postcss - css variable as argument inside postcss-mixins - css

I have a mixin made with postcss-mixins and I want to use a css variable as argument, but it isn't working.
:root {
--padd: 2rem;
#define-mixin position $place, $val {
#if $place == end { right: $(val); }
#if $place == start { left: $(val); }
And then I call it:
.foo1 {
#mixin position end, 2rem; /* it works -> right: 2rem; */
.foo2 {
#mixin position end, var(--padd); /* doesn't work -> right: var(--padd); - it should output 2rem */
How can I manage to be able using css variables with postcss-mixins?


How can I use a loop in LESS to create specific class names for typography?

I want to generate 9 typography classes, each with the following:
font-size: 2rem;
line-height: 1rem;
I'll be using standard typographic multipliers for font sizes and line-height. Instead of hard-coding all of these CSS classes, I was wondering if there was a more elegant way of generating them in a loop using LESS.
I found the following from another thread:
#iterations: 5;
.span-loop (#i) when (#i > 0) {
.span-#{i} {
width: ~"#{i}%";
.span-loop(#i - 1);
.span-loop (#iterations);
Which generates:
.span-5 {
width: 5%;
.span-4 {
width: 4%;
.span-3 {
width: 3%;
.span-2 {
width: 2%;
.span-1 {
width: 1%;
This is pretty close, but I'd love for my class names to more "named". How can I use a loop to generate classes for:
.small { }
.caption { }
.body { }
.subheader { }
.title { }
.headline { }
I'm also not tied to LESS, so if there's a better CSS preprocessor language, then I'm happy to use that instead :)
Thank you!
An example from documentation for further modification;)
for more complicated code, it is better to use scss than less
.for(#list, #code) {
& {
.loop(#i: 1) when (#i =< length(#list)) {
#value: extract(#list, #i);
.loop(#i + 1);
#elements: small, caption, body, subheader, title, headline;
.for(#elements, {
#remfont: #i+1;
#remline: ((#i+1) * 1.5 / 3);
.#{value} {
font-size: ~"#{remfont}rem";
line-height: ~"#{remline}rem";

How to evaluate variable inside the css pseudo class in SASS

I'm new to SASS. I want to get the css which evaluate the value inside the CSS class using for loop SASS. In my case, i want to get ul:nth-child(1) .e-classA instead of ul:nth-child(2) .e-classA. I'm getting error when used &ul:nth-child(#{$i} - 1)
$text-indent: 12px;
$width: 14px;
#for $i from 2 through 4 {
&ul:nth-child(#{$i} - 1) {
& .e-classA {
text-indent: $text-indent * #{$i};
&.e-classB {
text-indent: ($text-indent * #{$i}) + $width;
Actual output:
Error: Invalid CSS after "...m 2 through 4 {": expected "}", was "nth-child(#{$i}..."
on line 4 of stdin
>> #for $i from 2 through 4 {
Expected output:
ul:nth-child(1) .e-classA {
text-indent: 24px;
ul:nth-child(1) .e-classA.e-classB {
text-indent: 38px;
ul:nth-child(2) .e-classA {
text-indent: 36px;
ul:nth-child(2) .e-classA.e-classB {
text-indent: 50px;
ul:nth-child(3) .e-classA {
text-indent: 48px;
ul:nth-child(3) .e-classA.e-classB {
text-indent: 62px;
If you want SASS to do some math, move the calculation inside #{...}. Second problem might be the & at the beginning of &ul:..., you don't need it there to get the result.
I fixed you code:
$text-indent: 12px;
$width: 14px;
#for $i from 2 through 4 {
ul:nth-child(#{$i - 1}) {
& .e-classA {
text-indent: #{$text-indent * $i};
&.e-classB {
text-indent: #{($text-indent * $i) + $width};
And tested in sassmeister and it works.
Resolved myself by the below modification.
*&ul:nth-child(#{$i - 1}) *

