What does the jq notation <function>/<number> mean? - jq

In various web pages, I see references to jq functions with a slash and a number following them. For example:
I found the above notation used on a stackoverflow page.
I could not find in the jq Manual page a definition as to what this notation means. I'm guessing it might indicate that the walk function that takes 1 argument. If so, I wonder why a more meaningful notation isn't used such as is used with signatures in C++, Java, and other languages:
<function>(type1, type2, ..., typeN)
Can anyone confirm what the notation <function>/<number> means? Are other variants used?

The notation name/arity gives the name and arity of the function. "arity" is the number of arguments (i.e., parameters), so for example explode/0 means you'd just write explode without any arguments, and map/1 means you'd write something like map(f).
The fact that 0-arity functions are invoked by name, without any parentheses, makes the notation especially handy. The fact that a function name can have multiple definitions at any one time (each definition having a distinct arity) makes it easy to distinguish between them.
This notation is not used in jq programs, but it is used in the output of the (new) built-in filter, builtins/0.
By contrast, in some other programming languages, it (or some close variant, e.g. module:name/arity in Erlang) is also part of the language.
There are various difficulties which typically arise when attempting to graft a notation that's suitable for languages in which method-dispatch is based on types onto ones in which dispatch is based solely on arity.
The first, as already noted, has to do with 0-arity functions. This is especially problematic for jq as 0-arity functions are invoked in jq without parentheses.
The second is that, in general, jq functions do not require their arguments to be any one jq type. Having to write something like nth(string+number) rather than just nth/1 would be tedious at best.
This is why the manual strenuously avoids using "name(type)"-style notation. Thus we see, for example, startswith(str), rather than startswith(string). That is, the parameter names in the documentation are clearly just names, though of course they often give strong type hints.
If you're wondering why the 'name/arity' convention isn't documented in the manual, it's probably largely because the documentation was mostly written before jq supported multi-arity functions.
In summary -- any notational scheme can be made to work, but name/arity is (1) concise; (2) precise in the jq context; (3) easy-to-learn; and (4) widely in use for arity-oriented languages, at least on this planet.


R's switch statement is not a special form, is it therefore slow?

In most languages with switch statements, switch is a special form designed such that the possibilities are evaluated lazily and the compiler knows how to optimise the selection of statements based on the given input. R, mostly already being lazy, does not need some of this. However, R's switch statement is still a function call, rather than any sort of special form. Does this mean that R's switch statement is slower than it would be if it were a special form? Or does R's interpreter know to optimise it as if it were a special form?
If you look at internal code of switch in file src/main/builtin.c, you can read in lines 1009-1025 :
This is a SPECIALSXP, so arguments need to be evaluated as needed.
no SEXPTYPE Description
7 SPECIALSXP special functions
So switch is actually a special function which passes unevaluated arguments to the internal function.
Further reading the source code from line 1030 to line 1104 shows that as explained in ?switch, the function either handles character or number in a simple and not fully optimized way.
This probably explains why switch isn't particularly fast in situations which would for example require a binary search.

Why is there no generic operators for Common Lisp?

