testthat fails within devtools::check but works in devtools::test - r

Is there any way to reproduce the environment which is used by devtools::check?
I have the problem that my tests work with devtools::test() but fail within devtools::check(). My problem is now, how to find the problem. The report of check just prints the last few lines of the error log and I can't find the complete report for the testing.
checking tests ... ERROR
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
I know that check uses a different environment compared to test but I don't know how I should debug these problems since they are not reproducible at all. Specially these test where running a few month ago, so not sure where to look for the problem.
actually I tried to locate my problem and I found a solution. But to post my solution to it, I have to add more details.
So my test always failed since I was testing a markdown script if it is running without errors and afterwards I was checking if some of the environmental variables are set correctly. These where results which I calculate with the script as well as standard settings which I set. So I wanted to get a warning if I forgot to change some of my settings after developing...
Anyway, since it is a markdown script, I had to extract the code and I was using comments from this post knitr: run all chunks in an Rmarkdown document using knitr::purl to get the code and sys.source to execute it.
runAllChunks <- function(rmd, envir=globalenv()){
# as found here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24753969
tempR <- tempfile(tmpdir = '.', fileext = ".R")
knitr::purl(rmd, output=tempR, quiet=TRUE)
sys.source(tempR, envir=envir)
For some reason, this produces an error since maybe a few weeks (not sure which new packages I installed lately...). But since there is a new comment, that I can just use knitr::knit which also executes the code, this worked as expected and now my test no longer complains.
So in the end, I don't know where the problem exactly was, but this is now working.

I recently had a similar issue with my tests breaking (succeeding with devtools::test() but failing with devtools::check()). I don't know if this solution necessarily fixes the problem above, but it should help to track down similar problems.
In my case, the problem ultimately came down to using a function that needed a package listed in Suggests rather than in Imports/Depends. In particular, my function called httr::content(), which broke when I tried to pass it the as = "parsed" argument. It turns out that as = "parsed" uses a suggested package, readr to read a csv, and I needed to add it to my dependencies for devtools::check() to work.

This is a known issue with testthat. The workaround is to add the following as the 1st line in tests/testthat.R:

In case it helps someone else, this is what worked for me
Re-install all relevant packages. E.g. install.packages("testthat", "dplyr", "lubridate", "stringr") (I included all packages my package uses)
Close RStudio and reopen
Then all tests passed

I spent much too long looking into this error, so hoping that I can help someone out in the future. I would like to add to this that I was getting this error while using ggplot2::autoplot() in my function and it required that I added #import ggfortify to the Roxygen skeleton part of my function.

