Tile Based A* Pathfinding, but with a bomb - path-finding

I've written a simple A* path finding algorithm to quickly find a way through a tile based dungeon in which the tiles contain the information of walls.
An example of a dungeon (only 1 path for simplicity):
However now I'd like to add a variable amount of "Bombs" to the algorithm which would allow the path-finding to ignore 1 wall. However now it doesn't find the best paths anymore,
for example with use of only 1 bomb the generated path looks like the first image here:
Edit: actually it would look like this: https://i.stack.imgur.com/kPoAA.png
While the correct path would be the second image
The problem is that "Closed Nodes" now interfere with possible paths. Any ideas of how to tackle this problem would be greatly appreciated!

Your "game state" will no longer only be defined by your location, but also by an integer representing the number of bombs you have left. If you're following the pseudocode of A* on wikipedia, this means you cannot simply implement the closedSet as a grid of booleans. It should probably be implemented as, for example, a hash map / hash set, where every entry holds the following data:
x coordinate
y coordinate
number of bombs left
By visiting a certain position in the search process, you'll no longer mark just that position as closed. You'll mark the combination of position + number of bombs left as closed. That way, if later on in the same search process you run into a position where you're at the same location, but have more bombs left, you will not ignore it as closed but will actually continue searching that possibility.
Note that, if the maximum possible number of bombs is relatively low, you could also implement the closedSet as an array of boolean grids, where you first index by number of bombs, then by x and y coordinates to find out if a specific position is closed or not.

Doesn't this mean that you just pretend to not have any walls at all?
Use A* to find the shortest path from start to end and then check how many walls you'd have to go through. If you have enough bombs, you can use the path. Otherwise, try the next longest path and so on.
By the way: you might want to check http://gamedev.stackexchange.com for questions like this one.

You need to tweak the cost function to cost something for a bomb, then run the algorithm normally with an infinite cost for a second bomb. To get the bomb approximately halfway, play about with cost function, it should probably cost about the heuristic A-B distance times the cost for an empty tile. If you have two bombs, half the cost and of course then use of three bombs costs infinite.
But don't expect very good results. A* isn't designed for that kind of optimisation.


Find the first root and local maximum/minimum of a function

I want to find
The first root
The first local minimum/maximum
of a black-box function in a given range.
The function has following properties:
It's continuous and differentiable.
It's combination of constant and periodic functions. All periods are known.
(It's better if it can be done with weaker assumptions)
What is the fastest way to get the root and the extremum?
Do I need more assumptions or bounds of the function?
What I've tried
I know I can use root-finding algorithm. What I don't know is how to find the first root efficiently.
It needs to be fast enough so that it can run within a few miliseconds with precision of 1.0 and range of 1.0e+8, which is the problem.
Since the range could be quite large and it should be precise enough, I can't brute-force it by checking all the possible subranges.
I considered bisection method, but it's too slow to find the first root if the function has only one big root in the range, as every subrange should be checked.
It's preferable if the solution is in java, but any similar language is fine.
I want to calculate when arbitrary celestial object reaches certain height.
It's a configuration-defined virtual object, so I can't assume anything about the object.
It's not easy to get either analytical solution or simple approximation because various coordinates are involved.
I decided to find a numerical solution for this.
For a general black box function, this can't really be done. Any root finding algorithm on a black box function can't guarantee that it has found all the roots or any particular root, even if the function is continuous and differentiable.
The property of being periodic gives a bit more hope, but you can still have periodic functions with infinitely many roots in a bounded domain. Given that your function relates to celestial objects, this isn't likely to happen. Assuming your periodic functions are sinusoidal, I believe you can get away with checking subranges on the order of one-quarter of the shortest period (out of all the periodic components).
Maybe try Brent's Method on the shortest quarter period subranges?
Another approach would be to apply your root finding algorithm iteratively. If your range is (a, b), then apply your algorithm to that range to find a root at say c < b. Then apply your algorithm to the range (a, c) to find a root in that range. Continue until no more roots are found. The last root you found is a good candidate for your minimum root.
Black box function for any range? You cannot even be sure it has the continuous domain over that range. What kind of solutions are you looking for? Natural numbers, integers, real numbers, complex? These are all the question that greatly impact the answer.
So 1st thing should be determining what kind of number you accept as the result.
Second is having some kind of protection against limes of function that will try to explode your calculations as it goes for plus or minus infinity.
Since we are touching the limes topics you could have your solution edge towards zero and look like a solution but never touch 0 and become a solution. This depends on your margin of error, how close something has to be to be considered ok, it's good enough.
I think for this your SIMPLEST TO IMPLEMENT bet for real number solutions (I assume those) is to take an interval and this divide and conquer algorithm:
Take lower and upper border and middle value (or approx middle value for infinity decimals border/borders)
Try to calculate solution with all 3 and have some kind of protection against infinities
remember all 3 values in an array with results from them (3 pair of values)
remember the current best value (one its closest to solution) in seperate variable (a pair of value and result for that value)
STEP FORWARD - repeat above with 1st -2nd value range and 2nd -3rd value range
have a new pair of value and result to be closest to solution.
clear the old value-result pairs, replace them with new ones gotten from this iteration while remembering the best value solution pair (total)
Repeat above for how precise you wish to get and look at that memory explode with each iteration, keep in mind you are gonna to have exponential growth of values there. It can be further improved if you lets say take one interval and go as deep as you wanna, remember best value-result pair and then delete all other memory and go for next interval and dig deep.

