Laravel generates an error "Echo is Echo is not defined" - laravel-5.3

I am working with Laravel Event Broadcasting and i am using pusher driver for broadcasting event and its working perfectly.
The public channel is subscribed successfully from client side using pusher provided js library
var pusher = new Pusher('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_my_app_key', {
encrypted: true
var channel = pusher.subscribe('TestPusher');
channel.bind('App\\Events\\TestPusher', function(data) {
But when i use Echo in my client side code'TestPusher')
.listen('TestPusher', (e) => {
console.log(e.msg, e.chatMessage);
It generates the error " Echo is not defined ".
I already installed the Laravel Echo library using npm install --save laravel-echo pusher-js in my application and also included the following code in resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js file as per the laravel provide documentation.
import Echo from "laravel-echo"
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_my_app_key'
So please help me how can i fix this problem.

My issue was that I was not compiling bootstrap.js together with the rest of the code because I had removed the line require('./bootstrap') from app.js. I added that line back and I was home and dry.
As described here

I had this problem a few days ago. My gulp installation was all messed up and Laravel versioning didn't help.
Sorry if this doesn't help, it's just my experience and most detailed as possible:
First, I'll consider you do have the js/app.js script included on you site.
Now, you're seeing this error because, as Josh mentioned, you're not compiling your js files. After editing 'resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js', this file needs to be compiled by running the asset compiler: gulp (named Laravel Elixir docs/5.3/elixir) in Laravel 5.3).
If you followed carefully this part of the tutorials, you shall be extra careful with laravel's npm dependencies versions, specially those used by Elixir (Once again, my gulp installation wasn't working at all even though no error messages showed up).
So, if this is a new project, you should consider updating to Laravel 5.4. If you can't or not willing to update all Laravel framework, perhaps this can be solved like I did. Staying at 5.3 but using the latest assets compiler on 5.4, named Laravel Mix. Now it runs on npm: npm run dev. (No gulp mentioned on doc.)
To achieve this, you should update to latest package.json on 5.4 and follow the 5.4 documentation to install Laravel Mix.

Your codes looks fine, Problem is your JS order so only you getting undefined issues
.listen('TestPusher', (e) => {
console.log(e.msg, e.chatMessage);
<script src="echo.js"></script>
so zigzag the order :)

widow object before each Echo.'TestPusher')
.listen('TestPusher', (e) => {
console.log(e.msg, e.chatMessage);

remove defer from your app.js script tag
<!-- Scripts -->
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>


Vue Cli and Vue.js v3 script setup

I am already successfully using Vue.js v3 by creating a project with Vue CLI or with Vite.
Now I need to have just single .vue files that I can run and build individually.
I read this is possible just by using "vue serve myfile.vue" and "vue build myfile.vue", but unfortunately I am having some trouble.
I have the last vue-cli version installed. Sure enough if I launch in the command line "vue --version" I get "#vue/cli 4.5.14".
Then, in a directory I created a very simple .vue file with the following code:
<h1>The count is 1</h1>
If I run "vue serve myfile.vue", everything works fine, then I am happy to continue and make some more interesting things.
Now I add a script setup section to the file:
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const count = ref(0);
<h1>The count is {{ count }}</h1>
Now if I relaunch "vue serve myfile.vue", I get the following error:
4:7 error 'count' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars
Ok, I am a newbie about ESLint, so I started to search for something on the internet and I found that I must use a rule that can solve this problem, and the rule is "vue/script-setup-uses-vars".
Then I added a new file .eslintrc.json in the root path:
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"vue/no-unused-vars": "warn",
"vue/script-setup-uses-vars": "warn"
I try again but I get this warning: " 1:1 warning Definition for rule 'vue/script-setup-uses-vars' was not found vue/script-setup-uses-vars".
Then I guess it is not working...
Nonetheless, if I run again "vue serve myfile.vue", the local server gets created but at the same time I get a different warning:
warning in ./myfile.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=js&
"export 'ref' was not found in 'vue'
And here I start to not understand.
Is my .eslintrc.json file wrong? Why "ref" is not found from "vue"?
I searched a lot on the internet but I can't find anything helpful.
Can someone explain to me why this doesn't work?

vue + meteor not compiling after npm update today - 'mapState' is readOnly

I decided to upgrade my modules after updating my mongo engine to wiredtiger. Suddenly the compiler is throwing strange readOnly errors - not only with vuex imports, but components. Here is my console output:
=> Errors prevented startup:
While building for web.browser:
imports/vue/root.vue:70: [vue-component] Error while compiling in tag
<script> col:66: C:/src/app/imports/vue/root.vue:
"mapState" is read-only
imports/vue/home.vue:5: [vue-component] Error while compiling in tag
<script> col:62: C:/src/app/imports/vue/home.vue:
"mainmap" is read-only
imports/vue/login.vue:7: [vue-component] Error while compiling in tag
<script> col:68: C:/src/app/imports/vue/login.vue:
"Template" is read-only
imports/vue/logout.vue:5: [vue-component] Error while compiling in tag
<script> col:73: C:/src/app/imports/vue/logout.vue:
"users" is read-only
Note that I am using the "vue": "git://", fork of vue in my package.json. Using a stack from the /meteor-vue/vue-meteor github project.
Appreciate any help!
This turned out to be a meteor package version issue. Reverting my meteor versions file to previous state solved it.