I ran into the same issue with my tests failing under devtools::check() while not failing under testthat::test()
And none of the above applied to my problem, so i decided to post my issue plus solution here as well. But first some NOTEs from my experience:
devtools::check() does - so it seems - deeper error checking then your own written tests.
Now to my code-setup. I had a function that was build to retrieve values from two different files. Those files contained named profiles with a set of values per profile. But the profiles were named differently, depending on the files:
Example files:
Content of file_one:
value_A = "foo"
value_B = "bar"
value_C = "baz"
value_A = "oof"
value_B = "rab"
value_C = "zab"
content of file_two:
value_X = "fuzzly"
value_Z = "puzzly"
[profile peter]
value_X = "fuzzly"
value_Z = "puzzly"
As you can see, does the naming in file two follow another naming convention, when it comes to the named profiles. The profiles are written in "[]" and the default-profile is always '[default]' in both files. But as soon as it comes to named profiles, its just '[name]' in one file and then '[profile name]' in the other one.
Now i've build the function like that (simplyfied):
get_value <- function(file_content, what, profile) {
file_content <- readr::read_lines(file)
all_profiles_at <- grep("\\[.*\\]", file_content)
profile_regex <- paste0("\\[",if(file_content == "file_two" && profile != "default") "profile ",profile,"\\]")
profile_at <- grep(profile_regex, file_content)
profile_ends_at <- if(profile_at == max(all_profiles_at)) length(file_content) else all_profiles_at[grep(paste0("^",profile_at,"$"), all_profiles_at) + 1] -1
profile_content <- file_content[profile_at:profile_ends_at]
whole_what <- stringr::str_replace_all(profile_content[grep(paste0("^",what,".*"), profile_content)], " ", "")
return(stringr::str_sub(whole_what, stringr::str_length(paste0(what,"=."))))
With this code my tests ran smoothly and even check() found no issues.
While the whole code evolved i figured, that i should read the files content beforehand and give only the alread read_in content to the function to avoid duplication in my code. So i changed the function like so:
get_value <- function(file, what, profile) {
is_file_two <- is_file_two(file_content)
all_profiles_at <- grep("\\[.*\\]", file_content)
profile_regex <- paste0("\\[",if(file_content == "file_two" && profile != "default") "profile ",profile,"\\]")
profile_at <- grep(profile_regex, file_content)
profile_ends_at <- if(profile_at == max(all_profiles_at)) length(file_content) else all_profiles_at[grep(paste0("^",profile_at,"$"), all_profiles_at) + 1] -1
profile_content <- file_content[profile_at:profile_ends_at]
whole_what <- stringr::str_replace_all(profile_content[grep(paste0("^",what,".*"), profile_content)], " ", "")
return(stringr::str_sub(whole_what, stringr::str_length(paste0(what,"=."))))
As you might notice i only changed the first line of the funciton body and left the if-condition unchanged - my mistake!
But my tests didn't throw an error, as the if-condition still worked. Even though the 'file_content == "file_two"' part now generated a logical vector and if() ... else ... normally throws a warning, when the logical has length > 1. The special construct with the && doesn't throw such an error as it returns a length(1) logical:
# with warning
if(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) "Done!" else "Not done!"
# no warning:
if(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) && TRUE) "Done!" else "Not done!"
Thats why my tests with testthat::test() sill worked.
But devtools::check() saw this flaw in my code and the tests failed!
And that part of the FAILURE_REPORT showed me my errors:
where 41: test_check("my_package_name")
--- value of length: 18 type: logical ---
--- function from context ---
testthat::test() is great! Is checks whether or not your code still runs. But devtools::check() goes far deeper - and when your tests pass with testthat::test() but fail with devtools::check() then you've probaly got some deeper bugs and flaws in your code you MUST attend to!

So as I shortly mentioned above, I changed some of my code to no longer user knitr::purl but using knitr::knit and this solved my problem.
expect_error(f <- runAllChunks('010_main_lfq_analysis.Rmd'), NA)
expect_error(f <- knitr::knit('010_main_lfq_analysis.Rmd', output='jnk.R', quiet=TRUE, envir=globalenv()), NA)

This could also happen in the following scenario: You have a library already loaded in R and you are referring to the function in that library without namespace binding. For example, suppose you use the nnzero() function from the Matrix in a test file and happen to also have had the Matrix package already loaded with library(Matrix). Then devtools::test() will pass but devtools::check() fails. Using Matrix::nnzero() should fix the problem.


