I add depends packet to a exist .bb file, such as add DPENDS="AAA" line to .bb file, when I compile the .bb file, it failed for XXX rdepends on AAA-dev [dev-deps], and I search google, all the answer almost is add line INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "dev-deps" or RDEPENDS_${PN}_remove = "AAA-dev" to .bb file.
But my question is why? why one packet depend AAA packet, it should also RDPENDS AAA-dev, is there any other answer to fix this problem
The bb source file is:
inherit autotools qcommon
DESCRIPTION = "Daemon to handle AT commands"
DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 qmi qmi-framework qmi-client-helper ocean-link"
SRC_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/atfwd-daemon/"
S = "${WORKDIR}/atfwd-daemon/"
PR = "r3"
EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-glib --with-common-includes=${STAGING_INCDIR}"
do_configure_append() {
echo "/*This is compiled to generate, only look don't try*/" > ${S}atfwd_config.h
echo "#ifndef _ATFWD_CONFIG_H_" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
echo "#define _ATFWD_CONFIG_H_" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
#//<!-- ODM feature caogang#2015-07-13
if [ "${PRJ_NAU8810}" = "NAU8810_CODEC" ]; then
echo "#define NAU8810_CODEC" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
if [ "${FEATURE_ACDB_ENABLE}" = "true" ]; then
echo "#define FEATURE_ACDB_ENABLE 1" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
if [ "${PRJ_XXX}" != "" ]; then
echo "#define ${PRJ_XXX}" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
I add a DEPENDS on onenet pkg
inherit autotools qcommon
DESCRIPTION = "Daemon to handle AT commands"
DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 qmi qmi-framework qmi-client-helper ocean-link onenet"
SRC_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/atfwd-daemon/"
S = "${WORKDIR}/atfwd-daemon/"
PR = "r3"
EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-glib --with-common-includes=${STAGING_INCDIR}"
do_configure_append() {
echo "/*This is compiled to generate, only look don't try*/" > ${S}atfwd_config.h
echo "#ifndef _ATFWD_CONFIG_H_" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
echo "#define _ATFWD_CONFIG_H_" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
#//<!-- ODM feature caogang#2015-07-13
if [ "${PRJ_NAU8810}" = "NAU8810_CODEC" ]; then
echo "#define NAU8810_CODEC" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
if [ "${FEATURE_ACDB_ENABLE}" = "true" ]; then
echo "#define FEATURE_ACDB_ENABLE 1" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
if [ "${PRJ_XXX}" != "" ]; then
echo "#define ${PRJ_XXX}" >> ${S}atfwd_config.h
The onenet.bb is:
inherit pkgconfig cmake
DESCRIPTION = "onenet sdk"
PR = "r0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${WORKDIR}/git/LICENSE;md5=bae84cdd023be37582157d865da54cc6"
SRCREV = "065d98dd8de91544315d6167ce73626ce739666d"
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/cm-heclouds/MQTT.git;protocol=https"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git/mqtt_sdk"
do_install() {
install -d ${D}/usr/lib
install -d ${D}/usr/include/onenet
install -m 0644 ${B}/bin/libmqtt.so -D ${D}/usr/lib/
for inc in $(find ${S} -name *.h ! -name 'cJSON.h'); do
install -m 0644 ${inc} -D ${D}/usr/include/onenet
The sanity check documentation explains this:
dev-deps: Checks that all packages except -dev or -staticdev packages
do not depend on -dev packages, which would be a packaging bug.
It's telling you that in your current recipe "XXX" runtime-depends on "AAA-dev" and that this is a normally an error. You need to find out how/why this dependency is added before you can decide what the correct solution is.
Based on the added recipes: The issue seems to be that onenet build produces an unversioned ".so" file. This is typically a mistake (the actual library file should be e.g. "libmqtt.so.1.1" and the unversioned file should just be a symlink to the versioned one). I'm very surprised that you are not getting a fatal error on this issue when you build onenet. Are you suppressing the QA error for this?
