How to prevent duplicate validation while updating the value without any changes? - spring-mvc

#RequestMapping(value = "/updateYearMaster", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String updateYearmaster(#RequestParam(value = "id", required = false) Long id,
#RequestParam(value = "fromyear", required = false) Date fromyear,
#RequestParam(value = "toyear", required = false) Date toyear,
#RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) String status,
#RequestParam(value = "yeardescription", required = false) String yeardescription, Model model) {
Yearmaster yearmaster = new Yearmaster(fromyear, toyear, status, yeardescription);
List val = yearmasterService.duplicateEditYear(fromyear, toyear, id);
if (!val.isEmpty()) {
model.addAttribute("yearmaster", yearmaster);
errorMessage = "fromyear and toyear combination is already exist";
model.addAttribute("errorMessage", errorMessage);
return "edit-year-master";
} else {;
return "redirect:/yearmaster";


send data to RoutingSlipCompleted consume method from activity

I have some data in activity which I want to get it in RoutingSlipCompleted consume method. I know we can send data with CompletedWithVariables from a activity to b activity. But I was wondering how it is possible to get data from activity in RoutingSlipCompleted. so this is my activity:
public class CheckInventoryActivity : IActivity<ICheckInventoryRequest, CheckInventoryRequestCompensate>
private readonly IInventoryService _inventoryService;
private readonly IEndpointNameFormatter _formatter;
public CheckInventoryActivity(IInventoryService inventoryService, IEndpointNameFormatter formatter)
_inventoryService = inventoryService;
_formatter = formatter;
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<ICheckInventoryRequest> context)
CheckInventoryRequest model = new CheckInventoryRequest()
PartCode = context.Arguments.PartCode
var response = await _inventoryService.CheckInventory(model);
var checkInventoryResponse = new CheckInventoryResponse()
PartCode = response.Data.PartCode ?? model.PartCode,
Id = response.Data.Id ?? 0,
InventoryCount = response.Data.InventoryCount ?? 0
var checkInventoryCustomActionResult = new CustomActionResult<CheckInventoryResponse>()
Data = checkInventoryResponse,
IsSuccess = true,
ResponseDesc = "success",
ResponseType = 0
var result = response.IsSuccess;
if (!result)
return context.CompletedWithVariables<CheckInventoryRequestCompensate>(
Result = result,
LogDate = DateTime.Now,
MethodName = "CheckInventoryActivity",
}, new
Result = result,
LogDate = DateTime.Now,
MethodName = "CheckInventoryActivity",
CheckInventoryCustomActionResult = checkInventoryCustomActionResult
var queueName = _formatter.ExecuteActivity<CallSuccessActivity, ISuccessRequest>();
var uri = new Uri($"queue:{queueName}");
return context.ReviseItinerary(x => x.AddActivity("CallSuccessActivity", uri, new
LogDate = DateTime.Now,
MethodName = "CheckInventoryActivity",
CheckInventoryCustomActionResult = checkInventoryCustomActionResult
so by the following line of codes I can get data in CallSuccessActivity:
return context.ReviseItinerary(x => x.AddActivity("CallSuccessActivity", uri, new
LogDate = DateTime.Now,
MethodName = "CheckInventoryActivity",
CheckInventoryCustomActionResult = checkInventoryCustomActionResult
so I can get this data here:
public class CallSuccessActivity : IExecuteActivity<ISuccessRequest>
private readonly IRequestClient<ISuccessRequest> _requestClient;
public CallSuccessActivity(IRequestClient<ISuccessRequest> requestClient)
_requestClient = requestClient;
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<ISuccessRequest> context)
var iModel = context.Arguments;
var model = new SuccessRequest()
LogDate = iModel.LogDate,
MethodName = iModel.MethodName,
CheckInventoryCustomActionResult = iModel.CheckInventoryCustomActionResult
//CustomActionResult< CheckInventoryResponse > CheckInventoryResponse = new ();
var rabbitResult = await _requestClient.GetResponse<CustomActionResult<SuccessResponse>>(model);
return context.Completed();
I want to get this iModel.CheckInventoryCustomActionResult in RoutingSlipCompleted :
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<RoutingSlipCompleted> context)
var requestId =
var checkInventoryResponseModel = context.Message.Variables["CheckInventoryResponse"];
var responseAddress =
var request =
context.Message.GetVariable< ICheckInventoryRequest > ("Model");
throw new NotImplementedException();
Instead of putting the value into the activity arguments, add it as a variable:
return context.ReviseItinerary(x =>
x.AddActivity("CallSuccessActivity", uri, new
LogDate = DateTime.Now,
MethodName = "CheckInventoryActivity"
x.AddVariable("CheckInventoryCustomActionResult", checkInventoryCustomActionResult);

