signlar hub method termination - signalr

I'd like to know if an Hub method called from js client is
executed completely also if client disconnected during execution
For example..
public virtual void Join(int userId)
using (var context = new HubConnectionContext(this, RoomId, userId))
T workflow = GetWorkflow(context);
I can be sure that the Dispose Method of HubConnectionContext is called also if client disconnect during using block?


How to create SignalR groups from Blazor app

I have a (serverside) blazor app and I want to let users fill in a small form and press a button to create SignalR groups that they can then send messages to.
I have a Hub class that looks like this:
public class RoomHub : Hub
public async Task JoinRoomAsync(string groupName)
await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
public async Task LeaveRoomAsync(string groupName)
await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
public async Task BroadcastToRoomAsync(string groupName, string message)
await Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("OnMessage", message);
and a Service class that gets called from my blazor component, which looks like this:
public class RoomService : IRoomService
private ICosmosDbService _dbService;
private RoomHub _roomHub;
public RoomService(ICosmosDbService dbService, RoomHub roomHub)
this._dbService = dbService;
this._roomHub = roomHub;
public async Task<Room> CreateRoom(string name)
Room r = new Room();
r.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
r.Name = name;
await _dbService.AddItemAsync(r);
await _roomHub.JoinRoomAsync(r.Name);
return r;
public async Task SendToRoom(Room r, string message)
await _roomHub.BroadcastToRoomAsync(r.Name, message);
When I add the RoomHub class to my services in Startup.cs and run my application, when I press the button to create a Group it tells me the Hub's Context variable is null and fails.
I've tried looking around for other ways to do this, and arrived at the conclusion that it has something to do with injecting an IHubContext<RoomHub> object instead, but the object this provides does not seem related at all to my Hub class and I can't use it to create groups directly because I don't have access to the ConnectionId I need to do so.
I feel like there's a gap between the Hub and HubContext that I do not understand. What is the correct way to create a SignalR Group, starting from a button press on a Blazor component?
Before you can access your Hub, you need to build and start your Hub connection using HubConnection and HubConnectionBuilder. This needs to include the url for your Hub and the handler methods for the data received from the Hub.
Start by adding a HubConnection field in your Service class.
private HubConnection _hubConnection;
Depending on your Service lifetime and other considerations, you can build your connection in the Service class constructor or it's own method. For an example, we'll add a StartConnectionAsync task.
public async Task StartConnectionAsync()
// Create the connection
_hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.WithUrl(_hubUrl) // _hubUrl is your base Url + Hub Url
// Add Handler for when a client receives a broadcast message
_hubConnection.On<string>("OnMessage", this.SomeEventHandler);
// Then you start the connection
await _hubConnection.StartAsync();
Without using a typed Hub, you'll call your Hub methods using magic strings. e.g.
await _hubConnection.SendAsync("JoinRoomAsync", groupName);
This should get you started. Based on what you posted above, I think this github repo is similar to what you're intending to do.

DocumentDb - DocumentClient Lifecycle Management

I am using Xamarin Forms with a Shared project to connect to a DocumentDB using Azure NOSQL DocumentDB. I have a service which connects to the database:
public class PaymentService : IPaymentService<Payment>, IDisposable
And so far I have been keeping a Class level property for the Client:
public DocumentClient Client { get; set; }
which I dispose of in the Dispose method.
In the constructor of the Service class I call a Connect method once and reuse it in all my methods for GetAll, GetSingle, Update, Delete etc.
public void Connect()
if (Client == null)
Client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(SUBSCRIPTION_URL), PRIMARY_KEY);
catch (DocumentClientException de)
catch (Exception e)
I have seen some articles where the DocumentClient is managed per request in a using statement per method.
public async Task<bool> Delete(string guid)
using (var client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(SUBSCRIPTION_URL), PRIMARY_KEY))
var result = await client.DeleteDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(DATABASE_ID, COLLECTION_ID, guid));
var item = GetSingle(guid);
if (item != null)
return false;
return true;
I have tried both methods but find using the using statement to be very slow.
My Question is: What is considered best practice for managing the Lifecycle of the DocumentClient?
DocumentClient shouldn't be used on per-request basis and instead you should use it as a singleton instance in your application. Creating client per-request will add lots of overhead on the latency.
So I'd declare Client property as "static" and initialize it in the constructor of PaymentService. You could call await Client.OpenAsync() in the Connect method to "warm" up the client and in each of your public methods directly use the Client instance to call the DocumentDB APIs.
Dispose the Client in the Dispose method of PaymentService.
Could you please point to the articles where you saw that DocumentClient should be used per-request basis so that we can clarify it there as well?
Hope that helps!

SignalR and Hub Persistance

I am trying out SignalR, and i don't quite understand how to call methods from my client in a way that it calls the same hub.
i have two methods in my hub:
private ctlDataManager myManager;
public void StartConnection()
myManager = new ctlDataManager("test");
myManager.UpdateItemEvent += myManager_UpdateItemEvent;
public void StopConnection()
And in my client i try to call them like this:
var notificationHub = $.connection.notificationHub;
.done(function (state) {
$("#submit").click(function (e) {
return false;
$("#stop").click(function (e) {
return false;
Now when i click on the start button it works fine it starts it and receives data too.
But when i click the stop button it throws an instance of an object error.
It appears that 'myManager' is null. It's almost as a new hub were open. Naturally i need it to be the same one as i need to close the connection.
How can i do that?
From my understanding, the server-side hub class is not persisted. Therefore, the myManager object is created with each method call from a client. My advice would be to declare myManager elsewhere in your application that you can assure 100% up-time, and have your server-side hub methods communicate with it that way.
One way for you to verify this is to debug the constructor of your hub class. You will notice that it is called for every client->server-side method call.

