I am trying to use the optim function in R to match theoretical data with experimental data.
Basically, I have a function f which computes an output (say a matrix), depending on some parameters defined outside that function. For example, simplifying for clarity:
Nx=round(Xmax/dx) #Nb of columns
out=matrix(0,2,Nx) #Matrix initialization
for (i in 1:Nx){
out[1,i]=(a^2*dx*i)/b #random example
out[2,i]=(c*(dx*i)^2-b)/a #random example
(The actual function f calls lots of functions outside, which use the parameters say a,b,c).
I have some experimental datas for some values of x, say (random again)
I would like to use optim to adjust parameters a,b,c such that the function
#theo is extracted from the output of f
out=sum((theo-y)/theo)^2) #weighted least squares
is minimized, where theo is given by function f for x related to expr (as the experimental data are for some values on x only)
The issue here is, from all the examples of optim I saw, the function to minimize (here WLS) must contain the parameters to vary as an argument. Is my only option is to insert a,b,c into the arguments of f (so we would have f=function(dt,Xmax,a,b,c)), then having something like for WLS
#then extract the values of theo for only the x I am interested in (not written here) and plugged
#into theo again
out=sum((theo-y)/theo)^2) #weighted least squares
Or are there better ways to deal with that problem?
Thanks in adavance
I need to optimize a function, say g(x), where x is vector and g is an analytic function.
The problem is that I need to optimize with a constraint (analytic) function c(x) which gives a scalar as an output, i.e the constraint is c(x) > k for some k > 0.
constrOptim only allows to give a constrain for every field separately.
Found the right tool - nloptr package. A very robust package where I can define functions for the optimization (g) and constraint (c). Also I can define upper and lower bounds for each of the variables separately, and use different king of optimization methods.
The example is based on an example in Shumway and Stoffer's: "Time Series Analysis and it's Applications with R Examples". In the original example phi, cq, and cr were scalar so the authors could use fdHess without any issues (see the hashed out version of the code).
para=list(phi, cq, cr)
Linn=function(para){# to evaluate likelhood at estimates
emhess=fdHess(para, function(para) Linn(para))
I would like to generalize the code so that it can be applied to multivariate time series models. So in the code shown phi, cq, and cr are n*n arrays.
Is there a package that can calculate the Hessian for a scalar valued function with matrix arguments?
The closest match I can find is this (I also looked at nlme and numDeriv):
calculating the Gradient and the Hessian in R
In this case all the arguments are passed as a vector so the function being called has to be modified so that it can take the list of arguments and reconstruct the required matrices.
Is there a method that would allow me to calculate the Hessian for a scalar valued function with matrix arguments without changing the function being called? Seems this would be such a common problem that there would be an off the shelf answer but I haven't been able to find one.
General problem:
I have a function that takes another function as an argument, of form:
F <- function(x, FUN){FUN(x)}
I could easily pass a simple function to it:
f1 <- function(x){plot(x, 1/x)}
F(-5:5, f1)
would display a plot of 1/x.
Supposing I had another, more complex function:
f2 <- function(x, a){plot(x, 1/x^a)}
f2 has 2 arguments, so can't be passed directly to F. But I might want to retain the flexibility in a so that, without defining lots of different functions, I can quickly plot 1/x^a for whatever value of a I fancy. I've tried, for a = 2:
F(-5:5, f2(, 2))
F(-5:5, f2(, a=2))
F(-5:5, f2(x, 2))
F(-5:5, f2(a=2))
But none of these work. Does anyone have a solution? (I could set a default for a in f2, but then I could not run it with a different value of a).
Specific context:
I have a function that will find the inverse Laplace Transform of a function, taking a function as its argument which is expected to have one argument (the Laplace variable, p). I can invert a function like f1 above. But I am trying to invert a function for contaminant transport in groundwater. This process depends upon lots of other parameters such as the water velocity and the distance being travelled. So I would like to be able to pass a multi-parameter function for Laplace inversion in such a way that all parameters apart from the Laplace parameter p is fixed. Ultimately I would like to do this process many times with different values for velocity etc., so I need a fluid way to change the "fixed" parameters being used.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Just define a generator of function:
genFunc = function(a)
function(x) plot(x, 1/x^a)
F(-5:5, genFunc(2))
Or use Curry from functional package to fix parameters you want and spice your meals:
F(-5:5, Curry(f2, a=2))
In R, I wrote a log-likelihood function containing two recursive calculation. The log-likelihood function works properly (it gives answer for known values of parameters), but when I try to maximize it using optim(), it takes too much time. How can I optimize the code? Thanks in advance for ideas.
This is the log-likelihood function for a markov regime switching model with a dependence structure using copula functions.
Named g in the for loop:
Named p in the for loop:
Named f in the codes:
Some data:
u <- cbind(rt(100,10),rt(100,13))
f function:
log-likelihood function:
for(i in 2:nrow(u)){
method="L-BFGS-B") -> fit
This looks like a question for Stack-Overflow.
Something that springs to my mind is:
Define a vector containing the values f(.,.,.,.) in order to avoid doing k*nrow(u) evaluations of the same function and simply call those entries of interest.
It seems like the loop could be replaced by matrix and/or vector products. However, without further information it is unclear what the code is doing and it would take eons to extract this information from the code.