Since you've managed to build onenet somehow, you now probably have a onenet-dev package that erroneously contains the actual library: The build system notices this during atfwd-daemon build, adds a runtime dependency to onenet-dev (because that's where the library is) and then the QA error triggers because normal packages should not depend on -dev packages.
Possible fixes:
Either fix the onenet build system so it produces a versioned library, or
Force the .so file to be packaged into the actual onenet package instead of onenet-dev, like this:
FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir}/"
FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/libmqtt.so"
A bonus suggestion: Using directory variables instead of paths like /usr/include and /usr/lib (like I did above) is a good "Best Practice".
..........................g++ -o
"/opt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0/bin/qmake" project.o
property.o main.o makefile.o unixmake2.o unixmake.o mingw_make.o
option.o winmakefile.o projectgenerator.o meta.o makefiledeps.o
metamakefile.o xmloutput.o pbuilder_pbx.o borland_bmake.o
msvc_vcproj.o msvc_vcxproj.o msvc_nmake.o msvc_objectmodel.o
msbuild_objectmodel.o symmake.o initprojectdeploy_symbian.o
symmake_abld.o symmake_sbsv2.o symbiancommon.o registry.o epocroot.o
qtextcodec.o qutfcodec.o qstring.o qtextstream.o qiodevice.o qmalloc.o
qglobal.o qbytearray.o qbytearraymatcher.o qdatastream.o qbuffer.o
qlist.o qfile.o qfsfileengine_unix.o qfsfileengine_iterator_unix.o
qfsfileengine.o qfsfileengine_iterator.o qregexp.o qvector.o
qbitarray.o qdir.o qdiriterator.o quuid.o qhash.o qfileinfo.o
qdatetime.o qstringlist.o qabstractfileengine.o qtemporaryfile.o
qmap.o qmetatype.o qsettings.o qlibraryinfo.o qvariant.o qvsnprintf.o
qlocale.o qlinkedlist.o qurl.o qnumeric.o qcryptographichash.o
qxmlstream.o qxmlutils.o
The target system byte order could not be detected! Turn on verbose
messaging (-v) to see the final report. You can use the -little-endian
or -big-endian switch to ./configure to continue.
I have fedora 21 version 32 bit. and my system is little endian when i write lscpu in command line. but now i don't know what can i type to continue configuration
what is this meaning last paragraph?what can i do know?
help me please
this is my command line :
echo yes | ./configure -prefix /opt/Qt4.7 -opensource -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -no-webkit -qt-libtiff -qt-libmng -qt-mouse-tslib -qt-mouse-pc -no-mouse-linuxtp -no-neon
remove all files type "*.o" from qmake folder in qt folder. then run configure command again
I need a command to use in a batch file, which copies the contents of a remote directory to a local directory over http.
For example to copy folder http ://path//folder to C:\folder
I need to do this without installing any additional tools.
Thanks in advance!
There's no standard way for an http server to list accessible directories.
For example I took http://unomoralez.com/content/files/catalog2/source/ as one of the common ways to list directory with http. Your site could look different though but there's no way for me tho know... (ther's a temp list2.txt file - you can remark its deletion to check the format of directory page and tell me if its not working. IF it is IIS could look like this: http://live.sysinternals.com/tools/)
the script downloads all content into .\download_dir (not recursive download) :
#if (#X)==(#Y) #end /****** jscript comment ******
#echo off
::: compile the script ::::
if exist simpledownloader.exe goto :skip_compilation
set "frm=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\"
:: searching the latest installed .net framework
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /s /a:d /o:-n "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v*"') do (
if exist "%%v\jsc.exe" (
rem :: the javascript.net compiler
set "jsc=%%~dpsnfxv\jsc.exe"
goto :break_loop
echo jsc.exe not found && exit /b 0
call %jsc% /nologo /out:"simpledownloader.exe" "%~dpsfnx0"
::: end of compilation ::::
:: download the file
::::just change the link and the file::::
simpledownloader.exe "http://unomoralez.com/content/files/catalog2/source/" "list2.txt"
md download_dir >nul 2>&1
for /f "skip=1 tokens=4 delims=>< " %%a in ('type list2.txt^| find /i "href" ') do (
simpledownloader.exe "http://unomoralez.com/content/files/catalog2/source/%%a" .\download_dir\%%a
del /q /f list2.txt
exit /b 0
****** end of jscript comment ******/
import System;
var arguments:String[] = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
var webClient:System.Net.WebClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
print("Downloading " + arguments[1] + " to " + arguments[2]);
try {
webClient.DownloadFile(arguments[1], arguments[2]);
} catch (e) {
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("\n\nProblem with downloading " + arguments[1] + " to " + arguments[2] + "Check if the internet address is valid");
As you have powershell you also have .net so this code will be executed without problems for you.