R curl::has_internet() FALSE even though there are internet connection

My problem arose when downloading data from EuroSTAT using the R package eurostat:
# Population data by NUTS3
pop_data <- subset(eurostat::get_eurostat("demo_r_pjangrp3", time_format = "num"),
(age == "TOTAL") & (sex == "T") &
(nchar(trimws(geo)) == 5))[, c("time","geo","values")]
#Fejl i eurostat::get_eurostat("demo_r_pjangrp3", time_format = "num") :
# You have no internet connection, please reconnect!
Seaching, I have found out that it is the statement (in the eurostat-package code):
if (curl::has_internet() {stop("You have no inernet connection, please connnect") that cause the problem.
However, I have interconnection and can e.g. ping www.eurostat.eu
I have tried curl::has_internet() on different computers, all with internet connection. On some it work (respond TRUE) on others it don't.
I have talked with our IT department, and we tried if it could be a firewall problem. Removing the firewall, did not solve the problem.
Unfortunately, I am ignorant on network-settings. Hence, when trying to read the documentation for the curl-package I am lost.
Downloading data from EuroSTAT using the command above have worked for the last at least 2 years, and for me the problem arose at the start of 2020 (January 7).
Hope someone can help with this, as downloading population data from EuroSTAT is a mandatory part in more of my/our regular work.
In the special case of curl::has_internet, you don't need to modify the function to return a specific value. It has its own enclosing environment, from which it reads a state variable indicating whether a proxy connection exists. You can modify that state variable instead.
assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
curl::has_internet() # will always be TRUE
# [1] TRUE
It's difficult to tell without knowing your settings but there are a couple of things to try. This issue has been noted and possibly addressed in a development version which you can install with
install.packages("https://github.com/jeroen/curl/archive/master.tar.gz", repos = NULL)
You could also try updating libcurl, which is the C library for which the R package acts as an R interface. The problem you describe seems to be more common with older versions of libcurl.
If all else fails, you could overwrite the curl::has_internet function like this:
remove_has_internet <- function()
unlockBinding(sym = "has_internet", asNamespace("curl"))
assign("has_internet", function() return(TRUE), envir = asNamespace("curl"))
lockBinding(sym = "has_internet", asNamespace("curl"))
Now if you run remove_has_internet(), any call to curl::has_internet() will return TRUE for the remainder of your R session. However, this will only work if other curl functionality is working properly with your network settings. If it isn't then you will get other strange errors and should abandon this approach.
If, for any reason, you want to restore the functionality of the original curl::has_internet without restarting an R session, you can do this:
restore_has_internet <- function()
unlockBinding(sym = "has_internet", asNamespace("curl"))
function() {!is.null(nslookup("r-project.org", error = FALSE))},
envir = asNamespace("curl"))
lockBinding(sym = "has_internet", asNamespace("curl"))
I just got into this problem, so here's an additional solution, blending both previous answers. It's reversible and checks if we actually have internet to avoid bigger problems later.
# old value
op = get("has_internet_via_proxy", environment(curl::has_internet))
# check for internet
np = !is.null(curl::nslookup("r-project.org", error = FALSE))
assign("has_internet_via_proxy", np, environment(curl::has_internet))
Within a function, this line can be added to automatically revert the process:
on.exit(assign("has_internet_via_proxy", op, environment(curl::has_internet)))

R: How make dump.frames() include all variables for later post-mortem debugging with debugger()

I have the following code which provokes an error and writes a dump of all frames using dump.frames() as proposed e. g. by Hadley Wickham:
a <- -1
b <- "Hello world!"
bad.function <- function(value)
log(value) # the log function may cause an error or warning depending on the value
tryCatch( {
a.local.value <- 42
error = function(e)
dump.frames(to.file = TRUE)
When I restart the R session and load the dump to debug the problem via
load(file = "last.dump.rda")
I cannot find my variables (a, b, a.local.value) nor my function "bad.function" anywhere in the frames.
This makes the dump nearly worthless to me.
What do I have to do to see all my variables and functions for a decent post-mortem analysis?
The output of debugger is:
> load(file = "last.dump.rda")
> debugger(last.dump)
Message: non-numeric argument to mathematical functionAvailable environments had calls:
1: tryCatch({
a.local.value <- 42
2: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
3: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
4: value[[3]](cond)
Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit
PS: I am using R3.3.2 with RStudio for debugging.
Update Nov. 20, 2016: Note that it is not an R bug (see answer of Martin Maechler). I did not change my answer for reproducibility. The described work around still applies.
I think dump.frames(to.file = TRUE) is currently an anti pattern (or probably a bug) in R if you want to debug errors of batch jobs in a new R session.
You should better replace it with
save.image(file = "last.dump.rda")
options(error = quote({dump.frames(); save.image(file = "last.dump.rda")}))
instead of
options(error = dump.frames)
because the global environment (.GlobalEnv = the user workspace you normally create your objects) is included then in the dump while it is missing when you save the dump directly via dump.frames(to.file = TRUE).
Impact analysis
Without the .GlobalEnv you loose important top level objects (and their current values ;-) to understand the behaviour of your code that led to an error!
Especially in case of errors in "non-interactive" R batch jobs you are lost without .GlobalEnv since you can debug only in a newly started (empty) interactive workspace where you then can only access the objects in the call stack frames.
Using the code snippet above you can examine the object values that led to the error in a new R workspace as usual via:
load(file = "last.dump.rda")
The implementation of dump.frames creates a variable last.dump in the workspace and fills it with the environments of the call stack (sys.frames(). Each environment contains the "local variables" of the called function). Then it saves this variable into a file using save().
The frame stack (call stack) grows with each call of a function, see ?sys.frames:
.GlobalEnv is given number 0 in the list of frames. Each subsequent
function evaluation increases the frame stack by 1 and the [...] environment for evaluation of that function are returned by [...] sys.frame with the appropriate index.
Observe that the .GlobalEnv has the index number 0.
If I now start debugging the dump produced by the code in the question and select the frame 1 (not 0!) I can see a variable parentenv which points (references) the .GlobalEnv:
Browse[1]> environmentName(parentenv)
[1] "R_GlobalEnv"
Hence I believe that sys.frames does not contain the .GlobalEnv and therefore dump.frames(to.file = TRUE) neither since it only stores the sys.frames without all other objects of the .GlobalEnv.
Maybe I am wrong, but this looks like an unwanted effect or even a bug.
Discussions welcome!
Excerpt from section 4.2 Debugging R code (page 96):
Because last.dump can be looked at later or even in another R session,
post-mortem debug- ging is possible even for batch usage of R. We do
need to arrange for the dump to be saved: this can be done either
using the command-line flag
--save to save the workspace at the end of the run, or via a setting such as
options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); q()}))
Note that it is often more productive to work with the R Core team rather than just telling that R has a bug. It clearly has no bug, here, as it behaves exactly as documented.
Also there is no problem if you work interactively, as you have full access to your workspace (which may be LARGE) there, so the problem applies only to batch jobs (as you've mentioned).
What we rather have here is a missing feature and feature requests (and bug reports!) should happen on the R bug site (aka _'R bugzilla'), https://bugs.r-project.org/ ... typically however after having read the corresponding page on the R website: https://www.r-project.org/bugs.html.
Note that R bugzilla is searchable, and in the present case, you'd pretty quickly find that Andreas Kersting made a nice proposal (namely as a wish, rather than claiming a bug),
and consequently I had added the missing feature to R, on Aug.16, already.
Yes, of course, the development version of R, aka R-devel.
See also today's thread on the R-devel mailing list,

