handling NA in if_else in r - r

I have the following dataset with three columns containing dates.
df1 <- data.frame(hire_date = sample(seq(as.Date('1999/01/01'), as.Date('2000/01/01'), by="week"), 10),
t1 = sample(seq(as.Date('2000/01/01'), as.Date('2001/01/01'), by="week"), 10),
t2 = sample(seq(as.Date('2000/01/01'), as.Date('2001/01/01'), by="day"), 10))
#this value is actually unknown
df1[10,2] <- NA
hire_date t1 t2
1 1999-08-20 2000-05-13 2000-02-17
2 1999-04-23 2000-11-11 2000-04-27
3 1999-03-26 2000-04-15 2000-08-01
4 1999-05-07 2000-06-03 2000-08-29
5 1999-04-30 2000-05-27 2000-11-19
6 1999-04-09 2000-12-30 2000-01-26
7 1999-03-12 2000-12-23 2000-12-07
8 1999-06-25 2000-02-12 2000-09-26
9 1999-02-26 2000-05-06 2000-08-23
10 1999-01-01 <NA> 2000-03-18
I'd like to perform an if else statement such that df1$com is 1 if the difference between t1 OR t2 and hire_date is between [395,500]
The following if_else statement almost gets me there, but the NA mucks it up. Any ideas?
df1$com <- if_else((df1$t1 - df1$hire_date) >= 395 &
(df1$t1 - df1$hire_date) <= 500, 1,
if_else((df1$t2 - df1$hire_date) >= 395 &
(df1$t2 - df1$hire_date) <= 500, 1, 0))

You could use dplyr::case_when instead of nesting the if_else statements. It will give you easy control over how to treat NA. And dplyr::between will clean things up as well for your date comparisons.
df1 %>%
mutate(com = case_when(
is.na(t1) | is.na(t2) ~ 999, # or however you want to treat NA cases
between(t1 - hire_date, 395, 500) ~ 1,
between(t2 - hire_date, 395, 500) ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0 # neither range is between 395 and 500
#> hire_date t1 t2 com
#> 1 1999-08-20 2000-05-13 2000-02-17 0
#> 2 1999-04-23 2000-11-11 2000-04-27 0
#> 3 1999-03-26 2000-04-15 2000-08-01 1
#> 4 1999-05-07 2000-06-03 2000-08-29 1
#> 5 1999-04-30 2000-05-27 2000-11-19 0
#> 6 1999-04-09 2000-12-30 2000-01-26 0
#> 7 1999-03-12 2000-12-23 2000-12-07 0
#> 8 1999-06-25 2000-02-12 2000-09-26 1
#> 9 1999-02-26 2000-05-06 2000-08-23 1
#> 10 1999-01-01 <NA> 2000-03-18 999


Imputing date based on next(or previous) available date grouped by another column