This was more or less a code that I already had but you can also check this -> https://code.google.com/p/curlie/ if you are familiar with cURL and create a hybrid jscript/.bat file.
I've started mining on www.multiport.us and as such I am mining many different coins. Scrypt coins and sha-256.
I'd rather not have all my coins on Cryptsy or Vircuex, so I'm trying to get the Qt GUIs for each of the coins install compiled so I can have wallets on my PC.
I've been trying for several days now to get this stuff working and I just can't. I've tried with several different coins - Feathercoin, Novacoin, Namecoin, Worldcoin, Freicoin, Zetacoin, etc.
I have tried terminal, and Qt Creator, but I get different errors on each wallet, almost always missing program errors. I get missing bitcoin.cpp, missing QApplication, etc, etc. They just refuse to compile.
Fixes tried
In Qt Creator I have tried adding QT += Widgets, tried a couple of other things too.
In terminal I was originally using 'qmake', then 'make'. But that's been giving me various errors. Missing locale/****, or missing <QApplication>
I have been getting all my source files from the official SourceForge pages, and trying the latest releases and the "master" file list.
Ubuntu 13.10
qmake QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.0.2 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
QTCreator version 2.7.1
Following the readme's and instructional files i have also installed the following dependancies
libboost-thread-dev \
I really don't know what the problem is. I'm guessing it has something to do with being on 13.10, either that or there is something major I'm just not seeing. But all the source files are the same, they are built so all you need to do is qmake and make, to compile on your own system and then run. But I'm just having no luck at all.
QT Creator is version 2.7.1 from the repository.
Here is the .pro file I'm using.
TARGET = bitcoin-qt
macx:TARGET = "Bitcoin-Qt"
