How to bind lists like an updating ForEach? - javafx

Here is a sample code:
public class Example3 {
class Point {
int x, y; // these can be properties if it matters
class PointRepresentation {
Point point; // this can be a property if it matters
public PointRepresentation(Point point) {
this.point = point;
Example3() {
ObservableList<Point> points = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
ObservableList<PointRepresentation> representations = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
points.forEach(point -> representations.add(new PointRepresentation(point)));
I have a data holder Point and a data representor PointRepresentation. I have a list of points and i would like that for each point in the list there would be an equivalent representation object in the second list. The code I gave works for the initialization but if there is any change later the above will not update.
What I am doing now is using a change listener to synchronize the lists (add and remove elements based on the change object) and it's OK but i am wondering if there's a simpler solution. I was looking for something like a "for each bind" that means: for each element in one list there is one in the other with the specified relation between them [in my case its that constructor]. In pseudocode:
representations.bindForEach(points, point -> new PointRepresentation(point));
Things I looked at: extractors for the list but that sends updates when a property in the objects they hold change and not when the list itself changes. So in my case if x in the point changes i can make an extractor that notifies it. Another thing I looked at is, so maybe a custom binding does it but I don't know if it's simpler.
Also is there a similar solution for arrays instead of lists? i saw the as a possibility.

The third-party library ReactFX has functionality for this. You can do
ObservableList<Point> points = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
ObservableList<PointRepresentation> representations =, PointRepresentation::new);
This will update representations automatically on add/remove etc changes to points.


Java reflection to set static final field fails after previous reflection

In Java, it turns out that field accessors get cached, and using accessors has side-effects. For example:
class A {
private static final int FOO = 5;
Field f = A.class.getDeclaredField("FOO");
f.getInt(null); // succeeds
Field mf = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers" );
f = A.class.getDeclaredField("FOO");
mf.setInt(f, f.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
f.setInt(null, 6); // fails
class A {
private static final int FOO = 5;
Field mf = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers" );
f = A.class.getDeclaredField("FOO");
mf.setInt(f, f.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
f.setInt(null, 6); // succeeds
Here's the relevant bit of the stack trace for the failure:
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Can not set static final int field A.FOO to (int)6
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwFinalFieldIllegalAccessException(
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwFinalFieldIllegalAccessException(
at sun.reflect.UnsafeQualifiedStaticIntegerFieldAccessorImpl.setInt(
at java.lang.reflect.Field.setInt(
These two reflective accesses are of course happening in very different parts of my code base, and I don't really want to change the first to fix the second. Is there any way to change the second reflective access to ensure it succeeds in both cases?
I tried looking at the Field object, and it doesn't have any methods that seem like they would help. In the debugger, I noticed overrideFieldAccessor is set on the second Field returned in the first example and doesn't see the changes to the modifiers. I'm not sure what to do about it, though.
If it makes a difference, I'm using openjdk-8.
If you want the modifier hack (don't forget it is a total hack) to work, you need to change the modifiers private field before the first time you access the field.
So, before you do f.getInt(null);, you need to do:
mf.setInt(f, f.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
The reason is that only one internal FieldAccessor object is created for each field of a class (*), no matter how many different actual java.lang.reflect.Field objects you have. And the check for the final modifier is done once when it constructs the FieldAccessor implementation in the UnsafeFieldAccessorFactory.
When it is determined you can't access final static fields (because, the setAccessible override doesn't works but non-static final fields, but not for static final fields), it will keep failing for every subsequent reflection, even through a different Field object, because it keeps using the same FieldAccessor.
(*) barring synchronization issues; as the source code for Field mentions in a comment:
// NOTE that there is no synchronization used here. It is correct
(though not efficient) to generate more than one FieldAccessor for a
given Field.

