How can we build KAA source code in Eclipse - kaa

Can any one from KAA team guide us on how to build the kaa source code in Eclipse IDE. or else provide a required information to build the kaa source code in other then the eclipse IDE.
Note: If possible, please provide the list of external software or IDE settings required to installed/Configured to successfully build the code.

You can find a folder called server which has all Java classes of the server side application, Basically Kaa project is a maven java project you can import the project to your eclipse the same way you would import any maven project to eclipse just click File->Import->Maven then browse to your project.
On other hand you can compile the project from your terminal if you already have maven installed on your system, by running this command from within the project folder
mvn -P compile-gwt,mongo-dao,mariadb-dao clean install verify


Do I Need To Package the Windows dlls With A JavaFX Application?

I downloaded the latest version of JavaFX from the Gluon website and extracted the zipped SDK. As well as the /lib directory that stores the jars I also see a /bin directory packed full with various dlls. If I build a Java/JavaFX application and bundle it using Maven then do I need to also bundle these dlls? And if so, then do a similar process of shipping native libs for Linux and Mac? Or, can I just get away with packaging the jars?

is it possible to generate an exe file from jlink output?

Environment: Win10, jdk11, javafx11, maven, jlink, intellij
I built a modular javafx application and tried to deploy it using jlink and all things are going well. jlink creates a custom runtime image that contains all application needs to run without installing java in the host machine comes with a .bat file to launch the app, but what I need is an exe file to use it with a third party application like 'inno setup' to make a single .exe installer

Clone & run existing project from github

I installed Visual Studio 2017.
I wanted to clone a repository and try in my local system.
Suppose i want to clone this. repo (Not mine.) Is it possible in one step?
Or else do i need to write step by step actions and necessary codes to run the project?
By checking NuGut package manager to auto download packages on build time will
work? I am new in ASP.Net. Is there any way to run the project in local system by just cloning.
EDIT:- Tried to restore packages
PM> dotnet restore
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C:\Users\win7.system3\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\localhost_54920\localhost_54920.sln : Solution file error MS
B4249: Unable to build website project "SAMP". The ASP.NET compiler is only available on the .NET Framework version of MS
First of all, you'll need .NET Framework 4.6.1 installed in your machine.
Short answer
Having that installed, you should be able to open the project/solution with Visual Studio, build it* and run it from there.
Long answer
If that was a .NET Core project, without Visual Studio it would be as easy as:
git clone
cd example-aspnet-mvc\ComicBookGallery
dotnet run
dotnet run will restore (dotnet restore) the dependencies, build (dotnet build) the project and run it.
However, that's not the case, so you can only:
Restore the nuget packages using Visual Studio or nuget.exe cli.
Compile it* using or msbuild (use Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio to be able to easily access it).
Run it... from Visual Studio, which makes the rest of the process kind of worthless.
git clone
cd example-aspnet-mvc
nuget.exe restore
msbuild /t:build
* You may need to apply these changes to make the project compile.

Add .Net Framework 2.0 in VS Setup Project

I have setup project that requires .Net Framework 2.0 before installation. So, I want to make my project to install .Net first and then my project.
How can I add .Net installation file inside my Setup Project and force it to install first during the installation process?
You can also download the setup file of the .net framework and use setup maker applications to instruct the user to install it first. Please do a little web search for similar questions before asking here. :-)
First create a setup file for your visual studio project without the .net framework setup file. Then use Inno Setup to make another setup file and in here use the option Inno setup provides to make the user to run the .net framework setup file first. This will make a single .exe file named setup.exe in you documents folder. See if this works for you.
Since .net framework and your program use the same install shield for installing, you can't use both of them at the same time when the other one is still running, that's why you need a different setup wizard than install shield.
EDIT(Inno Setup):
You can search Run in the index section of the help window for farther information. The programs are executed in the order appearance in your code in Inno Setup. So your Inno Setup Run section code should be something like this:
Filename: "{app}\.netFrameWorkSetup.exe"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
Filename: "{app}\yourAppSetup.exe";
Actually it didn't get as much explaining as I expected!

deploy flex application on tomcat server (not localhost) with blazeDS starting in eclipse

I have a locally developed flex application which i would now deploy on a live server. Those are the constraints:
Using blazeDS with java code
Code depends on other project in eclipse
the other project has several dependencies on 3rd party libs.
Using some external flash .swc libs
some web.xml settings are custom
In another post the structure for the exported folder is explained:
What needs to be in a .war file to deploy a Flex application?
In the default usage of Flash Builder i can create a release build and store it somewhere. This will create the release version of all the flex content.
I now want to export the .war file within the export function of eclipse and here comes the problem:
How can i exclude the files not needed in the war file. There is a debug build of the flex app and some other files i do not need.
How can i automatically insert the dependend libs of the imported eclipse project to the web-inf lib folder. When i try to export the release the function sais that the imported eclispe project cannot be created by the release process but it is within the lib folder of web-inf on .war export except the dependencies.
Can somebody point me to the documententation of flashbuilder regarding exportinmg and deployment.
Maybe i need an ANT process to optimize that. What do you think?
Thank you
For everything you just said, there are 2 ways of doing it:
1) Create it manually by copy pasting what you need in your war file into a folder, removing what isn't needed then create said war file using command line.
2) Create an automation script that does it all for you. This could be ANT or Maven (I personally prefer Maven for it's dependency management).
The latter is the enterprise way of doing it because it's easy to run ("mvn clean install war") and you can attach the script to an automation engine (like hudson, bamboo, teamcity, etc) which can then compile/test/deploy everything something is committed to your source control.
