meteor: how to stop asynchronous call? - meteor

Is it possible to stop (kill) asynchronous Call?
In my app I have at client side sth like:'doCalculation', function(err, result) {
//do sth with result
'doCalculation' may take long time (this is ok) I dont want user to start new call when he/she has already one running call, I want to allow user to stop current call and submit new one. How correctly do this?
The only idea I have is to communicate between client and server using mongo. In some place in 'doCalculation' function I can observe some mongo document/collection and based on this do sth in the function (e.g. call exception). Do you have any better ideas?

You can use a semaphore for this purpose. When the semaphore is 1, requests are allowed to be sent. When the semaphore is 0, requests are not allowed to be sent. The semaphore should be 1 by default and just before you send the request, you need to set it to 0. When a response is successful, you set the semaphore back to 1.
As about the timeout: You could use a time out using setTimeout after sending the request, like this:
if (semaphore) {
var isTimedOut = false;
var isSuccess = false;
semaphore = 0; //No need to use var keyword, as this should be declared outside of this scope'doCalculation', function(err, result) {
isSuccess = true;
//do sth with result
setTimeout(function() {
if (!isSuccess) {
isTimeout = true;
//do something else, to handle the time out state
}, 10000);

This is tricky, because you cannot generally set timeouts from the client's point of view. You don't need to, for a bunch of architectural reasons. The most important thing is that if you lose network connectivity or the server crashes (two cases timeouts are designed to manage), the client is aware immediately because it is disconnected. You can use Meteor.status().connected if this happens often.
It sounds like you're running a long calculation on the server. My suggestion is to return a calculationId immediately, and then update a collection with progress, e.g., CalculationProgresses.update(calculationId, {$set: {progress: currentProgress}}) as you calculate. Your UI can then update the progress reactively, in the most convenient way possible.
Note, that when you do run long calculations on the server, you need to occasionally "yield," giving the chance for other work to happen. Node, on which Meteor is based, is tricky for long calculations if you don't master this notion of yielding. In Meteor, you can yield easily by updating a collection (e.g., your progress collection). This will solve lots of problems you're probably experiencing as you write your application.

i think you need a server-side solution for this. if you go with a client-side solution, you don't handle 2 cases:
the user reloads their browser
the user uses 2 browsers
i would create these methods:
isCalculationActive() -- this checks if the user already has a calculation active. on the server, you can either keep that fact in memory or write it to the db. on the client, if this returns false, then you can proceed to call doCalculation(). if true, you can give the user a popup or alert or something to ask if they want to cancel and proceed.
doCalculation() -- this cancels any outstanding calculation by that user and starts a new one.
with these implemented, the user can reload their browser w/o affecting either the running calculation or correct behavior. and if they try a 2nd browser, everything should still work as expected.
if you want to give the user the option to simply stop the job and not start a new one, then you can simply create:
cancelCalculation() -- this cancels any outstanding calculation by that user.


Iron router + observechanges = repeated observechanges handler calls?

I'm attempting to use observechanges with iron router but they don't seem to be compatible at all.
Router.route('/gaming', {
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('chat', function() {
window.chatmessagesCache = new ReactiveVar;
return chat.find().observeChanges({
added: function(id, doc) {
var tmpArr;
tmpArr = chatmessagesCache.get();
return chatmessagesCache.set(tmpArr);
If I leave the route and come back to it, observechanges begins being handled as many times as I've navigated away and returned, for each new record. What's the deal?
If I use subs manager it works as expected, but I don't understand why Meteor.subscribe inside waitOn is so cache/subscription unaware when it ALREADY gets called multiple times per load. Why!? I can't decipher what's causing this behavior at all.
Also, what I'm trying to accomplish is simple. I want to let chat messages that the user's client has received remain on the page even if the chat cursor is no longer publishing them (I'm publishing the last 10 chat messages)
Iron router has reactivity built in, which means when something inside your route function is invalidated, it will repeat the function as well as anything reactive with a Router.current(). These unexpected invalidation runs are a primary reason why folks made the exodus to flow router.
To solve this, you'll want to abstract your code away from the router. You can leave the sub, but I'd suggest you remove the sub's callback from the waitOn and move it into an onRendered callback. If you don't want the history loaded in chunks, you can first do a var collectionCount = chat.find({},{reactive:false}).count() on how many docs are in the collection & then in the added callback you can do something like if (++currentCount === collectionCount) /* add stuff */ to add al the records to the history when it reaches the last record.
On a bigger picture level, consider eliminating the observeChanges & just do an #each over the chat collection in spacebars to show your messages. Fewer cycles, cleaner code.
Iron router just has no management of observations you created yet it manages subscriptions itself, hence the multiple additions.
I figured this out by using a window level variable to check if I'm observing. Even in cases when the subscription is unhooked by iron, if I go back and never re-add the handler, the original observation hook still runs (!). ALSO, if you navigate away and drop the subscription, the handler is no longer called--which is the behavior I want in this scenario (This is all very insane behavior but at least it's now predictable to me )
This is caused by the fact that subscriptions != collections and the API for observations doesn't seem to expose any metadata, unfortunately, so I don't know how the iron router maintainers would account for this. Not to mention you return iron router a subscription, not a collection.
#Matt K if you were correct, this would always be an infinite loop (which admittedly I had a bunch of while trying to solve this) but the posted code is adding too many handlers, not looping indefinitely. Thanks for the post though.
This is what I settled on
waitOn: ->
Meteor.subscribe('chat', ->
window.chatmessagesCache = new ReactiveVar(chat.find().fetch().reverse())
if !window.chatListening
window.chatListening = true
after = chat.find().count()
added: _.after(after + 1,(doc) ->
tmpArr = chatmessagesCache.get()
changed : (id, doc) ->
I really just wanted to test out a pattern of locally "disconnected" documents. I still may use subs manager because it keeps subscriptions and their handlers alive without rerunning them constantly (which was rerunning the sub handler, which was adding multiple observations)