JAVAFX architecture for storing user data

I am very new to JAVAFX. I just started looking at how to store user files and in my case I don't want to use XML. I am creating a new version of a tool that in the past was done in perl. The user files were text based, and were done with a proprietary definition.
As an example
PROJECT_NAME some_device;
LINE_TYPE_A name_A mask:0xFFFFFFFF default:0x00000000 "Some documentation about this line type
SUB_LINE_TYPE_A_0 sub_name_0 PROP0 "Some documentation about what the sub line does";
SUB_LINE_TYPE_A_1 sub_name_1 PROP0 "Some documentation about what the sub line does";
LINE_TYPE_B name_B PROP_2 Size:0x1000 "Some documentation about this line type - important Linetype B has different properties than the previous line type A"
SUB_LINE_TYPE_B_0 sub_name_0 "Some documentation about what the sub line does";
LINE_TYPE_C name_C Other PROPs "And more documentation"
What I am thinking about doing is creating a document class, and then creating an array, that would hold each of the lines. But the rub is that the document class would hold an array of objects where there are three (or even more) types of objects. A LINE_TYPE_A, LINE_TYPE_B, etc.. objects, where there are different properties for each type. I am familiar with creating an array of One type of object. Creating an array of multiple types, seems odd to me, but it seems like there should be a way. As I rolled through the list, I would have to be able to look at each item and say, you're a TYPE A or your a TYPE C, so I could work with the data appropriately.
Is this the right thing to do to create a custom document format? Or is there something else I should be doing? Again, though, I do want to stay away from XML.
There are a few ways you can go about structuring this:
A) Define a data structure, say DataLine, to hold your data. It would contain all the information in a particular line: TYPE, name, etc. Then continue with what you wanted to do:
class Document {
//array or list or some other collection type of `DataLine`
DataLine[] lines;
void doStuff() {
for (DataLine line : lines) {
// line.getType(), line.getName(), etc
B) Define an inheritance based structure that would isolate common fields / query methods, e.g.
// abstract class if you have some common methods or interface
abstract class DataLine {
abstract DataType getType();
// some specific data that belongs to only TypeA
class DataLineTypeA extends / implements DataLine {
class Document {
//array or list or some other collection type of `DataLine`
DataLine[] lines;
void doStuff() {
for (DataLine line : lines) {
// can also check with getType() if you have it stored
if (line instanceof DataLineTypeA) {
DataLineTypeA typeA = (DataLineTypeA) line;
// do stuff with typeA specific methods
// etc.
Finally, you either create your own data parser if you have a formal definition of your data, or use an intermediate format like JSON. Alternatively, you can make data persistent by using the default Java serialization mechanism.

RPN with operators other than *,/,+,-

I have a class called Node.
public Node
public int data;
public Node primaryNext;
public Node secondaryNext;
I have a Node root = null; And when the first value is received from the input, it then runs something like this.
root = new Node; = /*input*/ ;
root.primaryNext = null;
root.secondaryNext = null;
The next step is adding a new Node at the end of the list, by pointing root.primaryNext or root.secondaryNext to a new Node while filling the "pointer" tree by levels. So I need to do something like this:
GIF of the idea.
I think that this could be done using ||, &&, |, & operators applied to each level of nodes with a recursive method. So:
How do I operate in C# like the RPN?
If I can, which would be the best way to do it? I understand recursion pretty well, but I might not do the best possible method.
One command to push a single node onto a stack.
Another command to take the two topmost nodes from the stack, combine them and push the result back on the stack.

