Details list in symfony2, from two bundles - symfony

I have little in the development of Symfony and I have a question: To show a list with details of two Bundles.
My project have a Owner, but can have 1 o more consultants. The Entity has been related but when the results are listed only can view the user id. How can see the user name?
I will attach a image with my entities.

I need show the name of the differents consultants in a project. These are users too. I have already related the owner of the project, but this consultant is a field in my entity.
Attachment images to reference, and the php and twig files content. See the image: Database relation, and view.
public function showAction(UserProject $userProject, User $user) {
$id = $userProject->getId();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$project = $em->getRepository('ProjectBundle:Project')->find($id);
$userProjects = $em->getRepository('ProjectBundle:UserProject')->findby(array('idproject' => $id, 'status' => '1'));
if (empty($userProjects)) {
return $this->redirectToRoute('userproject_new');
$users = $em->getRepository('UserBundle:User')->findby(array('id' => 1));
return $this->render('ProjectBundle:Userproject:show.html.twig', array(
'userProjects' => $userProjects, 'project' => $project, 'User' => $user,
Entity User
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="ProjectBundle\Entity\UserProject", mappedBy="user")
protected $uproject;
Entity UserProject
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="ProjectBundle\Entity\Project", inversedBy="userproject")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="project_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* #Assert\NotBlank()
protected $idproject;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="UserBundle\Entity\User", inversedBy="uproject")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* #Assert\NotBlank()
protected $user;
Entity Project
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="ProjectBundle\Entity\UserProject", mappedBy="idproject")
protected $userproject;
View show.html.twig
{% for userProject in userProjects %}
<dt><span class="text-primary">{{'User_id'|trans}}</span></dt>
{{ userProject.user }}
<dt><span class="text-primary">{{'Consultor_id'|trans}}</span></dt>
{{ userProject.consultorId }}
<dt><span class="text-primary">{{'Status'|trans}}</span></dt>
{% if userProject.status == 1 %}
<span class="text-success">{% trans %}Enabled{% endtrans %}</span>
{% elseif userProject.status == 0 %}
<span class="text-danger">{% trans %}Disabled{% endtrans %}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Did we migrate incorrectly? Validation not happening in forms migrated from Symfony 2.7 to 4.0