File extension not being detected for file upload

Ok I have the following extensions I am checking in my code.
FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes fileAttachmentType = FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes.None;
The strings below in the conts are helled in a constants file
public const string wordExtensions = "docx;docm;doc";
public const string imageExtensions = "gif;tiff;tif;png;eps;raw;bmp;jpeg;jpg";
public const string excelExtensions = "csv;xml;xls;xlsb;xlsm;xlsx";
Which is then parsed down here
I am getting my extension from the File Info class as such
foreach (var fileAttachments in FormFile) {
if (fileAttachments.Length > 0) {
string filePath = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Uploads");
var tennantId = GetCurrentTennantId().Result;
var settings = _context.SystemSetup.FirstOrDefault().UploadFolderPath;
string uniqueFilename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + fileAttachments.FileName;
string savedFileName = Path.Combine(filePath, uniqueFilename);
FileInfo infoFile = new FileInfo(savedFileName);
string extension = infoFile.Extension.Replace(".","");
Here I check the file extension Parameter above in the semi colan separated strings
if (extension.Contains(Constants.imageExtensions)) {
fileAttachmentType = FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes.Image;
} else if (extension.Contains("pdf")) {
fileAttachmentType = FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes.PDF;
} else if (extension.Contains(Constants.videoFormats)) {
fileAttachmentType = FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes.Video;
} else if (extension.Contains(Constants.excelExtensions)) {
fileAttachmentType = FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes.Excel;
} else if (extension.Contains(Constants.wordExtensions)) {
fileAttachmentType = FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes.Word;
} else if (extension.Contains(Constants.audioExtensions)) {
fileAttachmentType = FileAttachments.FileAttachmentTypes.Voice;
Types is just an area for categorizing them into tabs for front end display
public enum FileAttachmentTypes {
[Display(Name = "Microsoft Word")]
Word = 1,
[Display(Name = "Microsoft Excel")]
Excel = 2,
[Display(Name = "Image")]
Image = 3,
[Display(Name = "Voice Recordings")]
Voice = 4,
[Display(Name = "PDF")]
PDF = 5,
[Display(Name = "Video")]
Video = 6,
[Display(Name = "Evidence")]
Evidence = 7,
[Display(Name = "None")]
None = 8,
[Display(Name = "Notes")]
NOTES = 9,
[Display(Name = "Shared Case")]
SharedCase = 10,
[Display(Name = "Created Case")]
CreatedCase = 11
My Question is why is it not finding it for a word document of extension docx when its clearly there

How to parse this json in flutter?

