How to "embed" one window inside another - qt

I have inherited a Qt-based app that handles the master/detail relationship by presenting the detail screens as separate windows. The main window includes a list, and when you tap on a row a separate detail window is opened up.
In the code base, the detail windows are handled by a QML file and a matching .cpp file (the main window also has its own .cpp file). The problem I am facing is that a new client wants me to modify this application for them, except that they want everything to occur within a single window. They want the list to be shown on the left side, and then when a user taps a row, the detail screen is to be shown on the right side of the window in its own panel (but not in a separate window).
For various reasons I can't easily refactor this application. A quicker solution for me would be to continue to present the detail screen in its own window, but to make it a borderless window and position this borderless window over top of the main window (on the right) so that it appears to be a panel within the main window.
Is something like this possible with Qt? I have written Windows apps in the past that hooked into the Windows API to do something like, but I don't know whether this is even possible in a native Mac OS app, so I don't know whether Qt can handle it in some way automaticaly.

One thing you could try is to create a widget based "main" window and then use QWidget::createWindowContainer() to wrap the QtQuick windows for positioning them with QtWidget means, e.g. layouts.


Qt desktop application

The Qt desktop application I am required to develop has the following GUI:
The application window is split into 3 parts -
left-side window - has a stack of clickable menu items one below the other. Clicking on each item will show up the corresponding UI elements on the prominent right-side window which is much bigger.
right-side window - contains UI to display some data depending on which menu item is clicked on the left-side window. Each left-side window menu item has a different corresponding right-side window UI.
top (header) window - contains some company "brand" related graphics and also a panel to select a serial port from a list along with graphics to represent connect/disconnect status.
How do I develop this kind of UI? What Qt classes should I be using? I'm a beginner to Qt and would deeply appreciate any help. Thank you.
I'd suggest starting in Qt Designer or Qt Creator to create your UI by dragging and dropping different kinds of objects. Qt Designer is a standalone form designer where Qt Creator is full development environment that also includes the functionality of Qt Designer. Using the form designer is a lot easier, particularly when starting out, than creating widgets programmatically.
There's multiple ways to do the list of items on the left. You can use a QListWidget or a series of individual QPushButton instances, one per option. If the list of items changes, then managing the QListWidget content is going to be easier than instantiating a QPushButton for each item, but you might like the appearance of the QPushButton better. It just depends on what you want.
For the right side, look into QStackedWidget. It's specifically designed to display a stack of content where only one item is available at a time.
For the top panel, again, use the form designer to create the layout. You can store an image in a QLabel. A QComboBox might be what you want for the list, or again, you may want a QListWidget. It just depends on what appearance and user experience you're looking for. For the connect/disconnect status, you can use a QLabel and change out the graphics as the status changes.
You'll need to learn about slots and signals; those are crucial to anything Qt-related.

How to make the top QWidget modal?

I'm developing an application in PyQT5 which has a QWidget object on the top. This application needs to be able to run in 'kiosk' mode, so my aim is to make that top QWidget modal and prevent any other running application of being focused.
The skeleton of the main class is below. Note that I'm calling the setWindowModality() method which in theory sets the behavior of the window to the chosen one:
class MyApp(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
My main method is the following:
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
As per the setWindowModality() method documentation:
Qt.NonModal 0 The window is not modal and does not block input to other windows.
Qt.WindowModal 1 The window is modal to a single window
hierarchy and blocks input to its parent window, all grandparent
windows, and all siblings of its parent and grandparent windows.
Qt.ApplicationModal 2 The window is modal to the application and
blocks input to all windows.
The problem is that the window is not modal at all, I can switch to a different application (say a Web browser), which is exactly what I want to prevent. I've also tried 1, 2, 3 as values and they produce the same behavior.
I'm afraid this could be a design restriction in order to avoid apps block other apps, but I'm not sure of it and I'm unable to confirm it.
Am I missing something obvious here? In case the problem is the design restriction, is there a way to still simulate a modal window?
Modality is only with respect to current application. If application has only one open top level window, then there's no difference between application and window modal. This modality has no effect on other applications, so you are not able to achieve what you want with it, there's no simple "desktop modal" flag.
You can use Qt to make the window full screen, but you have to use other means to prevent user from accessing the desktop, or closing the app (often bound to ALT-F4 keyboard shortcut). If your platform is Windows, then I don't know how to do that, but I'm sure there's a way. Under X11 (used on Linux usually), the most straightforward way to do that is not have a desktop at all, simply by just running the app without desktop. Look up nodm package for an easy way to do this.

Straightforward way to count number of windows up through PopUpManager?