In code migrated from Symfony 2.7 to 4.0, validation no longer happens on my form, allowing bad data to pass through and cause a Doctrine constraint violation
I'm new to Symfony and was asked to migrate a 2.7 application to 4.0. I did this in steps (2.7->2.8->3.x->4.0) and addressed issues as they came up, but one thing that broke along the way is automatic form validation. In the original version, if I attempted to create a new user and left the fields blank, it would correctly flag those and pop up " must not be empty" messages in the UI. Now, it lets those past until it attempts to write to the database, at which point Doctrine barfs because the database not null constraints are violated.
I've tried to figure out what I'm doing wrong, but I don't have a firm grasp on how the form creation process and syntax has changed. All of the example documentation on validation in forms assumes the createFormBuilder() approach, and all my existing code uses createForm(). What am I missing?
Here's part of the user object associated with the form showing the #Assert statements that I expect to trigger validation warnings:
* #ORM\Table(name="users")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Domain\CoreBundle\Repository\UserRepository")
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
* #UniqueEntity(fields="email", message="This email address is already in usage")
* #UniqueEntity(fields="username", message="This username is already in usage")
class User extends BaseUser implements JsonSerializable
* #var integer
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
* #Assert\NotBlank(message="Email should not be empty")
* #Assert\Email(strict=true)
* #Assert\Length(max=150, maxMessage="Email should be less than {{ limit }} characters")
protected $email;
* #Assert\NotBlank(message="Username should not be empty")
* #Assert\Regex(
* pattern = "/^\d*[a-zA-Z][ a-zA-Z0-9\!\#\#\$\%\^\&\-\_\=\+\~\?\.]*$/i",
* message = "Username should include at least one letter"
* )
protected $username;
* #var string
* #Assert\NotBlank(message="First name should not be empty")
* #ORM\Column(name="first_name", type="string", length=255)
protected $firstName;
* #var string
* #Assert\NotBlank(message="Last name should not be empty")
* #ORM\Column(name="last_name", type="string", length=255)
protected $lastName;
(rest of code omitted for conciseness)
And here's the addNew action from the controller (AdministratorController extends UserController):
* Add new administrator
* #param Request $request
* #return Response
public function addNewAction(Request $request)
$company = $this->getCurrentCompany();
$form = $this->createForm(AddAdministratorType::class, null,
array('current_user'=> $this->user, 'restricted_admin'=>$this->getRestrictedAdmin(), 'company'=>$company));
if ($request->getMethod() == Request::METHOD_POST) {
// check if the user already exists
$userManager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
$user = $form->getData();
$oldUser = $userManager->findUserByUsername($user['email']);
if ($oldUser)
$alreadyExists = false;
if ($user["isSuperAdmin"] &&$oldUser->isGrantedSuperAdmin())
$alreadyExists = true;
if ($user["isCompanyAdmin"] && $oldUser->isGranted(UserRepository::ROLE_COMPANY_ADMIN, $company))
$alreadyExists = true;
if (!$user["isCompanyAdmin"] && !$user["isSuperAdmin"] && $oldUser->isGranted(UserRepository::ROLE_ADMIN,$company))
$alreadyExists = true;
if ($alreadyExists)
$form->get('email')->addError(new FormError('This email address is already in use'));
if ($form->isValid()) {
$user = $form->getData();
if ($oldUser) // if the user already exists, we just need to add the role
if (!$this->getUser()->isGrantedSuperAdmin() &&
!in_array($company->getId(), array_map(function($x){return $x->getId();}, $oldUser->getCompaniesWithRole())))
// the user isn't currently in this company and the user adding the role
// isn't a super admin, so we have to create a shadow user entry to hide
// the real user info from other in the company until the user logs into
// the company
$oldShadow=$this->em->getRepository(ShadowUser::class)->findOneBy(array("user" => $oldUser, "company"=>$company));
if (!$oldShadow)
$shadow = new ShadowUser();
$shadow->setCreatedDate(new \DateTime());
if ($user["isSuperAdmin"])
$oldUser->addMyRole(UserRepository::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN, $company);
$this->get('pp_mailer')->onAddNewRole($oldUser,UserRepository::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN, $company );
if ($user["isCompanyAdmin"])
$oldUser->addMyRole(UserRepository::ROLE_COMPANY_ADMIN, $company);
$this->get('pp_mailer')->onAddNewRole($oldUser,UserRepository::ROLE_COMPANY_ADMIN, $company );
if (!$user["isSuperAdmin"] && !$user["isCompanyAdmin"])
$oldUser->addMyRole(UserRepository::ROLE_ADMIN, $company);
$this->get('pp_mailer')->onAddNewRole($oldUser,UserRepository::ROLE_ADMIN, $company );
$programRepo = $this->em->getRepository(ProgramUser::class);
foreach($user["programs"] as $program)
$oldRelation = $programRepo->findOneBy(array("user"=> $oldUser, "program"=>$program));
if (!$oldRelation)
$relation = new ProgramUser();
$newUser = new User();