How to find a point on 2-d weighted map, which will have equidistant (as close as possible) paths to multiple endpoints?

So let's say I got a matrix with two types of cells: 0 and 1. 1 is not passable.
I want to find a point, from which I can run paths (say, A*) to a bunch of destinations (don't expect it to be more than 4). And I want the length of these paths to be such that l1/l2/l3/l4 = 1 or as close to 1 as possible.
For two destinations is simple: run a path between them and take the midpoint. For more destinations, I imagine I can run paths between each pair, then they will create a sort of polygon, and I could grab the centroid (or average of all path point coordinates)? Or would it be better to take all midpoints of paths between each pair and then use them as vertices in a polygon which will contain my desired point?
It seems you want to find the point with best access to multiple endpoints. For other readers, this is like trying to found an ideal settlement to trade with nearby cities; you want them to be as accessible as possible. It appears to be a variant of the Weber Problem applied to pathfinding.
The best solution, as you can no longer rely on exploiting geometry (imagine a mountain path or two blocking the way), is going to be an iterative approach. I don't imagine it will be easy to find an optimal solution because you'll need to check every square; you can't guess by pathing between endpoints anymore. In nearly any large problem space, you will need to path from each possible centroid to all endpoints. A suboptimal solution will be fairly fast. I recommend these steps:
try to estimate the centroid using geometry, forming a search area
Use a modified A* algorithm from each point S in the search area to all your target points T to generate a perfect path from S to each T.
Add the length of each path S -> T together to get Cost (probably stored in a matrix for all sample points)
Select the lowest Cost from all your samples in the matrix (or the entire population if you didn't cull the search space).
The algorithm above can also work without estimating a centroid and limiting solutions. If you choose to search the entire space, the search will be much longer, but you can find a perfect solution even in a labyrinth. If you estimate the centroid and start the search near it, you'll find good answers faster.
I mentioned earlier that you should use a modified A* algorithm... Rather than repeating a generic A* search S->Tn for every T, code A* so that it seeks multiple target locations, storing the paths to each one and stopping when it has found them all.
If you really want a perfect solution to the problem, you'll be waiting a long time, so I recommend that you use any exploit you can to reduce wasteful calculations. Even go so far as to store found paths in a lookup table for each T, and see if a point already exists along any of those paths.
To put it simply, finding the point is easy. Finding it fast-enough might take lots of clever heuristics (cost-saving measures) and stored data.

Find solution minimum spanning tree (with conditions) when extending graph

I have a logic question, therefore chose from two explanations:
I have a undirected weighted complete graph over 2-14 nodes. The nodes always come in pairs (startpoint to endpoint). For this I already have the minimum spanning tree, which considers that the pairs startpoint always comes before his endpoint. Now I want to add another pair of nodes.
Real life explanation:
I already have a optimal taxi route for 1-7 people. Each joins (startpoint) and leaves (endpoint) at different places. Now I want to find the optimal route when I add another person to the taxi. I have already the calculated subpaths from each point to each point in my database (therefore this is a weighted graph). All calculated paths are real value, not heuristics.
Now I try to find the most performant solution to solve this. My current idea:
Find the point nearest to the new startpoint. Add it a) before and b) after this point. Choose the faster one.
Find the point nearest to the new endpoint. Add it a) before and b) after this point. Choose the faster one.
Ignoring the case that the new endpoint comes before the new start point, this seams feasible.
I expect that the general direction of the taxi is one direction, this eliminates the following edge case.
Is there any case I'm missing in which this algorithm wouldn't calculate the optimal solution?
There are definitely many cases were this algorithm (which is a First Fit construction heuristic) won't find the optimal solution. Given a reasonable sized dataset, in my experience, I would guess to get improvements of 10-20% by simply taking that result and adding metaheuristics (or other optimization algo's).
If you have multiple taxis with a limited person capacity, it has an inherit bin packing problem, which is NP-complete (which is proven to be suboptimally solved by all known construction heuristics in P).
But even if you have just 1 taxi, it is similar to TSP: if you have the optimal solution for 10 locations and add 1 location, it can create a snowball effect in the optimal solution to make the optimal solution look completely different. (sorry, no visual image of this yet)
And if you need to any additional constraints on top of that later on, you need to be aware of these false assumptions.

