Does elm have a constant for infinity? - math

According to this:
Elm supports infinity and considers it a number. Right now I am using inf = 1/0 as a constant but I want to know how I can import infinity, instead of defining it.
So, does Elm have a constant for infinity and how do I import it?

I see you already have an answer, but here is one way to emulate inifinty using a Maybe
infinity =
lessThan : Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
lessThan x y =
case y of
Just y_ ->
if x < y_ then
Just x
Nothing ->
Just x


How to calculate complex functions in Fortran which are not easy to separate into real and imaginary components?

I need to calculate a complex function for different x values, something like
(i+1) exp(i * x) / x
I see that my option is to expand it in terms of sin and cos, and then separate out real and imaginary parts manually by hand, to be able to calculate them individually in code, and then define my complex function. This is a relatively simple function, but I have some bigger ones, not so easy to segregate manually into two components.
Am I missing something or this is the only way?
EDIT : I am pasting the sample code which works after helpful comments from everyone below, hope it's useful :
program complex_func
Real(8) x
complex CF
x = 0.7
call complex_example(x, CF)
write(*,*) CF
end program complex_func
Subroutine complex_example(y, my_CF)
Implicit None
Real(8) y
Complex my_CF
complex, parameter :: i = (0, 1) ! sqrt(-1)
my_CF = (i+1) * exp(i*y) / y
!my_CF = cmplx(1, 1) * exp(cmplx(0.0, y)) / y !!THIS WORKS, TOO
write(*,*) my_CF
end Subroutine complex_example

Quadratic surface plotting in Octave

I've been assigned a project that requires me to plot some quadratic surfaces. I tried to be diligent and download some software so that my graphs look better than those done with other free online resources. I decided to try Octave and see if I can make it work but I've ran into a problem. When trying to plot:
I've checked some tutorials but so far I haven't been able to pinpoint my error. This is the code I was using:
x = [-3:1:3];
y = x;
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
Any suggestions are appreciated.
The error thrown to the command window for your script is:
error: mesh: X, Y, Z, C arguments must be real
error: called from
mesh at line 61 column 5
blah at line 15 column 1
Since you x and y are real, the imaginaries are coming from a square-root of a number less than 0. Looking at your equation, this will happen for any (x, y) pair where x is greater than y.
The easiest fix is to set all complex numbers (values of zz with a non-zero imaginary part) to 0 (which will plot the value) or NaN (which will not plot the value. Consider this script (yours plus filtering):
x = -3:0.1:3;
y = x;
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
% Set all zz with nonzero imaginary part to NaN
zz(imag(zz)~=0) = NaN;
% % Set all zz with nonzero imaginary part to 0
% zz(imag(zz)~=0) = 0;
I would prefer this:
x = -3:0.1:3;
y = x;
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
zz=sqrt(-9*xx.^2+9*yy.^2); % zz will have both + and -
% zz = abs(zz) ;
hold on

Plot of function, DomainError. Exponentiation yielding a complex result requires a complex argument

I read here that newton method fails on function x^(1/3) when it's inital step is 1. I am tring to test it in julia jupyter notebook.
I want to print a plot of function x^(1/3)
then I want to run code
f = x->x^(1/3)
D(f) = x->ForwardDiff.derivative(f, float(x))
x = find_zero((f, D(f)),1, Roots.Newton(),verbose=true)
How to print chart of function x^(1/3) in range eg.(-1,1)
I tried
f = x->x^(1/3)
I got
I changed code to
f = x->(x+0im)^(1/3)
I got
I want my plot to look like a plot of x^(1/3) in google
However I can not print more than a half of it
That's because x^(1/3) does not always return a real (as in numbers) result or the real cube root of x. For negative numbers, the exponentiation function with some powers like (1/3 or 1.254 and I suppose all non-integers) will return a Complex. For type-stability requirements in Julia, this operation applied to a negative Real gives a DomainError. This behavior is also noted in Frequently Asked Questions section of Julia manual.
julia> (-1)^(1/3)
ERROR: DomainError with -1.0:
Exponentiation yielding a complex result requires a complex argument.
Replace x^y with (x+0im)^y, Complex(x)^y, or similar.
julia> Complex(-1)^(1/3)
0.5 + 0.8660254037844386im
Note that The behavior of returning a complex number for exponentiation of negative values is not really different than, say, MATLAB's behavior
>>> (-1)^(1/3)
ans =
0.5000 + 0.8660i
What you want, however, is to plot the real cube root.
You can go with
plot(x -> x < 0 ? -(-x)^(1//3) : x^(1//3), -1, 1)
to enforce real cube root or use the built-in cbrt function for that instead.
plot(cbrt, -1, 1)
It also has an alias ∛.
plot(∛, -1, 1)
F(x) is an odd function, you just use [0 1] as input variable.
The plot on [-1 0] is deducted as follow
The code is below
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Function f
f = lambda x: x**(1/3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x1 = np.linspace(0, 1, num = 100)
x2 = np.linspace(-1, 0, num = 100)
ax.plot(x1, f(x1))
ax.plot(x2, -f(x1[::-1]))
ax.axhline(y=0, color='k')
ax.axvline(x=0, color='k')
That Google plot makes no sense to me. For x > 0 it's ok, but for negative values of x the correct result is complex, and the Google plot appears to be showing the negative of the absolute value, which is strange.
Below you can see the output from Matlab, which is less fussy about types than Julia. As you can see it does not agree with your plot.
From the plot you can see that positive x values give a real-valued answer, while negative x give a complex-valued answer. The reason Julia errors for negative inputs, is that they are very concerned with type stability. Having the output type of a function depend on the input value would cause a type instability, which harms performance. This is less of a concern for Matlab or Python, etc.
If you want a plot similar the above in Julia, you can define your function like this:
f = x -> sign(x) * abs(complex(x)^(1/3))
Edit: Actually, a better and faster version is
f = x -> sign(x) * abs(x)^(1/3)
Yeah, it looks awkward, but that's because you want a really strange plot, which imho makes no sense for the function x^(1/3).

