I'm a beginner in Oracle and I want to know how I can uninstall Windows without losing the data saved before in my database system.
Another related question is:
To avoid this later can I install Oracle 11g in another partition different from the one contains Windows?
You can use datapump export to create an export file of your data. This can then be re-imported into another database.
Well it seems you have 2 partitions. Do a full export of your database (using exp or datapump) onto the other partition (let's say you called it drive D:). Then when you reinstall windows, you can import using imp or datapump.
You can also shutdown your database then copy all your datafiles over to drive D:. Be careful not to miss out the online redo files, and all datafiles, as well as your admin folder.
Then you can safely format the first partition (drive C:) and reinstall windows on drive C:. You can then install oracle on drive D: and create your database files there too. Note however if you reinstall windows, the RDBMS software will not work any more but your database will be intact on drive D:
I have a .dmp file (export from an Oracle DB) I need to get data from. I have installed Oracle 11g Express Edition successfully, with user SYSTEM and imp command I imported the file, with some warnings though, but now after hours of searching the Internet, I still have no idea how to explore the DB created by that file.
Can explain to me how to do that or at least point me to some relevant documentation, please? This is the first time I use Oracle.
Update: I already tried with Oracle SQL Developer. I use the user SYSTEM that was created automatically when I installed XE
I have installed vmware player and added the disk file to it. Teradata studio is already installed in it. Now, I want create a database of good size to perform bulk load types in Teradata.
Where can I get the sample database?
I assume that you are asking about the software part to create an instance of Teradata database. If you have VMware downloaded from Teradata for evaluation purpose, it is already installed and configured. You just have to connect with your Studio.
If you are trying to create a virtual environment on your own, then you need to download the Teradata software and install in machine which will create a database. After installing the software you can configure and connect with Studio.
Teradata Express comes with toy data (Samples database) but only up to version 14. From version 15 it is (oddly) removed.
Your VM-Ware is fully configured. Sart your TD-Studio and connect to it.
From VM-Ware's TD-Studio it is TDPID: localhost od User dbc pass dbc
There are no more sample databases in Teradata Express, but I published several data sets on GitHub, see the blog on Teradata Community
I have just started to dabble into the world of sqlite, primarily through R's interface package 'RSQLite'.
However, it seems like putting the computer to sleep while working on the sqlite data base left it locked, and trying to close the connection afterwards does not do anything. Furthermore, as the files is considered in use I'm not able to delete/overwrite the data base (or its -journal file, using Unlocker is not an option as I don't have those rights on the network drive the sqlite base is on).
Any offers on either manually how to force close the connection of the data base, or delete the -journal file successfully?
Was able to reset the network drive, which deleted the temporary -journal file and released the data base.
I have installed Oracle XE 11g R2 on my machine. I ran few scripts which does the setup by creating schemas, procedures for our application. Now I want to clone this database so that other people by using the cloned dbf file can see the base schema on their respective machine and work on their individual requirement on top of that.
Now it has 6 dbf files
Can i just give them the files or I need to create server parameter file (SPFILE) or Control file. What about the REDO logs.
I have very little knowledge in Database administration. Please suggest. I understand that it is not Enterprise Edition so all things might not supported but assuming cloning process is similar for XE.
While it is possible to restore a database using the data files, I strongly suspect that is not what you're really after. If you're not an experienced DBA, the number of possible issues you'll encounter trying to restore a backup on a different machine and then creating an appropriate database instance are rather large.
More likely, what you really want to do is generate a full export of your database. The other people that need your application would then install Oracle and import the export that you generated.
The simplest possible approach would be at a command line to
exp / as sysdba full=y file=myDump.dmp
You would then send myDump.dmp to the other users who would import that into their own database
imp / as sysdba full=y file=myDump.dmp
This will only be a logical backup of your database. It will not include things like the parameters that the database has been set to use so other users may be configured to use more (or less) memory or to have a different file layout or even a slightly different version of Oracle. But it does not sound like you need that degree of cloning. If you have a large amount of data, using the DataPump version of the export and import utilities would be more efficient. My guess from the fact that you haven't even created a new tablespace is that you don't have enough data for this to be a concern.
For more information, consult the Oracle documentation on the export and import utilities.
Removing content as it is not valid here
I have been developing locally for some time and am now pushing everything to production. Of course I was also adding data to the development server without thinking that I hadn't reconfigured it to be Postgres.
Now I have a SQLite DB who's information I need to be on a remote VPS on a Postgres DB there.
I have tried dumping to a .sql file but am getting a lot of syntax complaints from Postgres. What's the best way to do this?
For pretty much any conversion between two databases the options are:
Do a schema-only dump from the source database. Hand-convert it and load it into the target database. Then do a data only dump from the source DB in the most compatible form of SQL dump it offers. Try loading that into the target DB. When you hit problems, script transformations to the dump using sed/awk/perl/whatever and try again. Repeat until it loads and the results match.
Like (1), hand-convert the schema. Then write a script in your preferred language that connects to both databases, SELECTs from one, and INSERTs into the other, possibly with some transformations of data types and representations.
Use an ETL tool like Talend or Pentaho to connect to both databases and convert between them. ETL tools are like a "somebody else already wrote it" version of (2), but they can take some learning.
Hope that you can find a pre-written conversion too. Heroku one called sequel that will work for SQLite -> PostgreSQL; is it available without Heroku and able to function without all the other Heroku infrastructure and code?
After any of those, some post-transfer steps like using setval() to initialize sequences is typically required.
Heroku's database conversion tool is called sequel. Here are the ruby gems you need:
gem install sequel
gem install sqlite3
gem install pg
Then this worked for me for a sqlite database file named 'tweets.db' in the current working directory:
sequel -C sqlite://tweets.db postgres://pgusername:pgpassword#localhost/pgdatabasename
PostgreSQL supports "foreign data wrappers", which allow you to directly access any data source through the DB, including sqlite. Even up to automatically importing the schema. You can then use create table localtbl as (select * from remotetbl) to get your data into the actual PG storage.