Document similarity selfplagiarism - r

I have thousands of small documents from 100 different authors. Using quanteda package, I calculated cosine similarity between the authors with themselves. For example, author x has 100 texts, so I have come up with a 100 x 100 matrix of similarity. Author y has 50 texts, so I have come up with a 50 x 50 similarity matrix.
Now I want to compare these two authors. In other words, which author copies himself more? If I take the average the columns or rows and then average again the vector of means, I arrive at a number so I can compare these two means of means, but I am not sure if these proceeding is right. I hope I made myself clear.

I think the answer depends on what exactly is your quantity of interest. If this is a single summary of how similar are an author's documents to one another, then some distribution across the document similarities, within author, is probably your best means of comparing this quantity between authors.
You could save and plot the cosine similarities across an author's documents as a density, for instance, in addition to your strategy of summarising this distribution using a mean. To capture the variance I would also characterise the standard deviation of this similarity.
I'd be cautious about calling cosine similarity within author as "self-plagiarism". Cosine similarity computes a measure of distance across vector representations of bags of words, and is not viewed as a method for identifying "plagiarism". In addition, there are very pejorative connotations to the term "plagiarism", which means the dishonest representation of someone else's ideas as your own. (I don't even believe that the term "self-plagiarism" makes sense at all, but then I have academic colleagues who disagree.)
Consider the textreuse package for R, it is designed for the sort of text analysis of reuse that you are looking for.
I don't think Levenshtein distance is what you are looking for. As the Wikipedia page points out, the LD between kitten and sitting is 3, but this means absolutely nothing in substantive terms about their semantic relationship or one being an example of "re-use" of the other. An argument could be made that LD based on words might show re-use, but that's not how most algorithms e.g. implement detection for plagiarism.


How to compute document similarity against a document collection?

What could be the approaches to combine the pairwise document similarity scores to get the overall similarity score of a certain document against a document collection?
How to compute document similarity against a document collection? - ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed Aug 22, 2016].
One way of approaching this is the way that a naive bayes text classifier works. By "concatenating" all of the documents in your collection into one large pseudo-document, you can assess the similarity of a particular document against that "collection's" document. This is how the majority of spam filters work; they compare the text of a document "cheap pharmaceuticals" against the text seen in your spam documents and see if it is more like them than the documents you tend to read.
This "pseudo-document" approach is probably the most efficient way to compute such a similarity, since you only need to do your similarity calculation once per document after you pre-compute a representation for the collection.
If you truly have a document similarity matrix and want to use document-pair similarities rather than creating a pseudo-document, you're almost performing clustering. (I say this because how to combine intra-document similarities is the subject of the different linking methods in types of clustering).
One way to do this might be to look at the average similarity. For a document, you sum up the similarity scores between that document and all other documents, and divide by the total. This would give you a sense of the average distance between that document and the others in your similarity space. An outlier would have a higher average distance since most documents are farther away from it than a document in the center of a cluster.
Without more information about your similarity measure or what problem you're trying to solve, I'm not sure I can give better advice.

explain the algorithm for document summarization

I want to do a project on document summarization.
Can anyone please explain the algorithm for document summarization using graph based approach?
Also if someone can provide me links to few good research papers???
Take a look at TextRank and LexRank.
LexRank is an algorithm essentially identical to TextRank, and both use this approach for document summarization. The two methods were developed by different groups at the same time, and LexRank simply focused on summarization, but could just as easily be used for keyphrase extraction or any other NLP ranking task.
In both algorithms, the sentences are ranked by applying PageRank to the resulting graph. A summary is formed by combining the top ranking sentences, using a threshold or length cutoff to limit the size of the summary.

Determining optimal number of clusters and with Daisy function and Gower Similarity

I am attempting to cluster the behavioral traits of 250 species into life-history strategies. The trait data consists of both numerical and nominal variables. I am relatively new to R and to cluster analysis, but I believe the best option to find the distances for these points is to use the gower similarity method within the daisy function. 1) Is that the best method?
Once I have these distances, I would like to find significant clusters. I have looked into pvclust and like its ability to give me the strength of the cluster. However, I have not been able to modify the code to accept the distance measurements previously made using daisy. I have unsuccessfully tried to follow the advice given here and using the code obtained here
2)Can anyone help me to modify the existing code to accept my distance measurements?
3) Or, is there another better way to determine the number of significant clusters?
I thank all in advance for your help.
Some comments...
About 1)
It is a good way to deal with different types of data.
You could also create as many new rows in the dataset as possible nominal values and put 1/0 where it is needed. For example if there are 3 nominal values such as "reptile", "mammal" and "bird" you could change your initial dataset that has 2 columns (numeric, Nominal)
for a new one with 4 columns (numeric, numeric( representing reptile), numeric(representing mammal), numeric(representing bird)) an instance (23.4,"mammal") would be mapped to (23.4,0,1,0).
Using this mapping you could work with "normal" distances (be sure to standardize the data so that no column dominates the others due to it's big/small values).
About 2)
daisy returns an element of type dissimilarity, you can use it in other clustering algorithms from the cluster package (maybe you don't have to implement more stuff). For example the function pam can get the object returned by daisy directly.
About 3)
Clusters are really subjective and most cluster algorithms depend on the initial conditions so "significant clusters" is not really a term that some people would not be comfortable using. Pam could be useful in your case because clusters are centered using medoids which is good for nominal data (because it is interpretable). K-means for example has the disadvantage that the centroids are not interpretable (what does it mean 1/2 reptile 1/2 mammal?) pam builds the clusters centered to instances which is nice for interpretation purposes.
About pam:
You can use Zahn algorithm to find the cluster. Basically it's a minimum spanning tree and a function to remove the longest edge.