I'm using the PopUpManager to bring a bunch of event windows up.
I want to make it so that only one window can be open at a time, but I don't see anywhere in the code that tracks open windows to set up a conditional. I guess it just creates the windows and then sets them free?
Thinking about a windowCount variable that increments when I add a window and decrements when I remove one, but since the PopupManager is called in different classes I'd have to start throwing events all over the place. I can do that, but I'm wondering if there's a more straightforward method?
The systemManager (rather than PopUpManager, go figure...) provides information on the currently opened popup windows.
If your popups are all model then you will be interested in 'systemManager.numModalWindows':
The number of modal windows. Modal
windows don't allow clicking in
another windows which would normally
activate the FocusManager in that
window. The PopUpManager modifies this
count as it creates and destroys modal
Otherwise try out 'systemManager.popUpChildren':
An list of the topMost (popup) windows
being parented by this ISystemManager.
An ISystemManager has various types of
children, such as the Application,
popups, tooltips, and custom cursors.
You can access the top-most windows
through the popUpChildren property.
The IChildList object has methods like
getChildAt() and properties like
numChildren. For example,
popUpChildren.numChildren gives the
number of topmost windows and you can
access them as
I see a few options:
1) Make all your windows modal; so that the application can't be used until the window is closed. This is a argument to the createPopUp method on the PopUpManager. Presumably you do not have Popups creating other popups.
2) Create your own Manager class, possibly an extension of the PopUpManager class that keeps track of all open windows. Then you'd have a single source of all PopUps and could maintain them that way.

A real top level window with Qt?

I use the last Qt version for a projet and QProcess. I want to lauch program from my application by using QProcess. I want to display a QGraphicsView transparent on full screen over the launched program.
For the moment: I hide the view, launch the program, sleep during 5 seconds and show the view. I want that my view keep the focus and stay on the top level? Is there any better way to do that? A custom setting for the QGraphicsView?
Create your QGraphicsView (or the window that contains it) with the Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint flag
Once you run a program in QProcess, you have limited control over it. Qt does not provide details about other applications that are running, you won't know where the launched application is being displayed unless it tells you explicitly.
If you have access to the code of the application you're running, it is possible put a transparent overlay on top a given widget, or widgets, that could then record mouse clicks and other interactions. It's also possible to override events and record basic information about the application's use.

how to keep a nativewindow on top

I need to keep a NativeWindow I am creating on top of the main window of the application.
Currently I am using alwaysInFront = true, which is not limited to the windows in the application. I can successfully synchronize the minimize/restore/move/resize actions, so the top window behaves appropriately in those cases. Even though using this option has the drawback that if I alt-tab to other application the window goes on top of the other application.
Because of the above I am trying to get it to work without using the alwaysInFront. I have tried using orderInFrontOf and orderToFront, which gets it in place but when I click an area in the main window the top one becomes hidden i.e. air makes it the top one.
I have tried capturing activate/deactivate events but it only happens on the first click, so on the second click the top window becomes hidden again. I also tried making the top window active when the main one becomes active, but that causes the main one to loose focus and I can't click on anything.
Ps. I am doing this to improve the behavior of a HTMLOverlay I am using - see Flex Air HTMLLoader blank pop up window when flash content is loaded
Listening for Event.DEACTIVATE and calling event.preventDefault() should work. Not sure if that is what you have tried, but I have an app where that does the trick.
I ended up turning on/off the alwaysInFront option based on whether the main window or the top window were active i.e. if none where active I turned it off. This was additionally to what I mentioned in the question.
That way when the user switches to another application, the window doesn't go on top of the other apps. I still would prefer a solution where I don't have to use the alwaysInFront option, or even better an alternate solution to the flex loading flash in external sites issue I linked to above.
Ps. I will try to check with the owner of the HTMLOverlay to submit a patch (its an improvement, although its tied to an app that doesn't open extra windows when opening the overlay).
Update: I have committed the changes to the HTMLOverlay.
I'm trying to do something very similar. In an AIR application, I have one large full screen window which is essentially the "desktop". I always want this window to stay behind all other windows in my app. There are, however, some items on the "desktop" window that need to be clickable.
There appears to be no clean way to force a window to maintain its position in the window ordering.
What I've settled on so far, which isn't perfect, is to make all other windows in my app use the alwaysOnTop property but bind this to a global var (ugh) that I maintain to track the overall application level active/inactive state. This way, when I switch to another app, my windows don't float above the all other app windows - they correctly move behind as expected.
Then, I have a regular (alwaysOnTop=false) window that is fully transparent as an "overlay" to the desktop window on which I can place various interactive controls. This window is OK to come forward since it's transparent and my other windows are alwaysOnTop.
Finally, and crucially, I install three event listeners on the "desktop" window as follows:
protected function onApplicationComplete(event:Event):void
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickHandler, true,1000,true);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHandler, true,1000,true);
this.nativeWindow.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivateWindow,false,-1);
protected function onActivateWindow(event:Event):void
trace("sent via activate to back");
protected function onClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
trace("sent via click to back");
I'm not entirely happy with all this since there is still some occasionally noticeable flicker of objects in the overlay window - it appears that the "Desktop" window gets ordered in front of it, an update of some sort happens, and then it gets forced behind again.
Any better solutions welcome!
