I would like on the BeagleBone Black calculate the trigonometric functions, but does not know how to add the appropriate library and the new functions are not recognized in javascriptenter image description here
Use Math.atan and Math.PI. And care about what is connected by parentheses. Something like
angle = Math.atan(state/state2) * 180/Math.PI;
or even
angle = Math.atan2(state,state2) * 180/Math.PI;
On a device I want to detect a range of forces: small forces (Minimum around 0.01g) but also stronger forces like 0.1g - 0.15g.
This device will have different positions in 3d space so in order to detect the small forces I have to know its angle in order to be able to subtract 1g. Because the device can have a random position (angle position).
What I did so far: I used the MPU6050 and used a complementary filter with accel. and gyro.
It's something like:
agnleX_k+1 = 0.98*(angle_k + deltaT * gyro_k+1) + 0.02*angle_acc_k+1;
angle_acc is the angle calculated from the accel. sensor. Something like:
arctan(accelX / sqrt(accelX^2 + accelY^2 + accelZ^2 + ))
So I am interested in:
forceX_k+1 = accelX_k+1 - 1g*sin(agnleX_k+1)
The problem is:
If I want to detect a small force coming in very fast, let's say on accelX_k+1 I would want to detect a Change from 0g to 0.01g or more but in a very small time range. The problem is that my calculated angle would then also be influenced by this small and fast change of the accel. sensor although the angle haven't really changed.
I think I would have to do the angle calculation independent of the accel. sensor. Can I do something like a complementary filter with gyro and magnetometer? Would that work the same as my filter described above but just with the mag. sensor instead? Or how would you do that? I was thinking about using MPU9250.
You stated using MPU6050, which contains both an accelerometer and a gyrosocpe. You could use them independantly - get acceleration from the accelerometer and get angles from the gyroscope, and then use the angles to compensate for rotation. There is no need for the angle to depend on your accelerometer.
Using DMP library fromJeff Rowberg will do the work for you.
it can compensate gravity acceleration internally way faster that Arduino code.
Link to github
I am developing a little videogame using JAVA in which I have to do a circular movement to create a smooth transition of an object but I can't figure it out how to apply the circumference equation to make this.
Here is an image of what I am trying to do:
The character of the top has to move to the bottom with this circular movement. I know the center of the circumference and the radius but I dont know how to extract an equaction to move this character that also takes into account a given speed.
Any tips please? Thank you very much!!
The arclength (distance around a circle) is given by s = rϑ. Since you want to do this based on a speed, you can take the derivative (basically, divide by t on both sides): v = rϑ/t, or ϑ = vt/r. Internally, you'll store the values of r,v, and t and use the concept of the unit circle to get the actual x and y values:
x = r * cos(ϑ) = r * cos(vt/r)
y = r * sin(ϑ) = r * sin(vt/r)
while you increment t on every draw cycle. You'll of course have to translate (x,y) based on the center of the circle.
I'm trying to move a cube in three.js based on its rotation but not sure on how to go about it.
As of now I can rotate the cube's z-rotation with the A & D keys. And with the W key I would like it to move forward relative to its rotation.
From 2D I would so something along the lines of:
float angle = GradToRad(obj.rotation);
obj.x = obj.x + cos(angle) * velocity;
obj.y = obj.y + sin(angle) * velocity;
Here's an image of the current implementation.
How can I apply something similar in three.js?
Objects can be considered to be facing their positive-Z axis. So to move an object forward, relative to it's own coordinate system, you can use
Object3D.translateZ( distance );
three.js r.57
It might be easiest to express both rotation and translation in a single (homogenous projective) 4×4 matrix. The Object3D.matrix member in three.js already does that, although you might have to set matrixAutoUpdate to false to use that directly. Then you can move use the translate method to move the object in its own reference frame.
Your 2D method is exactly how I did it in three.js. For the Y position I'm using a terrain collision technique (which still needs work);
I want to move a sprite in a circular motion by using a circle radius and movingangle.
I know for instance that the sprite is moving in a circle with the radius 10 and It's current position is (387,38) and angle is 28 degrees. Now I wann't move it say, 100px along the circle perimeter.
p1 = x&y coordinate, known (387,38) in example with movingangle 28 degrees
r = radius, known (10 in example)
l = distance to move along bend, known (100px in example)
p2 = new point, what is this x and y value?
I have a solution that works but I dont quite like it. It kind of don't make sense to me and it requires more calculations than I think is required. It works by first calculating the center point using p1 and then doing the same thing backwards so to speak to get p2 (using cosinus and sinus). There should be a quicker way I believe but I cant find anyone doing exactly this.