In R, is it possible to suppress "Note: no visible binding for global variable"?

I'm wondering if its possible to suppress these outputs in R which are cluttering up the console:
Note: no visible binding for global variable '.->ConfigString'
Note: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'ConfigString'
Here is the code (its a simple ReferenceClass to store configuration for an R project):
# Reference Class to store configuration
Config <- setRefClass("Config",
fields = list(
ConfigString = "character"
methods = list(
# Constructor
initialize = function() {
ConfigString <<- "Hello, World!"
What I have tried so far
I've tried ever combination and permutation of predefining the variables, pre-setting them to null, etc, but R is still stubbornly printing hundreds of "No Visible Binding" notes in my source code.
Is anyone wiser than I when it comes to the internals of R?
Update 1
I've tried changing Config <- to Config <<-, and that gets rid of the second extraneous note. The first extraneous note is still present, however.
Update 2
I'm beginning to lose heart, even sample code by John Chambers generates more of these horrible, extraneous notes.
Update 3
These notes occur in Revolution R v7.0, but don't occur in RStudio. It appears as if Revolution R v7.0 is calling R CMD check, which is normally only used when preparing packages, so these notes can safely be ignored.
Update 4
Hadley Wickhams code also generates these notes. Apparently, it is possible to eliminate them using utils::globalVariables, however, this doesn't seem to work on the newer ReferenceClasses. Even if it were at all possible to use them, Hadley states:
globalVariables is a hideous hack and I will never use it.
All credit to #Tyler Rinker for this answer.
To eliminate these notes, prefix the source code above with this:
# Intent:
# This function suppresses the following notes generated by "R CMD check":
# - "Note: no visible binding for global variable '.->ConfigString'"
# - "Note: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'ConfigString'"
# Usage:
# Add the following right in the beginning of the .r file (before the Reference
# class is defined in the sourced .r file):
# suppressBindingNotes(c(".->ConfigString","ConfigString"))
suppressBindingNotes <- function(variablesMentionedInNotes) {
for(variable in variablesMentionedInNotes) {
assign(variable,NULL, envir = .GlobalEnv)
In addition, sometimes Revolution R might need to be restarted if it has been running for a long time.
You can try this command.
compiler::setCompilerOptions(suppressAll = TRUE)
This works for me to suppress the messages like
Note: no visible binding for global variable ...
Note: no visible binding for global function definition ...