This Is my Json How can I Fetch this Fetch in Flutter? How Can I Create model For This ?
This Is Json Url{MY API}&query=jaipur
you can use this project or this one and select Dart language to help you create models based on json data
You can automatically parse JSON to Dart classes by using this
class Weather {
Request request;
Location location;
Current current;
Weather({this.request, this.location, this.current});
Weather.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
request =
json['request'] != null ? new Request.fromJson(json['request']) : null;
location = json['location'] != null
? new Location.fromJson(json['location'])
: null;
current =
json['current'] != null ? new Current.fromJson(json['current']) : null;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
if (this.request != null) {
data['request'] = this.request.toJson();
if (this.location != null) {
data['location'] = this.location.toJson();
if (this.current != null) {
data['current'] = this.current.toJson();
return data;
class Request {
String type;
String query;
String language;
String unit;
Request({this.type, this.query, this.language, this.unit});
Request.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
type = json['type'];
query = json['query'];
language = json['language'];
unit = json['unit'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['type'] = this.type;
data['query'] = this.query;
data['language'] = this.language;
data['unit'] = this.unit;
return data;
class Location {
String name;
String country;
String region;
String lat;
String lon;
String timezoneId;
String localtime;
int localtimeEpoch;
String utcOffset;
Location.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
name = json['name'];
country = json['country'];
region = json['region'];
lat = json['lat'];
lon = json['lon'];
timezoneId = json['timezone_id'];
localtime = json['localtime'];
localtimeEpoch = json['localtime_epoch'];
utcOffset = json['utc_offset'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['name'] =;
data['country'] =;
data['region'] = this.region;
data['lat'] =;
data['lon'] = this.lon;
data['timezone_id'] = this.timezoneId;
data['localtime'] = this.localtime;
data['localtime_epoch'] = this.localtimeEpoch;
data['utc_offset'] = this.utcOffset;
return data;
class Current {
String observationTime;
int temperature;
int weatherCode;
List<String> weatherIcons;
List<String> weatherDescriptions;
int windSpeed;
int windDegree;
String windDir;
int pressure;
double precip;
int humidity;
int cloudcover;
int feelslike;
int uvIndex;
int visibility;
String isDay;
Current.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
observationTime = json['observation_time'];
temperature = json['temperature'];
weatherCode = json['weather_code'];
weatherIcons = json['weather_icons'].cast<String>();
weatherDescriptions = json['weather_descriptions'].cast<String>();
windSpeed = json['wind_speed'];
windDegree = json['wind_degree'];
windDir = json['wind_dir'];
pressure = json['pressure'];
precip = json['precip'];
humidity = json['humidity'];
cloudcover = json['cloudcover'];
feelslike = json['feelslike'];
uvIndex = json['uv_index'];
visibility = json['visibility'];
isDay = json['is_day'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['observation_time'] = this.observationTime;
data['temperature'] = this.temperature;
data['weather_code'] = this.weatherCode;
data['weather_icons'] = this.weatherIcons;
data['weather_descriptions'] = this.weatherDescriptions;
data['wind_speed'] = this.windSpeed;
data['wind_degree'] = this.windDegree;
data['wind_dir'] = this.windDir;
data['pressure'] = this.pressure;
data['precip'] = this.precip;
data['humidity'] = this.humidity;
data['cloudcover'] = this.cloudcover;
data['feelslike'] = this.feelslike;
data['uv_index'] = this.uvIndex;
data['visibility'] = this.visibility;
data['is_day'] = this.isDay;
return data;
convert json to dart by Weather.fromJson(json);

Mocking of Where method in Data Repository is returning null at its actual implementation in repository

