Using SFTP File Name in Logic Apps - sftp

I have a simple Logic App that uses a SFTP connector, followed by a condition with an expression that states:
Object Name: File Name
Relationship: starts with
Value: '943'
The expression ends up being:
"#startsWith(triggerOutputs()['headers']['x-ms-file-name'], '''943''')"
But the condition always fails even when the file starts with 943.
When trying to debug this I decided to write the "file name" property to the body of a Service Bus Queue and then read it from a simple Windows app. When getting the body as a string, it always threw an exception. I had to rewrite it to use a stream to read it.
Failed Code:
Dim s as String = message.GetBody(of String)()
Working Code:
Dim stream As Stream = message.GetBody(Of Stream)()
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(stream)
Dim s As String = reader.ReadToEnd
Does this mean "file name" is not a string but something else like a byte array? How do I get my condition in my Logic App to work properly?

Try update
"#startsWith(triggerOutputs()['headers']['x-ms-file-name'], '''943''')"
"#startsWith(triggerOutputs()['headers']['x-ms-file-name'], '943')"
Looks like basic mode will treat 123 as int, but adding additional quotes when entered '123', so you will need to make the change by switching to advanced mode.


Lotus notes Formula. trying to run an #command inside of a fields validation

I am trying to use formula to open a document from within a field when it comes to validation. Basically i have set up a database that checks for duplicate entries and I want the database to (if a form is created) check that it doesn't already exist and if it does ask the user if it wants to open the form. I have got it all set up and acquired the UNID but when I come to save the document to test (with everything working perfectly) it gives the following error
#commands and other UI functions are not allowed in this context
Not sure what to try. Any help would be appreciate. The command I used is as follows
#Command([EditDocument];1;Unid) //where Unid is an ID I have acquired previously
This is a task, that cannot be done with formula language. As the message sais: #Commands cannot be used in any of the contexts that could help you with this task.
You need to use LotusScript in any matching event (e.g. QuerySave) to do this Check and open the other document. Here is some example code:
%include "lsconst.lss"
Sub QuerySave( Source as NotesUIDocument, Continue as Variant )
Dim ses as New NotesSession
Dim db as NotesDatabase
Dim ws as New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim doc as NotesDocument
Dim ok as Variant
Dim strOtherUnid as String
Set db = ses.CurrentDatabase
strOtherUnid = Source.Document.OtherUnid(0)
If strOtherUnid <> "" then
Continue = False
ok = Messagebox ("There is already another document, do you want to edit it?" , MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "QUESTION" )
if ok = IDYES then
Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID( strOtherUnid )
Call ws.EditDocument( False, doc )
End if
End if
End Sub
This code is not tested at all, just to be used as a starting point. It needs a field called "OtherUnid" that contains the universalid of the other document.

CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates - Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes

