 links that I am trying to download, I have tried downloading it all in one go but I ran into memory issues.
I am trying to create a function which will download 1000 links at a time and save them in a folder.
A small sample of the data is as follows:
Data 1:
urls_to_parse <- c("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1750/000104746918004978/a2236183z10-k.htm",
I then apply the following function to download these 10 links
parsed_files <- map(urls_to_parse, possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
Which stores it as a nice list, I can then apply names(parsed_files) <- urls_to_parse to name the lists as the links from where they were downloading them from. I can also use output <- plyr::ldply(parsed_files, data.frame) to store everything in a nice data frame.
Using the below data, how could I create batches to download the data in say batches of 10?
What I have currently:
start = 1
end = 100
output <- NULL
output_fin <- NULL
for(i in start:end){
output[[i]] <- map(urls_to_parse[[i]], possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
names(output) <- urls_to_parse[start:end]
save(output_fin, file = paste0("C:/Users/Downloads/data/",i, "output.RData"))
I am sure there is a better way using a function, since this code breaks for some of the results.
More data: - 100 links
urls_to_parse <- c("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1750/000104746918004978/a2236183z10-k.htm",
Looping over to do batch job as you showed is a bad idea. If you have a 1000s of files to be downloaded, how do you recover from errors?
The performance is not solely depend on your computer's configuration, but the network performance is crucial.
Here are couple of suggestions.
Option 1
partition all URLs in to batches to be able to download them parallelly. The number of files to be downloaded could be equal to number of cores in your computer. Look at this question; reading multiple files quickly in R
store these batches in a queue objects - For ex: using a package like https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dequer/dequer.pdf
pop the queue and use the batch of URLs in your parallel file download function.
Use a retryable file download function like in -- HTTP error 400 in R, error handling, How to retry instead of forcing to stop?
Once the queue is completed, move to the next partition.
wrap the whole operation in a retryable loop. For example; How to retry a statement on error?
Why do I use a queue? Because you could retry on error easily.
A pseudo code
file_url_partitions <- partion_as_batches(all_urls, batch_size)
attempts = 3
while( file_url_partitions is not empty && attempt <= 3 ) {
batch = file_url_partitions.pop()
}, some_exception = function(se) {
attemp = attempt+1
Note: I don't have access to R studio/environment now hence no way to try.
Option 2
Download files separately using a download manager/similar and use downloaded files.
Some useful resources:

Prompt user without waiting

I have a long running process, coded in "R". I would like to continue running it in RStudio, I don't want to use batch mode.
I would like to allow the user to gracefully terminate the long running process, for example by pressing the escape key. If the user doesn't press anything, the process continues, without waiting.
I have read other StackOverflow posts, perhaps I need to prompt the user using scan/readline on a different thread. That way, the main execution thread isn't blocked.
Isn't there a simpler way?
Thank you for any pointers/suggestions.
Richard Rogers
Further comments:
I've made a few mistakes:
I didn't realize that pressing escape in RStudio while the code is
running halts execution.
I can't seem to determine where execution ends when I press escape.
Maybe I can use a simpler question.
Here is a simple function:
ProcessData <- function()
Continue <- TRUE
Iteration <- 1
TestData <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 100000)
while (Continue)
writeLines(sprintf("Processing iteration %d, Current time is %s", Iteration, Sys.time()))
TestData <- round(runif(100000, min = 1, max = 10))
# Continue <- PromptUser()
Iteration <- Iteration + 1
writeLines("Processing ending.")
If I press escape while the loop is running, the writeLines and head calls don't get executed. How can I ensure that they do?
Thank you again,
I know this is an old question, but since I had a similar context (long-running task), here is what I came up with:
long_computation <- function() for(i in 1:10) Sys.sleep(1)
exit_gracefully <- function() cat("Saving results so far...\n")
finally = exit_gracefully()
If we press escape during the computation, no error condition seems to be thrown; however the finally part of tryCatch gets executed. This allows us to clean up, close connections etc.

