Which API allows access to Google's Dictionary information? - dictionary

I know that Google Dictionary was discontinued in 2011, but the dictionary information and definitions are still available through google search results:
Does anyone know whether this information can be accessed through the Custom Search API or the Translate API?
I found this related question (but sadly without a satisfying answer).

I also needed Google Dictionary API for my project, it was not present so I decided to create one.
I scrapped the WebPage for the url https://www.google.com/#q=define+term where term is any word you want to get meaning of, and created the API, you can find it here Google Dictionary API.
How to use
The basic syntax of a URL request to the API is shown below:
As an example, to get definition of English word hello, you can send request to:
The API also provides other meanings of the word, example sentences, and synonyms, if any.
If you want me to include any other details, please comment and I will happily extend the API to cover your needs.
In case you wish to see the code, it is on github.

Google Dictionary's content is licenced from Oxford Dictionaries' Lexico. Their API can be accessed from here.
Note their free access platform ("prototype") has a number of limitations:
1000 requests per month
Limited data access
Limited request rate

It doesn't look promising from the API Explorer


Scrape data from a website that ranks first on a EAN/UPC google search

I am curious whether the following automation would be feasible:
search google for a UCP/EAN code number (e.g. 8710103703631)
scrape and parse data (depending on what is available) from the first ranked page concerning Product:
Just trying to understand how complicated this might be.
Thank you!
Lookup EAN/UPC codes via API
There are some free web-APIs which (reverse-)lookup barcodes (EAN/UPC) or provide additional information.
For example ean-search.org is an REST API that is queried by the EAN and delivers XML (e.g. provides a link to Amazon for your sample "Philips Sonicare").
Benefit using an API: ready to use data, no scraping needed.
Web-scraping for search-results
For sure you can use search-engines (like google, duckduckgo, etc.) and search for the barcode using the favorite web-scraping library in your desired programming-language:
JSoup (in Java): see this question
Scrapy or BeautifulSoup (in Phyton): see this question

Is there an API call to get a list of saved places in Google Maps?

I have a ton of saved places that appear on my Google Maps - but there is no way to manage, filter or search them. Is there a way to access these locations by API?
I scanned the maps api and can't find any reference. Is there another Google API that makes this available?
There do have a REST API can retrieve the saved places.
Visit this link to get more information.
There are also api like:
But seems like they have been deprecated and most of document are not available anymore. Use them as you own risk.
Currently the list of saved places in My Maps is not available via an API. There is a feature request tracking this you can use to follow along # https://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=2953.
2022: I created a gist for parsing saved places from a shared list via python. It is really unstable because its a quick&dirty solution but maybe it will help someone: https://gist.github.com/ByteSizedMarius/8c9df821ebb69b07f2d82de01e68387d
Edit: The above answer did not yet take pagination into consideration. Please see my answer here.

Google Translate API as a dictionary?

E.g. - translating "amigo" from Spanish to English.
This gives a result ("friend"), which I'd expect in the API.
Does the API also offer the dictionary-like elements from that page like in the following image?
The API is not free to test, so I've been unable to see if it contains the result I want or not.
If not possible, can anyone suggest a different API for the purpose (multilingual dictionary, at least English -> other languages)?
No. The Google Translate API doesn't expose an endpoint for retrieving the dictionary-like elements you're asking about.
As of today the functions available through the API are for:
Translation of text
Detection of the source language of the given text
Listing which language codes the API supports.
There's no endpoint available for retrieving the audio for the translations either.
On the plus side, I've seen that the API has had its list of supported languages expanded regularly, though, and its language models have apparently been being updated.
Recommendations for other APIs to use is outside the scope of StackOverflow, but some Google searching should help you find what's available.

Is there an ability to use wildcards (*) in the query parameters with the BOSS API?

I'm having trouble finding a definitive answer in the API documentation, or anywhere else online. Does anyone know if it's possible to include wildcards in the query parameters (either encoded or unencoded) when sending up a search web request? For example, "Corp*" would match both "Corp" and "Corporation".
Thank you for any help!
For those who find this question some time in the future, the answer I received from their support team is below:
With BOSS API, developers can fetch search content for Web, News, and Image results. At this point there is no option to use the wildcards in the search query to replace words in a query string.
I will surely forward this suggestion to our engineering team to see if this feature can be incorporated in our future release.
So unfortunately there is no support as of May 20, 2015. Perhaps it will be added in the future.

Access to old, no longer available, feed entries

I am working on a project that requires reliable access to historic feed entries which are not necessarily available in the current feed of the website. I have found several ways to access such data, but none of them give me all the characteristics I need.
Look at this as a brainstorm. I will tell you how much I have found and you can contribute if you have any other ideas.
Google AJAX Feed API - will limit you to 250 items
Unofficial Google Reader API - Perfect but unofficial and therefore unreliable (and perhaps quasi-illegal?). Also, the authentication seems to be tricky.
Spinn3r - Costs a lot of money
Spidering the internet archive at the site of the feed - Lots of complexity, spotty coverage, only useful as a last resort
Yahoo! Feed API or Yahoo! Search BOSS - The first looks more like an aggregator, meaning I'd need a different registration for each feed and the second should give more access to Yahoo's data but I can find no mention of feeds.
(thanks to Lou Franco) Bloglines Sync API - Besides the problem of needing an account and being designed more as an aggregator, it does not have a way to add feeds to the account. So no retrieval of arbitrary feeds. You need to manually add them through the reader first.
Other search engines/blog search/whatever?
This is a really irritating problem as we are talking about semantic information that was once out there, is still (usually) valid, yet is difficult to access reliably, freely and without limits. Anybody know any alternative sources for feed entry goodness?
Bloglines has an API to sync accounts
You have to make an account, subscribe to the feed you want to download, but then then you can download based on Date, which can be way in the past. Not sure of the terms.
The best answer I've found so far, is this: Google reader's unofficial API turns out to have a public access point for their feeds, which means there is no authentication needed. Use is as follows:
http://www.google.com/reader/public/atom/feed/{your feed uri here}?n=1000
replace the text in the squigglies (including the squigglies themselves) with the feed URI you're interested in. More information about the precise arguments can be found here:
but remember to use the /public/ url if you don't want to mess with authentication
