R markdown / bookdown - how to display keywords below an abstract? - r

I defined keywords in the .Rmd file, but they are not visible in the output PDF.
Current Output
Expected results
Current .Rmd
First lines of .Rmd file looks as follows:
title: "No keywords within the output file"
abstract: "This is sample text for abstract. Generally speaking, I would like to show keywords list below an abstract (as in case of the linked example)"
keywords: "keywordA, keywordB"
author: "Mateusz Kędzior"
keep_tex: true
number_sections: yes
toc: false
base_format: rticles::elsevier_article
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Elsevier article
This is an R Markdown document.
I'm trying to prepare an Elsevier article.

I wonder if base_format is actually doing any work in your example (the output looks the same with and without base_format). Since base_format is an argument to pdf_book, consider changing your YAML header to
title: "No keywords within the output file"
- name: "Mateusz Kędzior"
abstract: "This is sample text for abstract. Generally speaking, I would like to show keywords list below an abstract (as in case of the linked example)"
keywords: "keywordA, keywordB"
keep_tex: true
number_sections: yes
toc: false
base_format: rticles::elsevier_article
which gives you the following output:
Alternatively, add keywords to the abstract:
abstract: "This is sample text for abstract. Generally speaking, I would like
to show keywords list below an abstract (as in case of the linked example) \\par
\\textbf{Keywords:} a, b"
to get


How to set position of list of figure (lof) in R bookdown YAML

I have a R bookdown whose YAML looks like this:
title: "My title"
toc: False
lof: True
author: "the author"
keep_tex: yes
By default it generates a pdf file with the list of figures at the beginning just after the title.
Is there a way to have this list at the end, after the references?
Remove lof: True and add \listoffigures after your references.

Cross reference and caption not working in Rmd file

Can anyone help me understand how to write my header so that the figure caption and cross reference works?
I am practicing making captions and cross references to a simple plot in my Rmd file. I understand that to do so, I should add to my header: "output: bookend::pdf_document2" and "fig_caption = yes". Then, to a chunk called myfigure, I should add "fig.cap = "\label{fig:myfigure} My caption". To cross reference this figure I should write in the text "#ref(fig:myfigure)". My code is below. It won't knit because the formatting of the header is wrong.
title: "knit"
author: "Chase Hommeyer"
date: "4/1/2019"
output: bookdown::pdf_document2
toc: true
fig_caption: yes
```{r myfigure, fig.cap = "\\label{fig:myfigure} My caption"}
My plot is called \#ref(fig:myfigure).
Then, I tried deleting the whitespace before toc and fig_caption, and it knit, but no caption appeared, and the text literally printed "#ref(fig:myfigure)" instead of a cross reference. The header I tried is here:
title: "knit"
author: "Chase Hommeyer"
date: "4/1/2019"
output: bookdown::pdf_document2
toc: true
fig_caption: yes
I also tried adding "pdf_document:" to the header, but the same issue of no caption and the cross reference being literally "#ref(fig:myfigure)". This header I tried is here:
title: "knit"
author: "Chase Hommeyer"
date: "4/1/2019"
output: bookdown::pdf_document2
toc: true
fig_caption: yes
Can anyone help me understand how to write my header so that it works?
use \ref{fig:myfigure} instead of \\#ref(fig:myfigure)
See RStudio Community Post
You have a wrong YAML header and some wrong understanding of referencing. I used this RMD file:
title: "knit"
author: "Chase Hommeyer"
date: "4/1/2019"
toc: true
fig_caption: yes
```{r myfigure, fig.cap = "My caption"}
My plot is called Figure \#ref(fig:myfigure).
First, break the line after output in the header. The whitespaces are very important in the YAML header!
Then, read the bookdown manual:
The label of a figure environment is generated from the label of the code chunk, e.g., if the chunk label is foo, the figure label will be fig:foo (the prefix fig: is added before foo). To reference a figure, use the syntax, where label is the figure label, e.g., fig:foo.
To reference your plot with the chunk name "myfigure", just write \#ref(fig:myfigure). The caption of the figure can be set via fig.cap in the chunk options.

Number some sections with rmarkdown

I am writing a manuscript with rmarkdown.
If I want to number all sections, I can use YAML like this
title: "My Report"
number_sections: true
See Automatically number sections in RMarkdown
But I only want to number some sections, so my document looks like
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
Is there anyway to do this?
From the Pandoc User Guide you want to add the .unnumbered attribute to the header. This is done using:
# My header {.unnumbered}
or the shortcut
# My header {-}
For example, using the following document
title: "My Report"
number_sections: true
# Abstract {-}
# Introduction
# Methods
# Results
# References {-}
The HTML produced renders as:

How to remove compact title from R markdown to latex conversion?