I have a dataframe that looks like this:
CYCLE date_cycle Randomization_Date COUPLEID
1 0 2016-02-16 10892
2 1 2016-08-17 2016-02-19 10894
3 1 2016-08-14 2016-02-26 10899
4 1 2016-02-26 10900
5 2 2016-03--- 2016-02-26 10900
6 3 2016-07-19 2016-02-26 10900
7 4 2016-11-15 2016-02-26 10900
8 1 2016-02-27 10901
9 2 2016-02--- 2016-02-27 10901
10 1 2016-03-27 2016-03-03 10902
11 2 2016-04-21 2016-03-03 10902
12 1 2016-03-03 10903
13 2 2016-03--- 2016-03-03 10903
14 0 2016-03-03 10904
15 1 2016-03-03 10905
16 2 2016-03-03 10905
17 3 2016-03-03 10905
18 4 2016-04-14 2016-03-03 10905
19 5 2016-05--- 2016-03-03 10905
20 6 2016-06--- 2016-03-03 10905
The goal is to fill in the missing day for a given ID using either an earlier or later date and add/subtract 28 from that.
The date_cycle variable was originally in the dataframe as a character type.
I have tried to code it as follows:
newdate = case_when( str_count(date1, pattern = "\\W") >2 ~ lag(as.Date.character(date1, "%Y-%m-%d"),1) + days(28)))
But I need to incorporate it by ID by CYCLE.
An example of my data could be made like this:
data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
CYCLE =(0,1,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,1,2,3,4,5,6),
date_cycle = c(NA,"2016-08-17", "2016-08-14",NA,"2016-03---","2016-07-19", "2016-11-15",NA,"2016-02---", "2016-03-27","2016-04-21",NA, "2016-03---",NA,NA,NA,NA,"2016-04-14", "2016-05---","2016-06---"), Randomization_Date = c("2016-02-16","2016-02-19",
COUPLEID = c(10892,10894,10899,10900,
The output I am after would look like:
COUPLEID CYCLE date_cycle new_date_cycle
a 1 2014-03-27 2014-03-27
a 1 2014-04--- 2014-04-24
b 1 2014-03-24 2014-03-24
b 2 2014-04-21
b 3 2014-05--- 2014-05-19
c 1 2014-04--- 2014-04-02
c 2 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
I have also started to make a long conditional, but I wanted to ask here and see if anyone new of a more straight forward way to do it, instead of explicitly writing out all of the possible conditions.
newdate = case_when(
grp == 1 & str_count(date1, pattern = "\\W") >2 & !is.na(lead(date1,1) ~ lead(date1,1) - days(28),
grp == 2 & str_count(date1, pattern = "\\W") >2 & !is.na(lead(date1,1)) ~ lead(date1,1) - days(28),
grp == 3 & str_count(date1, pattern = "\\W") >2 & ...)))
Function to fill dates forward and backwards
filldates <- function(dates) {
m = which(!is.na(dates))
if(length(m)>0 & length(m)!=length(dates)) {
if(m[1]>1) for(i in seq(m,1,-1)) if(is.na(dates[i])) dates[i]=dates[i+1]-28
if(sum(is.na(dates))>0) for(i in seq_along(dates)) if(is.na(dates[i])) dates[i] = dates[i-1]+28
data %>%
arrange(ID, grp) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
ID grp date1 date2
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <date>
1 a 1 2014-03-27 2014-03-27
2 a 2 2014-04--- 2014-04-24
3 b 1 2014-03-24 2014-03-24
4 b 2 2014-04--- 2014-04-21
5 b 3 2014-05--- 2014-05-19
6 c 1 2014-03--- 2014-04-02
7 c 2 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
An option using purrr::accumulate().
center <- df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(helpDate = ymd(str_replace(date1, '---', '-01')),
refDate = max(ymd(date1), na.rm = T))
backward <- center %>%
filter(refDate == max(helpDate)) %>%
mutate(date2 = accumulate(refDate, ~ . - days(28), .dir = 'backward'))
forward <- center %>%
filter(refDate == min(helpDate)) %>%
mutate(date2 = accumulate(refDate, ~ . + days(28)))
bind_rows(forward, backward) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(date2 = as_date(date2)) %>%
select(-c('helpDate', 'refDate'))
# # A tibble: 7 x 4
# ID grp date1 date2
# <chr> <int> <chr> <date>
# 1 a 1 2014-03-27 2014-03-27
# 2 a 2 2014-04--- 2014-04-24
# 3 b 1 2014-03-24 2014-03-24
# 4 b 2 2014-04--- 2014-04-21
# 5 b 3 2014-05--- 2014-05-19
# 6 c 1 2014-03--- 2014-04-02
# 7 c 2 2014-04-30 2014-04-30

