Set default sqlite dot commands - sqlite

When I open the sqlite3 command line in Windows Command Prompt, I each time type
.mode column
.width 8
.header on
Sometimes I choose a different width, but this is easy to change as needed.
Is there some way I can have these either as defaults, or execute each time the prompt starts?

The default rc file for SQLite is ~/.sqliterc; see the man page. You just paste that lines there.

Put these commands into a file, and give the file name to sqlite3's -init option.
(The options are not in the documentation; see sqlite3 --help for a list.)


Edit a sqlite3 view etc with $EDITOR, i.e. vim

I'm using the command line sqlite3 binary.
Is it possible to open and edit things like views or table defintions etc in your $EDITOR, vim for example?
Postgresql's psql gives you this functionality. Is there some kind of way to achieve the same close integration with sqlite3's binary?
I'm aware I can manually cut and paste.

ZSH vi normal mode to move around printed text

Can I use zsh vi normal mode to move around previous commands output or the printed text in the shell to copy/yank it ?
For example in the screenshot below. I want to move to the output of ls to copy something. When I press j/k zsh cycle my command history but doesn't move up to the printed text. j/k move one line down/up only when I have multiple line command that I'm currently writing but haven't executed yet.
To the best of my knowledge, the ability to access the output of commands interactively is the domain of your terminal (-emulator), not the shell. You would use commands like sed, awk, grep, possibly in a pipe, to access, manipulate and use output you know in advance is the part you are interested in.
To access the output with keyboard shortcuts/command-keys, I suggest using the like of tmux - it allows to copy/yank from the whole terminal display as if it was a text-file in an editor.

How get zsh prompt of form: [working-directory] # under macOS

In macOS Catalina (10.15.6), I want to use zsh for Terminal sessions. Formerly I had been using the default bash. For bash, I had a .profile containing the line
export PS1="[\u#\h:\w]$ "
which gave a prompt of the form:
I want something similar for zsh, but without the user-name#host-name prefix and with # instead of $ for the actual prompt.
In a zsh Terminal session, the command
PROMPT='[%/]%% '
gives the expected prompt, with the current directory enclosed in square brackets.
Of course I don't want to enter that manually each time. Instead, I want to set this in .zprofile. So in .zprofile I included the line
export PROMPT='[%/]%% '
However, that does not work as expected -- the prompt now has the form:
me#myhost current-dir %
Question: How can I get the zsh prompt to have the desired form as follows?
[current-dir] %
Just add the following export to ~/.zshrc, otherwise it won't work.
export PROMPT='[%1~] %%'
That will give you the following, my directory name is test-workflow-branch-only
[test-workflow-branch-only] %
NOTE: This will give you [~] % when in ~/ directory so don't be alarmed when you see that
UPDATE - per comment questions
We add it to ~/.zshrc as this file gets sourced in all interactive shell configurations. The file ~/.zprofile are for commands that we want to execute when we log in, therefore a non-login shell won't source this file.
Thanks for info from Edward Romero. My critique of answer is that it contains four wasted characters, '[',']',' ','%'. Using instead PROMPT='%d>' yields the nice clear absolute path, something like this:
In any case, nice to get this headache behind me, and begin reaping the wonderful benefits of using zsh, whatever they may be.

How to save SQLite settings such as mode, headers and width so they persist

Everytime I start SQLite, I have to re-turn on headers, re-switch to column mode, re-change the separator and/or width. How can I make the settings persist??
Repeated Code
.mode column
.headers on
.separator ','
In other words, how can I save the settings so that next time I run SQLite, my preferences are automatically applied.
Create a .sqliterc file in your home directory
Ah, finally stumbled upon the answer. You can create a .sqliterc (SQLite Run Commands file) in your home directory. Every time you run sqlite, it will load the settings from the rc file.
Here's a quick command line script you can paste in the terminal for some basic settings (edit it to add additional preferences):
cat << EOF > ~/.sqliterc
.headers on
.mode column
There are alternative command line options. Something like this:
alias mysqlite='sqlite3 -column -header -separator ,'

Is it possible to keep the output of less on the screen after quitting?

I'm using oh-my-zsh which pipes the output of some functions like git diff and git log into less, whilst this is great for reading the output in the terminal. If I need to refer back to it it isn't possible after quitting with :q
Is there an option to preserve the current view on the file in my terminal after quitting?
Secondly, If there is an option where would I need to edit my oh-my-zsh config to ensure anything piped to less passes this option?
To prevent less from clearing the screen on exit you can start it with the option -X:
less -X FILE
If you want to pass this option automatically to every instance of less, you can set the LESS environment variable accordingly in your ~/.zshrc:
export LESS="-X"
If your shell has syntax coloring enabled, the -X option will cause your less output to display those color change escape sequences as inline ESC text.
This can be fixed by also passing the raw-control-chars display option, -r. For example:
export LESS="-Xr"
This also includes instances where less is started by another program, for example man. If you want to disable this option for a single command, you can just prepend LESS=. For example
LESS= man less
For Git specifically, this can be handled with the following
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global core.pager 'less -Xr'