How big should epsilon be when checking if dot product is close to 0?

How big should epsilon be when checking if dot product is close to 0?
I am working on raytracing project, and i need to check if the dot product is 0. But
that will probably never happen, so I want to take it as 0 if its value is in a small
area [-eps, +eps], but I am not sure how big should eps be?
Since you describe this as part of a ray-tracing project, your accuracy needed is likely dictated by the "world coordinates" of a scene, or perhaps even the screen coordinates to which those are translated. Either of these would give an acceptable target for absolute error in your calculation.
It might be possible to backtrack from that to the accuracy required in the intermediate calculations you are doing, such as forming an inner product which is supposed "theoretically" to be zero. For example, you might be trying to find a shortest path (reflected light) between two smooth bodies, and the disappearance of the inner product (perpendicularity) gives the location of a point.
In a case like that the inner product may be a quadratic in the unknowns (location of a point) that you seek. It's possible that the unknowns form a "double root" (zero of multiplicity 2), making the location of that root extra sensitive to the computation of the inner product being zero.
For such cases you would want to get roughly twice the number of digits "zero" in the inner product as needed in the accuracy of the location. Essentially the inner product changes very slowly with location in the neighborhood of a double root.
But your application might not be so sensitive; analysis of the algorithm involved is necessary to give you a good answer. As a general rule I do the inner product in double precision to get answers that may be reliable as far as single precision, but this may be too costly if the ray-tracing is to be done in real time.
There is no definitive answer. I use two approaches.
If you are only concerned by floating point error then you can use a pretty small value, comparable to the smallest floating number that the compiler can handle. In c/c++ you can use the definitions provided in float.h, such as DBL_MIN to check for these numbers. I'd use a small multiple of the number, e.g., 10. * DBL_MIN as the value for eps.
If the problem is not floating point math rounding error, then I use a value that is small (say 1%) compared to the modulus of the smallest vector.

general idea and maybe example on graph

I'm looking for a general idea (and maybe some code example or at least pseudocode)
Now, this is from a problem that someone gave me, or rather showed me, I don't have to solve it, but I did most of the questions anyway, the problem that I'm having is this:
Let's say you have a directed weighted graph with the following nodes:
AB5, BC4, CD8, DC8, DE6, AD5, CE2, EB3, AE7
and the question is:
how many different routes from C to C with a distance of less than x. (say, 10, 20, 30, 40)
The answer of different trips is: CDC, CEBC, CEBCDC, CDCEBC, CDEBC, CEBCEBC, CEBCEBCEBC.
The main problem I'm having with it is that when I do DFS or BFS, my implementation first chooses the node and marks it as visited therefore I'm only able to find 2 paths which are CDC and CEBC and then my algorithm quits. If I don't mark it as visited then on the next iteration (or recursive call) it will choose the same node and not next available route, so I have to always mark them as visited however by doing that how can I get for example CEBCEBCEBC, which is pretty much bouncing between nodes.
I've looked at all the different algorithms books that I have at home and while every algorithm describes how to do DFS, BFS and find shortest paths (all the good stufF), none show how to iterate indefinitively and stop only when one reaches certain weight of the graph or hits certain vertex number of times.
So why not just keep branching and branching; at each node you will evaluate two things; has this particular path exceeded the weight limit (if so, terminate the branch) and is this node where I started (in which case log my path history to an 'acceptable solutions' list); then make new branches which each take a step in each possible direction.
You should not mark nodes as visited; as MikeB points out, CDCDC is a valid solution and yet it revisits D.
I'd do it lke this:
Start with two lists of paths:
Solutions (empty) and
ActivePaths (containing one path, "C").
While ActivePaths is not empty,
Take a path out of ActivePaths (suppose it's "CD"[8]).
If its distance is not over the limit,
see where you are by looking at the last node in the path ("D").
If you're at "C", add a copy of this path to Solutions.
Now for each possible next destination ("C", "E")
make a copy of this path, ("CD"[8])
append the destination, ("CDC"[8])
add the weight, ("CDC"[16])
and put it in ActivePaths
Discard the path.
Whether this turns out to be a DFS, a BFS or something else depends on where in ActivePaths you insert and remove paths.
No offense, but this is pretty simple and you're talking about consulting a lot of books for the answer. I'd suggest playing around with the simple examples until they become more obvious.
In fact you have two different problems:
Find all distinct cycles from C to C, we will call them C_1, C_2, ..., C_n (done with a DFS)
Each C_i has a weight w_i, then you want every combination of cycles with a total weight less than N. This is a combinatorial problem (and seems to be easily solvable with dynamic programming).
