Kaa - Issue with Raspberry Pi example app - kaa

I am attempting to follow this tutorial: http://docs.kaaproject.org/display/KAA/Raspberry+Pi
When I run the final commands:
tar -zxf notification_demo.tar.gz
cd CppNotificationDemo/
./build.sh deploy
After it finishes building it displays:
Press Enter to subscribe to optional topics
I press Enter, then it displays:
Press Enter to exit
I do not press Enter, and after a couple minutes this error message shows up
[client_1][2017-Jan-19 11:29:22.287762][0x755ff450][warning][HttpClient.cpp:41]:Transport error occurred: Connection timed out
[client_1][2017-Jan-19 11:29:22.313916][0x755ff450][warning][AbstractHttpChannel.cpp:103]: Channel [default_bootstrap_channel] failed to connect Connection timed out
[client_1][2017-Jan-19 11:29:22.353513][0x755ff450][warning][AbstractHttpChannel.cpp:124]: Channel [default_bootstrap_channel] detected 'CURRENT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_NA' failover for TransportConnectionInfo{ server: 'BOOTSTRAP', protocol: 'TransportProtocolId{ id: 0xfb9a3cf0, version: 1 }', accessPointId: -1835393002, isFailed: 'false' }
[client_1][2017-Jan-19 11:29:22.354396][0x755ff450][warning][KaaChannelManager.cpp:157]: No Bootstrap services are accessible for TransportProtocolId{ id: 0xfb9a3cf0, version: 1 }. Processing failover...
[client_1][2017-Jan-19 11:29:22.355018][0x755ff450][warning][KaaChannelManager.cpp:148]: Attempt to reconnect to first Bootstrap service will be made in 5 seconds
What does this error message mean, and how do I solve this?

That message usually means the application cannot connect to the Kaa Sandbox. There might be several issues with that and you should try all of them until it start working.
Ensure you run the application from the same PC host the Kaa Sandbox is running. In this case, with the default Sandbox configuration the application should be able to normally access all the necessary Kaa services located on the Kaa Sandbox with no additional configuration.
If you need to run the application remotely (i.e. from another host PC and the Kaa Sandbox virtual machine is accessible through the local network), you need to change the Kaa host configuration on the Administration UI, Manage page to the real IP address of the PC host the Kaa Sandbox is running on. Then, you will need to re-generate Kaa SDK, download it and use during the application build.
If neither of this works for you, the network and (or) other configuration is incorrect and need investigation. Please describe your network topology, all the PC hosts involved, what steps did you go after downloading of the Kaa Sandbox and how did you build the application. We will analyse this data and try identify the issue root cause.


Connection timeout in AzureML studio

I'm trying to connect a VM I have in AzureML studio. I keep getting the following: Connection attempt timed out for ''. Verify that server is accessible and SSH service is accepting connections.
Go to your VM config and test your connection through the 'connect' tab. Is your test successful? If not, check if port 22 is blocked. Watch for automated blocking rules applied to your VM.
we have DSVM attach in preview - might be interesting for you: https://github.com/Azure/azureml-previews/tree/main/previews/dsvm-attach.

Unable to access Kafka Broker from separate LAN machine

EDIT: OBE - figured it out. Provided in answer for anyone else who has this issue.
I am working in an offline environment and am unable to connect to a kafka broker, on machine 1, from a separate machine, machine 2, on a LAN connection through a single switch.
Machine 1 (where Kafka and ZK are running):
I am starting kafka/ZK from the config files located in kafka_2.12-2.8.0/config and the running the appropritate .bat from kafka_2.12-2.8.0/bin/windows.
On machine 2 I am able to ping <ethernet_IPv4_m1> and get results; however, I fail to get a TCP connection if I run Test-NetConnection <ethernet_IPv4_m1> -p 9092 while kafka is running. In python 3.8.11, using KafkaConsumer from kafka-python, I receive the NoBrokersAvailable error when using <ethernet_IPv4_m1>:9092 as the bootstrap_server. Additionally if I run a python:3.8.12-buster docker container with a '/bin/bash' entrypoint, and follow along with the kafka-listener walkthrough I am unable to connect to the broker. I'm in the exact situation as Scenario 1 provided in the link, but the walkthrough assumes you can connect to the broker. I have also tried opening the 9092 port in my Windows Defender for in/outbound traffic (on both machines) and still have no luck. Neither Kafka, nor networking, are my strong suits and every tutorial/answer I find refers to changing the listener and advertised.listener in the kafka server.properties file - I think I correctly did this, but am unsure. This is everything I have tried so far, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
For M1, the private network was the active network.
Go to control panel -> Firewall & network protection -> advanced settings (must be admin) -> setup inbound/outbound rules for port 9092 for the active network.