Purely functional feedback suppression?

I have a problem that I can solve reasonably easy with classic imperative programming using state: I'm writing a co-browsing app that shares URL's between several nodes. The program has a module for communication that I call link and for browser handling that I call browser. Now when a URL arrives in link i use the browser module to tell the
actual web browser to start loading the URL.
The actual browser will trigger the navigation detection that the incoming URL has started to load, and hence will immediately be presented as a candidate for sending to the other side. That must be avoided, since it would create an infinite loop of link-following to the same URL, along the line of the following (very conceptualized) pseudo-code (it's Javascript, but please consider that a somewhat irrelevant implementation detail):
actualWebBrowser.urlListen.gotURL(function(url) {
// Browser delivered an URL
link.receivedAnURL(function(url) {
actualWebBrowser.loadURL(url); // will eventually trigger above listener
What I did first wast to store every incoming URL in browser and simply eat the URL immediately when it arrives, then remove it from a 'received' list in browser, along the lines of this:
browser.recents = {} // <--- mutable state
browser.recentsExpiry = 40000;
browser.doSend = function(url) {
now = (new Date).getTime();
link.sendURL(url); // <-- URL goes out on the network
// Side-effect, mutating module state, clumsy clean up mechanism :(
browser.recents[url] = now;
setTimeout(function() { delete browser.recents[url] }, browser.recentsExpiry);
return true;
browser.process = function(url) {
if(/* sanity checks on `url`*/) {
now = (new Date).getTime();
var duplicate = browser.recents[url];
if(! duplicate) return browser.doSend(url);
if((now - duplicate_t) > browser.recentsExpiry) {
return browser.doSend(url);
return false;
It works but I'm a bit disappointed by my solution because of my habitual use of mutable state in browser. Is there a "Better Way (tm)" using immutable data structures/functional programming or the like for a situation like this?
A more functional approach to handling long-lived state is to use it as a parameter to a recursive function, and have one execution of the function responsible for handling a single "action" of some kind, then calling itself again with the new state.
F#'s MailboxProcessor is one example of this kind of approach. However it does depend on having the processing happen on an independent thread which isn't the same as the event-driven style of your code.
As you identify, the setTimeout in your code complicates the state management. One way you could simplify this out is to instead have browser.process filter out any timed-out URLs before it does anything else. That would also eliminate the need for the extra timeout check on the specific URL it is processing.
Even if you can't eliminate mutable state from your code entirely, you should think carefully about the scope and lifetime of that state.
For example might you want multiple independent browsers? If so you should think about how the recents set can be encapsulated to just belong to a single browser, so that you don't get collisions. Even if you don't need multiple ones for your actual application, this might help testability.
There are various ways you might keep the state private to a specific browser, depending in part on what features the language has available. For example in a language with objects a natural way would be to make it a private member of a browser object.