Dynamic classes and values

I have helper classes like the following for all directions (both margin and padding):
.h-space-top-10 {margin-top: 10px;}
.h-space-top-20 {margin-top: 20px;}
.h-space-top-30 {margin-top: 30px;}
Is there anyway to create those with Sass to have dynamic values (e.g. up to 10x the base value 10px) or would one have to write them out manually?
#for $i from 1 through 3 {.h-space-top-#{$i * 10} {margin-top:#{$i * 10}px}}
$properties: (margin padding);
$positions: (top right bottom left);
$range: 10;
#each $property in $properties {
#each $item in $positions {
#for $ii from 1 through $range {
.h-#{$property}-#{$item}-#{$ii * 10} { #{$property}-#{$item}: #{$ii * 10}px; }
You may define two variables: number of repetitions and number of px to jump in each repetition. Something like this:
$numRepetitions: 3;
$pxJump: 10;
#for $i from 1 through $numRepetitions {
.h-space-top-#{$i * $pxJump} {
margin-top:#{$i * $pxJump}px
The output for that case would be the code you need:
.h-space-top-10 {
margin-top: 10px;
.h-space-top-20 {
margin-top: 20px;
.h-space-top-30 {
margin-top: 30px;
However, if you need for example to iterate 4 times and summing 5px in each jump you just need to change the value of the variables, like this:
$numRepetitions: 4; //4 instead of 3 repetitions
$pxJump: 5; //5px instead of 10px
#for $i from 1 through $numRepetitions {
.h-space-top-#{$i * $pxJump} {
margin-top:#{$i * $pxJump}px
In that case you'll get this code:
.h-space-top-5 {
margin-top: 5px;
.h-space-top-10 {
margin-top: 10px;
.h-space-top-15 {
margin-top: 15px;
.h-space-top-20 {
margin-top: 20px;

Using SASS's #for for multiple selectors and 1 body [duplicate]

I'm working with the SCSS syntax of SASS to create a dynamic grid system but I've hit a snag.
I'm trying to make the grid system completely dynamic like this:
$columns: 12;
then I create the columns like this:
#mixin col-x {
#for $i from 1 through $columns {
.col-#{$i} { width: $column-size * $i; }
Which outputs:
.col-1 {
width: 4.16667%;
.col-2 {
width: 8.33333%;
This works well but what I want to do next is dynamically generate a long list of column classes separated by commas based on the number of $columns chosen - e.g I want it to look like this:
etc... {
float: left;
I've tired this:
#mixin col-x-list {
#for $i from 1 through $columns - 1 {
.col-#{$i}-m { float: left; }
but the output is this:
.col-1 {
float: left;
.col-2 {
float: left;
I'm a little stuck on the logic here as well as the SCSS syntax required to create something like this.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I think you may want to take a look at #extend. If you set that up something like:
$columns: 12;
%float-styles {
float: left;
#mixin col-x-list {
#for $i from 1 through $columns {
.col-#{$i}-m { #extend %float-styles; }
#include col-x-list;
It should render in your css file as:
.col-1-m, .col-2-m, .col-3-m, .col-4-m, .col-5-m, .col-6-m, .col-7-m, .col-8-m, .col-9-m, .col-10-m, .col-11-m, .col-12-m {
float: left;
#extend in the docs.
There's also a way to do what your question is specifically asking for: generate (and use) a list of classes with commas separating them. D.Alexander's response totally works in your situation, but I'm posting this alternative in case there's another use case for someone looking at this question.
Here's a Pen demonstrating:
Basically, you can use Sass functions to achieve what you want. Specifically, I'm using append to add classes to my list, separated by commas, and unquote to avoid compilation conflicts with the period in the classnames.
So my mixin ends up looking like this:
#mixin col-x {
$col-list: null;
#for $i from 1 through $columns {
.col-#{$i} {
width: $column-size * $i;
$col-list: append($col-list, unquote(".col-#{$i}"), comma);
#{$col-list} {
float: left;
thnx to #davidtheclark here is a more generic version:
#mixin attr-x($attr, $attr-count: 10, $attr-steps: 10, $unit: '%') {
$attr-list: null;
#for $i from 1 through $attr-count {
$attr-value: $attr-steps * $i;
.#{$attr}#{$attr-value} {
#{$attr}: #{$attr-value}#{$unit};
$attr-list: append($attr-list, unquote(".#{$attr}-#{$attr-value}"), comma);
#{$attr-list} {
//append style to all classes
Use it like this:
#include attr-x('margin-left', 6, 5, 'px');
#include attr-x('width');
The result looks like this:
.margin-left5 {
margin-left: 5px; }
.margin-left10 {
margin-left: 10px; }
.margin-left30 {
margin-left: 30px; }
.width10 {
width: 10%; }
.width20 {
width: 20%; }
.width100 {
width: 100%; }

We're using some code from twitter bootstrap and our divs are off in Internet Explorer (7-9)