I am attempting to create a DocuSign envelope from a template document using the CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates method, available within their v3 SOAP API web service. This is being instantiated from a asp.NET v4.0 web site.
Upon calling the method armed with the required parameter objects being passed in. I am recieving an exception from the web service, basically telling me that the Template ID is not a valid GUID.
669393: Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
Line 14889:
Line 14890: public DocuSignDSAPI.EnvelopeStatus CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates(DocuSignDSAPI.TemplateReference[] TemplateReferences, DocuSignDSAPI.Recipient[] Recipients, DocuSignDSAPI.EnvelopeInformation EnvelopeInformation, bool ActivateEnvelope) {
Line 14891: return base.Channel.CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates(TemplateReferences, Recipients, EnvelopeInformation, ActivateEnvelope);
Line 14892: }
Line 14893:
The template reference, a guid. Must be specified as the "Template" string property against TemplateReference object. This is then added to a dynamic array of TemplateReferences, which is one of the input parameters of the CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates method.
Actual template GUID: f37b4d64-54e3-4723-a6f1-a4120f0e9695
I am building up my template reference object using the following function that i wrote to try and make the functionality reusable:
Private Function GetTemplateReference(ByVal TemplateID As String) As TemplateReference
Dim templateReference As New TemplateReference
Dim guidTemplateID As Guid
With TemplateReference
.TemplateLocation = TemplateLocationCode.Server
If Guid.TryParse(TemplateID, guidTemplateID) Then
.Template = guidTemplateID.ToString
End If
End With
Return TemplateReference
End Function
The TemplateID is being passed in from a appSetting configuration value at the time of the TemplateReferences array instantiation like so...
templateReferences = New TemplateReference() {GetTemplateReference(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DocuSignTemplate_Reference"))}
recipients = New Recipient() {AddRecipient("", "My Name")}
envelopeInformation = CreateEnvelopeInformation()
envelopeStatus = client.CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates(templateReferences, recipients, envelopeInformation, True)
As you can see from my GetTemplateReference function I am also parsing the GUID before setting it back as a string so i know its valid. The template is managed and stored at the DocuSign end, hence specifying the document location.
I am referring to their own documentation:
Why oh why is the method not liking my Template ID? I can successfully use their REST API to call the same method, using their own code samples. Worst case I can make use of this but would rather interact with the web service as I would need to construct all the relevent requests in either XML or JSON.
I would really appreciate if someone could perhaps shed some light on this problem.
Thanks for taking the time to read my question!
Andrew might be spot on with the AccountId mention - are you setting the AccountId in the envelope information object? Also, have you seen the DocuSign SOAP SDK up on Github? That has 5 sample SOAP projects including one MS.NET project. The .NET project is in C# not Visual Basic, but still I think it will be helpful to you. Check out the SOAP SDK here:
For instance, here is the test function for the CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates() function:
public void CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesTest()
// Construct all the recipient information
DocuSignWeb.Recipient[] recipients = HeartbeatTests.CreateOneSigner();
DocuSignWeb.TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment[] finalRoleAssignments = new DocuSignWeb.TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment[1];
finalRoleAssignments[0] = new DocuSignWeb.TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment();
finalRoleAssignments[0].RoleName = recipients[0].RoleName;
finalRoleAssignments[0].RecipientID = recipients[0].ID;
// Use a server-side template -- you could make more than one of these
DocuSignWeb.TemplateReference templateReference = new DocuSignWeb.TemplateReference();
templateReference.TemplateLocation = DocuSignWeb.TemplateLocationCode.Server;
// TODO: replace with template ID from your account
templateReference.Template = "server template ID";
templateReference.RoleAssignments = finalRoleAssignments;
// Construct the envelope information
DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeInformation envelopeInfo = new DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeInformation();
envelopeInfo.AccountId = _accountId;
envelopeInfo.Subject = "create envelope from templates test";
envelopeInfo.EmailBlurb = "testing docusign creation services";
// Create draft with all the template information
DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeStatus status = _apiClient.CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates(new DocuSignWeb.TemplateReference[] { templateReference },
recipients, envelopeInfo, false);
// Confirm that the envelope has been assigned an ID
Console.WriteLine("Status for envelope {0} is {1}", status.EnvelopeID, status.Status);
This code calls other sample functions in the SDK which I have not included, but hopefully this helps shed some light on what you're doing wrong...
This problem arises when you don't set up the field AccountId. This field can be retrieved from your account. In Docusign's console go to Preferences / API and look here
Where to find AccountID Guid in Docusign's Console
Use API Account ID (which is in GUID format) and you should be OK.

sending Json array failed

I am building a JSON/WCF app and need to send an array of objects back to the server. For some reason it is not accepting the array. Using script manager I can get data fine.
var month = $("#ddlStartMonth").val();
var year = $("#ddlStartYear").val();
var items = JSON.stringify(calendarItems);
WebService.SaveCalendar(items, new Date(year, month, 01).toDateString(), new Date(year, month, 01).toDateString(), Submit, onPageError);
I have tried with and without the JSON stringify. The function onPageError is activated and the only error info it produces is "The server method 'SaveCalendar' failed". Yet the breakpoint on the first line of the web method is not activated.
<WebGet(ResponseFormat:=WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle:=WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)>
Public Function SaveCalendar(ByVal _jsonImages As String()(), ByVal _selectedMonth As String, ByVal _selectedYear As String) As Boolean
Dim _calenderItems As New List(Of CalenderItem)
'_calenderItems = New JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(Of List(Of CalenderItem))(_jsonImages)
HttpContext.Current.Session("calenderItems") = _calenderItems
HttpContext.Current.Session("selectedMonth") = New Date(_selectedMonth)
HttpContext.Current.Session("selectedYear") = New Date(_selectedYear)
Return True
End Function
Any Ideas?
I've had similar issues working with MVC. I think .NET's deserializer actually expects that the object it is passed will be a JSON object rather than an array (i.e. it should always start with "{" and end with "}". You could:
Create a POCO class to act as your DTO which simply has a List/Array of CalenderItems inside of it, or
Use a more "lenient" deserializer like Newtonsoft's JSON.NET
Of course this second option would only work if you can somehow convince WCF to run the method in the first place. Looking at your code again, though, I'm wondering if your declaring _jsonImages as a double-array of strings might be causing some difficulty.