In CL, we have many operators to check for equality that depend on the data type: =, string-equal, char=, then equal, eql and whatnot, so on for other data types, and the same for comparison operators (edit don't forget to answer about these please :) do we have generic <, > etc ? can we make them work for another object ?)
However the language has mechanisms to make them generic, for example generics (defgeneric, defmethod) as described in Practical Common Lisp. I imagine very well the same == operator that will work on integers, strings and characters, at least !
There have been work in that direction: https://common-lisp.net/project/cdr/document/8/cleqcmp.html
I see this as a major frustration, and even a wall, for beginners (of which I am), specially we who come from other languages like python where we use one equality operator (==) for every equality check (with the help of objects to make it so on custom types).
I read a blog post (not a monad tutorial, great serie) today pointing this. The guy moved to Clojure, for other reasons too of course, where there is one (or two?) operators.
So why is it so ? Is there any good reasons ? I can't even find a third party library, not even on CL21. edit: cl21 has this sort of generic operators, of course.
On other SO questions I read about performance. First, this won't apply to the little code I'll write so I don't care, and if you think so do you have figures to make your point ?
edit: despite the tone of the answers, it looks like there is not ;) We discuss in comments.
Kent Pitman has written an interesting article that tackles this subject: The Best of intentions, EQUAL rights — and wrongs — in Lisp.
And also note that EQUAL does work on integers, strings and characters. EQUALP also works for lists, vectors and hash tables an other Common Lisp types but objects… For some definition of work. The note at the end of the EQUALP page has a nice answer to your question:
Object equality is not a concept for which there is a uniquely determined correct algorithm. The appropriateness of an equality predicate can be judged only in the context of the needs of some particular program. Although these functions take any type of argument and their names sound very generic, equal and equalp are not appropriate for every application.
Specifically note that there is a trick in my last “works” definition.
A newer library adds generic interfaces to standard Common Lisp functions: https://github.com/alex-gutev/generic-cl/
GENERIC-CL provides a generic function wrapper over various functions in the Common Lisp standard, such as equality predicates and sequence operations. The goal of the wrapper is to provide a standard interface to common operations, such as testing for the equality of two objects, which is extensible to user-defined types.
It does this for equality, comparison, arithmetic, objects, iterators, sequences, hash-tables, math functions,…
So one can define his own + operator for example.
Yes we have! eq works with all values and it works all the time. It does not depend on the data type at all. It is exactly what you are looking for. It's like the is operator in python. It must be exactly what you were looking for? All the other ones agree with eq when it's t, however they tend to be t for totally different values that have various levels of similarities.
(defparameter *a* "this is a string")
(defparameter *b* *a*)
(defparameter *c* "this is a string")
(defparameter *d* "THIS IS A STRING")
All of these are equalp since they contain the same meaning. equalp is perhaps the sloppiest of equal functions. I don't think 2 and 2.0 are the same, but equalp does. In my mind 2 is 2 while 2.0 is somewhere between 1.95 and 2.04. you see they are not the same.
equal understands me. (equal *c* *d*) is definitely nil and that is good. However it returns t for (equal *a* *c*) as well. Both are arrays of characters and each character are the same value, however the two strings are not the same object. they just happen to look the same.
Notice I'm using string here for every single one of them. We have 4 equal functions that tells you if two values have something in common, but only eq tells you if they are the same.
None of these are type specific. They work on all types, however they are not generics since they were around long before that was added in the language. You could perhaps make 3-4 generic equal functions but would they really be any better than the ones we already have?
Fortunately CL21 introduces (more) generic operators, particularly for sequences it defines length, append, setf, first, rest, subseq, replace, take, drop, fill, take-while, drop-while, last, butlast, find-if, search, remove-if, delete-if, reverse, reduce, sort, split, join, remove-duplicates, every, some, map, sum (and some more). Unfortunately the doc isn't great, it's best to look at the sources. Those should work at least for strings, lists, vectors and define methods of the new abstract-sequence.
see also

Replacing an ordinary function with a generic function

I'd like to use names such as elt, nth and mapcar with a new data structure that I am prototyping, but these names designate ordinary functions and so, I think, would need to be redefined as generic functions.
Presumably it's bad form to redefine these names?
Is there a way to tell defgeneric not to generate a program error and to go ahead and replace the function binding?
Is there a good reason for these not being generic functions or is just historic?
What's the considered wisdom and best practice here please?
If you are using SBCL or ABCL, and aren't concerned with ANSI compliance, you could investigate Extensible Sequences:
...you can't redefine functions in the COMMON-LISP package, but you could create a new package and shadow the imports of the functions you want to redefine.
Is there a good reason for these not being generic functions or is just historic?
Common Lisp has some layers of language in some of its areas. Higher-level parts of the software might need to be built on lower-level constructs.
One of its goals was being fast enough for a range of applications.
Common Lisp also introduced the idea of sequences, the abstraction over lists and vectors, at a time, when the language didn't have an object-system. CLOS came several years after the initial Common Lisp design.
Take for example something like equality - for numbers.
Lisp has =:
(= a b)
That's the fastest way to compare numbers. = is also defined only for numbers.
Then there are eql, equal and equalp. Those work for numbers, but also for some other data types.
Now, if you need more speed, you can declare the types and tell the compiler to generate faster code:
(declare (fixnum a b)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(= a b))
So, why is = not a CLOS generic function?
a) it was introduced when CLOS did not exist
but equally important:
b) in Common Lisp it wasn't known (and it still isn't) how to make a CLOS generic function = as fast as a non-generic function for typical usage scenarios - while preserving dynamic typing and extensibility
CLOS generic function simply have a speed penalty. The runtime dispatch costs.
CLOS is best used for higher level code, which then really benefits from features like extensibility, multi-dispatch, inheritance/combinations. Generic functions should be used for defined generic behavior - not as collections of similar methods.
With better implementation technology, implementation-specific language enhancements, etc. it might be possible to increase the range of code which can be written in a performant way using CLOS. This has been tried with programming languages like Dylan and Julia.
Presumably it's bad form to redefine these names?
Common Lisp implementations don't let you replace them just so. Be aware, that your replacement functions should be implemented in a way which works consistently with the old functions. Also, old versions could be inlined in some way and not be replaceable everywhere.
Is there a way to tell defgeneric not to generate a program error and to go ahead and replace the function binding?
You would need to make sure that the replacement is working while replacing it. The code replacing functions, might use those function you are replacing.
Still, implementations allow you to replace CL functions - but this is implementation specific. For example LispWorks provides the variables lispworks:*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition* and lispworks:*handle-warn-on-redefinition*. One can bind them or change them globally.
What's the considered wisdom and best practice here please?
There are two approaches:
use implementation specific ways to replace standard Common Lisp functions
This can be dangerous. Plus you need to support it for all implementations of CL you want to use...
use a language package, where you define your new language. Here this would be standard Common Lisp plus your extensions/changes. Export everything the user would use. In your software use this package instead of CL.