VERSION = 0.8.3
INCLUDEPATH += src src/json src/qt
QT += network
CONFIG += no_include_pwd
CONFIG += thread
# for boost 1.37, add -mt to the boost libraries
# use: qmake BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX=-mt
# for boost thread win32 with _win32 sufix
# use: BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX=_win32-...
# or when linking against a specific BerkelyDB version: BDB_LIB_SUFFIX=-4.8
# Dependency library locations can be customized with:
MOC_DIR = build
UI_DIR = build
# use: qmake "RELEASE=1"
contains(RELEASE, 1) {
# Mac: compile for maximum compatibility (10.5, 32-bit)
macx:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
macx:QMAKE_CFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
macx:QMAKE_OBJECTIVE_CFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
!win32:!macx {
# Linux: static link and extra security (see: https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening)
LIBS += -Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
!win32 {
# for extra security against potential buffer overflows: enable GCCs Stack Smashing Protection
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -fstack-protector-all
QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -fstack-protector-all
# Exclude on Windows cross compile with MinGW 4.2.x, as it will result in a non-working executable!
# This can be enabled for Windows, when we switch to MinGW >= 4.4.x.
# for extra security (see: https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening): this flag is GCC compiler-specific
# for extra security on Windows: enable ASLR and DEP via GCC linker flags
win32:QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat
# on Windows: enable GCC large address aware linker flag
win32:QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -Wl,--large-address-aware
# use: qmake "USE_QRCODE=1"
# libqrencode (http://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/index.en.html) must be installed for support
contains(USE_QRCODE, 1) {
message(Building with QRCode support)
LIBS += -lqrencode
# use: qmake "USE_UPNP=1" ( enabled by default; default)
# or: qmake "USE_UPNP=0" (disabled by default)
# or: qmake "USE_UPNP=-" (not supported)
# miniupnpc (http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/) must be installed for support
contains(USE_UPNP, -) {
message(Building without UPNP support)
} else {
message(Building with UPNP support)
count(USE_UPNP, 0) {
LIBS += $$join(MINIUPNPC_LIB_PATH,,-L,) -lminiupnpc
win32:LIBS += -liphlpapi
# use: qmake "USE_DBUS=1"
contains(USE_DBUS, 1) {
message(Building with DBUS (Freedesktop notifications) support)
QT += dbus
# use: qmake "USE_IPV6=1" ( enabled by default; default)
# or: qmake "USE_IPV6=0" (disabled by default)
# or: qmake "USE_IPV6=-" (not supported)
contains(USE_IPV6, -) {
message(Building without IPv6 support)
} else {
count(USE_IPV6, 0) {
QTPLUGIN += qcncodecs qjpcodecs qtwcodecs qkrcodecs qtaccessiblewidgets
INCLUDEPATH += src/leveldb/include src/leveldb/helpers
LIBS += $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a $$PWD/src/leveldb/libmemenv.a
!win32 {
# we use QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE even without RELEASE=1 because we use RELEASE to indicate linking preferences not -O preferences
genleveldb.commands = cd $$PWD/src/leveldb && CC=$$QMAKE_CC CXX=$$QMAKE_CXX $(MAKE) OPT=\"$$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS $$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE\" libleveldb.a libmemenv.a
} else {
# make an educated guess about what the ranlib command is called
QMAKE_RANLIB = $$replace(QMAKE_STRIP, strip, ranlib)
LIBS += -lshlwapi
genleveldb.commands = cd $$PWD/src/leveldb && CC=$$QMAKE_CC CXX=$$QMAKE_CXX TARGET_OS=OS_WINDOWS_CROSSCOMPILE $(MAKE) OPT=\"$$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS $$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE\" libleveldb.a libmemenv.a && $$QMAKE_RANLIB $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a && $$QMAKE_RANLIB $$PWD/src/leveldb/libmemenv.a
genleveldb.target = $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a
genleveldb.depends = FORCE
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a
