Goals > Overview Display Incorrect Counts - google-analytics

I've set up multiple Goal funnels - pretty much the same for all except for the first step in the flow. Below is one example. The Destination has "subpg=" because there's only one main Thank-you page, and depending on which page the form was completed, subpg will have value like subpg=consulting etc.
The flow: visitors must (required) visit the Consulting page first, then from there click on the form, and complete the form.
The thing is, for this example, my Consulting goal funnel shows 0 form completion - which is correct. However, the Goals Overview page shows 2 form completion for Consulting - which is not correct. Why?


Track behavioral flow from google tag manager event

I want to see which pages a visitor went through, when filling in a contact form. To track the submitting of the form, I setup google tag manager with google analytics.
So now when submitted I see an event "FormSubmitted" in Analytics.
Only now I can't get to figure out, how I can check the behavior flow of only the user which submitted the form.
Is anyone known with this, and knows how to filter that specific usertype out? Tried some filters in the behavior flow section, but couldn't get the right one.
Hope to get a solution here!
Only now I can't get to figure out, how I can check the behavior flow of only the user which submitted the form.
Create a segment with conditions for example "Sessions includes event category = ...".
And apply it on report "Behavior Flow".
Ussually to track steps of form filling it's better to set it before. You need to set sending virtual pages in GTM for each step you want and then create goal in GA type Destination and add steps there. After successful setup you'll see funnel in report 'Funnel Visualization'.

Goal Conversion in Analytics - Convert only if coming from a certain page

On my home page (/) I have a form embedded on it. When you complete it and press submit, it takes you to a thank you page.
I also have another form on another page in the site located at (/sales) When you complete this form I just have it send you to the same thank you page.
If I just create a goal that tracks when the destination page is "thank you" then there is no way to track which form the user came from.
Can I create a Funnel (that is Required) (step 1 must be be / or /sales) would that act as a prerequisite to complete the goal? In other words, will that only track my sales form if the user actually goes to /sales, then completes the form?
I fear it will not - that the user initially goes to /, then /sales, then complete the form (ends up at 'thank you') and this would count as both goals since the funnel completed for both in theory.
Is this just not the right way to go about it, and I need to use Google Tag Manager form triggers for this? Or is there an analytics solution for this.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
The funnels only affect visualization, not goal conversions, so that will not help you. If you want a conversion only with a certain referrer you need to solve that in code, e.g. by checking the referring page in your tracking code and send an event only if it matches the desired values.

GTM & Contact Form 7 - goals not being logged

Much the same as this user, I've got a WordPress website with multiple forms often on the same page. My forms are created using Contact Form 7.
For example, when the 'Request a Call' form is completed, a data layer is sent using:
on_sent_ok: "dataLayer.push({'event':'formSubmit-RequestACall'});"
In GTM, I have a custom trigger set up as follows:
Here are the Tag settings:
Meanwhile, over in GA, I've set up the following Goal:
However, if I submit the request a call form and look at Real-Time goal completions in GA, nothing is showing. Is anyone able to advise where I'm going wrong please?
Thanks in advance.
Update: My Preview summary says the tag isn't firing. There's one tag firing, which is the one I'm using to measure overall traffic.
The DataLayer feedback is as follows:
Crikey! I've finally got to grips with it. In the hope of saving someone else the best part of a day, here are my settings, which work for me.
dataLayer.push (under 'Additional Settings' in Contact Form 7)
on_sent_ok: "dataLayer.push({'event':'formSubmit-RequestACall'});"
Google Tag Manager - Trigger
Google Tag Manager - Tag
Google Analytics - Goal
The verification as you can see in the last photo says it would expect 0% conversion based on last 7 days data. This is despite the goal registering in the Real-Time (last 30 mins) data, so I expect it needs 24 hours to register the goal properly.
No variable settings necessary. I now just need to repeat for the other forms, changing the event name for each (i.e. instead of formSubmit-RequestACall) to something unique.
Good luck!

How to track conversion funnel in Google Analytics where a banner ad is shown on many pages.

I have a website that features a call to action/promotion button on nearly all pages of the site.
I have currently configured a conversion funnel that shows me how many people arrive on the call to action page, and then how many people make it to successfully complete the action page.
What I want to see though is how many unique visitors over the reporting see the banner at the top of the funnel.
eg. Something like this:
Visitors accessing website: 1000
Visitors clicked on call to action page: 100
Visitors successfully submitted call to action form: 45
My initial thoughts was to do this using the frontpage only, but I forgot that this banner/call to action ad is featured on many pages around the website. Many people find the site through SEO and never even pass through the frontpage.
Is it possible to use a wildcard for a domain or something similar in Google Analytics? Or maybe I am approaching this the wrong way.
Last of all - I know I can accomplish this by pulling up 2 reports: site wide unique visitors and comparing that to how many people hit the first stage of the existing conversion funnel. But it's a hassle to have to do this regularly manually.
While using funnel analysis, it is normal to have funnel steps that represent more than 1 urls. Take the basic case of ecommerce sites, where the final goal maybe the same transaction completion page, but the funnel step corresponding to product page can be triggered by many different product pages and not just one.
Based on the page url structure of your website, you can choose any of the below 2 match types to add multiple urls to a single step:
1, Begins with : If all the different pages displaying the ad have a set of common characters in the beginning, then use this.
2, Regular Expression Match : If the different pages that contain your banner ad how totally unrelated url, then find a suitable regex that can capture all those urls

Google Analytics: Easy way to report on users who visit Page A and Page B in the same session?

I know about all the new GA reports like Visitor Flow, goal tracking, etc, but is there an easy way to track users visit PageA and PageB in the same session? I don't care what path they took or if one was an exit page or an entrance page. I simply want to know the amount of visitors who visited both PageA and PageB at some point in the session (even if they visited Page C, Page D, and Page E before, between, or after).
Can this be done in a Custom Report somehow, which would be preferable? If I need to use regular expressions that's fine as well. Or do I perhaps need to set up a filtered profile?
Thank you very much in advance!
You just create an Advanced Segment (click on "Advanced Segments" up on top under the "standard reports" tab, then on "create new segment" on the right).
The conditions for this segment:
include page 1
include page 2
Link to Google's Advanced Segment Documentation