The code we used is from the less file that's related to positioning. The website looks great in safari, firefox, and chrome and looks off in IE version 7, 8, and 9. Does bootstrap have a known issue with IE? Probably not since it's so widely used. But I can't really identify what's wrong. Btw, here are two sample pages with the visual bug in Internet Explorer: and a simpler page: or you can take a look at the screenshots.
My guess is that it's something small, any help would be appreciated!
* Scaffolding
* Basic and global styles for generating a grid system, structural layout, and page templates
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Variables
// Can also be 24 / 20 / 20
// Or 16 / 40 /20
#gridColumns: 24;
#gridColumnWidth: 20px;
#gridGutterWidth: 20px;
#extraSpace: (#gridGutterWidth * 2); // For our grid calculations
#siteWidth: (#gridColumns * #gridColumnWidth) + (#gridGutterWidth * (#gridColumns - 1));
// Mixins
// Clearfix for clearing floats like a boss
.clearfix() {
zoom: 1;
&:after {
display: table;
content: "";
zoom: 1;
&:after {
clear: both;
// Center-align a block level element
.center-block() {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.fixed-container() {
width: #siteWidth;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.columns(#columnSpan: 1) {
width: (#gridColumnWidth * #columnSpan) + (#gridGutterWidth * (#columnSpan - 1));
.offset(#columnOffset: 1) {
margin-left: (#gridColumnWidth * #columnOffset) + (#gridGutterWidth * (#columnOffset - 1)) + #extraSpace;
// Necessary grid styles for every column to make them appear next to each other horizontally
.gridColumn() {
display: inline;
float: left;
margin-left: #gridGutterWidth;
// makeColumn can be used to mark any element (e.g., .content-primary) as a column without changing markup to .span something
.makeColumn(#columnSpan: 1) {
// -----------------
body {
margin: 0;
// Container (centered, fixed-width layouts)
.container {
// Fluid layouts (left aligned, with sidebar, min- & max-width content)
.container-fluid {
position: relative;
min-width: 940px;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
> .sidebar {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 20px;
width: 220px;
// TODO in v2: rename this and .popover .content to be more specific
> .content {
margin-left: 240px;
// -----------
// Quick floats
.pull-right {
float: right;
.pull-left {
float: left;
// Toggling content
.hide {
display: none;
.show {
display: block;
// -----------
// To customize the grid system, bring up the variables.less file and change the column count, size, and gutter there
.row {
margin-left: -#gridGutterWidth;
// Find all .span# classes within .row and give them the necessary properties for grid columns (supported by all browsers back to IE7)
// Credit to #dhg for the idea
.row > [class*="span"] {
// Default columns
.span1 { .columns(1); }
.span2 { .columns(2); }
.span3 { .columns(3); }
.span4 { .columns(4); }
.span5 { .columns(5); }
.span6 { .columns(6); }
.span7 { .columns(7); }
.span8 { .columns(8); }
.span9 { .columns(9); }
.span10 { .columns(10); }
.span11 { .columns(11); }
.span12 { .columns(12); }
.span13 { .columns(13); }
.span14 { .columns(14); }
.span15 { .columns(15); }
.span16 { .columns(16); }
// For optional 24-column grid
.span17 { .columns(17); }
.span18 { .columns(18); }
.span19 { .columns(19); }
.span20 { .columns(20); }
.span21 { .columns(21); }
.span22 { .columns(22); }
.span23 { .columns(23); }
.span24 { .columns(24); }
// Offset column options
.row {
> .offset1 { .offset(1); }
> .offset2 { .offset(2); }
> .offset3 { .offset(3); }
> .offset4 { .offset(4); }
> .offset5 { .offset(5); }
> .offset6 { .offset(6); }
> .offset7 { .offset(7); }
> .offset8 { .offset(8); }
> .offset9 { .offset(9); }
> .offset10 { .offset(10); }
> .offset11 { .offset(11); }
> .offset12 { .offset(12); }
// Unique column sizes for 16-column grid
.span-one-third { width: 300px; }
.span-two-thirds { width: 620px; }
.row {
> .offset-one-third { margin-left: 340px; }
> .offset-two-thirds { margin-left: 660px; }
My guess is that it's something small, any help would be appreciated!
It is something small.
You're missing a doctype. Add as the very first line:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Without a valid doctype, your page is displayed in quirks mode.
Open the Developer Tools (press F12) to see which mode is actually being used.
Also sometimes you have to override group policies that may force IE into non compatibility mode. We have to do this at my organization because group policies force this mode on the intranet.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
I had a similar issue with Bootstrap 2.2.1. It looked great in IE 9 where I was developing it. However, one of the users is on IE 7 (don't ask, ugh) and for the most part the header was not showing up correctly. The solution was to change all of the HTML 5 tags (header, footer, article and section) to divs. That did the trick for me.
I had tried just doing the above suggestions with DOCTYPE and such but nothing totally worked for me until that.