Subtracting dates based on conditions using dplyr in r

Below is an example of a table I am working with.
df = data.frame(Test_ID = c('a1','a1','a1','a1','a1','a1','a1','a2','a2','a2','a2','a2','a2'),
Event_ID = c('Failure_x', 'Failure_x', 'Failure_y', 'Failure_y', 'Failure_x',
'Failure_x', 'Failure_y', 'Failure_x', 'Failure_y', 'Failure_y',
'Failure_x','Failure_x', 'Failure_y'),
Fail_Date = c('2018-10-10 17:52:20', '2018-10-11 17:02:16', '2018-10-14 12:52:20',
'2018-11-11 16:18:34', '2018-11-12 17:03:06', '2018-11-25 10:50:10',
'2018-12-01 10:28:50', '2018-09-12 19:02:08', '2018-09-20 11:32:25',
'2018-10-13 14:43:30', '2018-10-15 14:22:28', '2018-10-30 21:55:45',
'2018-11-17 11:53:35'))
I want to subtract the failure dates (by Test_ID) only where Failure_y occurs after Failure_x. The Fail_Date for Event_ID Failure_y will be subtracted from the Fail_Date for Event_ID Failure_x. Within a group I can have multiple Failure_y's. The second Failure_y will be subtracted from the Failure_x occurring after the first instance of Failure_y.
I have tried to use dplyr to create a column TIME_BETWEEN_FAILURES.
df$Fail_Date = as.POSIXct(as.character(as.factor(df$Fail_Date)),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
df = df %>% group_by(Test_ID) %>%
mutate(TIME_BETWEEN_FAILURES = ifelse(Event_ID == "Failure_y" & lag(Event_ID) == "Failure_x",
difftime(Fail_Date, first(Fail_Date),units = "hours"),''))`
I was able to create the Time_BETWEEN_FAILURES correctly only for the first instance using first() in dplyr. That's where I am currently stuck. Any help on this matter will be appreciated.
This is result from the code snippet above.
Output required for analysis.
This is ideal response needed for my analysis.
df %>%
group_by(gr = rev(cumsum(rev(Event_ID)=="Failure_y")), Test_ID) %>%
mutate(time_between_failures = ifelse(n() > 1 & Event_ID=="Failure_y", difftime(Fail_Date[n()], Fail_Date[1L], units = "hours"), NA))
# A tibble: 13 x 5
# Groups: gr, Test_ID [6]
Test_ID Event_ID Fail_Date gr time_between_failures
<fct> <fct> <dttm> <int> <dbl>
1 a1 Failure_x 2018-10-10 17:52:20 6 NA
2 a1 Failure_x 2018-10-11 17:02:16 6 NA
3 a1 Failure_y 2018-10-14 12:52:20 6 91
4 a1 Failure_y 2018-11-11 16:18:34 5 NA
5 a1 Failure_x 2018-11-12 17:03:06 4 NA
6 a1 Failure_x 2018-11-25 10:50:10 4 NA
7 a1 Failure_y 2018-12-01 10:28:50 4 449.
8 a2 Failure_x 2018-09-12 19:02:08 3 NA
9 a2 Failure_y 2018-09-20 11:32:25 3 185.
10 a2 Failure_y 2018-10-13 14:43:30 2 NA
11 a2 Failure_x 2018-10-15 14:22:28 1 NA
12 a2 Failure_x 2018-10-30 21:55:45 1 NA
13 a2 Failure_y 2018-11-17 11:53:35 1 790.