Dynamically changing the sequence of a loop

I am trying to scrape data from a website which is unfortunately located on a very unreliable sever which has very volatile reaction times. The first idea is of course to loop over the list of (thousands of) URLs and saving the downloaded results by populating a list.
The problem however is that the server randomly responds very slowly which results into a timeout error. This alone would not be a problem as I can use the tryCatch() function and jump to the next iteration. Doing so I am however missing some files in each run. I know that each of the URLs in the list exists and I need all of the data.
My idea thus would have been to use tryCatch() to evaluate if the getURL() request yields and error. If so the loop jumps to the next iteration and the erroneous URL is appended at the end of the URL list over which the loop runs. My intuitive solution would look something like this:
dwl = list()
for (i in seq_along(urs)) {
temp = tryCatch(getURL(url=urs[[i]]),error=function(e){e})
if(inherits(temp,"OPERATION_TIMEDOUT")){ #check for timeout error
urs[[length(urs)+1]] = urs[[i]] #if there is one the erroneous url is appended at the end of the sequence
next} else {
dwl[[i]] = temp #if there is no error the data is saved in the list
If it "would" work I would eventually be able to download all the URLs in the list. It however doesn't work, because as the help page for the next function states: "seq in a for loop is evaluated at the start of the loop; changing it subsequently does not affect the loop". Is there a workaround for this or a trick with which I could achieve my envisaged goal? I am grateful for every comment!
I would do something like this(explanation within comments):
## RES is a global list that contain the final result
## Always try to pre-allocate your results
RES <- vector("list",length(urs))
## Safe getURL returns NA if error, the NA is useful to filter results
get_url <- function(x) tryCatch(getURL(x),error=function(e)NA)
## the parser!
parse_doc <- function(x){## some code to parse the doc})
## loop while we still have some not scraped urls
## get the doc for all urls
l_doc <- lapply(urs,get_url)
## parse each document and put the result in RES
RES[!is.na(l_doc )] <<- lapply(l_doc [!is.na(l_doc)],parse_doc)
## update urs
urs <<- urs[is.na(l_doc)]

Speed up API calls in R

I am querying Freebase to get the genre information for some 10000 movies.
After reading How to optimise scraping with getURL() in R, I tried to execute the requests in parallel. However, I failed - see below. Besides parallelization, I also read that httr might be a better alternative to RCurl.
My questions are:
Is it possible to speed up the API calls by using
a) a parallel version of the loop below (using a WINDOWS machine)?
b) alternatives to getURL such as GET in the httr-package?
df <- data.frame(film=c("Terminator", "Die Hard", "Philadelphia", "A Perfect World", "The Parade", "ParaNorman", "Passengers", "Pink Cadillac", "Pleasantville", "Police Academy", "The Polar Express", "Platoon"), genre=NA)
f_query_freebase <- function(film.title){
request <- paste0("https://www.googleapis.com/freebase/v1/search?",
"filter=", paste0("(all alias{full}:", "\"", film.title, "\"", " type:\"/film/film\")"),
temp <- getURL(URLencode(request), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
data <- fromJSON(temp, simplifyVector=FALSE)
genre <- paste(sapply(data$result[[1]]$output$`/film/film/genre`[[1]], function(x){as.character(x$name)}), collapse=" | ")
# Non-parallel version
# ----------------------------------
for (i in df$film){
df$genre[which(df$film==i)] <- f_query_freebase(i)
# Parallel version - Does not work
# ----------------------------------
# Set up parallel computing
foreach(i=df$film) %dopar% {
df$genre[which(df$film==i)] <- f_query_freebase(i)
# --> I get the following error: "Error in { : task 1 failed", further saying that it cannot find the function "getURL".
This doesn't achieve parallel requests within a single R session, however, it's something I've used to achieve >1 simultaneous requests (e.g. in parallel) across multiple R sessions, so it may be useful.
At a high level
You'll want to break the process into a few parts:
Get a list of the URLs/API calls you need to make and store as a csv/text file
Use the code below as a template for starting multiple R processes and dividing the work among them
Note: this happened to run on windows, so I used powershell. On mac this could be written in bash.
Powershell/bash script
Use a single powershell script to start off multiple instances R processes (here we divide the work between 3 processes):
e.g. save a plain text file with .ps1 file extension, you can double click on it to run it, or schedule it with task scheduler/cron:
start powershell { cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop; Rscript extract.R 1; TIMEOUT 20000 }
start powershell { cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop; Rscript extract.R 2; TIMEOUT 20000 }
start powershell { cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop; Rscript extract.R 3; TIMEOUT 20000 }
What's it doing? It will:
Go the the Desktop, start a script it finds called extract.R, and provide an argument to the R script (1, 2, and 3).
The R processes
Each R process can look like this
# Get command line argument
arguments <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
process_number <- as.numeric(arguments[1])
api_calls <- read.csv("api_calls.csv")
# work out which API calls each R script should make (e.g.
indicies <- seq(process_number, nrow(api_calls), 3)
api_calls_for_this_process_only <- api_calls[indicies, ] # this subsets for 1/3 of the API calls
# (the other two processes will take care of the remaining calls)
# Now, make API calls as usual using rvest/jsonlite or whatever you use for that