How do I generate data from a similarity matrix?

Suppose there are 14 objects, each of which have or do not have 1000 binary features. I have a 14x14 similarity matrix, but not the raw 14x1000 data. Is there a way to reconstruct or generate something similar to the raw data, given the similarity matrix?
I tried Monte Carlo simulations, but unconstrained they would take way too much time to achieve even a low level of consistency with the original similarity matrix.
I saw this relevant question: Similarity matrix -> feature vectors algorithm?. However, they wanted to reduce not increase dimensionality. Also, I am not sure (1) which matrix or matrices to use, and (2) how to convert into a binary matrix.
It's impossible to say for sure unless you describe how the similarity scores were computed.
In general, for the usual kind of similarity scoring this is not possible: information has been lost in the transformation from individual features to aggregate statistics. The best you can hope to do is to arrive at a set of features that are consistent with the similarity scores.
I think that is what you are talking about when you say "similar to" the original. That problem is pretty interesting. Suppose similarity was computed as the dot-product of two feature vectors (ie the count of features for a pair of objects that both have value = 1/true). This is not the only choice: it is consistent with value of 0 (false) meaning no information. But it may generalize to other similarity measures.
In such a case, the problem is really a linear programming problem: a naive approach is to exhaustively search the space of possible objects - not randomly, but guided by the constraints. For example, suppose SIM(A,B) := similarity of object A and object B. Define an order on these vectors.
If SIM(A,B) = N, then choose A=B minimal (like (1,....,1 (N times), 0, .... 0 (1000-N times)), and then choose the minimum C s.t. (A,C), (B,C) have the given values. Once you find an inconsistency, backtrack, and increment.
This will find a consistent answer, although the complexity is very high (but probably better than monte carlo).
Finding a better algorithm is an interesting problem, but more than this I can't say in a SO post - that's probably a topic for a CS thesis!

Genetic Algorithms Introduction

Starting off let me clarify that i have seen This Genetic Algorithm Resource question and it does not answer my question.
I am doing a project in Bioinformatics. I have to take data about the NMR spectrum of a cell(E. Coli) and find out what are the different molecules(metabolites) present in the cell.
To do this i am going to be using Genetic Algorithms in R language. I DO NOT have the time to go through huge books on Genetic algorithms. Heck! I dont even have time to go through little books.(That is what the linked question does not answer)
So i need to know of resources which will help me understand quickly what it is Genetic Algorithms do and how they do it. I have read the Wikipedia entry ,this webpage and also a couple of IEEE papers on the subject.
Any working code in R(even in C) or pointers to which R modules(if any) to be used would be helpful.
A brief (and opinionated) introduction to genetic algorithms is at
A simple GA written in R is available at The "documentation" is in 'S Poetry' and the code.
I assume from your question you have some function F(metabolites) which yields a spectrum but you do not have the inverse function F'(spectrum) to get back metabolites. The search space of metabolites is large so rather than brute force it you wish to try an approximate method (such as a genetic algorithm) which will make a more efficient random search.
In order to apply any such approximate method you will have to define a score function which compares the similarity between the target spectrum and the trial spectrum. The smoother this function is the better the search will work. If it can only yield true/false it will be a purely random search and you'd be better off with brute force.
Given the F and your score (aka fitness) function all you need to do is construct a population of possible metabolite combinations, run them all through F, score all the resulting spectrums, and then use crossover and mutation to produce a new population that combines the best candidates. Choosing how to do the crossover and mutation is generally domain specific because you can speed the process greatly by avoiding the creation of nonsense genomes. The best mutation rate is going to be very small but will also require tuning for your domain.
Without knowing about your domain I can't say what a single member of your population should look like, but it could simply be a list of metabolites (which allows for ordering and duplicates, if that's interesting) or a string of boolean values over all possible metabolites (which has the advantage of being order invariant and yielding obvious possibilities for crossover and mutation). The string has the disadvantage that it may be more costly to filter out nonsense genes (for example it may not make sense to have only 1 metabolite or over 1000). It's faster to avoid creating nonsense rather than merely assigning it low fitness.
There are other approximate methods if you have F and your scoring function. The simplest is probably Simulated Annealing. Another I haven't tried is the Bees Algorithm, which appears to be multi-start simulated annealing with effort weighted by fitness (sort of a cross between SA and GA).
I've found the article "The science of computing: genetic algorithms", by Peter J. Denning (American Scientist, vol 80, 1, pp 12-14). That article is simple and useful if you want to understand what genetic algorithms do, and is only 3 pages to read!!