I wrote my own titlepage and it is loaded via an include in the R-markdown file. However, this conflicts with the pandoc title. I am trying to find settings in the R markdown yaml header such that pandoc does not insert the following code snipped into the tex-file.
% Create subtitle command for use in maketitle
There is no clear indication in the pandoc documents or the r markdown guidelines how to disable the title generation. Any help would be appreciated.
Update: In particular, I am looking for solutions that allow me to keep creating my title page with the \maketitle command. That is why I focussed on this particular code snipped that I want to get rid of.
I also use my own title page with rmarkdown documents for latex/pdf outputs. To remove the title, you can add the following command in a text file called with in_header :
A reproductible example with the header.tex file built directly within the Rmd document:
title: "RMarkdown No title Test"
author: "StatnMap"
date: "July 30, 2017"
in_header: header.tex
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
```{r rm_title_page, echo=FALSE}
head <- cat('
', file = "header.tex")
# Title 1
**Some text**
# Title 2
**Some text**
Using compact-title: false in the YAML works.
title: "This title is not compact"
author: "Test"
date: "2019 May 10"
output: pdf_document
compact-title: false
I had the same problem today. Here's what I did. (Maybe I'll update the solution when I come up with something better.)
The solution is dumb but useful. I can't set an arbitrary space between the lines now, because I used \newline.
title: "\\huge My Smart Title"
author: "\\newline \\Large My Smart Author"
date: "\\newline \\Large 2018-12-25"
in_header: preamble.tex
latex_engine: xelatex
Below are the outputs before and after the solution.
You may be confused about the different sizes of the "author" and the "date" in the two pictures above, if you don't know that the fontsize of the "author" and the "date" is \large instead of \Large by default.

R markdown / bookdown - how to switch to rticles?

Input data
I prepared an example Rmd file with references to figure, table and equation, setting as an output 'bookdown::pdf_document2'. It compiles without errors to PDF.
I placed it on dropbox:
Now I wish to set as an output format 'rticles::elsevier_article'
How can I do that?
When I change output line from:
I'm receiving an error message.
Even if I remove other parameters from output:
I still receive an error message:
! Undefined control sequence.
Accented characters when input "as is" do not appear to behave well with elsevier_article. See suggestions below.
Bare-bones document
Here is a bare-bones document using rticles::elsevier_article:
title: "Sample document"
- name: "Mateusz Kędzior"
affiliation: Some Institute of Technology
email: Mateusz#example.com
footnote: Corresponding Author
- name: Żąćł Źęń
csl: https://www.zotero.org/styles/geoderma
citation_package: natbib
keep_tex: yes
number_sections: yes
toc: no
keywords: keywordA, keywordB
abstract: This is a sample abstract \newline This is the second line of abstract.
Hello world.
which renders with no complaints:
Reference with accents
Now, we wish to add a reference with accents. We follow the answer here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/57743/how-to-write-%C3%A4-and-other-umlauts-and-accented-letters-in-bibliography. I imported your bibliography into Zotero, and then exported the item with a "Central European (ISO)" encoding (not UTF-8) to obtain
title = {This is sample title only {\k A} {\L }},
volume = {99},
url = {http://megooglethat.com/},
journal = {Some journal},
author = {K{\k e}dzior, Mateusz and {\'Z}{\k e}{\'n}, {\.Z}{\k a}{\'c}{\l }},
year = {2018},
keywords = {keywordC},
pages = {21 -- 31}
The R Markdown document now becomes
title: "Sample document"
- name: "Mateusz Kędzior"
affiliation: Some Institute of Technology
email: Mateusz#example.com
footnote: Corresponding Author
- name: Żąćł Źęń
csl: https://www.zotero.org/styles/geoderma
citation_package: natbib
keep_tex: yes
number_sections: yes
toc: no
biblio-files: bibliography2.bib
keywords: keywordA, keywordB
abstract: This is a sample abstract \newline This is the second line of abstract.
## Citations and references
Let me cite an article: [#kedzior_this_2018]
# References
I then knited this in RStudio, but realised that I had to get the tex output and rebuild it (outside of RStudio) to get the desired output
Other problems
For accented characters in figure captions, encode them accordingly (as with the bibliography). You may find http://w2.syronex.com/jmr/latex-symbols-converter helpful. In addition, to the best of my knowledge bookdown style cross-referencing does not work with rticles. If you have follow-up questions, you may get more helpful answers if you break your question down into smaller chunks.
I've added a bit of updated material to the commenthttps://github.com/rstudio/rticles/issues/92#issuecomment-402784283 where it states (may be updated):
base_format: rticles::elsevier_article
number_sections: yes
such that the way I've had this work is using pdf_book versus pdf_document2:
base_format: rticles::elsevier_article
number_sections: yes
This allows for figure and table referencing within an rticles document.