Can I manipulate symbols like I manipulate strings?

Question: Can I divide a symbol into two symbols based on a letter or symbol?
Example: For example, let's say I have :symbol1_symbol2, and I want to split it on the _ into :symbol1 and :symbol2. Is this possible?
Motivation: A fairly common recommendation in Julia is to use Symbol in place of String or ASCIIString as it is more efficient for many operations. So I'm interested in situations where this might break down because there is no analogue for Symbol for an operation that we might typically perform on ASCIIString, e.g. anything to do with regular expressions.
No you can't manipulate symbols.
They are not a composite type (in logic, though they maybe in implement).
They are one thing.
Much like an integer is one thing,
or a boolean is one thing.
You can't manipulate the parts of it.
As I understand, it the reason they are fast is because thay are "one thing".
Symbols are not strings.
Symbols are the representation of a parsed token.
They exist for working with macros etc.
They are useful for other things.
Though one fo there most common alterate uses in 0.3 was as a standin for enumerations. Now that Enum is in 0.4, that use will decline.
They are still logically good for dictionary keys etc.
If for some reason you must.
Eg for interop with a 3rd party library, or for some kind of dynamic dispatch:
You can convert it to a String,
with string(:abc), (There is not currently a convert),
and back with Symbol("abc").
function symsplit(s_s::Symbol)
strings= split(combined_string_from, '_')
#show symsplit(:a)
#show symsplit(:a_b)
#show symsplit(:a_b_c);
but please don't.
You can find all the methods that operate on symbols by calling methodswith(Symbol) (though most just use the symbol as a marker/enum)
See also:
What is a "symbol" in Julia?

Excel-like toy-formula parsing

I would like to create a grammar for parsing a toy like formula language that resembles S-expression syntax.
I read through the "Getting Started with PyParsing" book and it included a very nice section that sort of covers a similar grammar.
Two examples of data to parse are:
Now, I have come up with a grammar that sort-of parses the formula but disregards
expanding the functions and operator precedence.
What would be the best practice to continue on with it: Should I add parseActions
for words that match oneOf the function names ( sum, avg ... ). If I build a nested
list, I could do a depth-first walking of parse results and evaluate the functions ?
It's a little difficult to advise without seeing more of your code. Still, from what you describe, it sounds like you are mostly tokenizing, to recognize the various bits of punctuation and distinguishing variable names from numeric constants from algebraic operators. nestedExpr will impart some structure, but only basic parenthetical nesting - this still leaves operator precedence handling for your post-parsing work.
If you are learning about parsing infix notation, there is a succession of pyparsing examples to look through and study (at the pyparsing wiki Examples page). Start with fourFn.py, which is actually a five function infix notation parser. Look through its BNF() method, and get an understanding of how the recursive definitions work (don't worry about the pushFirst parse actions just yet). By structuring the parser this way, operator precedence gets built right into the parsed results. If you parse 4 + 2 * 3, a mere tokenizer just gives you ['4','+','2','*','3'], and then you have to figure out how to do the 2*3 before adding the 4 to get 10, and not just brute force add 4 and 2, then multiply by 3 (which gives the wrong answer of 18). The parser in fourFn.py will give you ['4','+',['2','*','3']], which is enough structure for you to know to evaluate the 2*3 part before adding it to 4.
This whole concept of parsing infix notation with precedence of operations is so common, I wrote a helper function that does most of the hard work, called operatorPrecedence. You can see how this works in the example simpleArith.py and then move on to eval_arith.py to see the extensions need to create an evaluator of the parsed structure. simpleBool.py is another good example showing precedence for logical terms AND'ed and OR'ed together.
Finally, since you are doing something Excel-like, take a look at excelExpr.py. It tries to handle some of the crazy corner cases you get when trying to evaluate Excel cell references, including references to other sheets and other workbooks.
Good luck!