Angular2.0 in subdirectory, SystemJS cant import angular components

I am getting started with Angular2.0. I have been following the 5 Min Quickstart and everything works fine although I am using grunt to compile my Typescript and some Sass etc.
I just have one problem I cant solve by myself. I want to move all the public files (generated Javascript and production node modules into a subdirectory. I need to have that, because I run different applications unter the same domian. The frontend depends on the user type that logged in. (backend is written with phalcon)
This is my public folder (the webserver's root)
So the whole Angular applications should live inside the "talent" directory.
The "index.html" contains the following:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/talent/node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/talent/node_modules/angular2/bundles/"></script>
baseURL: '/talent',
packages: {'app': {defaultExtension: 'js',}}
SystemJs is able to load my app.js file correctly but then trys to import angular2:
import {bootstrap, Component} from 'angular2/angular2';
Corresponding Javascript:
var angular2_1 = require('angular2/angular2');
This sends a request to resulting in an 404 error.
When I move the node_modules folder and the app folder to the webserver's root and remove baseURL: '/talent' it works just fine.
Here are the requests made for both the working solution (everything at root) and the not working part (everything under /talent)
Not working:
Can you help me getting this to work?
Had this exact same problem, and just figured it out after several hours. The System config baseURL needs to be set BEFORE is loaded. This is because the System.register calls need to be aware of the baseURL at the time of registrations.
System.config({ baseURL: '/talent' });
A cleaner way is to just add System.config({ baseURL: '/talent' }) to the very bottom of the system.src.js file.
You can set paths for each library :
System.paths = {
'angular2/*': '/talent/node_modules/angular2/*',
'app/*': '/talent/app/*'
Does this work for you?
'angular2/angular2' has been deprecated. Your code should reference 'angular2/core' or the appropriate module for your imports.
You should also not need to specify the path for the angular2 imports in your System.config as System will load them in from the <script> tag you have in the HTML.
You are most likely receiving the 404 error because the file is loading 'angular2/core', 'angular2/common', 'angular2/platform/browser', etc... and you are referencing 'angular2/angular2' which is not being registered and therefor SystemJS is attempting to go out and find it.
Change all of your import {...} from 'angular2/angular2' to the correct module import as well. You can find these on the API Preview page of, or hopefully your IDE will find it for you.
I don't know which version of Angular2 you use but now with beta versions you should use these Angular2 modules:
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
Then you need to configure SystemJS as described below:
map: {
app: 'talent/app'
packages: {
app: {
format: 'register',
defaultExtension: 'js'
.then(null, console.error.bind(console));
With this configuration, when trying to load the app/boot module, SystemJS will load the talent/app/boot.js file that was compiled before from the talent/app/boot.ts file. This behavior applies to all elements under the app module but not to other ones.
Modules like angular2/* will be found from files talent/node_modules/angular2/bundles/[something].js you included using <script> tags.
I made some tests and this configuration works for me ;-)
I stumbled upon this question when trying to move from a local (dev) environment to a hosted server (CentOS) where the deployed URLs were all different to my local host. If you're in this situation and the accepted answer doesn't solve your problem (I was already importing the updated imports with Angular2 Beta 15) and using baseURL messes other things up (as it did in my situation) then use:
map: {
app: 'path/to/app/folder'
I saw this here and it worked for me (even though it was originally answering a MAMP environment question): Troubles with importing classes from Angular 2 modules with Typescript 1.7
Here's what worked for us:
Make the base ref point to the subdirectory containing the angular project. This will ensure that all the node_module dependencies are found, etc.
Configure the PathLocationStrategy with a different APP_BASE_HREF so that html5 mode still works for the actual angular app.
bootstrap(AppComponent, [..... bind(APP_BASE_HREF).toValue("/yardmap/planning")
base href
Most routing applications should add a element to the index.html as the first child in the tag to tell the router how to compose navigation URLs.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<base href="/talent/">

Grunt : JASMINE is not supported anymore

i created an angular application with yeoman, when i executed grunt command i got the following error
Running "karma:unit" (karma) task
WARN [config]: JASMINE is not supported anymore.
Please use `frameworks = ["jasmine"];` instead.
WARN [config]: JASMINE_ADAPTER is not supported anymore.
Please use `frameworks = ["jasmine"];` instead.
WARN [config]: LOG_INFO is not supported anymore.
Please use `karma.LOG_INFO` instead.
ERROR [config]: Config file must export a function!
module.exports = function(config) {
// your config
how do i solve this error ?
It's just those two predefined terms (JASMINE and JASMINE_ADAPTER)
that should not be used any more. All you have to do is open the
config file ./config/karma.conf.js and comment out those terms and add
frameworks = ["jasmine"];.
Via Yasuhiro Yoshida
apart from #sheplu's answer, there are additional changes that need to be done in karma.conf.js, you can see it in
this gist solves your problem of 'Config file must be a export a function!'
The official docs has these changes as well

How can one parse HTML server-side with Meteor?

I want to be able to scrape links out of an HTML page that I am fetching with the Meteor.http method. Would be ideal to use jQuery on the server-side but I don't think this works.
Consider using cheerio its just like jquery but more for scraping. I have tried to answer this before so I hope I do a better job this time.
its an npm module so first step install it (inside your project dir) with terminal:
meteor add http
cd .meteor
npm install cheerio
So now the code:
You need to use this in your server js/or equivalent
var cheerio = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('cheerio');
last_action: function() {
$ = cheerio.load(Meteor.http.get("").content);
return $('.commit-title').text().trim()
If you run this from your client side js, you will see the last action on meteors github branch:"last_action",function(err,result){ console.log(result) } );
I got this as of today/feb 23rd
which the same as on
Use cheerio, as Akshat suggests, but I would recommend a different way of using it, as of now, for Meteor 0.8.0.
First, install npm for Meteor:
$ mrt add npm
Then modify packages.json to (of course you can have different version of cheerio, or other node packages as well):
"cheerio": "0.15.0"
In server.js (or any other file, in server-side code) start:
var cheerio = Meteor.require('cheerio');
The use cheerio in a way you like.
Upon running $ meteor it will automatically install cheerio.
