Face API - create a person using a faceid list - microsoft-cognitive

I'm using Face.detect() to check if there are faces on a bunch of image files. After this, I collect the detected faceIds and call Face.group() to obtain groups of faces, which will group the faces by person.
Then I would like to create Persons using these lists of faceIds, but can't find the correct API method to do so. I can only create Person faces by re-uploading the images.
Is there a way to create Person (faces) using the previously obtained faceIds returned by Face.detect()?

This is not possible with the API today. Incidentally, a feature request for this exists already, and you may want to upvote/comment there.


I am using Microsoft's Face API. It requires to create a DB at their server. is it possible to use our own DB, rather than creating one at their end

I am trying to use Microsoft's Face API, for facial recognition for my company employees. I see that you need to create a database in Microsoft's serverS.
Is there a way to use their API's on our company database (without creating another DB on their server? Also any changes you make to this DB will be taken care of.
If no, then how will you take care of the changes you want (I know that there are delete API calls as well, but will not it be cumbersome?)
I think you may have misunderstood how this API works. Whenever there is a change to your list of employees, the PersonGroup (a friendly name for the image classifier model), must be retrained in order for it to start recognizing the added faces and stop recognizing removed ones. So even if there was a way to store the model locally (which there isn't), you will still need to track add/removes and take the additional step of training.

2sxc: Merge more streams in a Default one

I have an app that can have one or more streams
Book of author A
Book of author B
Book of author C
So my queries can have one or more relationship filters.
Assuming that I would like to use only one template for more views, and a view can have more streams so I can't have the names of each one in my template, how can i do that?
Basically in my template I would like to have a unique list even if I got more streams
AsDynamic(Data["Default"]) //This should get all the streams in my data
Is that possible? Maybe aggregating them in Visual query?
I'm trying to have an out stream coming from many but giving the same name I got and error.
At the moment this is not possible (2sxc 8.5.6). There are a few problems related to this idea
the same item could occur multiple times, this is not supposed to happen in a stream
you will probably loose the "which author was this for" information
As of now, I recommend to either just merge them in js or server-side code if this is what you need.

Should I use Wordpress Transient API in this case?

I'm writing a simple Wordpress plugin for work and am wondering if using the Transients API is practical in this case, or if I should seek out another way.
The plugin's purpose is simple. I'm making a call to USZip Web Service (http://www.webservicex.net/uszip.asmx?op=GetInfoByZIP) to retrieve data. Our sales team is using a Lead Intake sheet that the plugin will run on.
I wanted to reduce the number of API calls, so I thought of setting a transient for each zip code as the key and store the incoming data (city and zip). If the corresponding data for a given zip code already exists, then no need to make an API call.
Here are my concerns:
1. After a quick search, I realized that the transient data is stored in the wp_options table and storing the data would balloon that table in no time. Would this cause a significance performance issue if the db becomes huge?
2. Is this horrible practice to create this many transient keys? It could easily becomes thousands in a few months time.
If using Transient is not the best way, could you please help point me in the right direction? Thanks!
P.S. I opted for the Transients API vs the Options API. I know zip codes don't change often, but they sometimes so. I set expiration time of 3 months.
A less-inflated solution would be:
Store a single option called uszip with a serialized array inside the option
Grab the entire array each time and simply check if the zip code exists
If it doesn't exist, grab the data and save the whole transient again
You should make sure you don't hit the upper bounds of a serialized array in this table (9,000 elements) considering 43,000 zip codes exist in the US. However, you will most likely have a very localized subset of zip codes.

Routing Engine Using OpenStreetMap Data

As part of my academic project, I have to build a routing engine based on data supplied from OSM. I have looked at the data model of OSM and I'm all fine with it. However, I'm having trouble converting an OSM XML file into a graph structure (nodes and edges) that I can use to apply search algorithms (Dijkstra, A* etc.) on. I would like the graph to be stored in memory to allow fast read/write.
So can anyone shed light or suggest techniques on how this can be done, or even provide pointers for further research.
Please note that I'm not allowed to re-use existing routing engines as this would defeat the purpose of doing the project.
All you need to do is:
create a node for every <node> item
every <way> entry is a sequenced list of <nd> items, each of which is a backreference to a node. So for each <way>, you iterate pairwise through its <nd>s and create an arc between the two nodes referenced.
You can do this in one pass using a streaming XML parser, since the XML data defines all the nodes before the ways.
The data doesn't intrinsically include distances, so you need to calculate that from the latlon of each node. You should also take account of the road type (highway=*) and the access info (access=*) in your routing, and you probably also want to ignore ways that are not traversable (eg waterway=stream) but that's all down to your specific situation.

Working with google maps api

I am trying to build a map based query interface for my website and I am having difficulty finding a starting point besides http://developer.google.com. I assume this is a rather simple task but I feel as though I am on a wild goose chase. Anyway the problem is the existing site places people into a category based on their address (primarily the zip code), this is not working out because of odd shapes and user density so I would like to solve the problem by creating custom zones.
I am not looking for a proprietary solution because I would really like to accomplish this on my own, I just need some better places to start or better suggestions for searches.
I understand that I will need to create a map with my predetermined polygons.
I understand how to create a map with polygons via js.
I do not understand how data will request which zone it is within and how it will return it as a hash I can store. eg. user=>####, zone=>####, section=>#####
has some JS you can add to give the ability to test whether a point is within a polygon (sample: http://blog.appdelegateinc.com./static/samples/point_in_polygon.html ) using this approach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_in_polygon#Ray_casting_algorithm
I think as you place the markers, you'll hold them in an array (of objects)...then loop through, doing some sort of reduction of which polygons to test, testing those that remain, if inPoly, set marker.zone and marker.section to whatever suits your needs