I have written a test for edit model of a class in EF core.
public async Task<Expense> EditExpense(Expense model)
var expense = _dataRepository.Where<Expense>(x => x.Id == model.Id).ToList();
if(expense != null)
expense.ForEach(x =>
x.Name = model.Name;
x.AddedOn = model.AddedOn;
x.Amount = model.Amount;
x.Type = model.Type;
x.SplitOption = model.SplitOption;
x.Notes = model.Notes;
x.IsGroupExpense = model.IsGroupExpense;
return expense.FirstOrDefault();
return null;
I want to test this method using xUnit and Moq and I have also written a method for it as below.
public async void UnitTest_IsExpenseEdited_ReturnsTrue()
var expenseCurrent = new Expense()
Id = 5,
Name = "Test Expense",
Amount = 1500,
AddedBy = "44db32c3-ad6a-4d68-a683-862be363f59c",
AddedOn = DateTime.Now,
Notes = "",
IsDeleted = false,
IsGroupExpense = false,
SplitOption = 1,
Type = 0
var expenseList = (new List<Expense>{ expenseCurrent });
var expenseAfterEdit = new Expense()
Id = 5,
Name = "Test Expense Edited",
Amount = 2000,
AddedBy = "44db32c3-ad6a-4d68-a683-862be363f59c",
AddedOn = DateTime.Now,
Notes = "Edited !!!",
IsDeleted = false,
IsGroupExpense = true,
SplitOption = 2,
Type = 0
_dataRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.Where<Expense>(a => a.Id == expenseCurrent.Id)).Returns(expenseList as IQueryable<Expense>);
var expenseEdited = await _exepenseRepository.EditExpense(expenseAfterEdit);
Assert.Equal(expenseEdited, expenseAfterEdit);
But here, the Where method is returning null
public async Task<Expense> EditExpense(Expense model)
var expense = _dataRepository.Where<Expense>(x => x.Id == model.Id).ToList(); in repository
I am getting var expense null in above code.
Please suggest what should I include in the code to get the value in above var expense?
To test this method, I want to create a fake data which is going to be updated. Please suggest how this thing needs to be written properly?

null104Invalid MailChimp "Invalid MailChimp API key: xxxx.."

I am trying this code for creating new campaign using MailChimp API in ASP.NET
public string CreateCampaignAndSend(string apiKey, string listID)
Int32 TemplateID = 100;
string campaignID = string.Empty;
MailChimpManager mc = new MailChimpManager("sampleAPIKeyXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-us12");
// compaign Create Options
campaignCreateOptions campaignCreateOpt = new campaignCreateOptions();
campaignCreateOpt.list_id = listID;
campaignCreateOpt.subject = "subject";
campaignCreateOpt.from_email = "";
campaignCreateOpt.from_name = "abc";
campaignCreateOpt.template_id = TemplateID;
campaignCreateOpt.authenticate = true;
campaignCreateOpt.auto_footer = false;
campaignCreateOpt.tracking.opens = true;
campaignCreateOpt.tracking.html_clicks = true;
campaignCreateOpt.tracking.text_clicks = true;
// Content
Dictionary<string, string> content = new Dictionary<string, string>();
content.Add("html_ArticleTitle1", "ArticleTitle1");
content.Add("html_ArticleTitle2", "ArticleTitle2");
content.Add("html_ArticleTitle3", "ArticleTitle3");
content.Add("html_Article1", "Article1");
content.Add("html_Article2", "Article2");
List<campaignSegmentCondition> csCondition = new List<campaignSegmentCondition>();
campaignSegmentCondition csC = new campaignSegmentCondition();
csC.field = "interests-" + 123; // where 123 is the Grouping Id from listInterestGroupings()
csC.op = "all";
csC.value = "";
// Options
campaignSegmentOptions csOptions = new campaignSegmentOptions();
csOptions.match = "all";
// Type Options
Dictionary<string, string> typeOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
typeOptions.Add("offset-units", "days");
typeOptions.Add("offset-time", "0");
typeOptions.Add("offset-dir", "after");
// Create Campaigns
campaignCreateParms campaignCreateParms = new campaignCreateParms(mc.APIKey, EnumValues.campaign_type.regular, campaignCreateOpt, content, csOptions, typeOptions);
campaignCreateInput campCreateInput = new campaignCreateInput(campaignCreateParms);
campaignCreate campaignCreate = new campaignCreate(campCreateInput);
//string abc = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
campaignCreateOutput ccOutput = campaignCreate.Execute(campCreateInput);
List<Api_Error> error = ccOutput.api_ErrorMessages; // Catching API Errors
string s = "null";
if (error.Count <= 0)
campaignID = ccOutput.result;
foreach (Api_Error ae in error)
Console.WriteLine("\n ERROR Creating Campaign : ERRORCODE\t:" + ae.code + "\t ERROR\t:" + ae.error);
s = s + ae.code;
s = s + ae.error;
return s;
but it shows an error while I am giving the right key.
here is the error,
null104Invalid MailChimp "Invalid MailChimp API key:
