When I define a recursive function in F# thus:
let rec recursiveSum inputs =
let startState = 0.0m
if List.length inputs = 1 then
startState + inputs.Head
let t = List.tail inputs
startState + inputs.Head + recursiveSum t
...all is good. When I attempt to avoid the "empty list" problem thus:
let rec recursiveSum inputs =
let startState = 0.0m
**if List.isEmpty inputs then startState**
if List.length inputs = 1 then
startState + inputs.Head
let t = List.tail inputs
startState + inputs.Head + recursiveSum t
...I get yelled at:
recursion.fsx(5,9): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
What am I missing here?
From the docs:
The types of the values produced in each branch must match. If there is no explicit else branch, its type is unit. Therefore, if the type of the then branch is any type other than unit, there must be an else branch with the same return type.
You're missing said else.
let rec recursiveSum inputs =
let startState = 0.0m
if List.isEmpty inputs then 0.0m
elif List.length inputs = 1 then
startState + inputs.Head
let t = List.tail inputs
startState + inputs.Head + recursiveSum t
(N.b. I've used elif here rather than nesting another if expression; hopefully that's not too much of a distraction.)
That said, your logic involving startState is highly suspect; it's always zero, and really serves no purpose here. Your state should probably be a parameter rather than a local value so it can be used as an accumulator:
let recursiveSum inputs =
let rec impl state inputs =
if List.isEmpty inputs then state
elif List.length inputs = 1 then
state + inputs.Head
let t = List.tail inputs
impl (state + inputs.Head) t
impl 0.0m inputs
Lastly, let's make it idiomatic:
let recursiveSum inputs =
let rec impl state inputs =
match inputs with
| [] -> state
| [h] -> state + h
| h::t -> impl (state + h) t
impl 0.0m inputs
which can be shortened to
let recursiveSum inputs =
let rec impl state = function
| [] -> state
| h::t -> impl (state + h) t
impl 0.0m inputs
With ildjarns answer, I think I would suggest that one could/should go all the way...
let rec fold f acc = function
| [] -> acc
| [x] -> f x acc
| h::t -> fold f (f h acc) t
let someDec = [0.1m; 0.2m]
let someStr = ["world"; "Hello "]
|> fold (+) 0.0m
|> fold (+) ""
let recursiveSum = fold (+) 0.0m
|> recursiveSum
let recursiveStrAdd = fold (+) ""
|> recursiveStrAdd
|> recursiveSum
(And I never remember left or right here, so... ;-)
I'm having an issue with a recursive function that runs into a stack overflow on larger data sets so I've attempted to rewrite the function to use continuous recursion but to say I'm new to this would be an understatement. In the below example the first function, processList, gives the desired results on a small data set. The second function, processListCont, seems to work however I know there must be a bug since when I run the same small data set through it I get different results. Would processListCont be the correct way to express the processList function or am I missing something?
open System
type Something(id) =
member val id = id with get, set
member val children : list<Something> = [] with get, set
member val processed : bool = false with get, set
let rec processList (item:Something, itemList:list<Something>) =
for child in item.children do
let parent = itemList |> Seq.find (fun (i:Something) -> i.id = child.id)
if parent.processed = false then
parent.processed <- true
processList(parent, itemList)
let processListCont (item:Something, itemList:list<Something>) =
let rec _processListCont (item:Something, itemList:list<Something>, f) =
for child in item.children do
let parent = itemList |> Seq.find (fun (i:Something) -> i.id = child.id)
if parent.processed = false then
parent.processed <- true
f(parent, itemList)
_processListCont(item, itemList, (fun (item:Something, itemList:list<Something>) -> ()))
let main argv =
// generate some data
let count = 10000
let idList = List.init count (fun index -> index)
let items = [for (id) in idList -> Something id]
let rnd = System.Random()
for i in items do
i.children <- List.init 100 (fun _ -> Something (rnd.Next(0, count - 1)))
// process the list
for i in items do
processList(i, items)
Console.WriteLine("Processing completed successfully")
|> ignore
The main issue is that you are calling the continuation f in the body of the for loop, but your non-tail-recursive version makes a recurisve call here.
This is tricky because you want to make a recursive call and the continuation should be "run the rest of the for loop". To express this, you'll need to use pattern matching instead of for loop.
I did not have a small example to test this, but I think something like this should do the trick:
let rec processListCont (item:Something, itemList:list<Something>) cont =
let rec loop (children:list<Something>) cont =
match children with
| child::tail ->
let parent = itemList |> Seq.find (fun (i:Something) -> i.id = child.id)
if parent.processed = false then
parent.processed <- true
processListCont (parent, itemList) (fun () -> loop tail cont)
| [] -> cont ()
loop item.children cont
Your code is unidiomatic in F# nonetheless consider the following example.
Suppose you want to add a list of numbers. You could write a function like this:
let rec add (l:int list) :int =
match l with
| [] -> 0
| x::xs -> x + (add xs)
but this would overflow the stack very quickly. Instead you could use cps to allow the code to become tail recursive:
cont = int -> int
let rec add2 (l:int list) (k:cont):int =
match l with
| [] -> k 0
| x::xs -> add2 xs (fun a -> k (a + x))
which you can use like this:
printfn "%i" (add2 [1..10000] id)
In a similar fashion you could rewrite your function like this:
type cont2 = Something list->unit
let rec p (item:Something, itemList:list<Something>) (k:cont2) =
match item.children with
| [] -> k []
| child::xs ->
let parent = itemList |> Seq.find (fun (i:Something) -> i.id = child.id)
if parent.processed = false then
parent.processed <- true
p (parent, itemList) (fun _ ->k xs)
k xs
let p2 (item:Something,itemList:Something list) = p (item,itemList) ignore
and you can call it like this:
for i in items do
p2(i, items)
I am looking for a piece of code in F# that can parse this type of string:
into a list of tuples that looks like this:
Thanks in advance :)
You can quite nicely solve this using the FParsec parser combinator library. This is manageable using regular expressions, but it's not very elegant. Parser combinators make it very clear what the grammar of the inputs that you can handle is. You can also easily add other features like whitespace.
The following actually produces a list of string * Value pairs where Value is a new data type, corresponding to the possible right-hand-sides in the input:
type Value = Int of int | List of int list
Now, you can do the parsing using the following:
let ident = identifier (IdentifierOptions())
let rhs =
// Right-hand-side is either an integer...
( pint32 |>> Int ) <|>
// Or a list [ .. ] of integers separated by ','
( pchar '[' >>. (sepBy pint32 (pchar ',')) .>> pchar ']' |>> List )
let tuple =
// A single tuple is an identifier = right-hand-side
ident .>> pchar '=' .>>. rhs
let p =
// The input is a comma separated list of tuples
sepBy tuple (pchar ',')
run p "x=1,y=42,A=[1,3,4,8]"
Sometimes a named regex makes for readable code, even if not the regex.
This reads: Identifier = [Number followed by comma or space, zero or more] | Number
let parse input =
let regex = Regex("(?<id>\w+)=((\[((?<list>(\d+))*,?\s*)*\])|(?<number>\d+))")
let matches = regex.Matches input
for (expr : Match) in matches do
let group name = expr.Groups.[string name]
let id = group "id"
let list = group "list"
let number = group "number"
if list.Success then
for (capture : Capture) in list.Captures do
yield (id.Value, int capture.Value)
else if number.Success then
yield (id.Value, int number.Value)
let input = "var1=1, var2=2, list=[1, 2, 3, 4], single=[1], empty=[], bad=[,,], bad=var"
printfn "%A" (parse input)
[("var1", 1); ("var2", 2); ("list", 1); ("list", 2); ("list", 3); ("list", 4); "single", 1)]
It's quite advisable to follow the approach outlined by Tomas Petricek's answer, employing the established FParsec parser combinator library.
For educational purposes, you might want to roll your own parser combinator, and for this endeavor Scott W.'s blog ("Understanding parser combinators", and "Building a useful set of parser combinators") contains valuable information.
The parsing looks quite similar:
// parse a list of integers enclosed in brackets and separated by ','
let plist = pchar '[' >>. sepBy1 pint (pchar ',') .>> pchar ']'
// parser for the right hand side, singleton integer or a list of integers
let intOrList = pint |>> (fun x -> [x]) <|> plist
// projection for generation of string * integer tuples
let ungroup p =
p |>> List.collect (fun (key, xs) -> xs |> List.map (fun x -> key, x))
// parser for an input of zero or more string value pairs separated by ','
let parser =
sepBy (letters .>> pchar '=' .>>. intOrList) (pchar ',')
|> ungroup
|> run parser
// val it : ((String * int) list * string) option =
// Some ([("x", 1); ("y", 42); ("A", 1); ("A", 3); ("A", 4); ("A", 8)], "")
This simple grammar still requires 15 or so parser combinators. Another difference is that for simplicity's sake the Parser type has been modeled on FSharp's Option type.