$newUser = $this->em->getRepository('DomainCoreBundle:User')->addUserInSystem($userManager, $newUser);
$token = $this->get('domain_core_service')->generateToken();
if ($user["isSuperAdmin"])
$newUser->addMyRole(UserRepository::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN, $company);
$this->get('pp_mailer')->onAddNewUser($newUser,UserRepository::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN, $company );
if ($user["isCompanyAdmin"])
$newUser->addMyRole(UserRepository::ROLE_COMPANY_ADMIN, $company);
$this->get('pp_mailer')->onAddNewUser($newUser,UserRepository::ROLE_COMPANY_ADMIN, $company );
if (!$user["isSuperAdmin"] && !$user["isCompanyAdmin"])
$newUser->addMyRole(UserRepository::ROLE_ADMIN, $company);
$this->get('pp_mailer')->onAddNewUser($newUser,UserRepository::ROLE_ADMIN, $company );
foreach($user["programs"] as $program)
$relation = new ProgramUser();
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('domain_admin_show_all_administrators_page'));
return $this->render(
'form' => $form->createView(),
'page_title' => 'Add New Administrator',
'currentSidebar' => $this->currentSideBar,
'currentSidebarItem' => $this->currentSidebarItem,
And the twig file for the form:
{% extends 'DomainAdminBundle::base-admin-layout.html.twig' %}
{% import '::widgets/form_errors.html.twig' as form_custom_errors %}
{% import '::widgets/label.html.twig' as form_custom_labels %}
{% block title %} My Application| {{ page_title }} {% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{{ parent() }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('assets/scripts/admin-add-new.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ parent() }}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('assets/styles/admin-add-new.css') }}">
{% endblock %}
{% block admin_main_content %}
<div class="content-block administrator-controller" ng-controller="AdministratorController">
<div class="content-title-bar">
<div class="pull-left">
<h2>{{ page_title }}</h2>
<div class="content-block" ng-controller="AdminController">
{{ form_start(form, {"attr": { "action":"{{ path('domain_admin_add_new_administrator_page') }}", 'enctype': 'multipart/form-data', "method":"POST", "novalidate":"novalidate", "autocomplete":"off", "class":"form-horizontal add-user", "ng-submit":"disableAddButton()" }}) }}
<div class="base-box info-block">
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
{{ form_widget(form.enabled) }}
{{ form_label(form.enabled, 'Active') }}
{% if app.user.isGrantedSuperAdmin() %}
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
{% set companyAdminValue = form.isCompanyAdmin.vars.checked ? 'true' : 'false' %}
{{ form_widget(form.isCompanyAdmin, { 'attr':{ 'ng-model':'adminForm.isCompanyAdmin', 'ng-init': 'adminForm.isCompanyAdmin=' ~ companyAdminValue } }) }}
{{ form_label(form.isCompanyAdmin, 'Company Admin') }}
{% set superAdminValue = form.isSuperAdmin.vars.checked ? 'true' : 'false' %}
{{ form_widget(form.isSuperAdmin, { 'attr':{ 'ng-model':'adminForm.isSuperAdmin', 'ng-init': 'adminForm.isSuperAdmin=' ~ superAdminValue } }) }}
{{ form_label(form.isSuperAdmin, 'Super Admin') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="control-group" ng-init="initMultiSelect(true)">
{{ form_custom_labels.widget(form.programs) }}
<div class="controls">
{{ form_widget(form.programs) }}
{{ form_custom_errors.widget(form.programs) }}
<div class="control-group">
{{ form_custom_labels.widget(form.firstName) }}
<div class="controls">
{{ form_widget(form.firstName) }}
{{ form_custom_errors.widget(form.firstName) }}
<div class="control-group">
{{ form_custom_labels.widget(form.lastName) }}
<div class="controls">
{{ form_widget(form.lastName) }}
{{ form_custom_errors.widget(form.lastName) }}
<div class="control-group">
{{ form_custom_labels.widget( }}
<div class="controls">
{{ form_widget( }}
{{ form_custom_errors.widget( }}
<div class="control-group">
{{ form_custom_labels.widget(form.timezone) }}
<div class="controls">
{{ form_widget(form.timezone) }}
{{ form_custom_errors.widget(form.timezone) }}
<div class="text-right">
<button id="add-admin-submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-do" ng-disabled="isDisabled">Add new administrator</button>
{{ form_rest(form) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
{% endblock %}
If I leave all fields blank and click "Add New Administrator" it doesn't flag them as blank, instead passing them onto Doctrine. The expected behavior is that it flags them at the UI and doesn't attempt to write them to the database.
I'm sure I've created multiple crimes against Symfony as I've ramped up the learning curve, so go easy. Right now I'm just trying to address this narrow issue; refactoring to more elegantly fit Symfony 4 will have to wait for another day.
Looks like you want to validate the User class against the data from your request.
Have you set data_class option in your form type class?
It's required if you want to use validation rules from another class (as you marked your properties with some #Assert* annotations).
Another way to do validation is to choose validation rules right in your FormType.