The reason i tagged cocos2d is because thats what I'm working with and sometimes game frameworks provide functions to help with the trigonometry.
Try this:
a1 = 28*(π/180)
cen.x = p1.x - r*SIN(a1)
cen.y = p2.y - r*COS(a1)
a2 = a1 + l/r
p2.x = cen.x + r*SIN(a2)
p2.y = cen.y + r*COS(a2)
It does not get any simpler than this. Move from p1 to the circle center, and then to p2.
You can do it with magic of anchor point in a really simple way =) All the transformations with any node are done relatieve to it's anchor point. Rotation is a kind of transformations too. So, you can do something like this
CGFloat anchorY = neededRadius / spriteHeight;
[yourSprite setAnchorPoint:ccp(0.5f, anchorY)];
[yourSprite setPosition:neededPosition]; //remember that position is also for anchor point
[self addChild: yourSprite];
[yourSprite runAction:anyRotateAction]; // i mean, CCRotateBy or CCRotateTo
Calculate the origin, and then use polar co-ordinates to move the point along the circle.
I'm trying to write a ridge detection algorithm, and all of the sources I've found seem to conflate edge detection with ridge detection. Right now, I've implemented the Canny edge detection algorithm, but it's not what I want: for example, given a single line in the image, it will effectively translate it to a double line of edges (since it will record both sides of the line) - I just want it to read the one line.
The wikipedia article about ridge detection has a bunch of math, but this kind of this doesn't help me as a programmer (not that I'm averse to math, but it's not my field, and I don't understand how to translate their differential equations into code). Is there a good source for actually implementing this? Or, for that matter, is there a good open source implementation?
Edit: here's the simple example. We start with a simple line:
and run the Canny Algorithm to get:
(you can see that it's thicker here - if you click on the image, you'll see that it really is two adjacent lines with a blank in between)
Also, I'm writing in C++, but that shouldn't really matter. But I want to code the algorithm, not just write SomePackage::findRidges() and be done with it.
Maybe you need to think in terms of cleaning up the line you already have, rather than a Canny-like edge detection. It feels like you should be able to do something with image morphology, in particular I'm thinking of the skeletonize and ultimate eroded points type operations. Used appropriately these should remove from your image any features which are not 'lines' - I believe they're implemented in Intel's OpenCV library.
You can recover a single line from your double line generated using the Canny filter using one dilate operation followed by 3 erodes (I tried it out in ImageJ) - this should also remove any edges.
I was going to suggest cleaning up your lines like Ian said, but if you don't want to do that, you might also look into doing some variant of a hough transform.
You should be able to get the actual equation for the line from this, so you can make it as thin or as thick as you like. The only tricky part is figuring out where the line ends.
Here's the code I wrote for a hough transform a few years ago, written in MATLAB. I'm not sure how well it works anymore, but it should give you a general idea. It will find all the lines (not segments) in an image
im = imread('cube.tif');
[bin1,bin2,bin3] = canny(im);
%% define constants
binary = bin1;
distStep = 10; % in pixels
angStep = 6; % in degrees
thresh = 50;
%% vote
maxDist = sqrt((size(binary,1))^2+(size(binary,2))^2);
angLoop = 0:angStep*pi/180:pi;
origin = size(binary)/2;
accum = zeros(ceil(maxDist/distStep)+1,ceil(360/angStep)+1);
for y=1:size(binary,2)
for x=1:size(binary,1)
if binary(x,y)
for t = angLoop
dx = x-origin(1);
dy = y-origin(2);
r = x*cos(t)+y*sin(t);
if r < 0
r = -r;
t = t + pi;
ri = round(r/distStep)+1;
ti = round(t*180/pi/angStep)+1;
accum(ri,ti) = accum(ri,ti)+1;
%% find local maxima in accumulator
accumThresh = accum - thresh;
accumThresh(logical(accumThresh<0)) = 0;
accumMax = imregionalmax(accumThresh);
%% calculate radius & angle of lines
dist = [];
ang = [];
for t=1:size(accumMax,2)
for r=1:size(accumMax,1)
if accumMax(r,t)
ang = [ang;(t-1)*angStep/180*pi];
dist = [dist;(r-1)*distStep];
If anyone is still interested in this, here is an implementation of the ridges/valleys algorithm: C++ source code. Look for a function called get_ridges_or_valleys(). This implementation is a 3D version of the algorithm proposed by Linderhed (2009). See page 8 of the paper for the ridges/valleys algorithm.