type Parser<'T,'U> = Parser of ('T -> ('U * 'T) option)
let run (Parser f1) x = // run the parser with input
f1 x
let returnP arg = // lift a value to a Parser
Parser (fun x -> Some(arg, x))
let (>>=) (Parser f1) f = // apply parser-producing function
Parser(f1 >> Option.bind (fun (a, b) -> run (f a) b))
let (|>>) p f = // apply function to value inside Parser
p >>= (f >> returnP)
let (.>>.) p1 p2 = // andThen combinator
p1 >>= fun r1 ->
p2 >>= fun r2 ->
returnP (r1, r2)
let (.>>) p1 p2 = // andThen, but keep first value only
(p1 .>>. p2) |>> fst
let (>>.) p1 p2 = // andThen, keep second value only
(p1 .>>. p2) |>> snd
let pchar c = // parse a single character
Parser (fun s ->
if String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = c then Some(c, s.[1..])
else None )
let (<|>) (Parser f1) (Parser f2) = // orElse combinator
Parser(fun arg ->
match f1 arg with None -> f2 arg | res -> res )
let choice parsers = // choose any of a list of combinators
List.reduce (<|>) parsers
let anyOf = // choose any of a list of characters
List.map pchar >> choice
let many (Parser f) = // matches zero or more occurrences
let rec aux input =
match f input with
| None -> [], input
| Some (x, rest1) ->
let xs, rest2 = aux rest1
x::xs, rest2
Parser (fun arg -> Some(aux arg))
let many1 p = // matches one or more occurrences of p
p >>= fun x ->
many p >>= fun xs ->
returnP (x::xs)
let stringP p = // converts list of characters to string
p |>> (fun xs -> System.String(List.toArray xs))
let letters = // matches one or more letters
many1 (anyOf ['A'..'Z'] <|> anyOf ['a'..'z']) |> stringP
let pint = // matches an integer
many1 (anyOf ['0'..'9']) |> stringP |>> int
let sepBy1 p sep = // matches p one or more times, separated by sep
p .>>. many (sep >>. p) |>> (fun (x,xs) -> x::xs)
let sepBy p sep = // matches p zero or more times, separated by sep
sepBy1 p sep <|> returnP []
Try this:
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let input = "x=1,y=42,A=[1,3,4,8]"
Regex.Split(input,",(?=[A-Za-z])") //output: [|"x=1"; "y=42"; "A=[1,3,4,8]"|]
|> Array.collect (fun x ->
let l,v = Regex.Split(x,"=") |> fun t -> Array.head t,Array.last t //label and value
Regex.Split(v,",") |> Array.map (fun x -> l,Regex.Replace(x,"\[|\]","") |> int))
|> List.ofArray
For the following example, Array.mapFold produces the result ([|1; 4; 12|], 7).
let mapping s x = (s * x, s + x)
[| 1..3 |]
|> Array.mapFold mapping 1
Now suppose our mapping is asynchronous.
let asyncMapping s x = async { return (s * x, s + x) }
I am able to create Array.mapFoldAsync for the following to work.
[| 1..3 |]
|> Array.mapFoldAsync asyncMapping 1
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Is there a succinct way to achieve this without creating Array.mapFoldAsync?
I am asking as a way to learn other techniques - my attempts using Array.fold were horrible.
I don't think it would generally be of much benefit to combine mapFold with an Async function, because the expected result is a tuple ('values * 'accumulator), but using an Async function will at best give you an Async<'values * 'accumulator>. Consider the following attempt to make Array.mapFold work with Async:
let mapping s x = async {
let! s' = s
let! x' = x
return (s' * x', s' + x')
[| 1..3 |]
|> Array.map async.Return
|> Array.mapFold mapping (async.Return 1)
Even this doesn't work, because of the type mismatch: The type ''a * Async<'b>' does not match the type 'Async<'c * 'd>'.