What is the better solution to get the Entity I want in a biderectional OneToMany relation?

I have one entity Article and an other entity Image with a bidrectional relation OneToMany and ManyToOne :
class Article
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\Image", mappedBy="article")
private $images;
class Image
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\Article", inversedBy="images")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=true)
private $article;
In my controller I use #paramconverter to get the article I want :
* #Route("/blog/{slug}", name="article")
* #ParamConverter("article", class="AppBundle:Article")
public function articleAction(Article $article)
return $this->render('default/article.html.twig', array(
'article' => $article,
Now my problem is that I want to identify the ONLY image with the attributes "main = true" in all the "article.images" I have.
What is the best solution?
In my wiew I can do somehting like this but it's not the best I think :
{% for image in article.images %}
{% if image.main %}
<img src="{{ asset( image.src ) }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" title="{{ image.title }}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I'd like to use something like :
{{ article.mainImg }}
How can I achieve this please? And is this the best solution?
Doctrine provides a collection filter mechanism you could use to get the "main image":
public function articleAction(Article $article)
$criteria = Criteria::create()
->where(Criteria::expr()->eq("main", true))
$mainImg = $article->getImages()->matching($criteria)->first();
return $this->render('default/article.html.twig', array(
'article' => $article,
'mainImg' => $mainImg
More information on filtering doctrine collections: Filtering collections
I did not test the code myself, but it should convey the idea of how it can be done.

Overriding SensioGeneratorBundle's twig template: trying to translate the delete button

I'm trying to override Resources/crud/actions/delete.php.twig from SensioGeneratorBundle.
I created this file located at app/Resources/SensioGeneratorBundle/skeleton/crud/actions/delete.php.twig:
{% extends "#SensioGenerator/Resources/crud/actions/delete.php.twig" %}
{% block form %}
* Creates a form to delete a {{ entity }} entity by id.
* #param mixed $id The entity id
* #return \Symfony\Component\Form\Form The form
private function createDeleteForm($id)
return $this->createFormBuilder()
->setAction($this->generateUrl('{{ route_name_prefix }}_delete', array('id' => $id)))
->add('submit', 'submit', array('label' => 'Supprimer'))
{% endblock form %}
Problem is that #SensioGenerator is not recognized:
There are no registered paths for namespace "SensioGenerator" in "crud/controller.php.twig" at line 58.
I tried to manually register the namespace in app/config/config.yml:
"%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/sensio/generator-bundle/Sensio/Bundle/GeneratorBundle/": SensioGenerator
But still not working. Idea?
Why you didn't do it like in docs ? SensioGeneratorDocs
{% extends "skeleton/crud/actions/delete.php.twig" %}
{% block form %}
* Creates a form to delete a {{ entity }} entity by id.
* #param mixed $id The entity id
* #return \Symfony\Component\Form\Form The form
private function createDeleteForm($id)
return $this->createFormBuilder()
->setAction($this->generateUrl('{{ route_name_prefix }}_delete', array('id' => $id)))
->add('submit', 'submit', array('label' => 'Supprimer'))
{% endblock form %}
If you're using a project that's based-on or is similar-to the Symfony Standard Edition, then the SensioGeneratorBundle is only loaded for the dev environment.
This is configured in both the composer.json and the AppKernel.
So, make sure your execution is using the dev environment or alter these configurations so that the bundle is always loaded.

