stylus/css import: select all but ones with a suffix - css

A .styl file imports all files from selected folders. How to correctly write a rule (or, what is the best way) to import all files except ones that contain the -ie suffix (i.e.
The following code is not wroking:
import(['../modules/*', '!../modules/*-ie.styl'])
Or, is there a way to write it the regexp way, similar to:

If what you are asking for is a regex to match files that don't contain a then this should do the trick:


How can I search for a particular string in a folder full of files and import it?

I have a folder full of files with filenames such as these.
[1] "ts.01382800.crest.csv" "ts.01383500.crest.csv" "ts.01384500.crest.csv" "ts.01386000.crest.csv"
[5] "ts.01387000.crest.csv" "ts.01387400.crest.csv" "ts.01387420.crest.csv" "ts.01387450.crest.csv"
[9] "ts.01387500.crest.csv" "ts.01387908.crest.csv"
I need to do one operation again and again. Basically search for a particular string (Say, 1382800), find the filename with the match and import it. Please note, the name may not be exact match as the preceding zero may not exist sometimes.
Currently, I am importing a list of the files in the folder using list.files, using grep on that list to find a filename, then re-constructing the file path and importing it. There must be an easier way to do it.
This code filter all the data contains 1382800
ls <- list.files(path='~/',pattern="1382800")

list of files with space in the name

I would like to get the list of files with a specific extention in a folder. However, these files has space in the name. So for example, imagining I have files named file test1.txt, file test2.txt, file test3.txt, file test4.txt, if I do
list.files(pattern="file test*.txt")
I got
NOTA: Apparentely, using simply pattern="file test*" it works fine but I need the extention file as well.
list.files(pattern="file test.*.txt")
Actually, what this says is:
list.files(pattern="file test(.*).txt")
(which also works). . refers to any character and * refers to the idea that this character should be present 0 or more times (see ?regex).
In your kast example you said that using pattern="file test*" works but you need a way to search for the extension as well.
All you have to do is Change your code to pattern="file test.*.txt". This would make your code search for any filename that matched "file testX.txt" with any one character in place of X.

Using index number of file in directory

I'm using the list.files function in R. I know how to tell it to access all files in a directory, such as:
list.files("directory", full.names=TRUE)
But I don't really know how to subset the directory. If I just want list.files to list the 2nd, 5th, and 6th files in the directory, is there a way to tell list.files to only list those files? I've been thinking about whether it's possible to use the files' indices within the directory but I can't figure out how to do it. It's okay if I can only do this with consecutive files (such as 1:3) but non-consecutive would be even better.
The context of the question is that this is for a problem for a class, so I'm not worried about the files in the directory changing or being deleted.
If you store the list.files to an object say object you can see that it is just an atomic vector of class character (nothing more nothing less!). You can subset it with the regex syntax for character strings (and functions that uses regex like grep or grepl) or just with the regular subsetting operators [ or (most important) by combining both techniques.
For your example:
or exclude with:
or if you want to find all names that start with the shuttle string with:
object[grepl("^shuttle", object)]
or with the following code if you want to find all .csv files:
object[grepl(".csv$", object)]
possibilities are huge.

Reading a file into R with partly unknown filename

Is there a way to read a file into R where I do not know the complete file name. Something like.
In this case I do not know the complete file name after abc_
If you have exactly one file matching your criteria, you can do it like this:
If there is more than one file, this approach would just use the first hit. In a more elaborated version you could loop over all matches and append them to one dataframe or something like that.
Note that the pattern uses regular expressions and thus is a bit different from what you did expect (and what I wrongly assumed at my first shot to answer the question). Details can be found using ?regex
If you have a directory you want to submit, you have do modify the dir command accordingly:
read.csv(dir('path/to/your/file', full.names=T, pattern="^abc"))
The submitted path in your case may be c:\\users\\user\\desktop, and then the pattern as above. full.names=T forces dir() to output a whole path and not only the file name. Try running dir(...) without the read.csv to understand what is happening there.
If you want to give your path as a complete string, it again gets a bit more complicated:
filepath <- 'path/to/your/file/abc_'
read.csv(dir(dirname(filepath), full.names=T, pattern=paste("^", basename(filepath), sep='')))
That process will fail if your filename contains any regular expression keywords. You would have to substitute then with their corresponding escape sequences upfront. But that again is another topic.

Are there any symbols that come after all letters in Unix's alphabetical sorting?

When I organize my directories I often want certain directories to stand out in ls. For example, I will sometimes have a directory called #backup# and this will end up in the top of the list of directories, rather than in between all directories starting in "b". Sometimes, though, I want a directory to be at the bottom of the list, but I haven't found any symbol that achieves this. (The closest I've come is z#name#z, but this doesn't quite cut it.) So: Are there any symbols that come after all letters in Unix's alphabetical sorting?
You can use any (e.g. ASCII or Unicode [it depends upon your encoding and localization]) character except NULL (used as the ending of filepath) and / (used to separate directories in file path). See path_resolution(7). You might consider using ~ because several utilities (see indent(1), mv(1)....) adopt the convention to backup file /home/nag/foo as /home/nag/foo~. AFAIK #foo# could be used by emacs to backup temporarily an edited (but unsaved) file foo.
