Multiple firebase databases with one firebase authentication - firebase

I built a web platform that allows users to signup with one user account to multiple web apps. Each app has its own separate firebase database. Is it possible to use firebase authentication and to share the same authentication between the various firebase databases? I mean like single sign on to multiple firebase database via one user base.

Please read this recent blog post on the Firebase blog. It addresses various scenarios where all your data is not in a single project.


Multiple Authentication Firebase?

I am trying to figure out a problem I currently have. I have a software platform where restaurant owners can make and publish their own mobile apps. Menu access, reservation control, etc etc. I am using Firebase as my backend.
For each restaurant app I make, requires a customer login. The problem is that the customer can download another app from my restaurant client and has the ability to log in with the same credentials because I am using the same Firebase project for multiple apps, under the same company.
This is not what I want.. can I make multiple instances of Firebase Authentication? Or when the user registers, do I hardcode the username and password into the database, and check that, upon registration and signing in? If I did that, I would lose the power of third party log ins.
Please let me know of any ideas you guys might have..
Firebase Auth can't have multiple instances per project. You would need to create multiple projects to in order to get more instances.
However, what you're talking about could be called "multi-tenancy", where you have multiple organizations each sandboxed from each other in a single project. For that, you will need to adopt Google Cloud Identity Platform and work with it using the Firebase APIs as described by the documentation.

Can i use multiple apps on a single firebase database? Will it use same auth or different auth?

I am currently developing multiple apps with Firebase and I have a doubt. I have a user and an admin. My problem is if I am using the same firebase database, will the user be able to sign up into Admin's app using his credentials or both app will have different authentication. I don't want the user logging into the admin app with user credentials. If it is possible, what can I do to avoid it?
I haven't done trying it.
Can I use multiple apps on a single Firebase database?
Yes, you can.
Will it use the same auth or a different auth?
If both apps are added to the same project, then the authentication will be the same for both projects. This means that the user can use the same account for both projects. This also means that both apps can write/read data to/from the same database.
You can solve this in multiple ways
Have a different collection to store the data of the admins and then check on the login if the email is present in the collection
With the Rules of Firestore

Custom authentication with Firebase Auth

I am currently working on a big software project that makes use of Firebase services. Especially Firebase Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, and Firebase Auth is used.
Multiple teams in one project
Teams can create their instance of the app to use the features of the app. From a technical standpoint, it is important to know that everything happens through one single Firebase project. Teams are not separated into multiple projects. From a feature standpoint, this is mandatory.
The authentication process
Admins of a team can manage the experience for the users of their team. They should also be able to modify the login methods and e.g. set up individual data to their Microsoft Azure AD account or Google Enterprise account. After a successful setup users of the team should be able to sign in with the prepared auth method by their team admin.
Possible approach
All available auth methods are enabled, set up, and ready to use (E-Mail, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, etc.). When a user opens the app and wants to sign in, the app checks which auth methods are enabled by the team admin and presents the appropriate UI.
Problem: Microsoft AD
Unfortunately, the metadata and values needed for Microsoft AD are set by the team admins and are different for every team. How can this be solved?

How to differentiate firebase authenitcated users in multiple apps in same firebase project?

I have one project based on firebase in which i have multiple apps having same code but white labeled data.
All users are authenticated by firebase authentication.
Now the Problem is when one authenticated used tries to login in the one white label app it logged in sucessfully but when same users who is not registered in another white labeled app also logged in as same authentication process because of one authentication for all apps in same project in firebase.
so I want to know how to differentiate the users in same firebase project with multiple apps ?
sorry for poor english
You can use Custom Claims to track which user have access to which apps. Note that this require you to use Cloud Functions
Custom Claims documents:
Cloud Functions sample code:
admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(uid, {whiteLabelApp1: true}).then(() => {//do something here if you want});
And for client code, just refer to the docs

Firebase & Firestore - Grouping multiple apps into a project - How would auth work?

I am looking to have a single Firebase Project with multiple unique apps. A user can have different accounts and identities in each app. I am using Firestore to hold basic identity information i.e preferred name etc.
My issue is around authentication of the user in each app. Is there a way in which a user can have different auth accounts in different apps?
i.e In app1, the user will have the email/password of with password123 and in app2, the same user will have the email/password of with password456?
The logic behind Firebase projects is that all apps within a project are essentially the same to the user. So it's quite normal to have an iOS and Android and a web app within a single project. It is even common to have different apps for different aspects of the project, or a lite and a pro version of the app.
What all of these scenarios have in common though, is that the resources of the project (including the list of users) is shared between all apps. What you're asking is to have separate lists of users for different apps. That is not what Firebase projects are meant for, so this isn't built in.
You can probably get this working by building your own custom identity provider for Firebase Authentication. But I'd still recommend against it, as you're likely to run into other limitations in the future, either as your project expands or as Firebase enforced the logic of having "one logical app" per project.
Control Access with Custom Claims and Security Rules documents how to do this.
The Firebase Admin SDK supports defining custom attributes on user
accounts. This provides the ability to implement various access
control strategies, including role-based access control, in Firebase
apps. These custom attributes can give users different levels of
access (roles), which are enforced in an application's security rules.
User roles can be defined for the following common cases:
Giving a user administrative privileges to access data and resources.
Defining different groups that a user belongs to.
Providing multi-level access:
Differentiating paid/unpaid subscribers.
Differentiating moderators from regular users.
Teacher/student application, etc.
Add an additional identifier on a user. For example, a Firebase user could map to a different UID in another system.