# Gross ugly hack that depends on qmake internals, unfortunately there is no other way to do it.
QMAKE_CLEAN += $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a; cd $$PWD/src/leveldb ; $(MAKE) clean
# regenerate src/build.h
!win32|contains(USE_BUILD_INFO, 1) {
genbuild.depends = FORCE
genbuild.commands = cd $$PWD; /bin/sh share/genbuild.sh $$OUT_PWD/build/build.h
genbuild.target = $$OUT_PWD/build/build.h
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/build/build.h
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON = -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wall -Wextra -Wformat -Wformat-security -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstack-protector
# Input
DEPENDPATH += src src/json src/qt
HEADERS += src/qt/bitcoingui.h \
src/qt/transactiontablemodel.h \
src/qt/addresstablemodel.h \
src/qt/optionsdialog.h \
src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.h \
src/qt/addressbookpage.h \
src/qt/signverifymessagedialog.h \
src/qt/aboutdialog.h \
src/qt/editaddressdialog.h \
src/qt/bitcoinaddressvalidator.h \
src/alert.h \
src/addrman.h \
src/base58.h \
src/bignum.h \
src/checkpoints.h \
src/compat.h \
src/sync.h \
src/util.h \
src/hash.h \
src/uint256.h \
src/serialize.h \
src/main.h \
src/net.h \
src/key.h \
src/db.h \
src/walletdb.h \
src/script.h \
src/init.h \
src/bloom.h \
src/mruset.h \
src/checkqueue.h \
src/json/json_spirit_writer_template.h \
src/json/json_spirit_writer.h \
src/json/json_spirit_value.h \
src/json/json_spirit_utils.h \
src/json/json_spirit_stream_reader.h \
src/json/json_spirit_reader_template.h \
src/json/json_spirit_reader.h \
src/json/json_spirit_error_position.h \
src/json/json_spirit.h \
src/qt/clientmodel.h \
src/qt/guiutil.h \
src/qt/transactionrecord.h \
src/qt/guiconstants.h \
src/qt/optionsmodel.h \
src/qt/monitoreddatamapper.h \
src/qt/transactiondesc.h \
src/qt/transactiondescdialog.h \
src/qt/bitcoinamountfield.h \
src/wallet.h \
src/keystore.h \
src/qt/transactionfilterproxy.h \
src/qt/transactionview.h \
src/qt/walletmodel.h \
src/qt/walletview.h \
src/qt/walletstack.h \
src/qt/walletframe.h \
src/bitcoinrpc.h \
src/qt/overviewpage.h \
src/qt/csvmodelwriter.h \
src/crypter.h \
src/qt/sendcoinsentry.h \
src/qt/qvalidatedlineedit.h \
src/qt/bitcoinunits.h \
src/qt/qvaluecombobox.h \
src/qt/askpassphrasedialog.h \
src/protocol.h \
src/qt/notificator.h \
src/qt/paymentserver.h \
src/allocators.h \
src/ui_interface.h \
src/qt/rpcconsole.h \
src/version.h \
src/netbase.h \
src/clientversion.h \
src/txdb.h \
src/leveldb.h \
src/threadsafety.h \
src/limitedmap.h \
SOURCES += src/qt/bitcoin.cpp \
src/qt/bitcoingui.cpp \
src/qt/transactiontablemodel.cpp \
src/qt/addresstablemodel.cpp \
src/qt/optionsdialog.cpp \
src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.cpp \
src/qt/addressbookpage.cpp \
src/qt/signverifymessagedialog.cpp \
src/qt/aboutdialog.cpp \
src/qt/editaddressdialog.cpp \
src/qt/bitcoinaddressvalidator.cpp \
src/alert.cpp \
src/version.cpp \
src/sync.cpp \
src/util.cpp \
src/hash.cpp \
src/netbase.cpp \
src/key.cpp \
src/script.cpp \
src/main.cpp \
src/init.cpp \
src/net.cpp \
src/bloom.cpp \
src/checkpoints.cpp \
src/addrman.cpp \
src/db.cpp \
src/walletdb.cpp \
src/qt/clientmodel.cpp \
src/qt/guiutil.cpp \
src/qt/transactionrecord.cpp \
src/qt/optionsmodel.cpp \
src/qt/monitoreddatamapper.cpp \
src/qt/transactiondesc.cpp \
src/qt/transactiondescdialog.cpp \
src/qt/bitcoinstrings.cpp \
src/qt/bitcoinamountfield.cpp \
src/wallet.cpp \
src/keystore.cpp \
src/qt/transactionfilterproxy.cpp \
src/qt/transactionview.cpp \
src/qt/walletmodel.cpp \
src/qt/walletview.cpp \
src/qt/walletstack.cpp \
src/qt/walletframe.cpp \
src/bitcoinrpc.cpp \
src/rpcdump.cpp \
src/rpcnet.cpp \
src/rpcmining.cpp \
src/rpcwallet.cpp \
src/rpcblockchain.cpp \
src/rpcrawtransaction.cpp \
src/qt/overviewpage.cpp \
src/qt/csvmodelwriter.cpp \
src/crypter.cpp \
src/qt/sendcoinsentry.cpp \
src/qt/qvalidatedlineedit.cpp \
src/qt/bitcoinunits.cpp \
src/qt/qvaluecombobox.cpp \
src/qt/askpassphrasedialog.cpp \
src/protocol.cpp \
src/qt/notificator.cpp \
src/qt/paymentserver.cpp \
src/qt/rpcconsole.cpp \
src/noui.cpp \