R: Sometimes system.file not working as documented

The system.file commands in my package examples sometimes fail unpredictably, while passing at other times. I do not understand why.
I typically use:
> system.file("examples", "trees.xml", package="RNeXML", mustWork=TRUE)
which usually works, but sometimes fails (even in an interactive session):
Error in system.file("examples", "trees.xml", package = "RNeXML", mustWork = TRUE) :
no file found
when it is failing, I can get this to work:
> system.file("examples", "trees.xml", lib.loc = .libPaths()[1], package="RNeXML", mustWork=TRUE)
[1] "/home/cboettig/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0/RNeXML/examples/trees.xml"
Which doesn't make any sense to me, because the documentation of system.file says that it checks libPaths automatically if no value for lib.loc is provided.
So why does it work if I give the .libPaths()[1] explicitly?
It seems like explicitly telling my package to use the first path, .libPaths()[1], would be less stable.
Since this is a heisenbug, set options(error = recover) and when prompted for a frame number, pick the one that brings you into system.file. (For more on what I'm about to explain, see Hadley's Exceptions and Debugging tutorial.) Then step through using the debugger and determine if packagePath gets loaded correctly using find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE). I inspected this latter function and couldn't find anything immediately wrong, so it may be something system-specific. Could you post your sessionInfo()?
If packagePath is fine, then the answer lies somewhere in the rest of system.file's body:
FILES <- file.path(packagePath, ...)
present <- file.exists(FILES)
if (any(present))
else ""
This would make life very hard for us since I doubt there are problems with any of these functions. If packagePath is not what you expect, you can use the recover frame number prompt again to dive back into system.file, and this time type debug(find.package) so you can step through that function. Inspect dirs and paths after the for (lib in lib.loc), and step through the few ifs that follow.
If none of these work, and you don't spot any mischief (which is very hard with the transparency of a step-by-step debugger), you can always try to dump.frames and upload the file for us. I am not sure how useful it will be, since even if we install the same packages, there may be path issues, but it's worth a shot.
Finally, if you don't care about all of the above, a hack that works would be:
trees_path <- ""
for(lib in .libPaths()) {
trees_path <- system.file("examples", "trees.xml", lib.loc = lib, package="RNeXML", mustWork = FALSE)
if (trees_path != "") break;
if (trees_path == "") stop("examples/trees.xml not found using any library paths")