corda CENM networkmap server start failing to connect database after a few week run

we operate CENM(1.2 and use helm template to run on k8s cluster) to construct our own private network and keep on running CENM network map server for a few week, then launching new node start failing.
with further investigation, its appeared that request timeout for http://nmap:10000/network-map causes problem.
in nmap server’s log, we found following output when access to above url with curl.
[NMServer] - Error while handling socket client message com.r3.enm.servicesapi.networkmap.handlers.LatestUnsignedNetworkParametersRetrievalMessage#760c53ea: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms.
netstat shows there is at least 3 establish connection to the database from the container which network map server runs, also I can connect database directly with using CLI.
so I don’t think it is neither database saturated nor network configuration problem.
anyone have an idea why this happens? I think restart probably solve the problem, but want to know the root cause...
Please test the following options.
Since it is the HikariCP (connection pool) component that is throwing the error it would be worth seeing if increasing the pool size in the network map configuration may help - see below)
Corda uses Hikari Pool for creating the connection pool. To configure the connection pool any custom properties can be set in the dataSourceProperties section.
dataSourceProperties = {
dataSourceClassName = "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource"
maximumPoolSize = 10
connectionTimeout = 50000
Has a healthcheck been conducted to verify there are sufficient resources on that postgres database i.e basic diagnostic checks ?
Another option to get more information logged from the network map service is to run with TRACE logging also:
From https://docs.corda.net/docs/cenm/1.2/troubleshooting-common-issues.html
Enabling debug/trace logging
Each service can be configured to run with a deeper log level via command line flags passed at startup:
java -DdefaultLogLevel=TRACE -DconsoleLogLevel=TRACE -jar <enm-service-jar>.jar --config-fi

AWS CodeDeploy vs Windows 2016 in ASG

I use AWS CodeDeploy to deploy builds from GitHub to EC2 instances in AutoScaling Group.
It's working fine for Windows 2012 R2 with all Deployment configurations.
But for Windows 2016 it totally fails on "OneAtTime" deploy;
During "AllAtOnce" deploy only one or two instances deployed successfully, all other fails.
In the logfile on agent this suspicious message is present:
ERROR [codedeploy-agent(1104)]: CodeDeploy Instance Agent Service: CodeDeploy Instance Agent Service: error during start or run: Errno::ETIMEDOUT
- A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. - connect(2)
All policies, roles, software, builds and other stuff are the same, I even tested this on brand new AWS account.
Does anybody faced such behaviour?
I ran into the same problem, but during my investigation, I found out that server's route table had wrong routes for network (there was specified the gateway from the network where my template was captured), so that it couldn't read instance metadata.
From the above error it looks like the agent isn't able to talk to CodeDeploy endpoint after instance starts up. Please check if the routing tables and other proxy related settings are set up correctly. Also if you do not have it already, you can turn on the debug log by setting :verbose to true in the agent config and restart the agent. This would help debug the issue better.

How do I publish ASP.NET MVC3 application to azure using "Publish -> "Web Deploy"? (getting error: Web Deployment task failed)

I'm getting this error when trying to deploy to azure using "Publish" from my MVC project. I checked Web Management Service and Web Deployment Agent Service and there are both running. Credentials I'm using are valid since I get access to server instance through remote desktop
I've also checked values for the properties VS filled for me on the "Publish Web" dialog and they are correct:
Service Url: https://*.cloudapp.net:8172/MsDeploy.axd (where * is my hosted service ID)
Site/Application: NLSubscriber.Web_IN_0_Web
Error 66 Web deployment task failed.(Could not connect to the destination computer (".cloudapp.net"). On the destination computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("The Web Management Service") is started.)
This error indicates that you cannot connect to the server. Make sure the service URL is correct, firewall and network settings on this computer and on the server computer are configured properly, and the appropriate services have been started on the server.
Error details:
Could not connect to the destination computer (".cloudapp.net"). On the destination computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("The Web Management Service") is started.
Unable to connect to the remote server
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8172
0 0 NLSubscriber.Web
I've checked that the service url is reachable (and not blocked by
the firewall), by directly accessing it through my browser typing
just the same address VS is showing and after warning me about the
not trusted certificated, it prompted me for user/password, which I
provided and accessed it with no problem at all.
I've opened Remote Desktop and checked site name from IIS manager,
which is the same as pre-inputted by VS: NLSubscriber.Web_IN_0_Web.
What am I missing?
It seems Arwind has solved this issue on http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsazuredevelopment/thread/dfe98f28-b211-4124-a505-0c664f48b3e5/
Please check the link and see whether it helps.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