How to use SignalR hub instance outside of the hubpipleline

I am using SignalR to broadcast messages to all my clients. I need to trigger the broadcasting outside of my hub class i.e. something like below:
var broadcast = new chatHub();
broadcast.Send("Admin","stop the chat");
I am getting error message as:
Using a Hub instance not created by the HubPipeline is unsupported.
You need to use GetHubContext:
var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<chatHub>();
context.Clients.All.Send("Admin", "stop the chat");
This is described in more detail at
A small update for those who might be wondering where the GlobalHost has gone. SignalR has been completely rewritten for .net core. So if you are using the SignalR.Core package (Difference between SignalR versions), you get an instance of SignalR hub context by injecting it into your service:
public class MyNeedyService
private readonly IHubContext<MyHub> ctx;
public MyNeedyService(IHubContext<MyHub> ctx)
this.ctx = ctx;
public async Task MyMethod()
await this.ctx.All.SendAsync("clientCall");
And in Startup.cs:
Microsoft docu is here: Send SignalR messages from outside the hub.

Get names of Online users connected to a Server

I am new to I have gone through this link which has shown how to count the online users connected to a server using (which is working when I tried)
My question is: What should I change in that code (Global.asax) so that It shows all the names of the connected users instead of counting them.
I created a chat application which stores the name of the connected user in a variable chatUsername in js file as shown below:
js file
var chatUsername = window.prompt("Enter Username:", "");
chat.client.addMessage = //Function
.aspx.cs file
//Using SignalR (I think this doesnt matter)
public class Chat : Hub
public void Send(string from)
// Call the addMessage method on all clients
You can find my complete code here
EDIT: Please provide a simple example related only to or signalr (no other technologies like MVC)
Please help.
Edit: following code refers to SignalR v0.5, not the latest 1.0Alpha2, but I believe the reasoning is the same
To do this you need to add several steps to your SignalR connection process, both in the server and in the client:
on the server side:
on application start-up, for example, you can instantiate a static in-memory repository (can be a dictionary of ) that will serve as the user repository to store all currently connected users.
In the hub you need to handle the Disconnect event (when a user disconnects, needs to be removed from the user repository as well) and notify all other clients that this user disconnected
In the hub you need to add two new methods (the names can be whatever you want) that will help client connect to the system and get the list of currently connected users:
GetConnectedUsers() that just returns a collection of connected users
Joined() where the Hub will create a new User, using the info stored in the round-trip state (the username selected by the client) and the SignalR connection ID, and add the newly created user to the in-memory repository.
on the client side:
First you need to instantiate the javascript object that relates to your server-side hub
var chat = $;
chat.username = chatUsername;
Then implements all the functions that will be called by the hub and finally connect to the hub:
// Step 1: Start the connection
// Step 2: Get all currenlty connected users
// Step 3: Join to the chat and notify all the clients (me included) that there is a new user connected
.done(function () {
.done(/*display your contacts*/);
}).done(function () {
If you are asking why we need to add a stage like "chat.joined()" is because in the method on the Hub that is handling the connection event, the round-trip state is not yet available, so the hub cannot retrieve the username chosen by the user.
Anyway I made a blog post to show more in detail how to create a basic SignalR chat web application using Asp.Net MVC, and it is available at:
In the post you will also find a link to the github repository where the source is published.
I hope this helps.
Apparently, you are using Signal-R - so try tracking state of online users (i.e. connected clients) in java-script itself. Use Connected/Disconnected/Reconnected server side events to broadcast to all clients - from documentation:
public class Chat : Hub
public override Task OnConnected()
return Clients.All.joined(Context.ConnectionId, DateTime.Now.ToString());
public override Task OnDisconnected()
return Clients.All.leave(Context.ConnectionId, DateTime.Now.ToString());
public override Task OnReconnected()
return Clients.All.rejoined(Context.ConnectionId, DateTime.Now.ToString());
A global server side store (for example - a static dictionary) can be used to store state against the connection id - that way, this dictionary can give you users for needed connection ids. For example,
// dis-claimer: untested code - just to give the idea/hint/outline
public class Chat : Hub
// change to use Concurrent Dictionary (or do thread-safe access)
static Dictionary<string, User> _users = new Dictionary<string, User>()
// call from client when it goes online
public void Join(string name)
var connId = this.Context.ConnectionId;
__users.Add(connId, new User(connId, name));
public override Task OnConnected()
return Clients.All.joined(_users[Context.ConnectionId], DateTime.Now.ToString());
public override Task OnDisconnected()
var user = _users[Context.ConnectionId];
return Clients.All.leave(user, DateTime.Now.ToString());
public List<User> GetUsers()
return _users.Values.ToList()
I think this should work for you :-
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
Application["OnlineUsers"] = 0;
List<string> list = new List<string>();
//First check if it is Authenticated request:-
void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
//your rest of code .......
list will return you all the username who are online :-