src/leveldb.cpp \
src/txdb.cpp \
RESOURCES += src/qt/bitcoin.qrc
FORMS += src/qt/forms/sendcoinsdialog.ui \
src/qt/forms/addressbookpage.ui \
src/qt/forms/signverifymessagedialog.ui \
src/qt/forms/aboutdialog.ui \
src/qt/forms/editaddressdialog.ui \
src/qt/forms/transactiondescdialog.ui \
src/qt/forms/overviewpage.ui \
src/qt/forms/sendcoinsentry.ui \
src/qt/forms/askpassphrasedialog.ui \
src/qt/forms/rpcconsole.ui \
contains(USE_QRCODE, 1) {
HEADERS += src/qt/qrcodedialog.h
SOURCES += src/qt/qrcodedialog.cpp
FORMS += src/qt/forms/qrcodedialog.ui
contains(BITCOIN_QT_TEST, 1) {
SOURCES += src/qt/test/test_main.cpp \
HEADERS += src/qt/test/uritests.h
DEPENDPATH += src/qt/test
QT += testlib
TARGET = bitcoin-qt_test
macx: CONFIG -= app_bundle
# for lrelease/lupdate
# also add new translations to src/qt/bitcoin.qrc under translations/
TRANSLATIONS = $$files(src/qt/locale/bitcoin_*.ts)
win32:QMAKE_LRELEASE = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\\lrelease.exe
isEmpty(QM_DIR):QM_DIR = $$PWD/src/qt/locale
# automatically build translations, so they can be included in resource file
TSQM.name = lrelease ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
TSQM.output = $$QM_DIR/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm
TSQM.CONFIG = no_link
# "Other files" to show in Qt Creator
doc/*.rst \
doc/*.txt \
src/qt/res/bitcoin-qt.rc \
src/test/*.cpp \
src/test/*.h \
src/qt/test/*.cpp \
# platform specific defaults, if not overridden on command line
win32:BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = -mgw44-mt-s-1_50
isEmpty(BDB_LIB_PATH) {
macx:BDB_LIB_PATH = /opt/local/lib/db48
macx:BDB_LIB_SUFFIX = -4.8
macx:BDB_INCLUDE_PATH = /opt/local/include/db48
macx:BOOST_LIB_PATH = /opt/local/lib
macx:BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH = /opt/local/include
win32:DEFINES += WIN32
win32:RC_FILE = src/qt/res/bitcoin-qt.rc
win32:!contains(MINGW_THREAD_BUGFIX, 0) {
# At least qmake's win32-g++-cross profile is missing the -lmingwthrd
# thread-safety flag. GCC has -mthreads to enable this, but it doesn't
# work with static linking. -lmingwthrd must come BEFORE -lmingw, so
# it is prepended to QMAKE_LIBS_QT_ENTRY.
# It can be turned off with MINGW_THREAD_BUGFIX=0, just in case it causes
# any problems on some untested qmake profile now or in the future.
!win32:!macx {
LIBS += -lrt
# _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 lets 32-bit fopen transparently support large files.
macx:HEADERS += src/qt/macdockiconhandler.h
macx:OBJECTIVE_SOURCES += src/qt/macdockiconhandler.mm
macx:LIBS += -framework Foundation -framework ApplicationServices -framework AppKit
macx:ICON = src/qt/res/icons/bitcoin.icns
macx:QMAKE_CFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread
macx:QMAKE_LFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread
macx:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread
macx:QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = share/qt/Info.plist
# Set libraries and includes at end, to use platform-defined defaults if not overridden
LIBS += $$join(BOOST_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(BDB_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(OPENSSL_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(QRENCODE_LIB_PATH,,-L,)
LIBS += -lssl -lcrypto -ldb_cxx$$BDB_LIB_SUFFIX
# -lgdi32 has to happen after -lcrypto (see #681)
win32:LIBS += -lws2_32 -lshlwapi -lmswsock -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lgdi32
LIBS += -lboost_system$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX -lboost_filesystem$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX -lboost_program_options$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX -lboost_thread$$BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX
win32:LIBS += -lboost_chrono$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX
macx:LIBS += -lboost_chrono$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX
contains(RELEASE, 1) {
!win32:!macx {
# Linux: turn dynamic linking back on for c/c++ runtime libraries
LIBS += -Wl,-Bdynamic
As I have said the instructions that all of the wallets I'm trying to compile come with say the exact same thing.
