Magento 1.9 styles (CSS and JS not found) break frecuently - css

So, I have a couple Magento sites (1.9.2+) and recently, styles started breaking frequently. By styles breaking I mean home is displayed as only text. All css, js and images are not found.
I know how to fix this. I just clear cache removing var/cache and everything is fine again.
My question is... why does this happen periodically and now, more often? I've even setup a cron to delete the cache folder hourly. However, I'm still getting this error.
It's really annoying, and hard to explain to our clients when it's happening daily. "oh, just another cache issue", isn't an acceptable answer for me.
All answers I found so far just fix it once, and never mention it happens periodically.
Any ideas as to prevent this from happening?

I would not set up a cron to clear the cache. So remove that asap. What 3rd party apps have you installed around the time your had these issues. My guess is there must be a process / action that is periodically occurring that causes this change. Check your error logs and exceptions also /magentoroot/var/logs
Last possible reason (although rather slim chance) is you have a sitewide ssl setup but its only valid for certain urls.


URLRewrite rules randomly not being loaded - Intershop

EDIT1: intershop.urlrewrite.CheckSource is turned off already
We are recently having quite big problems with URL rewrite rules not being loaded in test and production multi-node environments.
The problem started happening after introducing another organization and it's related application onto the servers.
From then on we have tried multiple changes and debugging methods to try to figure it out, but without any result.
Also the major problem is that it doesn't happen all the time and server restart can fix it but not always.
Here are the details so far how the problem manifests (this has been going on for more than a month now on our production system):
Most of the time it starts happening after the deploy of new code and starting up the server
Then multiple people from multiple computers and locations try opening the website and some open it and others get either 404 or "URL invalid" page, so its 50/50.
On the PC where someone successfully opens page, if you try again in incognito mode then you may get again 404(probably connects to another node/appserver).
Usually the problem is resolved either by server restart or by restarting a single node(no code or configuration changes) although this is no reliable way and on the last occurrence we tried multiple restarts and it didn't help. After a few days one of the team members restarted only a single node for debugging purposes and then it started working normally again.
After setting up more detailed log messages and turning on debug messages for URL rewrite classes we have come to the conclusion that the rule loading fails. We have come to this conclusion because we have added debug message on the very start of our applyExpand() method and it never gets shown. This can be observed on the image below:
All of this leads to conclusion that iterator on line 149 is empty.
Please advise on possible causes of this problem and how to resolve it.
The rule loading is implemented so that it's possible to edit/add/remove rules on-the-fly without need to restart the web server. This happens when the property intershop.urlrewrite.CheckSource is set to true. For this, the last-modified time of the file is evaluated. Maybe this doesn't work correctly.
I would recommended to set this property to false and test again if the problems still occur.
With the help of IS support, we have managed to figure out that the problem was that the URL rewrite rules were in a cartridge that wasn't part of every possible application on server which would result in undefined behavior when loading them (it would load on one appserver and on another it wouldn't).
The fix was to add a new common cartridge for all possible applications which would then hold urlrewrite rules and which would definitely be loaded on server startup.

CSS not refreshing - now deleted, not cached, inexistent - and still loading? How? Why?

I'm working on a Wordpress website and I have styles loaded from two stylesheets - original style.css and style-custom.css for additional style.
Unfortunately whatever I do, the styles do not refresh. I already tried to press Shift+F5 without success.
I've purged the server and browser cache entirely several times (even though it's actually permanently turned off via WP Engine). I've removed appended ?ver numbers to force the update of the file content.
Right now I've even deleted the file and it is still loading in the browser! Even worse - it's loading in all browsers that I have not even ever used on the damn site.
I don't know what else to do. The file is gone and the cache has been purged.
There is definitely some sort of caching mechanism still. Are you developing on your own server? If you try to refresh on somebody else's computer are they able to see the file?
If yes - then you need to contact the servers' administrator, or you hosting provider with clarification.
You should be developing your websites locally though, and once they are ready publish them on the web.

Wordpress freezes when accessing the backend

It's been a while now that i'm using Wordpress; and I know it quite well.
But this time, I've got a problem I've never seen :
My website freezes as soon as I try to go to the backend.
The frontend works, but when I go to /wp-admin, it stops working and eventually fires a "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" error.
Then the whole website (and FTP) is then down for about 5 minutes, then it comes back.
I don't know what as been changed since last time it worked.
Here's what I did try so far :
override my Wordpress folder with a fresh install
disable plugins (renamed wp-content/plugins to wp-content/pluginsOLD)
disable current theme (renamed wp-content/themes/my-theme to wp-content/themes/my-themeOLD)
edited wp-config.php file to enable debugging with WP_DEBUG, WP_DEBUG_LOG and SAVEQUERIES set to true; no debug.log is generated.
I also considered a server issue and waited for about 24hours. But my other websites (which are hosted on the same place) just work fine.
Any ideas about this ? I'm getting mad :)
My host had blacklisted my IP, that's why I wasn't able to access it.
I guess each time I was trying to access the backend, they did freeze my website to avoid an attack or something.
Well, this may be interesting for others. If I had knew it, I would have change my IP... :/

How can I diagnose caching issues?

I am using and hosting on AppHarbour.
I have noticed two very strange behaviours that are indicating to me that I have some caching issues, and as much as I have tried to resolve them they are sticking around.
In the first case, when I hit certain pages, they are bringing back old content.
No big mystery, the problem is since I found this, I cleared my browser cache, even switched browsers to one I don't use, and added in a global filter to disable all caching.
It's still caching it!? What else can I try? How can I better diagnose the issue?
The second problem, is similar but it is a new controller that has been added, sometimes hitting it creates a 404 othertimes it works just fine?
There are no errors occuring in the logs aside from these symptoms.
Have a page that displays a list of all cache entries. This way you can check if the global cache filter is realy working.
This link shows how:
How to display the content of cache?

Css files not updating like other files

i am currently hosting my site on justhost (just as a test server), when i save my work on my local computer through aptana the files are automatically uploaded to the hosting server, and they appear fine. However this only works for my actual files like .php and .html
They do not work for my .css files, so if i save them and upload them the changes do not take effect, until like the next day, or if i turn my computer on and off and leave it a couple of hours, i am not sure why they are not taking effect immediately like the rest of the fiels.
I have tried deleting my cache and adding ?ver=1.0 to the end of the file name, but still no luck.
Also, i checked the hosting directly and the css file has updated to the correct version, but just does not show in browser.
Any ideas on what could be wrong, it would make life much easier if i could get them updating like the other files.
I can't be sure what is causing this, but if I'm correct - the files do upload, its not a case of not uploading. It's one of these things
The Cache is holding it (already cleared it though?)
The file is doing some odd cross server transfer, depends what sort of hosting your on, but it may be the file is getting held up somewhere
Try clearing the DNS Cache
Start > type CMD > in the dialog type:
ipconfig /flushdns
That may force the computer to reload the file.
As for an ongoing solution to prevent it in the future I'm out...
I know it has been a while, but as others may find this question the way I did, the solution for me was to enable Cloudflare Developer Mode. Cloudflare was keeping the css files in cache and it drove me crazy to find the solution in another forum. I hope your case may be the same as mine as thus you can solve it as well.