Efficient way to calculate date-by-date rolling aggregation of the last 30 days

My codes executes just fine, however it takes an enourmous amount of time to finalize. Would like some help to optimize the code, if possible, a way to execute a rolling aggregation on multiple columns.
I've been tring a few other ways by creating a function and vectorizing my dataframe with library(data.table), but no success in doing so, i actually get half of what i should get and I can only do with one column at a time.
# Creating functions
fun <- function(x, date, thresh) {
D <- as.matrix(dist(date)) #distance matrix between dates
D <- D <= thresh
D[lower.tri(D)] <- FALSE #don't sum to future
R <- D * x #FALSE is treated as 0
colMeans(R, na.rm = TRUE)
df_2[, invoiceDate := as.Date(invoiceDate, format = "%m/%d/%Y")]
setkey(df_2, cod_unb, cod_pdv, invoiceDate)
df_2[, volume_total_diario_RT30 := fun(volume_total_diario, invoiceDate, 30), by = list(cod_unb, cod_pdv)]
This is my current code that works fine, but takes too much time (Over 8h to process 30 days)
years <- c(2017:2019)
months <- c(1:12)
days <- c(1:31)
df_final <- df_n[1,c('cod_unb','cod_pdv','cpf_cnpj','idade_pdv_meses','status_telefone','col1','col2','col3','year','month','day')] #eliminating first line
for (i in years) {
for (j in months) {
for (k in days) {
if (j == 1){
df_temp <- df_n[(df_n$years == i & df_n$months == j & df_n$days <= k) | (df_n$years == (i-1) & df_n$months == 12 & df_n$days >= k),]
if (j != 1){
df_temp <- df_n[(df_n$years == i & df_n$months == j & df_n$days <= k) | (df_n$years == i & df_n$months == (j - 1) & df_n$days >= k),]
if(nrow(df_temp) >= 1){
df_temp <- aggregate(df_temp[, c('col1','col2','col3')], by = list(df_temp$cod_unb,df_temp$cod_pdv,df_temp$cpf_cnpj,df_temp$idade_pdv_meses,df_temp$status_telefone), FUN = mean)
names(df_temp)[names(df_temp) == "Group.1"] <- "cod_unb"
names(df_temp)[names(df_temp) == "Group.2"] <- "cod_pdv"
names(df_temp)[names(df_temp) == "Group.3"] <- "cpf_cnpj"
names(df_temp)[names(df_temp) == "Group.4"] <- "idade_pdv_meses"
names(df_temp)[names(df_temp) == "Group.5"] <- "status_telefone"
df_temp$years <- i
df_temp$months <- j
df_temp$days <- k
df_final <- rbind(df_final,df_temp)
df_final <- df_final[-1,]
Output should be column R30
If I understand correctly, the OP has requested to aggregate values over a rolling period of 30 days and to append these aggregates to the original data.
This can be solved efficiently by aggregating in a non-equi join.
Here is an example for one variable using sample data provided by the OP:
# coerce to data.table, coerce character date to class IDate
setDT(df_n)[, date := as.IDate(date, "%d/%m/%Y")]
# intermediate result for demonstration:
df_n[.(upper = date, lower = date - 30), on = .(date <= upper, date >= lower),
mean(volume_total_diario), by = .EACHI]
date date V1
1: 2018-11-03 2018-10-04 0.480000
2: 2018-11-09 2018-10-10 0.635175
3: 2018-11-16 2018-10-17 0.863800
4: 2018-11-24 2018-10-25 0.808200
5: 2018-11-30 2018-10-31 0.766560
6: 2018-12-07 2018-11-07 1.028910
7: 2018-12-15 2018-11-15 1.159260
8: 2018-12-21 2018-11-21 0.991050
9: 2018-12-28 2018-11-28 0.973470
10: 2019-01-04 2018-12-05 0.925470
The intermediate result shows the upper and lower limits of the date range included in the aggregation and the aggragated values for the respective periods. This can be used to add a new column to df_n:
# update df_n by appending new column
setDT(df_n)[, R30_new := df_n[.(upper = date, lower = date - 30), on = .(date <= upper, date >= lower),
mean(volume_total_diario), by = .EACHI]$V1]
cod_unb cod_pdv Years Months Days date volume_total_diario R30 R30_new
1: 111 1005 2018 11 3 2018-11-03 0.48000 NA 0.480000
2: 111 1005 2018 11 9 2018-11-09 0.79035 NA 0.635175
3: 111 1005 2018 11 16 2018-11-16 1.32105 NA 0.863800
4: 111 1005 2018 11 24 2018-11-24 0.64140 NA 0.808200
5: 111 1005 2018 11 30 2018-11-30 0.60000 NA 0.766560
6: 111 1005 2018 12 7 2018-12-07 1.79175 1.02891 1.028910
7: 111 1005 2018 12 15 2018-12-15 1.44210 1.15926 1.159260
8: 111 1005 2018 12 21 2018-12-21 0.48000 0.99105 0.991050
9: 111 1005 2018 12 28 2018-12-28 0.55350 0.97347 0.973470
10: 111 1005 2019 1 4 2019-01-04 0.36000 0.92547 0.925470
The values of R30 and R30_new are identical; R30_new contains also results for the first 5 rows.
Additional grouping variables have been ignored for the sake of clarity but can be included easily. Also, the solution can be extended to aggregate multiple value columns.
df_n <- fread("
EDIT: Aggregating multiple variables
As the OP has asked for a way to execute a rolling aggregation on multiple columns here is an example.
First, we need to create an additional value var in OP's sample dataset:
df_n <- fread("
, date := as.IDate(date, "%d/%m/%Y")][, var2 := .I][]
cod_unb cod_pdv Years Months Days date volume_total_diario R30 var2
1: 111 1005 2018 11 3 2018-11-03 0.48000 NA 1
2: 111 1005 2018 11 9 2018-11-09 0.79035 NA 2
3: 111 1005 2018 11 16 2018-11-16 1.32105 NA 3
4: 111 1005 2018 11 24 2018-11-24 0.64140 NA 4
5: 111 1005 2018 11 30 2018-11-30 0.60000 NA 5
6: 111 1005 2018 12 7 2018-12-07 1.79175 1.02891 6
7: 111 1005 2018 12 15 2018-12-15 1.44210 1.15926 7
8: 111 1005 2018 12 21 2018-12-21 0.48000 0.99105 8
9: 111 1005 2018 12 28 2018-12-28 0.55350 0.97347 9
10: 111 1005 2019 1 4 2019-01-04 0.36000 0.92547 10
So, a column var2 has been added (which simply contains the row number).
This is the code to aggregate multiple column using the same aggregation function:
cols <- c("volume_total_diario", "var2")
setDT(df_n)[, paste0("mean_", cols) :=
df_n[.(upper = date, lower = date - 30),
on = .(date <= upper, date >= lower),
lapply(.SD, mean),
.SDcols = cols, by = .EACHI][
, .SD, .SDcols = cols]][]
cod_unb cod_pdv Years Months Days date volume_total_diario R30 var2 mean_volume_total_diario mean_var2
1: 111 1005 2018 11 3 2018-11-03 0.48000 NA 1 0.480000 1.0
2: 111 1005 2018 11 9 2018-11-09 0.79035 NA 2 0.635175 1.5
3: 111 1005 2018 11 16 2018-11-16 1.32105 NA 3 0.863800 2.0
4: 111 1005 2018 11 24 2018-11-24 0.64140 NA 4 0.808200 2.5
5: 111 1005 2018 11 30 2018-11-30 0.60000 NA 5 0.766560 3.0
6: 111 1005 2018 12 7 2018-12-07 1.79175 1.02891 6 1.028910 4.0
7: 111 1005 2018 12 15 2018-12-15 1.44210 1.15926 7 1.159260 5.0
8: 111 1005 2018 12 21 2018-12-21 0.48000 0.99105 8 0.991050 6.0
9: 111 1005 2018 12 28 2018-12-28 0.55350 0.97347 9 0.973470 7.0
10: 111 1005 2019 1 4 2019-01-04 0.36000 0.92547 10 0.925470 8.0
Note that the new columns have been named programmtically.