Bitcoin-Qt: Qt4 GUI for Bitcoin
Build instructions
First, make sure that the required packages for Qt4 development of your
distribution are installed, these are
for Debian and Ubuntu <= 11.10 :
apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev \
libssl-dev libdb4.8++-dev
for Ubuntu >= 12.04 (please read the 'Berkely DB version warning' below):
apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev \
libssl-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev
then execute the following:
Alternatively, install `Qt Creator`_ and open the `bitcoin-qt.pro` file.
An executable named `bitcoin-qt` will be built.
.. _`Qt Creator`: http://qt-project.org/downloads/
Mac OS X
- Download and install the `Qt Mac OS X SDK`_. It is recommended to also install Apple's Xcode with UNIX tools.
- Download and install either `MacPorts`_ or `HomeBrew`_.
- Execute the following commands in a terminal to get the dependencies using MacPorts:
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install boost db48 miniupnpc
- Execute the following commands in a terminal to get the dependencies using HomeBrew:
brew update
brew install boost miniupnpc openssl berkeley-db4
- If using HomeBrew, edit `bitcoin-qt.pro` to account for library location differences. There's a diff in `contrib/homebrew/bitcoin-qt-pro.patch` that shows what you need to change, or you can just patch by doing
patch -p1 < contrib/homebrew/bitcoin.qt.pro.patch
- Open the bitcoin-qt.pro file in Qt Creator and build as normal (cmd-B)
.. _`Qt Mac OS X SDK`: http://qt-project.org/downloads/
.. _`MacPorts`: http://www.macports.org/install.php
.. _`HomeBrew`: http://mxcl.github.io/homebrew/
Build configuration options
UPnP port forwarding
To use UPnP for port forwarding behind a NAT router (recommended, as more connections overall allow for a faster and more stable bitcoin experience), pass the following argument to qmake:
qmake "USE_UPNP=1"
(in **Qt Creator**, you can find the setting for additional qmake arguments under "Projects" -> "Build Settings" -> "Build Steps", then click "Details" next to **qmake**)
This requires miniupnpc for UPnP port mapping. It can be downloaded from
http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/files/. UPnP support is not compiled in by default.
Set USE_UPNP to a different value to control this:
| USE_UPNP=- | no UPnP support, miniupnpc not required; |
| USE_UPNP=0 | (the default) built with UPnP, support turned off by default at runtime; |
| USE_UPNP=1 | build with UPnP support turned on by default at runtime. |
Notification support for recent (k)ubuntu versions
To see desktop notifications on (k)ubuntu versions starting from 10.04, enable usage of the
FreeDesktop notification interface through DBUS using the following qmake option:
qmake "USE_DBUS=1"
Generation of QR codes
libqrencode may be used to generate QRCode images for payment requests.
It can be downloaded from http://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/index.html.en, or installed via your package manager. Pass the USE_QRCODE
flag to qmake to control this:
| USE_QRCODE=0 | (the default) No QRCode support - libarcode not required |
| USE_QRCODE=1 | QRCode support enabled |
Berkely DB version warning
A warning for people using the *static binary* version of Bitcoin on a Linux/UNIX-ish system (tl;dr: **Berkely DB databases are not forward compatible**).
The static binary version of Bitcoin is linked against libdb4.8 (see also `this Debian issue`_).
Now the nasty thing is that databases from 5.X are not compatible with 4.X.
If the globally installed development package of Berkely DB installed on your system is 5.X, any source you
build yourself will be linked against that. The first time you run with a 5.X version the database will be upgraded,
and 4.X cannot open the new format. This means that you cannot go back to the old statically linked version without
significant hassle!
.. _`this Debian issue`: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=621425
Ubuntu 11.10 warning
Ubuntu 11.10 has a package called 'qt-at-spi' installed by default. At the time of writing, having that package
installed causes bitcoin-qt to crash intermittently. The issue has been reported as `launchpad bug 857790`_, but
isn't yet fixed.