Find out all the Queries listening on a Meteor.js Collection

In Meteor, is it possible to count/find out the all the queries that are currently listening to a particular Collection?
I am trying to create a function which does: Whenever the number of users listening on a particular query (eg: myCollection.find({color:'red'}) becomes non-zero, execute a function whenever documents are changed/added to a second Collection anotherCollection.
When/how is the find method called? If it's called when someone hits a button on the page, for instance, simply increase a serverside variable that will increase when that happens. To decrease this variable when the user leaves the page, listen to the window.onbeforeunload event and decrease the count when it happens.
Alternately, if you have a login system, assign a boolean value such as online to each user. When they log in, make their online status true with the following code. if(Meteor.user()){Meteor.user().online=true;}. Make sure an onbeforeunload sets their online status to false when they leave. Then, do something like Meteor.users.find({online:true}).size() to get the amount of users online.
Basically, rather than update when myCollection.find({color:'red'}) is called, put that in a function. For instance:
Session.set('browsing', false);
function findColor(c){//Alerts the server when the user attempts to get a color.
//This is presuming they don't use the plain MongoDB command.
//Your button/however you're finding the color should use this command
if(!Session.get('browsing'))//if it's already true, don't increase the count
Session.set('browsing', true);
return myCollection.find({color:c});
window.onbeforeunload = function(){'decBrowsing');};
var browsing = 0;
incBrowsing: function(){browsing++;},
decBrowsing: function(){browsing++;}
I haven't tested this, but I hope it works for you. You didn't provide too many details on your problem, so feel free to comment below if you or I need to clarify something.

How to detect whether a child_added event is local?

In a web app I have this:
function onChildAdded(snapshot) {
// ...
someFirebaseLocation.on('child_added', onChildAdded);
I'm looking for a 100% reliable way to detect whether the child_added event is immediate, so that I can handle the two cases correctly: when after push() the function gets called immediately (sync) vs when the function gets called async.
Setting a flag before the push() call is not reliable I think. (Potential race condition when an async event comes in, and the flag might not get reset when there's an error).
Another option would be
var pushed = push(...);
and then in child_added
if ( === pushed)
but an incoming message could have the same .name() thus there could be collisions. The probability of a clash is debatable, but I'd prefer a simple and watertight way to get the info.
It would be great if I could do this:
function onChildAdded(snapshot, prevChildName, isImmediateEvent) {
if (isImmediateEvent) {
// Handle as sync event.
} else {
// Handle as async event.
someFirebaseLocation.on('child_added', onChildAdded);
or this
function onChildAdded(snapshot, prevChildName) {
if (snapshot.isFromImmediateEvent) {
// Handle as sync event.
} else {
// Handle as async event.
someFirebaseLocation.on('child_added', onChildAdded);
Is there some other reliable option? Otherwise I'll ask the Firebase guys whether they could generally pass a bool "isImmediateEvent" into the callback (after snapshot,prevChildName).
You've covered the two options for now and either one should work reliably (see notes below). We might add features in the future to make this easier, but nothing concrete is planned at this point.
A couple notes:
Setting a flag should work fine. No async events will happen until after your synchronous code has finished running. You can avoid the error issue by using a try/finally block to reset it.
push() id's are designed to be universally unique, so you really shouldn't worry about conflicts.

Why does meteor undo changes to collections nested in an observer method?

I am trying to implement something like this:
/* We use the command pattern to encode actions in
a 'command' object. This allows us to keep an audit trail
and is required to support 'undo' in the client app. */
/* Queuing a command should trigger its execution. We use
an observer for this. */
added: function(command) {
/* While executing the action encoded by 'command'
we usually want to insert objects into other collections. */
Unfortunately it seems that meteor keeps the prior state of the OtherCollection while executing the transaction on CommandQueue. Changes are made temporarily to the OtherCollection. As soon as the transaction on CommandQueue finishes, the prior state of the OtherCollection will be restored, though, and our changes disappear.
Any ideas why this is happening? Is this intended behaviour or a bug?
This is the expected behavior, though it is a little subtle, and not guaranteed (just an implementation detail).
The callback to observe fires immediately when the command is inserted into CommandQueue. So the insert to OtherCollection happens while the CommandQueue.insert method is running, as part of the same call stack. This means the OtherCollection insert is considered part of the local 'simulation' of the CommandQueue insert, and is not sent to the server. The server runs the CommandQueue insert and sends the result back, at which point the client discards the results of the simulation and applies the results sent from the server, making the OtherCollection change disappear.
A better way to do this would be to write a custom method. Something like:
auditedCommand: function (command) {
var whatever = someProcessing(command)
Then:'auditedCommand', command);
This will show up immediately on the client (latency compensation) and is more secure as clients can't insert to CommandQueue without also adding to OtherCollection.
EDIT: this will probably change. The added callback shouldn't really be considered part of the local simulation of CommandQueue.insert. Thats just the way it works now. That said, a custom method is probably still a better approach for this, it will work even if other people add commands to the command queue, and is more secure.
I'm not sure about your observe behavior but we accomplished the same thing using a server-side allow method:
CommandQueue.allow ({
insert: function (userId, doc) {
return (userId && doc.owner === userId);
This is also more secure than putting this logic client side.