Return values for arccosine?

I implemented a day/night shader built on the basis that only pixels on the side of an object that is facing the directional light source are illuminated. I calculate this based on the unit vectors between the directional light's position and the position of the pixel in 3D space:
float3 direction = normalize(Light.Position - Object.Position);
float theta = abs(acos(dot(normalize(Object.Position), direction))) * 180 / 3.14f;
if (theta < 180)
color = float3(1.0f);
color = float3(0.2f);
return float4(color, 1.0f);
This works well, but since I am brushing up on my math lately, it got me thinking that I should make sure I understand what acos is returning.
Mathematically, I know that the arccosine should give me an angle in radians from a value between -1 and 1, while cosine should give me a value between -1 and 1 from an angle in radians.
The documentation states that the input value should be between -1 and 1 for acos which follows that idea, but it doesn't tell me if the return value is 0 - π, -π - π, 0 - 2π, or a similar range.
Return Value
The arccosine of the x parameter.
Type Description
Name [Template Type] 'Component Type' Size
x [scalar, vector, or matrix] 'float' any
ret [same as input x] 'float' same dimension(s) as input x
HLSL doesn't really give me a way to test this very easily, so I'm wondering if anyone has any documentation on this.
What is the return range for the HLSL function acos?
I went through some testing on this topic and have discovered that the HLSL version of acos returns a value between 0 and π. I proved this to be true with the following:
n = 0..3
d = [0, 90, 180, 181]
r = π / 180 * d[n]
c = cos(r)
a = acos(c)
The following is the result of the evaluations for d[n]:
d[0] returns a = 0.
d[1] returns a = π/2.
d[2] returns a = π.
d[3] returns a ~= 3.12....
This tells us that the return value for acos stays true to the range of usual principle values for arccosine:
0 ≤ acos(x) ≤ π
Also remaining consistent with the definition:
acos(cos(θ)) = θ
I have provided feedback to Microsoft with regards to the lack of detailed documentation on HLSL intrinsic functions in comparison to more common languages.

Differentiating a scalar with respect to matrix

I have a scalar function which is obtained by iterative calculations. I wish to differentiate(find the directional derivative) of the values with respect to a matrix elementwise. How should I employ the finite difference approximation in this case. Does diff or gradient help in this case. Note that I only want numerical derivatives.
The typical code that I would work on is:
for i=1:n
for x(i)=-2:0.04:4;
for y(i)=-2:0.04:4;
A(:,:,i)=[sin(x(i)), cos(y(i));2sin(x(i)),sin(x(i)+y(i)).^2];
B(:,:,i)=[sin(x(i)), cos(x(i));3sin(y(i)),cos(x(i))];
%how to find gradient of L with respect to x(i), y(i)
I know that the last part for grad_L would syntax error saying the dimensions don't match. How do I proceed to solve this. Note that gradient or directional derivative of a scalar functionf of a matrix variable X is given by nabla(f)=trace((partial f/patial(x_{ij})*X_dot where x_{ij} denotes elements of matrix and X_dot denotes gradient of the matrix X
Both your code and explanation are very confusing. You're using an iteration of n = 4, but you don't do anything with your inputs or outputs, and you overwrite everything. So I will ignore the n aspect for now since you don't seem to be making any use of it. Furthermore you have many syntactical mistakes which look more like maths or pseudocode, rather than any attempt to write valid Matlab / Octave.
But, essentially, you seem to be asking, "I have a function which for each (x,y) coordinate on a 2D grid, it calculates a scalar output L(x,y)", where the calculation leading to L involves multiplying two matrices and then getting their determinant. Here's how to produce such an array L:
X = -2 : 0.04 : 4;
Y = -2 : 0.04 : 4;
X_indices = 1 : length(X);
Y_indices = 1 : length(Y);
for Ind_x = X_indices
for Ind_y = Y_indices
x = X(Ind_x); y = Y(Ind_y);
A = [sin(x), cos(y); 2 * sin(x), sin(x+y)^2];
B = [sin(x), cos(x); 3 * sin(y), cos(x) ];
L(Ind_x, Ind_y) = det (B.' * A * B);
You then want to obtain the gradient of L, which, of course, is a vector output. Now, to obtain this, ignoring the maths you mentioned for a second, if you're basically trying to use the gradient function correctly, then you just use it directly onto L, and specify the grid X Y used for it to specify the spacings between the different elements in L, and collect its output as a two-element array, so that you capture both the x and y vector-components of the gradient:
[gLx, gLy] = gradient(L, X, Y);