groovy swingbuilder bindable list and tables

Is there a way to bind data to a list and/or a table using the groovy swing builder bind syntax? I could only find simple examples that bind simple properties like strings and numbers to a text field, label, or button text.
Had a look round, and the best I could see was using GlazedLists rather than standard Swing lists
There is a GlazedList plugin. And this article is very helpful. The Griffon guys swear by GlazedLists.
I just did something like this--it's really not that hard to do manually. It's still a work in progress, but if it helps anyone I can give what I have. So far it binds the data in both directions (Updating the data updates the component, editing the table updates the data and sends a notification to any propertyChangeListeners of the "Row")
I used a class to define one row of a table. You create this class to define the nature of your table. It looks something like this:
class Row
// allows the table to listen for changes and user code to see when the table is edited
// The name at the top of the column
#PropName("Col 1")
String c1
// In the annotation I set the default editable to "false", here I'll make c2 editable.
// This annotation can (and should) be expanded to define more column properties.
#PropName(value="Col 2", editable=true)
String c2
Note that once the rest of the code is packaged up in a class, this "Row" class is the ONLY thing that needs to be created to create a new table. You create instances of this class for each row, add them to the table and you are completely done--no other gui work aside from getting the table into a frame.
This class could include quite a bit more code--I intend to have it contain a thread that polls a database and updates the bound properties, then the table should pick up the changes instantly.
In order to provide custom column properties I defined an annotation that looks like this (I plan to add more):
public #interface PropName {
String value();
boolean editable() default false
The rest is a class that builds the table. I keep it in a separate class so it can be reused (by instantiating it with a different "Row" class)
NOTE: I butchered this as I pasted it in so it may not run without a little work (braces probably). It used to include a frame which I removed to just include the table. You need to wrap the table returned from getTable() in a frame..
public class AutoTable<T>
SwingBuilder builder // This way external code can access the table
def values=[] // holds the "Row" objects
PropertyChangeListener listener={repaint()} as PropertyChangeListener
def AutoTable(Class<T> clazz)
builder = new SwingBuilder(){
table(id:'table') {
tableModel(id:'tableModel') {
it.declaredAnnotations*.annotationType().contains(PropName.class)}.each {
def annotation=it.declaredAnnotations.find{it.annotationType()==PropName.class
String n=annotation.value()
propertyColumn(header:n,, editable:annotation.editable())
// Use this to get the table so it can be inserted into a container
def getTable() {
return builder.table
def add(T o) {
def remove(T o) {
def repaint() {
There is probably a way to do this without the add/remove by exposing a bindable list but it seemed like more work without a lot of benifit.
At some point I'll probably put the finished class up somewhere--if you have read this far and are still interested, reply in a comment and I'll be sure to do it sooner rather than later.

AS3: removing objects by array item reference

I am trying to add some Sprite objects as the contents of an array, and I would like to be able to "clear" them from the stage. I would assume that if there are loaders involved, I need to do
And if I am using a sprite, I can do:
None of the above work. WHY???
For an example and/or description of how I am setting this up, see Joel's post here
...but note that he hasn't included a reference for deleting them from view.
Currently I try:
for(i = 0; i < _localXML.length(); i++)
var tmp:BMLink = new BMLink(_localXML[i], _bw, _bh, i);
_imgArray[i] = tmp;
_imgArray[i].x = (_bw + _mainpad) * i;
But this doesn't work.
I would love it if someone could explain to me why this wouldn't be proper syntax.
The class instances that are populating the array are all extending sprite, but they have their own individual loaders inside w/ progress events etc.
OK; I finally figured it out through a bunch of trial and error.
It seems that I was attempting to remove the child of my main class sprite (this) rather than the sub-sprite that I had added the children to.
Sorry for the noise, but for the record, if you find that you can't do
it's not because you don't have the correct syntax, but because you might not have an
at that particular point of your display list hierarchy... so...
...worked in this case.
You can make an Interface IDestroy for example with a destroy method who will manage all cleaning/removing stuff :
public interface IDestroy{
function destroy():void;
public class MySprite extends Sprite implements IDestroy {
public function destroy():void{
// remove events
// remove loader
//remove from parent
if (parent!==null){
// etc.. more cleaning
then when you have an object who is an instance of IDestroy you can call the destroy method
if (myObject is IDestroy){
or another way
var id:IDestroy=myObject as IDestroy;
if (id!==null)
I don't understand why any of the method i gave you in the comment will not work but _base.removeChild(_imgArray[i]) will :
addChild and removeChild accept only a DisplayObject as a parameter, so if you can do _base.addChild(_imgArray[i]) it means that _imgArray[i] inherits from DisplayObject and _imgArray[i] has a parent.
So var myDisplayObject:DisplayObject=_imgArray[i] as DisplayObject; will not return null and you will be able todo myDisplayObject.parent.removeChild(myDisplayObject); which is a general approach to your problem without relying on your _base DisplayObjectContainer (MovieClip/Sprite/...)