You may also have noticed that while there is an Array.Parallel.map, there's no Array.Parallel.fold or Array.Parallel.mapFold. If you try to write your own mapFoldAsync, you may see why. The mapping part is pretty easy, just partially apply Array.map and compose with Async.Parallel:
let mapAsync f = Array.map f >> Async.Parallel
You can implement an async fold as well, but since each evaluation depends on the previous result, you can't leverage Async.Parallel this time:
let foldAsync f state array =
match array |> Array.length with
| 0 -> async.Return state
| length ->
async {
let mutable acc = state
for i = 0 to length - 1 do
let! value = f acc array.[i]
acc <- value
return acc
Now, when we try to combine these to build a mapFoldAsync, it becomes apparent that we can't leverage parallel execution on the mapping anymore, because both the values and the accumulator can be based on the result of the previous evaluation. That means our mapFoldAsync will be a modified 'foldAsync', not a composition of it with mapAsync:
let mapFoldAsync (f: 's -> 'a -> Async<'b * 's>) (state: 's) (array: 'a []) =
match array |> Array.length with
| 0 -> async.Return ([||], state)
| length ->
async {
let mutable acc = state
let results = Array.init length <| fun _ -> Unchecked.defaultof<'b>
for i = 0 to length - 1 do
let! (x,y) = f acc array.[i]
results.[i] <- x
acc <- y
return (results, acc)
While this will give you a way to do a mapFold with an async mapping function, the only real benefit would be if the mapping function did something with high-latency, such as a service call. You won't be able to leverage parallel execution for speed-up. If possible, I would suggest considering an alternative solution, based on your real-world scenario.
Without external libraries (I recommend to try AsyncSeq or Hopac.Streams)
you could do this:
let mapping s x = (fst s * x, snd s + x) |> async.Return
module Array =
let mapFoldAsync folderAsync (state: 'state) (array: 'elem []) = async {
let mutable finalState = state
for elem in array do
let! nextState = folderAsync finalState elem
finalState <- nextState
return finalState
[| 1..4 |]
|> Array.mapFoldAsync mapping (1,0)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
I'm trying to implement a parser that looks something like this:
open System
type ParseResult<'a> =
Result : Option<'a>;
Rest : string
let Fail = fun input -> { Result = None; Rest = input }
let Return a = fun input -> { Result = Some a; Rest = input }
let ThenBind p f =
fun input ->
let r = p input
match r.Result with
| None -> { Result = None; Rest = input } // Recreate the result since p returns a ParseResult<'a>
| _ -> (f r.Result) r.Rest
let Then p1 p2 = ThenBind p1 (fun r -> p2)
let Or p1 p2 =
fun input ->
let r = p1 input
match r.Result with
| None -> p2 input
| _ -> r
let rec Chainl1Helper a p op =
<| ThenBind op (fun f ->
ThenBind p (fun y ->
Chainl1Helper (f.Value a y.Value) p op))
<| Return a
let Chainl1 p op = ThenBind p (fun x -> Chainl1Helper x.Value p op)
let rec Chainr1 p op =
ThenBind p (fun x ->
(ThenBind op (fun f ->
ThenBind (Chainr1 p op) (fun y ->
Return (f.Value x.Value y.Value))))
(Return x.Value))
let Next = fun input ->
match input with
| null -> { Result = None; Rest = input }
| "" -> { Result = None; Rest = input }
| _ -> { Result = Some <| char input.[0..1]; Rest = input.[1..] }
let Sat predicate = ThenBind Next (fun n -> if predicate n.Value then Return n.Value else Fail)
let Digit = ThenBind (Sat Char.IsDigit) (fun c -> Return <| float c.Value)
let rec NatHelper i =
(ThenBind Digit (fun x ->
NatHelper (float 10 * i + x.Value) ))
(Return i)
let Nat = ThenBind Digit (fun d -> NatHelper d.Value)
let LiteralChar c = Sat (fun x -> x = c)
let rec Literal input token =
match input with
| "" -> Return token
| _ -> Then (LiteralChar <| char input.[0..1]) (Literal input.[1..] token)
let AddSub =
<| ThenBind (LiteralChar '+') (fun c -> Return (+))
<| ThenBind (LiteralChar '-') (fun c -> Return (-))
let MulDiv =
<| ThenBind (LiteralChar '*') (fun c -> Return (*))
<| ThenBind (LiteralChar '/') (fun c -> Return (/))
let Exp = ThenBind (LiteralChar '^') (fun c -> Return ( ** ))
let rec Expression = Chainl1 Term AddSub
and Term = Chainl1 Factor MulDiv
and Factor = Chainr1 Part Exp
and Part = Or Nat Paren
and Paren =
<| LiteralChar '('
<| ThenBind Expression (fun e ->
Then (LiteralChar ')') (Return e.Value))
The last functions are mutually recursive in their definitions. Expression's definition depends on Term, which depends on Factor, which depends on Part, which depends on Paren, which depends on Expression.
