Is there a way to see/show user activity in an app? - google-app-maker

Is there a way to see and (hopefully) display user activity on an App?
User 1: Changed Status to In Progress
User 2: Deleted Job #4

For general user activity like visits and page views, you can integrate with Google Analytics by setting an Analytics ID for a particular deployment in the deployment settings. You can also use Analytics custom events:
Another solution would be to have your application write it's own audit log in the events for your models, e.g. the "onSave" event.


When do Firebase Analytics count a user as active?

I have an app where users need to sign-up in order to use it. The signup process can take up to a minute or so and eventually, it could fail, so the user doesn’t actually use the app.
My question is, how can I make Firebase count a user active, only after he/she has verified his/her account, so I can have proper retention analytics?
you can have a login page that when accessed triggers your analytics to report that a user has accessed the page in question, this way, you are able to track both app instances and logged-in users.
You can find the list of events and parameters here:

Can I trigger google analytics events for a user from different environments?

We are trying to have a full view of user journeys through the web application we are developing. In the middle of the journey, there's no problem because it's more or less a traditional web application, but the beginnings and the end are not usual.
The journey begins with us sending email to the customers (don't worry, it's not spam). Is it possible to send events to Google Analytics about email being sent? I can include the UserID in those events. If I then implement user id in my web application, would I be able to correlate emails send to website visits?
At the other end of the journey, the conversions don't happen by the user that's being coverted but by a manager manually marking the user as converted in a sort-of admin-side to the web application. Can I then again inject the event that the user was converted with the appropriate UserID? Will Google Analytics then be able to map the whole journey? Do I need anything else?
The goal is for those events to end up mapped in the charts that look like this:
You'll need to do what you're asking in a CRM.
That said, I think what you CAN do is use campaign tracking and track the links in the email sent to the users. This way you'd know if they've acted on the emails or not.
Then you'd be able to track them on your site when they interact with the email. If there are CTAs on your site for the users to contact a manager to be converted, then you can track those as events, then set up goals around these events to see conversions.

How to track dropout on first screen before tracking consent

It is known that users must explicitly consent the use of tracking tools like Google Analytics, Firebase etc. by the app, I am wondering if it possible to track dropouts on the first screen since as I understand analytics tracking can only be activated once the user allowed this when starting the app for the first time. I would like to know if there are users that exited the app on the first screen before consenting the tracking and decided to uninstall the app after that.
Google Analytics for Firebase provides an API for disabling Analytics collection temporarily before getting a user consent
You can log this as a event with int parameters 0 and 1 (or any other way you may want). Basically giving you the control and visibility of what you are looking for here.

Tracking individual user activity using Google Analytics and then showing suggestions

Let's say I have a restaurant-review website where users can post reviews about the restaurants they visit.Can I use google analytics to track the information that each user searches/accesses on my website and then show him information related to it? Also, I'd like to know if someone visits my website and browses through some reviews without logging-in and then logs in, can I track the review pages he browsed before and then show them to him as his recent views when he is logged-in using GA? If not, I'd like to know how I can achieve this.
You can track an anonymous user activity and then map them when the user loges in. To do that in the application level you need to have an activity table with the application and track the user activity. Once the user loges in you just need to update the identifier of the activity table with the user Id.
Details can be fond on this post.
Here is how to do it with Google analytics:
You might need to setup the analytics properly. Not sure about mapping the two user (anonymous and post login) data.

How to share a part of the site in Google Analytics

we have events listing website and events from different organizers are grouped (by URL), like -
etc. How to give an organizer an access only to his/her part of the site's Google Analytics?
Easy way -
An organizer registers in Google Analytics
An organizer creates a counter in Google Analytics
An organizer sets this counter in his/her profile on our website.
We add this counter to our Google Analytics code on* pages
He/she clicks on some link in the profile and sees the GA stat only for own events.
The way I want it:
He/she clicks on some link in the profile and sees the GA stat only for own events.
Is this possible with some API to separate statistics for* and share a private link to it with organizer?
After reading your comments in another answer (which is basically just a copy of the comment I left on your question). I have changed my recommendation left in comment, think you should use the Google Analytics API for this.
Since you want to give others access to your own data I suggest you use a service account. You will need to do this in a server sided programing language, say PHP or C#.
Every night run a job that will extract the data you want though the Core reporting API. Store it in the database then create a page that will then display only the data you want to the different people. You will only need to run your job once per day as the data for previous days will never change. Wait at least 24 hours to get the data as data hasn't completed processing for 24 hours.
I am not sure what language plan on using but these tutorials should get you started: Google Service Account with PHP or Google Analytics API Authentication with C#
I would create different profile views with filters to include only the subset of data for the subpages.
This way, you can add a specific user access rights to that specific profile only, so they can only view that profile when they log in.
Create an include only filter which filters on Request URI: /organizer/event1, /organizer/event2, /organizer/event3 etc.