Debug Mode: See what is in SqlCommand

I'd like to see what is about to be sent to the SQL Server from my SqlCommand before SQLCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() runs.
I'm trying to debug because I am receiving the following error: System.FormatException: Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32.
Normally, I would use SQL Server Profiler to view what is being sent to SQL Server, but my statement is not making it that far.
Is there a way to determine what it is trying to convert? I am having problems determining which parameter is causing the error.
There's nothing that can quickly visualize it for you, but you can browse through the object and get at the internal list of parameters and view their names and values individually.
It will likely be faster just to write something that you can pass the command into and it will print out the name, DbType, Value.ToString() and Value.GetType().Name for each parameter.
void PrintCommand(DbCommand command)
Console.WriteLine("CommandType: {0}", command.CommandType);
Console.WriteLine("CommandText: {0}", command.CommandText);
foreach(var parameter in command.Parameters)
Console.WriteLine(" Parameter {0}, {1}: \"{2}\" ({3})",
Try the immediate window:
? SQLCmd.Parameters["#MyParam"].Value

Is caching my sql results?

I have the following method in an App_Code/Globals.cs file:
public static XmlDataSource getXmlSourceFromOrgid(int orgid)
XmlDataSource xds = new XmlDataSource();
var ctx = new SensusDataContext();
SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(ctx.Connection.ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format("select orgid, tekst, dbo.GetOrgTreeXML({0}) as Subtree from tblOrg where OrgID = {0}", orgid), c);
var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("<node orgid=\"{0}\" tekst=\"{1}\">",rdr.GetInt32(0),rdr.GetString(1));
xds.Data = sb.ToString();
xds.ID = "treedata";
return xds;
This gives me an XML-structure to use with the treeview control (I also use the CssFriendly extender to get nicer code)
My problem is that if I logon on my pc with a code that gives me access on a lower level in the tree hierarchy (it's an orgianization hierarchy), it somehow "remembers" what level i logon at. So when my coworker tests from her computer with another code, giving access to another place in the tree, she get's the same tree as me.
(The tree is supposed to show your own level and down.)
I have added a html-comment to show what orgid it passes to the function, and the orgid passed is correct. So either the treeview caches something serverside, or the sqlquery caches it's result somehow...
Any ideas?
Sql function:
ALTER function [dbo].[GetOrgTreeXML](#orgid int)
returns XML
begin RETURN
(select org.orgid as '#orgid',
org.tekst as '#tekst',
from tblOrg org
where (#orgid is null and Eier is null) or Eier=#orgid
Extra code as requested:
int orgid = int.Parse(Session["org"].ToString());
string orgname = context.Orgs.Where(q => q.OrgID == orgid).First().Tekst;
debuglit.Text = String.Format("<!-- Id: {0} \n name: {1} -->", orgid, orgname);
var orgxml = Globals.getXmlSourceFromOrgid(orgid);
tvNavtree.DataSource = orgxml;
Where "debuglit" is a asp:Literal in the aspx file.
I have narrowed it down. All functions returns correct values. It just doesn't bind to it. I suspect the CssFriendly adapter to have something to do with it.
I disabled the CssFriendly adapter and the problem persists...
Stepping through it in debug it's correct all the way, with the stepper standing on "tvNavtree.DataBind();" I can hover the pointer over the tvNavtree.Datasource and see that it actually has the correct data. So something must be faulting in the binding process...
I would normally suspect the issue is with orgid that is getting passed in to your method, but you say that you have checked to make sure the right code is being passed. Just to confirm, show us the code that assigns the value to that.
Additionally, there are a few problems with your code, SQL injection risk being one of them. orgid is an int, offering some protection, but if at some point orgid is changed to require characters by your organization, a developer may just change the data type to string, suddenly opening up the app to SQL injection. You should remove the String.Fotmat, and use a parameterized query instead.
I found the problem. The XmlDataSource component has a cache function, which by default is enabled. When I disabled this, everything works nicely.