When I try to compile this, I get an error about mutually recursive definitions with the suggestion to make Expression lazy or a function. I tried both of those, and I get a cryptic InvalidOperationException with both that says something about ValueFactory attempting to access the Value property.
In general, F# lets you use let rec .. and .. not just for defining mutually recursive functions, but also for defining mutually recursive values. This means that you might be able to write something like this:
let rec Expression = Chainl1 Term AddSub
and Paren =
<| LiteralChar '('
<| ThenBind Expression (fun e ->
Then (LiteralChar ')') (Return e.Value))
and Part = Or Nat Paren
and Factor = Chainr1 Part Exp
and Term = Chainl1 Factor MulDiv
However, this only works if the computation is not evaluated immediately (because then the recursive definition would not make sense). This very much depends on the library you're using here (or on the rest of your code). But you can try the above and see if that works - if no, you'll need to provide more details.
EDIT In the updated example, there is an immediate loop in your recursive definition. You need to delay some part of the definition using fun _ -> ... so that not everything needs to be evaluated at once. In your example, you can do that by replacing Then with ThenBind in the definition of Paren:
let rec Expression = Chainl1 Term AddSub
and Term = Chainl1 Factor MulDiv
and Factor = Chainr1 Part Exp
and Part = Or Nat Paren
and Paren =
(LiteralChar '(')
(fun _ -> ThenBind Expression (fun e ->
Then (LiteralChar ')') (Return e.Value)))
I am trying to input a list into the function and it send me a list with the first half of the elements taken away using f# with the below recursion but I keep running into a base case problem that I just cant figure out. any thoughts? I am using the second shadow list to count how far I need to go until I am half way into the list (by removing two elements at a time)
let rec dropHalf listToDrop shadowList =
match shadowList with
| [] -> listToDrop
| shadowHead2::shadowHead1::shadowTail -> if shadowTail.Length<=1 then listToDrop else
match listToDrop with
|[] -> listToDrop
|listToDropHead::listToDropTail -> dropHalf listToDropTail shadowTail
let rec dropHalf listToDrop shadowList =
match shadowList with
| [] -> listToDrop
| shadowHead2::[] -> listToDrop (* odd number! *)
| shadowHead1::shadowHead2::shadowTail ->
match listToDrop with
| [] -> listToDrop (* should never happen? *)
| listToDropHead::listToDropTail -> dropHalf listToDropTail shadowTail
i'm afraid i don't use F#, but it's similar to ocaml, so hopefully the following is close to what you're looking for (maybe the comment format has changed?!). the idea is that when you exhaust the shadow you're done. your code was almost there, but the test for length on the shadow tail made no sense.
i want to emphasize that this isn't anything like anyone would write "in real life", but it sounds like you're battling with some weird requirements.
Because you use the shadow list with the same length as the original list and remove elements from these lists with different rates, it's better to create an auxiliary function:
let dropHalf xs =
let rec dropHalf' ys zs =
match ys, zs with
| _::_::ys', _::zs' -> dropHalf' ys' zs'
| _, zs' -> zs' (* One half of the shadow list ys *)
dropHalf' xs xs
If you don't care to traverse the list twice, the following solution is simpler:
let rec drop n xs =
match xs, n with
| _ when n < 0 -> failwith "n should be greater or equals to 0"
| [], _ -> []
| _, 0 -> xs
| _::xs', _ -> drop (n-1) xs'
let dropHalf xs =
xs |> drop (List.length xs/2)
and another simple solution needs some extra space but doesn't have to use recursion:
let dropHalf xs =
let xa = Array.ofList xs
xa.[xa.Length/2..] |> List.ofArray
As a general rule of thumb, if you're calling Length on a list, then there is most likely a better way to do what you're doing. Length has to iterate the entire list and is therefore O(n).
let secondHalf list =
let rec half (result : 'a list) = function
| a::b::sx -> half result.Tail sx
// uncomment to remove odd value from second half
// | (a::sx) -> result.Tail
| _ -> result
half list list
Here is a sample does what you described.
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
let items = seq { 1 .. 100 } |> Seq.toList
let getBackOfList ( targetList : int list) =
if (targetList.Length = 0) then
let len = targetList.Length
let halfLen = len / 2
targetList |> Seq.skip halfLen |> Seq.toList
let shortList = items |> getBackOfList
("Len: {0}", shortList.Length) |> Console.WriteLine
let result = Console.ReadLine()
Hope this helps