R aggregate second data to minutes more efficient

I have a data.table, allData, containing data on roughly every (POSIXct) second from different nights. Some nights however are on the same date since data is collected from different people, so I have a column nightNo as an id for every different night.
timestamp nightNo data1 data2
2018-10-19 19:15:00 1 1 7
2018-10-19 19:15:01 1 2 8
2018-10-19 19:15:02 1 3 9
2018-10-19 18:10:22 2 4 10
2018-10-19 18:10:23 2 5 11
2018-10-19 18:10:24 2 6 12
I'd like to aggregate the data to minutes (per night) and using this question I've come up with the following code:
aggregate_minute <- function(df){
df %>%
group_by(timestamp = cut(timestamp, breaks= "1 min")) %>%
summarise(data1= mean(data1), data2= mean(data2)) %>%
allData <- allData[, aggregate_minute(allData), by=nightNo]
However my data.table is quite large and this code isn't fast enough. Is there a more efficient way to solve this problem?
allData <- data.table(timestamp = c(rep(Sys.time(), 3), rep(Sys.time() + 320, 3)),
nightNo = rep(1:2, c(3, 3)),
data1 = 1:6,
data2 = 7:12)
timestamp nightNo data1 data2
1: 2018-06-14 10:43:11 1 1 7
2: 2018-06-14 10:43:11 1 2 8
3: 2018-06-14 10:43:11 1 3 9
4: 2018-06-14 10:48:31 2 4 10
5: 2018-06-14 10:48:31 2 5 11
6: 2018-06-14 10:48:31 2 6 12
allData[, .(data1 = mean(data1), data2 = mean(data2)), by = .(nightNo, timestamp = cut(timestamp, breaks= "1 min"))]
nightNo timestamp data1 data2
1: 1 2018-06-14 10:43:00 2 8
2: 2 2018-06-14 10:48:00 5 11
> system.time(replicate(500, allData[, aggregate_minute(allData), by=nightNo]))
user system elapsed
3.25 0.02 3.31
> system.time(replicate(500, allData[, .(data1 = mean(data1), data2 = mean(data2)), by = .(nightNo, timestamp = cut(timestamp, breaks= "1 min"))]))
user system elapsed
1.02 0.04 1.06
You can use lubridate to 'round' the dates and then use data.table to aggregate the columns.
Reproducible data:
text <- "timestamp nightNo data1 data2
'2018-10-19 19:15:00' 1 1 7
'2018-10-19 19:15:01' 1 2 8
'2018-10-19 19:15:02' 1 3 9
'2018-10-19 18:10:22' 2 4 10
'2018-10-19 18:10:23' 2 5 11
'2018-10-19 18:10:24' 2 6 12"
allData <- read.table(text = text, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Create data.table:
Create a timestamp and floor it to the nearest minute:
allData[, timestamp := floor_date(ymd_hms(timestamp), "minutes")]
Change the type of the integer columns to numeric:
allData[, ':='(data1 = as.numeric(data1),
data2 = as.numeric(data2))]
Replace the data columns with their means by nightNo group:
allData[, ':='(data1 = mean(data1),
data2 = mean(data2)),
by = nightNo]
The result is:
timestamp nightNo data1 data2
1: 2018-10-19 19:15:00 1 2 8
2: 2018-10-19 19:15:00 1 2 8
3: 2018-10-19 19:15:00 1 2 8
4: 2018-10-19 18:10:00 2 5 11
5: 2018-10-19 18:10:00 2 5 11
6: 2018-10-19 18:10:00 2 5 11