Getting path of an R script

Is there a way to programmatically find the path of an R script inside the script itself?
I am asking this because I have several scripts that use RGtk2 and load a GUI from a .glade file.
In these scripts I am obliged to put a setwd("path/to/the/script") instruction at the beginning, otherwise the .glade file (which is in the same directory) will not be found.
This is fine, but if I move the script in a different directory or to another computer I have to change the path. I know, it's not a big deal, but it would be nice to have something like:
So, does a similar function exist?
This works for me:
getSrcDirectory(function(x) {x})
This defines an anonymous function (that does nothing) inside the script, and then determines the source directory of that function, which is the directory where the script is.
For RStudio only:
This works when Running or Sourceing your file.
Use source("yourfile.R", chdir = T)
Exploit the implicit "--file" argument of Rscript
When calling the script using "Rscript" (Rscript doc) the full path of the script is given as a system parameter. The following function exploits this to extract the script directory:
getScriptPath <- function(){
cmd.args <- commandArgs()
m <- regexpr("(?<=^--file=).+", cmd.args, perl=TRUE)
script.dir <- dirname(regmatches(cmd.args, m))
if(length(script.dir) == 0) stop("can't determine script dir: please call the script with Rscript")
if(length(script.dir) > 1) stop("can't determine script dir: more than one '--file' argument detected")
If you wrap your code in a package, you can always query parts of the package directory.
Here is an example from the RGtk2 package:
> system.file("ui", "demo.ui", package="RGtk2")
[1] "C:/opt/R/library/RGtk2/ui/demo.ui"
You can do the same with a directory inst/glade/ in your sources which will become a directory glade/ in the installed package -- and system.file() will compute the path for you when installed, irrespective of the OS.
This answer works fine to me:
script.dir <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile)
Note: script must be sourced in order to return correct path
I found it in: https://support.rstudio.com/hc/communities/public/questions/200895567-can-user-obtain-the-path-of-current-Project-s-directory-
But I still don´t understand what is sys.frame(1)$ofile. I didn´t find anything about that in R Documentation. Someone can explain it?
#' current script dir
#' #param
#' #return
#' #examples
#' works with source() or in RStudio Run selection
#' #export
z.csd <- function() {
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1815606/rscript-determine-path-of-the-executing-script
# must work with source()
if (!is.null(res <- .thisfile_source())) res
else if (!is.null(res <- .thisfile_rscript())) dirname(res)
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/35842176/2292993
# RStudio only, can work without source()
else dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)
# Helper functions
.thisfile_source <- function() {
for (i in -(1:sys.nframe())) {
if (identical(sys.function(i), base::source))
return (normalizePath(sys.frame(i)$ofile))
.thisfile_rscript <- function() {
cmdArgs <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
cmdArgsTrailing <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
cmdArgs <- cmdArgs[seq.int(from=1, length.out=length(cmdArgs) - length(cmdArgsTrailing))]
res <- gsub("^(?:--file=(.*)|.*)$", "\\1", cmdArgs)
# If multiple --file arguments are given, R uses the last one
res <- tail(res[res != ""], 1)
if (length(res) > 0)
return (res)
A lot of these solutions are several years old. While some may still work, there are good reasons against utilizing each of them (see linked source below). I have the best solution (also from source): use the here library.
Original example code:
df <- read.delim("raw_foofy_data.csv")
Revised code
df <- read.delim(here("data", "raw_foofy_data.csv"))
This solution is the most dynamic and robust because it works regardless of whether you are using the command line, RStudio, calling from an R script, etc. It is also extremely simple to use and is succinct.
Source: https://www.tidyverse.org/articles/2017/12/workflow-vs-script/
I have found something that works for me.
How about using system and shell commands? With the windows one, I think when you open the script in RStudio it sets the current shell directory to the directory of the script. You might have to add cd C:\ e.g or whatever drive you want to search (e.g. shell('dir C:\\*file_name /s', intern = TRUE) - \\ to escape escape character). Will only work for uniquely named files unless you further specify subdirectories (for Linux I started searching from /). In any case, if you know how to find something in the shell, this provides a layout to find it within R and return the directory. Should work whether you are sourcing or running the script but I haven't fully explored the potential bugs.
#Get operating system
#Find path of data directory
#Linux Bash Commands
file_path<-system("find / -name 'file_name'", intern = TRUE)
#Windows Command Prompt Commands
file_path<-shell('dir file_name /s', intern = TRUE)
file_path<-gsub(" Directory of ","",file_path)
#Change working directory to location of data and sources
Thank you for the function, though I had to adjust it a Little as following for me (W10):
#Windows Command Prompt Commands
file_path<-shell('dir file_name', intern = TRUE)
file_path<-gsub(" Verzeichnis von ","",file_path)
In my case, I needed a way to copy the executing file to back up the original script together with its outputs. This is relatively important in research. What worked for me while running my script on the command line, was a mixure of other solutions presented here, that looks like this:
file_dir <- gsub("\\", "/", fileSnapshot()$path, fixed=TRUE)
file.copy(from = file.path(file_dir, scriptName::current_filename()) ,
to = file.path(new_dir, scriptName::current_filename()))
Alternatively, one can add to the file name the date and our to help in distinguishing that file from the source like this:
file.copy(from = file.path(current_dir, current_filename()) ,
to = file.path(new_dir, subDir, paste0(current_filename(),"_", Sys.time(), ".R")))
None of the solutions given so far work in all circumstances. Worse, many solutions use setwd, and thus break code that expects the working directory to be, well, the working directory — i.e. the code that the user of the code chose (I realise that the question asks about setwd() but this doesn’t change the fact that this is generally a bad idea).
R simply has no built-in way to determine the path of the currently running piece of code.
A clean solution requires a systematic way of managing non-package code. That’s what ‘box’ does. With ‘box’, the directory relative to the currently executing code can be found trivially:
However, that isn’t the purpose of ‘box’; it’s just a side-effect of what it actually does: it implements a proper, modern module system for R. This includes organising code in (nested) modules, and hence the ability to load code from modules relative to the currently running code.
To load code with ‘box’ you wouldn’t use e.g. source(file.path(box::file(), 'foo.r')). Instead, you’d use
However, box::file() is still useful for locating data (i.e. OP’s use-case). So, for instance, to locate a file mygui.glade from the current module’s path, you would write.
glade_path = box::file('mygui.glade')
And (as long as you’re using ‘box’ modules) this always works, doesn’t require any hacks, and doesn’t use setwd.
