Have one plsql package "OMX_BEACON_MIG" where am calling
PROCEDURE handle_NR_Site(
i_old_plan_inst_id NUMBER,
i_new_plan_inst_id NUMBER,
i_old_act_id NUMBER,
i_new_act_id NUMBER )
To process action ids i.e., if i have 4 action id's then i am calling this procedure 4 times since " i_old_plan_inst_id" , "i_new_plan_inst_id","i_old_act_id","i_new_act_id" are different for every action.
Is there any solution where i can call this procedure only once and all the 4 actions are processed ate once?
Or is there anyway to carry out calling this function parallely instead of calling one by one?
Please guide.
Oracle has a very nice utility dbms_scheduler to run jobs in parallel . You can call the below function four times with different parameters to execute them in parallel.
dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => dbms_scheduler.generate_job_name('MY_JOB_'),
job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
job_action => 'begin handle_NR_Site(i_old_plan_inst_id => param1, i_new_plan_inst_id => param2, i_old_act_id => param3, i_new_act_id => param4 ); end;',
comments => 'Thread 1 descriptionn',
enabled => true,
auto_drop => true);
The jobs will run in background. Query the table DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS to get the execution status.
For more detailed explanation check the link:
Hi guys i have issue exiting repeated field, i tried ctrl-c ctrl-d and i am still cannot exit this.
The structure is:
variant_set (field contain array of variant)
variant (field contain array of value)
in evans CLI this looks like this:
<repeated> event::variant_set::value (TYPE_STRING) => ctrl-c
<repeated> event::variant_set::value (TYPE_STRING) => ctrl-d
<repeated> event::variant_set::value (TYPE_STRING) =>
anyone knows how to exit this input ?
It can be avoided by specify --dig-manually option.
$ evans --proto api.proto repl
> call --dig-manually Unary
I have a Set of String that contains words . The the Set can be of length 15 in average.
Am wondering if i can query the entries that contains either these words with moor's operand | efficiently without having to loop the Set like i have done here.
Future<List<Upload>> search(Set keys, List<Upload> result) async {
keys.forEach( (term) => (select(uploads)..where((tbl) => tbl.title.contains(term))) .get() .then((value) => result.addAll(value)), );
return SomeResult;
I can see that am running a single query multiple times.
Any help?
I somehow found the solution here for anyone looking for same scenario
https://moor.simonbinder.eu/docs/getting-started/expressions/#in-and-not-in using .isIn list
Future<List<Upload>> search(List keys) => (select(uploads)..where((tbl) => tbl.title.isIn(keys))).get();
This section of my program is supposed to list all files within the directory containing ".txt" in the name but it's not returning anything when run. If I delete ".txt" and leave it as an empty string "" then it works perfectly and returns all file names including the .txt files so I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
procedure Search_Directory is
use Ada.Directories;
procedure Write_Search_Item(Search_Item : in Directory_Entry_Type) is
Put(Item => Simple_Name(Directory_Entry => Search_Item));
end Write_Search_Item;
Filter : Constant Filter_Type := (Ordinary_File => True,
Special_File => False,
Directory => True);
Search(Directory => Current_Directory,
Pattern => (".txt"),
Filter => Filter,
Process => Write_Search_Item'Access);
end Search_Directory;
The Search function, defined in the package Ada.Directories, takes a pattern argument which is either a null string or a form that is implementation-defined RM A.16 (111/ 2). In GNAT, this pattern is supposed to be a regular expression (see also here) described in System.Regexp (see also here, second grammar, a "globbing pattern").
I've been using Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hased_Maps to create my own custom hashed maps, and it worked quite well until I tried to use a vector as the element type. Here is an example of the problematic code:
package String_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors(Element_Type => Unbounded_String, Index_Type => Natural);
subtype String_Vector is String_Vectors.Vector;
package Positive2StringVector_HashMaps is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps --Compiler fails here
(Element_Type => String_Vector,
Key_Type => Positive,
Hash => Positive_Hash,
Equivalent_Keys => Positive_Equal);
Basically, I cannot Positive2StringVector_HashMaps package, because the compiler comes up with:
no visible subprogram matches the specification for "="
From what I understand, it isn't finding the equality operator for the String_Vector , am I correct? If I am, what is the proper way of implementing it? And if I'm not, what am I doing wrong??
You don’t need to implement
function “=“ (L, R : String_Vectors.Vector) return Boolean
yourself, because there already is one in String_Vectors; see ALRM A.18.2(12). So you write
package Positive2StringVector_HashMaps is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps
(Element_Type => String_Vector,
Key_Type => Positive,
Hash => Positive_Hash,
Equivalent_Keys => Positive_Equal,
“=“ => String_Vectors.”=");
By the way, is there some reason you used Ada.Containers.Vectors on Unbounded_String rather than Indefinite_Vectors on String? (wanting to change the length of a contained string would count as a Good Reason!)
I'm building a job chain in Oracle (11R2) DBMS Scheduler. The chain has two steps. Each step runs the same program, but with different arguments. I can see how how to define the chain, the steps, the rules, etc - but I cannot figure how to set the argument values for the steps.
When I build jobs that are single calls to programs, I set the arguments like this:
job_name => 'MY_JOB',
argument_position => 1,
argument_value => 'foo');
My question is: Which dbms_scheduler func/proc would I call to set the arguments for a job step? Using the examples below, how would set an argument for 'STEP_1' in 'MY_CHAIN'?
chain_name => 'MY_CHAIN',
rule_set_name => NULL,
evaluation_interval => NULL,
comments => 'Chain calls 2 steps. Same program but with different arg values.');
chain_name => 'MY_CHAIN',
step_name => 'STEP_1',
program_name => 'MY_PROGRAM');
chain_name => 'MY_CHAIN',
step_name => 'STEP_2',
program_name => 'MY_PROGRAM');
job_name => 'MY_CHAIN_JOB',
job_type => 'CHAIN',
job_action => 'MY_CHAIN',
repeat_interval => 'freq=daily;byhour=12;byminute=0;bysecond=0',
enabled => TRUE);
I believe that you'd have to define two different programs for this, although they can of course reference the same stored procedure or executable.
In the case o the former unless I'm going to be modifying the argument values I tend to use anonymous block program types to specify the arguments to stored procedures -- it's complex enough without adding in all that program argument stuff.