Creating column of 0 and 1 based on inequalities of three date columns

I would like to create a column of 0s and 1s based on inequalities of three columns of dates.
The idea is the following. If event_date is before death_date or study_over, the the column event should be ==1, if event_date occurs after death_date or study_over, event should be == 0. Both event_date and death_date may contain NAs.
rand_dates <- Sys.Date() - 365:1
df <-
event_date = sample(rand_dates, 20),
death_date = sample(rand_dates, 20),
study_over = sample(rand_dates, 20)
My attempt was the following
eventR <-
function(x, y, z){
ifelse(x <= z, 1, 0)
} else if(y <= z){
ifelse(x < y, 1, 0)
} else {
ifelse(x <= z, 1, 0)
I use it in the following manner
df[c(3, 5, 7), "event_date"] <- NA #there are some NA in .$event_date
df[c(3, 4, 6), "death_date"] <- NA #there are some NA in .$death_date
df %>%
mutate(event = sapply(.$event_date, eventR, y = .$death_date, z = .$study_over))
##Error: wrong result size (400), expected 20 or 1
##In addition: There were 40 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
I can't figure out how to do this. Any suggestions?
This would seem to construct a binary column (with NA's where needed) where 1 indicates "event_date is before death_date or study_over" and 0 is used elsewhere. As already pointed out your specification does not cover all cases:
df$event <- with(df, as.numeric( event_date < pmax( death_date , study_over) ) )
Can use pmap_dbl() from the purrr package instead of sapply...
df %>% mutate(event = pmap_dbl(list(event_date, death_date, study_over), eventR))
event_date death_date study_over event
1 2016-10-20 2017-01-27 2016-12-16 1
2 2016-10-15 2016-12-12 2017-01-20 1
3 <NA> <NA> 2016-10-09 NA
4 2016-09-04 <NA> 2016-11-17 1
5 <NA> 2016-10-13 2016-06-09 NA
6 2016-07-21 <NA> 2016-04-26 0
7 <NA> 2017-02-21 2016-07-12 NA
8 2016-07-02 2017-02-08 2016-08-24 1
9 2016-06-19 2016-09-07 2016-04-11 0
10 2016-05-14 2017-03-13 2016-08-03 1
11 2017-03-06 2017-02-05 2017-02-28 0
12 2017-03-10 2016-04-28 2016-11-30 0
13 2017-01-10 2016-12-10 2016-10-27 0
14 2016-05-31 2016-06-12 2016-08-13 1
15 2017-03-03 2016-12-25 2016-12-20 0
16 2016-04-01 2016-11-03 2016-06-30 1
17 2017-02-26 2017-02-25 2016-05-12 0
18 2017-02-08 2016-12-08 2016-10-14 0
19 2016-07-19 2016-07-03 2016-09-22 0
20 2016-06-17 2016-06-06 2016-11-09 0
You might also be interested in the dplyr function, case_when() for handling many if else statements.