Display image stored in BLOB database in symfony

I load my image (blob data ) in my GETer Entity
When I just return ($this->foto) in my GETer I see :Resource id #284 on the screen
When I change my GETer like this : return stream_get_contents($this->foto);
I see these : ���JFIF��� ( ,,,,,,,, ( and more )
In my Controller a call the index.html.twig to show all my entities
* Lists all Producten entities.
public function indexAction()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$entities = $em->getRepository('CustomCMSBundle:Producten')->findAll();
return $this->render('CustomCMSBundle:Producten:index.html.twig', array(
'entities' => $entities,
Now in my views ( index.html.twig ) I like to show the picture
{% for entity in entities %}
<img src="{{ entity.foto}}" alt="" width="80" height="80" />
{{ entity.foto }}
{% endfor %}
But I don't see the picture ?
Can anyone help me?
You are using <img src="(raw image)"> instead of <img src="(image's url)">
A quick solution is to encode your image in base64 and embed it.
$images = array();
foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
$images[$key] = base64_encode(stream_get_contents($entity->getFoto()));
// ...
return $this->render('CustomCMSBundle:Producten:index.html.twig', array(
'entities' => $entities,
'images' => $images,
{% for key, entity in entities %}
{# ... #}
<img alt="Embedded Image" src="data:image/png;base64,{{ images[key] }}" />
{# ... #}
{% endfor %}
in your entity write your image getter like this:
public function getFoto()
return imagecreatefromstring($this->foto);
and use it instead of the object "foto" property.
php doc for the function:
A more direct way, without extra work in the controller:
In the Entity Class
* #ORM\Column(name="photo", type="blob", nullable=true)
private $photo;
private $rawPhoto;
public function displayPhoto()
if(null === $this->rawPhoto) {
$this->rawPhoto = "data:image/png;base64," . base64_encode(stream_get_contents($this->getPhoto()));
return $this->rawPhoto;
In the view
<img src="{{ entity.displayPhoto }}">
Thanks to answer to my question here, I could improve this code so the image can be displayed more than once.
As it is said before you must use base64 method, but for a better performance and usability, the correct option is creating a custom twig filter (Twig extension) as described here .
namespace Your\Namespace;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\TwigFilter;
class TwigExtensions extends AbstractExtension
public function getFilters()
return [
new TwigFilter('base64', [$this, 'twig_base64_filter']),
function twig_base64_filter($source)
{ if($source!=null) {
return base64_encode(stream_get_contents($source));
return '';
In your template:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,{{ | base64 }}">

Sonata admin tabs in page

I use Sonata admin Generator.
I'd like to create multiple lists from a symfony class.
For example I have a list of invoices and I would like to create a tab with paid bills, an other tab with pending bills and a last tab with invoices disabled.
This status is in the class.
I saw this page(admin/admin) in the Sonata demo who use context but I wouldn't like install mediabundle if it's possible.
It is possible without the mediabundle.
I had the same use-case as you with 'project-statuses'. These statuses are in my database.
A few steps are necessary:
Override the CRUDController. Maybe this step isn't needed, but I couldn't figure out how to without. I want to display the different statuses as tabs, so I inject a collection in the list-template.
Make your own CRUDController:
namespace Your\OwnBundle\Controller;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController as Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class ProjectCrudController extends Controller
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param Request $request
public function render($view, array $parameters = array(), Response $response = null, Request $request = null)
$projectStatusRepo = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('EvinceObjectsBundle:ProjectStatus');
// here inject the params you'll need
// you can do it only when $parameters['action'] == 'list' if you want
$parameters['projectStatuses'] = $projectStatusRepo->findAll();
$parameters['activeProjectStatus'] = $request->get('status', 1);
return parent::render($view, $parameters, $response);
Inject your own CRUDController in the services.yml (or xml)
class: Your\OwnBundle\Admin\ProjectAdmin
- { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: "project", label: "Project" }
- ~
- Your\OwnBundle\Entity\Project
- YourOwnBundle:ProjectCrud
- [ setLabelTranslatorStrategy, ["#sonata.admin.label.strategy.underscore"]]
- [ setTemplate, [list, YourOwnBundle:ProjectAdmin:list.html.twig]]
Notice the setTemplate-call, so lets create your template
Create your own list-template
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list.html.twig' %}
{% block preview %}
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<li><a><strong>{{ "label.select_projectstatus"|trans({}, 'SonataProjectBundle') }}</strong></a></li>
{% for projectStatus in projectStatuses %}
{% set active = false %}
{% if == activeProjectStatus %}
{% set active = true %}
{% endif %}
<li class="{% if active %}active{% endif %}" >{{ projectStatus.status }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Override the Admin::getFilterParameters function in your own admin class. Here you want to set the filter based on your requestparam:
* {#inheritdoc}
public function getFilterParameters()
$parameters = parent::getFilterParameters();
return array_merge(array(
'status' => array(
'type' => '',
'value' => $this->getRequest()->get('status', 1),
), $parameters);