Until the bug is fixed, you can remove the qt-at-spi package to work around the problem, though this will presumably
disable screen reader functionality for Qt apps:
sudo apt-get remove qt-at-spi
.. _`launchpad bug 857790`: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt-at-spi/+bug/857790
But when I try and compile with QT Creator or through terminal I get:
home/kun7/CoinMining/zetacoin-0.8.3/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp:5: error: QApplication: No such file or directory
I have found that lots of people are adding 'QT += widgets' to their .ro files and it fixes it, but when I do that I get:
/home/kun7/CoinMining/zetacoin-0.8.3/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp:122: error: 'setCodecForTr' is not a member of 'QTextCodec'
/home/kun7/CoinMining/zetacoin-0.8.3/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp:123: error: 'setCodecForCStrings' is not a member of 'QTextCodec'
/home/kun7/CoinMining/zetacoin-0.8.3/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp:123: error: 'codecForTr' is not a member of 'QTextCodec'
What am I missing?
The issue has been fixed!!!
I was a moron.
I was trying to run
But my system has qmake version 5 installed and i installed verion 4 as per the dependencies. So instead, to get the program to compile correctly, i need to force the use of version 4...
I've read all post about it and none of solutions works in windows and linux. My current solution works pretty well in Windows, creating, if doesn't exist, the respective directory for debug or release.
I want to create all my object files (*.o) inside one of these folders. In windows I achieved this in linux my DESTDIR variable is empty. =|
# Input
HEADERS += Config.h \
keyboard.h \
keyboardgui.h \
keyboardkey.h \
Log.h \
main.h \
mainwindow.h \
FORMS += mainwindow.ui
SOURCES += Config.cpp \
keyboard.cpp \
keyboardgui.cpp \
keyboardkey.cpp \
Log.cpp \
main.cpp \
RESOURCES += Resources.qrc
# se for Windows
win32 {
# inclui a lib para acessar o DMI
LIBS += -lqaxcontainer
# Habilita a opcao de copia de diretorios
CONFIG += copy_dir_files
Debug:DESTDIR = debug
Release:DESTDIR = release
# copia a pasta configuracao para o diretorio de saida
win32 {
QMAKE_POST_LINK += copy /Y default_layout.kl $$DESTDIR
else {
QMAKE_POST_LINK += cp -a default_layout.kl $$DESTDIR
I tried to use the INSTALL var but without success. The debug directory is created and all object files is put there but when I changed the compilation mode to RELEASE the objects files continue to be moved to the debug directory and the RELEASE directory isn't created (I've tried to run qmake again). In both configurations my files (default_layout and layout) aren't copied to the output directory.
# Habilita a opcao de copia de diretorios
CONFIG += copy_dir_files
release:DESTDIR = release
release:OBJECTS_DIR = release/
release:MOC_DIR = release/
release:RCC_DIR = release/
release:UI_DIR = release/
debug:DESTDIR = debug
debug:OBJECTS_DIR = debug/
debug:MOC_DIR = debug/
debug:RCC_DIR = debug/
debug:UI_DIR = debug/
INSTALLS += config_files
config_files.path = $$DESTDIR
config_files.filename = default_layout.kl
config_files.filename += layout.kl
I think the reason it works on Windows and not on Linux is because you capitalized "Debug" and "Release". The examples I have found all have them as lower case (see second example in this section on the qmake document page.)
The other thing I question is the use of DESTDIRS. DESTDIRS tells qmake where you want to put the TARGET. If you want to directly control where only the object files are put, you should use OBJECT_DIRS.
Personally, I use qmake's INSTALLS keyword to do copy extra files where they need to go. It does mean executing both a make and a make install, but it does produce a more platform dependent code.
If I assume you want the TARGET and the objects in 'debug' or 'release', I would do it like this:
# Habilita a opcao de copia de diretorios
debug {
DESTDIR = debug
OBJ_DIR = debug
DESTDIR = release
OBJ_DIR = release
# copia a pasta configuracao para o diretorio de saida
config_files.path = $$DESTDIR
config_files.files = default_layout.kl
INSTALLS += config_files
If you are running QtCreator, you can add the make install step to the building settings by selecting the "Projects" icon in the left hand tool bar. Next, select "Add Build Step", "Make", and set the "Make arguments" to install. You will have to do this for each build configuration.