User Blog difficulty Wordpress - wordpress

I have have a client that wants to create a Wordpress site with the following features.
Private Messaging
User profile
Friend Groups
The ability for a user to create one or many "journals" which are essentially a blog, which only their friends can see.
The last item is the one that I am puzzling over. It seems that it might be best to create a multisite where users can create their own blogs. But I'm not sure how I would manage who can see the blogs, or how I would display the blogs on the user's profile page.
Does anyone know any projects similar to this or have any ideas about where to start with a project like this?

Update for anyone who sees this.
Buddypress solves first three problems more or less out of the box.
I decided to customize the groups feature a bit to fit the bill for a user created journal. The user can create a group (groups are renamed 'journals' by means of the translation file for BP) and he is the only one allowed to post to it. I have updated some of the group meta fields so the user can add a bit more information about his journal, as well.


Allow registered users of a Wordpress site to create favorites lists

I've been building a Wodrdpress site lately. It's going to have free registration. I want it to have one and only certain feature for registered users. They should be able to create favorites lists. I mean is that they could favorite certain posts with something like a "like button" and view and edit all their favorites on a certain place like a listview. They shouldn't be able to comment, edit, upload or have any other interaction with the posts. I understand that this can by arranged by giving different permissions to the users. Although I have two questions.
1) Can you suggest some practices/plugins to feature a free registration for the users?
2) Can you suggest some practices/plugins so that registered users can create favorites lists as I explained above?
In case you need further info feel free to ask.
Thank you.
For point 2:
Check out this plugin:
Users are able to add posts and even pages to favorites list.

Create WordPress Admins To Create Posts Only Securely

Using WordPress is a great way to learn and make progress on web development. Although, I want to make admins for each and one of my classmates to only and only create and publish posts on the web. For example, BuzzFeed has admins that create content and it tells the author name, date and time, comments and responses next to it. That's what I am aiming for. Not all of my classmates use wordpress or have ever used it so I want to find a way to create admins for them simply without creating security holes for the website itself and risking getting hacks or login attempts.
what is the best way to approach a situation like this?
Thanks :)
If you want your classmates to be able to add posts you can add them as "Authors." Wordpress has a build in permission system that allows authors to only add, edit and delete posts.
If you want to have more control over the capabilities you can use a plugin like User Role Editor. This will allow you to create a new role and set specific capabilities for the created user role.

Article Logic Issue

I am working on a site that is built around articles and videos. Additionally, members sign-up and create a profile. Within that profile, there are "interests" that they can select in addition to some categories we place the user in based on other behavior.
My issue is that I am trying to create logic that will display articles and videos based upon three variables. The variables are below. What is the simplest way to do this?
1) For members who have selected and "interest" I want to serve articles that have been tagged in the system as associated with that "interest" with the articles that have been most recently posted shown first.
2) For members who I don't have an interest for, but I have placed in a bucket based on behavior I want to serve articles that have been tagged in the system associated with that "bucket" with the articles that have been most recently posted shown first.
3) If I don't have an "interest" or a "bucket" I just want articles to be served by most recently posted.
Thanks for your help.
I would recommend using the Profile module. This will allow you to customize the User Account Creation form and add in custom form fields [suchas term references]. This also will allow you to create relationships between each user and specific content. [Show all content of type X, which shares interests with the current user ID.]
I've used it and it's pretty awesome.

How to display all topics under a group's forum in buddypress?

I have building buddypress site where user able to discuss under a group. I have installed bbpress with buddypress. So, when user go to detail view of a group, they can see the all topics of forum if they click on the forum section. But I want to do something like that when user go to detail view of a group, all topics of group's forum will be displayed underneath of the description of group. I do not understand which template should I edit or which loop or query should I add into buddypress/groups/single/home file.
If you want all the topics to appear right below the description you'll have to edit the groups/single/group-header.php file. That way the topics appear on every group page.
You probably could copy a lot of code from /plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/groups/single/forum.php

WordPress multi-user site to allow unique users to see custom screens

So I need to set up a WordPress site with 25 users. The site will be for each of these users to fill out various forms (different forms for each user) and then these results will be stored on the database.
The thing is, I need to allow user1 to only be able to see the forms we want user1 to fill out, and the same for user2,3...etc. We have the bones of the site set up, but I'm looking for a plug-in or theme or something that can allow different users to see different pages. Is there one available?
Or would any you have any idea how to go about this another way?
I have spent the best part of a days searching but I can't find a viable solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Two things can be done.
Use Contact form 7 or Gravity form plugin to create different forms. Create user specific pages where you like to show forms. Paste corresponding form short-codes in the pages.
Use Role Scoper plugin to restrict users to see pages. You can set permissions for different user to see different pages.
Hope this helps you.
